Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 22

  Chapter 16

  After eating, Ivan told Amy he had some phone calls to make and left her to entertain herself. She decided to walk around the house and discover what she had missed. The place was massive. She wasn’t sure how many rooms it had and knew it would be easy to get disoriented and lose her way so she was careful to keep track of her whereabouts as she went along. She explored the ground floor and then walked up the staircase. She turned right and went to the double doors at the far end of the hallway. She realized this must be Marcus’ room. She glanced at the door handle and then turned it.

  One side of the double doors opened and Marcus was standing there. His hair was slightly mussed. He had on a pair of black silk pajama pants but his chest was bare. He had to be the sexiest man alive.

  “It’s probably rude of me to say so, but I smelled you. Don’t run off, join me. I won’t bite, I promise.” With a predatory grin, belying his words, Marcus reached for her hand before she could back away.

  Amy allowed him to pull her into the room. The door shut with a soft click.

  “I was dreaming of you and then your smell overwhelmed my senses. I thought it was part of my dream.” Marcus wrapped his arms around her and put his forehead to hers. Amy could feel herself falling for him and was not sure why it was happening so fast. She thought it was more than simple attraction. It just felt right to be in his arms.

  She said it softly. “I hope I will dream of you tonight.”

  Marcus squeezed her tighter and she rested her head on his chest. They didn’t say anything to each other for a few minutes, just stood together, with his arms wrapped around her.

  Amy finally looked into his eyes. “We are having a party tonight to celebrate the babies and since it’s your house you should probably know about it.”

  “Ivan sent the information earlier so I already knew. I should start getting ready. The boys don’t come for dinner often. They tend to avoid the main house when they can. It will be nice to have them here.”

  “Why do they avoid the house?”

  “The eldest is over two hundred years old and the youngest is one-hundred but parents are parents and they enjoy their freedom. A pup will live with its mother and father for as long as thirty years. Emotionally they mature slowly and need the parental bond for much longer than human children. Once they are old enough to leave the den they stay away as much as possible.”

  Amy had so many questions, but didn’t want to ruin the moment. She wanted to stay in Marcus’ arms. He gently leaned down and kissed her. Amy could feel his muscles under her hands. He might not have Ivan’s bulk, but there was nothing small about his chest. As he deepened the kiss Amy realized nothing was small about other parts of him either. His silk pants left nothing to the imagination. She could feel herself becoming wet with desire.

  Marcus pulled away first. “Alba is hunting for you and is following your scent to my room. I believe it’s time for us to get dressed for the party.”

  “I’m trying not to be offended that my smell leaves a trail. Every time I see you, you mention it.”

  Marcus laughed. “It’s an incredible aroma. It’s sweet and spicy, and at the same time, it’s special and all you. Don’t be offended. Your scent intoxicates me.”

  It was Amy’s turn to laugh. Then she heard a scratch at the door. “Saved by the wolf,” Amy said.

  “She saves you only because I allow it. She’ll interfere one too many times and I’ll have her sleeping in the doghouse.”

  A loud growl could be heard outside the room and Amy extricated herself from his arms and grabbed the door handle. She had only opened the door slightly when Marcus swept her back into his arms and gave her another deep kiss. Alba nosed her head in and growled again.

  Marcus gently pushed Amy through the door causing Alba to back away. He closed the door with a laugh.

  “I’m not sure if you have good timing or bad.” Amy said mentally.

  “It would be good for him if you could play a little harder to get. Marcus has women throwing themselves at him all the time and you could help your own cause and resist for a few days.”

  “I’m sure you’re right but how can I resist that body?” She said as she glanced back at his door.

  Alba laughed. “I guess I can understand. He is a gorgeous man.”

  The woman and the wolf walked to the opposite end of the long hallway and entered Amy’s room. A beautiful blue gown was lying on the end of her bed.

  “Where did this come from?”

  “I ordered it for you when I found out you were coming. Other clothes came in too and I had them put away.”

  Alba saw the stubbornness written on Amy’s face. “I’ve never had a daughter so don’t be testy, let me indulge myself. I rarely spend money and I have more than I need.”

  Noticing Amy’s less than happy demeanor she added, “I’m pregnant, getting fat, and must stay in fur form while my sons come to party, it’s the least you can do.”

  Amy had to laugh at that. There was no noticeable sign Alba was pregnant and when in human form she appeared to be in her twenties and not a mother with a two hundred year old son. Amy realized Alba’s true power was in manipulation and it was hard, if not impossible, to avoid falling prey.

  Without another word she dressed for dinner. The gown was stunning and in the chest of drawers, she found the underclothes that went beneath it. The ensemble made her feel incredibly sexy. Alba also provided an exquisite necklace of diamonds. Amy put her foot down even if they were only borrowed. She chose instead to wear a string of pearls from her grandmother, which was always packed in her travel bag. One dress and one string of pearls was Amy’s idea of being prepared. Two days and two formal dinners were beyond her travel wardrobe.

  Before leaving the room, Amy improvised. She took the diamond necklace, meant for her, and placed it around Alba’s neck. The wolf let out a soft growl and Amy cuffed her nose softly. “If I’m being dressed up, so are you and I won’t hear another word about it.” Alba and Amy left the room and descended the stars. Marcus and Ivan were waiting at the bottom.

  Ivan turned to Marcus, “Maybe I’m beginning to see what is special about her.” Alba growled and Marcus laughed.

  “I heard about your scuffle this morning and if I were you I would watch myself and get back in your lady’s good graces. You could take a lesson from Amy and shower your wolf in diamonds. They look incredible on her.”

  Marcus said this while never appearing to take his eyes from Amy.

  Ivan was gazing at his wife. “I prefer to keep all my fingers. I can’t believe she allowed Amy get away with that, but they do have a striking effect.”

  “Let us join the boys. They are ready to eat and in a hurry to get the party started.” Marcus said as he took Amy’s arm.

  The dining room was beautiful with candles putting off a soft glow. The boys, as they were called, were talking and laughing as the guest of honor entered the room. All conversation stopped and they rose to their feet. Marcus took his place at the head of the table with Amy seated beside him. Alba sat by Amy’s side looking at everyone. Introductions were made. Amy had met all Alba’s sons but hadn’t realized Conner was a member of the family when she had seen him at the city house. Scrutinizing them, she could see the family resemblance. Even dressed up she could not compete with these beautiful individuals. She was surprised there were not females hanging around at all times and she said so. Conner blushed and one brother slapped him on the back. Ivan explained about a special female in Conner’s life that he had yet to make an official claim for.

  “You want me to bring her into this craziness?” Conner laughed and then said, “She would have been here tonight, but she took guard duty so Columbus could attend. I certainly would have preferred her over you.” He said glancing at his oldest brother.

  Columbus didn’t seem to mind and the boys continued teasing Conner. Finally Marcus made the first toast.

  “To Alba, mother, friend and guardian of this motley cr
ew, to the babies may they be strapping boys with the courage of their mother and the softness of their father.”

  Everyone laughed and took a drink. Amy was perplexed. Ivan said he did not know who the babies’ father was, though he seemed unaffected by Marcus’ toast and laughed along with them. Amy had a feeling the explanations promised from Alba tonight, would take a while.

  As those in human form ate dinner, Alba walked over to lie by the hearth where a fire was burning. She curled up on the rug and watched her friends and family celebrate. Ivan quietly left a short time later not saying where he was going. Amy finally understood when he reentered the room as a wolf and made his way over to Alba, lying down beside her. Ivan curled around his wife and gently licked the side of her muzzle. He then laid his head on her neck. They made a beautiful picture together and it was hard to remember the morning’s strife.

  The boys continued to joke and one of them said he would like a sister. Marcus agreed and said it would be easier to spoil a female child and they could not possibly get into as much mischief as boys. The stories of the boys and their exploits then began. Everyone laughed and enjoyed themselves.

  Alcohol was consumed but Amy realized no one over indulged. When things began to quiet down Marcus asked her if she would like to walk in the garden. The boys went to the front door and allowed Ivan and Alba to precede them. The wolves took off.

  Amy walked with Marcus through the house and then out into the garden. They strolled past the pond to the gazebo. Marcus pulled Amy beneath the overhang and kissed her.

  He drew back slowly, “I’ve been waiting to do that all evening. You are breath taking.” He said as he kissed her again.

  Amy felt exquisite in Marcus’ arms. She wasn’t quite sure why this was happening so fast. She was strongly attracted to him, but somehow she knew it was more than that. It just felt right to be kissed by him and to be held in his embrace.

  Marcus’ hands began to wander, messaging her back and then traveling up to her shoulders and neck. It felt incredible. Amy sank further into Marcus’ body. He kissed her neck and then let out a groan.

  “I apologize, I’m getting carried away and I have not fed since last night. It was remiss of me.”

  Amy realized she had only seen Marcus drink wine at dinner and what he meant by saying he hadn’t fed. Amy pulled away slightly.

  “Does it hurt the person you drink from?”

  Marcus sounded sad when he replied, “No it doesn’t, but please don’t offer when you don’t understand the sacrifice.”

  “Then tell me.”

  Marcus took a deep breath. “Blood is shared between the wolves and me for the gift of life. It sustains us all and is very special. I can share blood with humans if I must, but if not done out of anger or extreme need it tends to be a sexual experience. I already feel a sexual pull to you, but I’m not sure if you’re ready for everything that entails. Touching you is almost more than I can take right now. If I share blood with you once, there will be no noticeable change, but if it’s more than once it will form a bond between us. I will feel where you are and to some degree I will feel your emotions.”

  “Would you be able to speak with me the way you do with the wolves?”

  “It would take more than one sharing of blood but eventually yes. The wolves are another story and you would not have access to their minds. But Amy, this is a life altering step. The link between us would never go away. It is something you need to think about, it’s something you must step into with your eyes open.”

  “Is it something you want?”

  Instead of answering, Marcus kissed her. Amy thought the kiss would never end. Her tongue was learning his mouth and she felt his fangs, which had extended. She pulled away.

  “I guess that was my answer. Just how far do you think you can go without sharing blood?” Amy said with an impatient look in her eyes.

  “Probably not far, but god I want to touch you.”

  Marcus’ fingers splayed on her shoulders and pushed the short sleeves of her gown down. Her breasts were exposed and Marcus began kissing one and then the other. Amy’s head went back and she felt glorious. Suddenly Marcus stopped and his head came up.

  “I must get you inside, something has happened and Ivan is calling me. One of the wolves is dead.” He said this as he adjusted her gown and began moving back to the house, pulling on her hand.

  All Amy could think was of Alba.

  Men were coming into the main room where Marcus and Amy stood. Marcus began shouting orders.

  “Jacob and Neil, you will stay with Amy. Everyone else come with me, I want half of you in wolf form.”

  Before he finished with his orders, clothes were being shed and several wolves were now present in the room. They followed Marcus after he gave Amy a quick look and headed toward the door saying, “Stay here. The wolves will keep you safe.” It wasn’t a request, it was an order.