Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 18

  Chapter 12

  Marcus had an appointment to keep and he looked forward to it. Ivan would be waiting at the pit. It was the location of punishments, fights for position and fights to the death. He would not kill Ivan but he would make a statement. Occasionally it came to this with the wolf, he was the alpha of his pack and though he knew Marcus was stronger, it was in his blood to challenge. When they engaged in battle, it burned off steam and right now they both needed the release. He couldn’t get Amy out of his mind. Her scent, her laugh and just her presence was more than he could take right now. Ivan also needed to know he was making his claim. Amy was off limits to all the wolves. She was his. He knew it as soon as he saw her again.

  Other wolves were already surrounding the pit. Word spread fast throughout the family when a fight or challenge occurred. The pit was about fifty feet in diameter and twenty feet deep. Its use to settle differences and establish the pecking order commenced more than a century before. In the hundreds of years Marcus and Ivan had been friends, the past century was the tamest. They no longer fought for survival against other clans. They had established their territories and obeyed boundary rules. There was no governing body per se, but they managed to work out conflicts and maintain the peace. Marcus had only one sworn enemy but they managed to stay out of each other’s way. It was this enemy he worried about when it came to Amy. The Pride’s Queen would do anything to bring personal harm to anyone Marcus cared for. If she knew his feelings, she would stop at nothing to get to Amy.

  Marcus removed his shirt and tossed it to Philip who had come to watch. Ivan had arrived and removed all his clothing. He was tricky because he fought as wolf and as a man. He switched back and forth, to whichever manifestation gave him the greatest advantage. Marcus had him on strength although you wouldn’t know it from his appearance. Ivan was bigger and more muscular. You could hurt a man or wolf, but it was almost impossible to do great damage to a vampire. They could be killed but it was difficult and under these circumstances, virtually impossible.

  The biggest danger to a vampire was his own lack of desire to live. Many found their lives empty after living for hundreds of years and just gave up. The wolves’ lives were tied to the vampires. A “beastkind” wolf or other species, when left to their own devices, lived about three times the life of an average person. When beastkind fed a vampire, they lived as long as the vampire and were tied by blood. They could communicate telepathically and sensed when the other was in danger. The wolf blood Marcus consumed was more beneficial and sustained him longer than human blood. Vampires and beastkind had teamed up centuries ago. The strongest vampire took the strongest pack and Marcus won Ivan’s pack centuries before. They made a great team, but tonight they had a score to settle.

  “I think that you bit off more than you can chew my friend. I’m not in the mood to be gentle.” That was all Marcus got out before Ivan attacked.

  Ivan hit him in the chest with everything he had. Marcus felt himself flying and hit his head on the hard ground. The taste of blood in his mouth fueled his anger. He grunted at the impact, but he was up, flying faster than the human eye could follow, and struck Ivan a vicious blow to the body. The impact caused Ivan to go airborne. Ivan shook his head and blood from his mouth and nose went flying in every direction.

  With a growl Ivan was a wolf and on Marcus; sinking his teeth into his shoulder. The teeth went through skin and muscle. His jaws would have easily snapped the arm of a human. Marcus grabbed the wolf, wrenched him off and tossed him to the other side of the pit. Skin and muscle remained in Ivan’s jaws. It hurt but Marcus could handle the pain. Ivan got up and leapt. In mid-flight he was human again, slamming into Marcus, and carrying them both to the ground.

  Marcus might be hard to kill but Ivan’s blows were painful. Before he could push Ivan off and gain his feet, Ivan slammed his fist into Marcus’ jaw. His head slammed back into the dirt. He was unable to react before Ivan was a wolf again and had his teeth around his throat. Marcus had had enough. With little effort he was on his feet, propelling Ivan across the pit again, only this time he followed. He could barely hear the shouts coming from the edges of the pit. Everyone knew what the outcome would be and they didn’t make bets but they liked to see their alpha inflict as much damage as possible. Every wolf knew Marcus could kill them all if he wished. When Ivan hit the dirt he changed back to a man and Marcus did his damage. One fist after another made impact with Ivan’s face and body until the wolf finally stopped fighting. Marcus did not, and several of the wolves jumped into the pit and tried to slow him down. They could not stop him and worried his blood lust would severely injure Ivan. He finally realized that Ivan was not fighting back and stopped the assault. He gave a shove to the two wolves on either side of him and they backed off.

  “Does anyone else want to have a try?” Blood dripped from his throat onto his chest. The blood on his face was flowing freely. His eyes were alight with an amber glow. Death was available for any wolf that welcomed it.

  No one stepped forward. Ivan rapidly regained consciousness and let out a groan. Marcus put his uninjured arm down and helped him to his feet. Ivan’s body had more blood than skin showing and he felt the pain of broken ribs. He smiled at Marcus. “I don’t know about you but I feel better.”

  Everyone laughed. The tension decreased that quickly. Marcus wrapped his arm around Ivan and helped him jump up from the pit. “One of these days I’ll give you a real beating and you’ll stop pushing my buttons. I hope you’re up to it because you owe me blood.”

  As alpha, Ivan did not need to share blood with Marcus as often as the other wolves, but after a fight like this, it would help him heal. When their battles started long ago, it had become a tradition that Ivan had to concede and give blood after the fight. It also kept Ivan in top form in case another wolf decided to challenge. In a wolf challenge, Marcus could not intercede and the battle was to the death. If Ivan lost, Marcus did not know what he would do without him. He would kill the wolf that took out Ivan, but it would not bring his friend back. There had been no challenges in over two hundred years, but another wolf would eventually come along that felt he could take Ivan.

  Marcus glanced up at the hill. He knew Amy was watching. He smelled her before he jumped into the pit. It was difficult to keep his control when she was around and he was shocked that Alba brought her to view their violent confrontation. He turned away, walked with Ivan into the house and went to the bar. They both had several shots of whiskey and then Ivan offered his neck to Marcus. Marcus always waited for Ivan to make the gesture but once made, Marcus did not hesitate. Ivan was the only wolf Marcus allowed to set the schedule. It was his way of showing his friend respect.

  The blood was powerful and the taste rich. Marcus held Ivan around the shoulder and drew a portion of his life force in through his fangs.

  If another wolf challenged Marcus the way Ivan did, he would kill him as he had been forced to do in the past. The wolves knew Marcus and Ivan were a team. Although they acted as family, when dealing with their animal natures, dominance was earned and kept by deadly means. It was the law of the fittest and the principle they lived by and respected.

  Amy and Alba walked past the doorway. As Amy glanced in the room, she stopped and let out a sharp gasp. Marcus’ amber eyes met hers as he drew blood from Ivan. She turned away then hurried up the stairs to her room. He heard the door close and lock. A bolted door would not keep him out.

  After Marcus fed, Ivan spoke, “Don’t hurt her Marcus. I know she attracts you. I know you desire her. I see in her what I saw in Victoria and it brings out my protective instincts. I know I can’t kill you, but I don’t want you to have me killed either.” Marcus understood what Ivan was saying. He may have made his claim but Ivan was willing to protect Amy even if it was from Marcus. It would mean Ivan’s death.

  Marcus acknowledged the words of the pack alpha with a nod of his head. Bruises were forming on Ivan’s face and chest. Blood was still covering most of him. “Tak
e a shower my friend, I will see you tomorrow.”

  Marcus walked outside and took to the sky. He was still hungry and needed to hunt. He needed to do anything that would take his mind from eyes of blue.