Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 20

  Chapter 14

  After showering and getting dressed, she made telephone calls. Brian was not happy. He said he almost called the Arizona State Police to find her. He yelled for several minutes and Amy was unable to get a word in. When he finally took a breath, Amy told him she was staying for an extended vacation. If she thought he was angry before, she was mistaken.

  “Have you lost your mind? You’re hundreds of miles away. What possible story could you have that would connect Phoenix with your home. I can’t do much for you from here and your last story almost got you killed, or have you forgotten?”

  “I am not a child and you are not my keeper. If I’d known I would get this kind of lecture, I would have sent you a letter. Now get off my ass or you won’t hear from me for a month.”

  “I’m angry because I’m your friend and I’m worried you’re in over your head.” He didn’t add the “again” but Amy knew he was thinking it.

  She knew Brian cared and she understood where his anger was coming from. But if she let him walk all over her it would only get worse. “If you listened with your brain and not your macho mentality you would have heard me say, I’m taking a vacation. If you were any type of friend you might understand that just maybe, it’s personal. That means caveman, back off and let me have a life.”

  Brian was silent. He finally cleared his throat and asked her to call him in a few days so he didn’t worry needlessly. Amy agreed and the call was ended. She knew she hurt his feelings but she wanted some time on the ranch and needed him to stay away. She especially didn’t want him to send the State Police to check up on her.

  Amy went downstairs. Alba was waiting by the dining room door and they entered the room together. Breakfast was arranged on a sideboard. Amy was hungry and piled up a huge plate of food. She asked Alba if she wanted anything, but the wolf walked out of the room toward the kitchen. Ivan was entering the room and Alba gave him a low growl as she passed.

  “It doesn’t appear she’s very fond of you.”

  Ivan said, “Alba is just a bitc…sorry, out of sorts when she is carrying. Thank god it doesn’t happen very often.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, who is the father of the babies?”

  It was hard not to notice Ivan’s sharp indrawn breath before he spoke, “Alba never tells us. She never says a word about her personal sex life and in my case, if I were to ask it would cause a scuffle. Alba has a difficult time with authority and more than once she and I have had…words.”

  When Ivan first entered the room, Amy had noticed the bruises on his face and that he was walking with a slight limp.

  “Is that what you call last night with Marcus, words?”

  Ivan laughed, but then made a slight groaning noise and placed his hand on the side of his rib cage. “Not many words were spoken, but Marcus and I have come to an understanding for now. We have these discussions every few months. It seems to be a way for both of us to relieve tension.”

  “Do you fight like this with any of the wolves?”

  “Only, if my intention is to kill them.” He said bluntly.

  Amy wasn’t sure what to think about that. “Do you kill each other often?”

  “We are essentially animals. We have tamed ourselves somewhat over the past one hundred years but we are not human. It must seem wrong to you when we speak of killing, but it is necessary from time to time and in the long run it actually keeps the peace. We have enemies and if we appear weak we will be attacked. Many lives would then end. Our last beastkind war was brutal and hundreds died. Neither Marcus nor I will allow our enemies to see us as weak.”

  Amy stared at him. He was strong. Amy had barely noticed more than a slight discoloration on Marcus’ face earlier that morning and even knowing the answer, she asked anyway. “Who had the last word last night between you and Marcus?”

  Ivan again laughed but grabbed his ribs first. “Marcus always has the last word. Don’t let him fool you. He may be the strongest vampire alive. A battle to the death with Marcus would end in death for the person he fought. I am not foolish. I can get away with a small amount of insubordination, but that is because he tolerates it from me. I pushed a little too far this time and he made sure I knew it. Marcus loves me as a brother, but if he had to, he would kill me.”

  “Do you love him as a brother?”

  “I would lay my life down for his. You do not understand the bond my wolves have with him. We live because he lives and it’s even more than that. I can’t explain it.”

  “I want to learn about all of you. Will you help educate me?”

  “I didn’t agree with Marcus about how he handled the situation with you. I think we could have sent you on your way without telling you our secrets. Marcus felt differently and for some reason Alba, who dislikes humans, has taken more than a small liking to you. I will help, but you need to be aware that if you betray the trust Marcus has placed in you, I will kill you if doesn’t doesn’t get to you first.”

  “Do you think Marcus would kill me now?”

  “I don’t know. I think he would, but I’m not sure what is going on with him anymore than I know what is going on with Alba. I think I would like to spend more time with you and maybe find out what hold you have over them.”

  This time Amy laughed. “Maybe we could become friends, but please don’t let me force myself on you.”

  Ivan smiled, “You’re a beautiful woman and you would never need to force yourself on anyone. I am no exception. Eat your breakfast and then you can make my rounds with me. I believe you will find it interesting.”

  Ivan made a plate about three sizes larger than Amy’s. She couldn’t quite finish all of hers, but before she could place it to the side he grabbed it and finished it for her. She guessed wolf men needed to eat more than average men. Not an ounce of fat could be seen on him and it was impossible to believe he ate like this at every meal.

  Ivan saw the look she gave him as he ate her last bite. “When a wolf is injured, Marcus allows an exchange of blood. That is what you saw last night. I could feel the exact moment you entered the room. It wasn’t because of you. It was because Marcus became aware you were watching. I could feel his alertness through our link. A vampire taking our blood helps us to heal faster, but after giving him blood we also need to consume more calories to replace what he has removed.” Ivan took a deep breath before continuing. “I’m not attracted to men but having Marcus drink my blood affects all my senses. It’s that way for every wolf in my pack. It’s a bond we can’t deny.”

  Amy thought of the woman Marcus mentioned this morning. “Does the bond work with humans as well?”

  “The healing will work to a certain extent. I believe humans are so fragile to begin with that it only helps slightly. Beastkind and vampires were meant to be together. Humans, beastkind and vampires don’t mix.”

  He hadn’t answered her question. “Did you know the woman Marcus loved?”

  Ivan was surprised. Marcus never brought Victoria’s name up much less spoke of her and his love for her, but somehow Amy knew. “Her name was Victoria. She was everything to Marcus, but because of that she almost became the death of him. I will not talk more of it. If you have questions about her you will need to ask Marcus.”