Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 21

  Chapter 15

  As Amy followed Ivan from the house, Alba joined them. She rubbed against Amy’s side and in return, Amy ran her hand down her back. Alba was graceful and beautiful. She was also the largest wolf Amy had ever seen. “Are you as large as Alba in wolf form?” When she saw him as a wolf the night before it was at a distance and he had been surrounded by men, not by other wolves.

  Ivan stopped and reached for the bottom of his t-shirt pulling it over his head. Alba growled at him.

  “I will happily show you whether Alba approves or not.”

  Before Amy could begin to answer, Ivan had his pants down and a wolf, much larger than Alba was standing in his place. Alba didn’t even bother to growl, she attacked.

  Amy let out a startled scream. To her, it seemed brutal. Within minutes Ivan had Alba on her back and his teeth at the smaller wolf’s throat. Amy had had enough. She flew towards Ivan. She used her arms and legs and gave him a nice kick in his already sore ribs. She half fell to the ground and Ivan turned on her and bared his teeth.

  “Stop Amy!”

  It was Alba’s voice, but she was in wolf form and couldn’t have spoken. Amy slowly backed away as Alba gained her feet. Instantly, Ivan became a man.

  Amy was not sure which Ivan was more beautiful. She had never seen a man, up close and personal, built like that and had definitely never seen one as nakedly gorgeous. It didn’t cause her to lose her anger, but she was slightly perplexed. Since he was undressed, his most vulnerable parts were staring her in the face. Amy blushed. Alba got between them and Amy was able to gain her feet.

  Ivan began putting his pants back on. “I would not have hurt her Amy. She needed to be put in her place and she has been asking for it these past two days. It is similar to the “talk” Marcus and I had last night. Do not interfere or you will get hurt.”

  Ivan’s voice was stern and it was obvious he was angry.

  “I can’t believe you would treat a pregnant woman that way. You are not a man at all. You are a wife beater and she isn’t even your wife.”

  “Don’t Amy.” Alba’s voice came through again but this time laced with pain. Amy turned and gazed into Alba’s eyes. “I know you can hear me, but don’t let Ivan know. It’s important that this is kept between us for now.”

  Before Amy could process what was going on, Ivan spoke in a sharp voice with anguish apparent in every word, “You are wrong. Alba is my wife and she carries another man’s babes.” With that Ivan turned and walked away.

  Alba licked Amy’s hand and followed Ivan. Amy trailed behind them both and wondered what she had stepped into. Nothing made sense.

  Ivan walked into a large garage. It was bigger than most homes in the city. He started the engine of what appeared to be an oversized four-wheeler. Ivan was still angry and his voice reflected it. “We will take the Razor so I can check the property lines and make sure we are safe.”

  Amy got in the passenger side but Alba didn’t jump in the back. She started off at a fast pace beside a well-used path. Ivan threw the Razor in gear.

  As they drove, they went between the pine trees and kept going for more than a mile before they saw anyone. Amy noticed the large wolf before Ivan slowed and finally came to a stop. He was looking at the wolf and Amy realized they were speaking telepathically. It was just rude so Amy tried it with Alba.

  “Yes, I can hear you. If they opened their minds all the wolves would hear you. There hasn’t been a human with that ability in hundreds of years so they don’t think to try it.”

  “How did you know it could be done?”

  “I knew when you were going unconsciousness at the city house. I heard your thoughts.”

  “Is that why you saved me?”

  “Yes, it was one of the reasons, and please don’t get between fighting wolves again or I might have saved you for nothing. Ivan did not hurt me.”

  “I know some men that would kill if they discovered their wife had cheated.” Amy did not mean to have recrimination in her voice, but it was prevalent none the less.

  “I will try and explain it this evening, but please promise you will not attack Ivan again, or any wolf for that matter. You might die before they had time to realize it was you and then Marcus would kill them. I think Marcus would even kill Ivan if he harmed you.”

  Amy wasn’t too sure, but at the same time she didn’t want anyone to die because she was foolish and didn’t yet understand what was going on. “I don’t know if I can make an absolute promise, but I’ll try. It’s the best I can give.”

  Ivan put the Razor in gear and they were off. When they got to what Amy supposed was the property border, two men were waiting for them. Amy was thinking it would be nice to understand what was being said, but Ivan started speaking to them in a language she assumed was Russian.

  Amy could not help herself. “Do they speak English?”

  Ivan chuckled. “Forgive me, my manners are remiss. I was asking them if they saw or smelled anything out of the ordinary. It was a pointless question because they would have notified me immediately if they had. It’s just customary for me to check on things throughout the day.” Ivan turned to the two young men.

  “Amy, meet my sons, Asia and Duncan. The wolf you saw earlier was Sinner.”

  Both men stepped closer to shake her hand. Amy glanced briefly towards Alba as she greeted them.”

  “Yes, they are also my two scalawags.” Her telepathic voice carried the pride only a mother can show while insulting her offspring.

  Alba walked up to the men and rubbed herself against them.

  “Boys, your mother is to have two cubs. Why don’t you come to the house after your shift and eat dinner with us. I think we should celebrate. Inform your other two brothers too, we can’t have a real celebration without the four of you.”

  “How many sons do you have?” Amy asked Ivan.

  Ivan looked sadly at Alba and said; “We have only four now. We lost two sons in our last war. We still mourn them. The babes will help fill our heart’s sorrow, but we will always miss them.”

  Amy realized she would need a long and serious talk with Alba tonight. She was not sure she understood anything that was going on. One minute Ivan sounded jealous enough to seriously harm Alba and then he spoke of the babies she was carrying as if they were his. Ivan had said earlier that Alba never revealed the names of her babies’ fathers. Thank God she wasn’t aware of what went on in the minds of say, chickens. She might find herself going even crazier than she was at the moment.

  Ivan and his sons spoke in English for a few more minutes and then he drove away to continue making rounds throughout the property.

  Amy asked numerous questions about the acreage. Ivan answered her and continued to answer, as question after question came his way. He knew this was difficult for her. An entire new world had opened its doors. If he was in her place his curiosity would be endless too.

  Ivan finally slowed about an hour later and Alba jumped on board. The wolf lay down in the back compartment and seemed to take a nap. Amy stuck her hand over the seat and rubbed the coarse fur.

  “Alba usually allows only the boys to touch her when she’s carrying. I’m surprised you don’t lose a finger or two when you pet her.”

  Alba lifted her head slightly and growled. Ivan stuck his hand over the seat to pet her too. Alba snapped at him, but then allowed him to scratch behind her ear. She even managed to lick his hand and then licked Amy’s.

  They arrived back at the ranch house at around two o’clock. Amy was hungry again and ran up the stairs to clean up before going to the dining room to eat a small sandwich. Ivan told her they would have a large dinner so she decided that even though she was hungry, she would save some room.