Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 24

  Chapter 18

  Amy slept little that night. Marcus kept her awake and it was wonderful. They finally went outside to watch the sun come up. The pond and gazebo were becoming their special place. He left her as soft rays of light painted the horizon, telling her to get some sleep. In the blink of an eye he was gone. Other than his love making skills that was by far the most incredible thing he could do.

  Amy walked up to her room and Alba came in and jumped on the bed. “You look tired. Get some rest and then we have talking to do.” Alba’s voice held a smile.

  “I think we should talk right now.” Amy said sleepily.

  “You will fall asleep in the middle of the conversation and I prefer not to say everything twice. Please get some rest.”

  Amy woke five hours later. She knew immediately that she would need a nap later if she was to spend the evening with Marcus, but for now she was awake. She stretched. Her body was sore but in a pleasurable way. Alba stirred beside her and licked her hand. “I’ll shower and then let’s find some food. I’m starving. After that you and I will have that long awaited discussion.” Amy said this as she got off the bed and went in the bathroom.

  It was noon when she walked down the stairs with Alba at her side. Surprisingly, Ivan was waiting along with breakfast on the sideboard.

  “Since you missed breakfast, I decided to indulge you. Join me. I will be gone the rest of the day and maybe into tomorrow.” Ivan said as he pulled a chair out for her. He then filled a plate and placed it in front of her. It was twice the food she’d served herself the day before.

  “I couldn’t eat all my food from yesterday, how do you expect me to eat this much?”

  Ivan glanced over at Alba. The wolf walked to the fireplace and lay down.

  “I’ve never been a person to beat around the bush. Did Marcus share blood with you?”

  Amy blushed and Alba’s throat rumbled a soft growl.

  “I’m sorry I must be so blunt, but my job is to keep Marcus safe and I need to know if he started a connection with you.”

  “The ‘connection’ as you call it was not started. Now can we please talk about something else, like where you’re going after we eat?”

  “Hunting.” It was said with anger and leashed violence. Amy knew there would be hell to pay if he found what he hunted.

  “I’m sorry about Sinner. That was the man you spoke to yesterday wasn’t it?”

  “Yes, that was Sinner. His family is out for blood, but they will stay behind to guard you. Please try to make their lives a little easier than you did Jacob and Neil’s last night. Those two woke me up this morning seeking permission to go with me today. They asked not to be punished again.”

  Another blush colored Amy’s cheeks. “I will apologize to them before you leave. The situation wasn’t their fault and I was not exactly nice.”

  “If I can talk them into coming anywhere near the house, you may get your chance, but otherwise it will be awhile.” Ivan smiled at her.

  “So tell me about sharing blood and why it’s so special?” Amy asked.

  “For us and for Marcus, it’s what keeps us alive. The energy in beastkind blood fulfills a vampire’s needs better than any other type. A thousand years ago we were enemies. If one of our kind managed to get away from a vampire, after being bitten, we realized that our aging slowed. Vampires have been our leaders ever since peace was finally made. I’m Alpha and leader of the wolves, but Marcus is my king and I defer to him.”

  “You talk about the cats, what other beastkind are there?”

  “We have two other wolf packs in America and two cat prides. The Black Panther Pride is in South America but we rarely see them in this country. Around the world there are different types and some we may not even be aware of. “Beastkind” usually reflects the strongest animals in a region.”

  “So where are the cats?”

  “They tend to move, but we keep an eye on them. The main pride is in Texas now and that is where I’m heading.”

  “Are you sure the cat that killed Sinner is part of the Texas pride?”

  “No, but I’m going to find out.”

  “Why isn’t Marcus going?”

  “He’ll be there tonight. It takes us longer to travel while he does it instantaneously.”

  Amy had looked forward to spending a long evening with Marcus and he had not told her he would be away. She was disappointed but it also made her angry. If he continued to keep information from her, things would not work out the way she hoped.

  Ivan finished his food and then admired hers. She pushed what remained his way. He finished it as quickly as he had before. It was unfair that he could eat so much and not have an ounce of fat on his body. “I’m sorry Amy but Alba will stay with you in the house and I ask that you don’t leave. My wolves are outside and you will be safe. I’m taking half of the clan with me. Marcus will remain here until the sun sets. He is more protection, even in daylight, than the wolves. If you stay inside it will also keep Alba safe. She will follow you anywhere you go, even if I don’t approve.”

  “I’ll stay inside. I didn’t get much sleep last night and my full stomach is making me tired.” This was said with another splash of red appearing on her cheeks.

  Ivan laughed. “Alba didn’t sleep much either.” He said as he looked over at his wife. “It will do her good to join you.”

  Alba sent a message to Amy without lifting her head or looking her way. “Men are all the same and even after being my mate for all these years he needs to stake his claim. He got lucky last night and I had a weak moment. He’s in the doghouse right now and it will be some time before I’m weak again.”

  Amy laughed and when Ivan appeared puzzled she covered by saying she remembered something funny from earlier. She told him she had no intention of sharing the joke.

  Ivan left after he was rebuffed from laying a gentle hand on his wife’s head. She snapped at his fingers and he walked out of the room. He didn’t seem unhappy with Alba’s demeanor. Amy walked upstairs to her room. She looked longingly towards Marcus’ room.

  “Go lie with him and take a nap. I will lie in the hall. Go ahead.” Alba nudged her with her nose.

  Amy entered the darkened room. She could barely see anything and used her memory to make her way to the bed. She let out a startled squeal when a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto a warm male body.

  “Shhh rest here with me.” Marcus said in a husky voice.

  Amy rolled to his side and he wrapped his arms around her. He was asleep in minutes and Amy soon joined him.

  A few hours later, Amy left the room. Marcus gently squeezed her hand and then went back to sleep.

  Amy walked into her room with Alba at her heels.

  “Okay I’m rested and want to try and understand a few things. Why are you having another man’s babies for starters?”

  Alba jumped on the bed and got comfortable before responding. “Beastkind are not able to procreate with one another. If we want to give birth, we must mate with a human. This is why many of us never marry. It is easier for the women because we can have a one night stand and conceive a child as the result. The males can sire babies, but the newborn must be taken from the human mother as soon as possible. The first change from human to wolf happens in mere weeks. A stolen child is traumatic and devastating for the mother. She can never know what happened to her baby. It’s dangerous for us because we kidnap an infant. For this reason beastkind males seldom father children.”

  “So none of the boys were fathered by Ivan?”

  “No, none of them, but he is their father. Since I lost my other two boys I have longed for more children. I didn’t tell Ivan. We did not discuss it at all. He wants to kill the father of the babies and I won’t give him any information. He is not rational about it, but I understand because I would be after the woman’s blood if our roles were reversed. It was a one night stand and I care nothing for the man. Ivan will calm when the babies are born. He’s a great father and will l
ove the babies just as he loves our sons.”

  “What about artificial insemination?”

  “It wouldn’t happen without blood screenings. Our secret would be out if that happened. Medical science has not helped our cause like it has humans.”

  “I’m so sorry. I can’t even imagine what it would be like to want a child and know your husband will never give you one. It must be hard on both sides, but I can tell that you love Ivan and this must be a nightmare for you.”

  “Prior to my previous pregnancies we discussed it thoroughly and Ivan knew what I was doing. This time I acted without his knowledge and it affected his pride. I hurt him and he said some things that upset me, but we love each other and it will work out, if I don’t kill him first.”

  “So tell me why no one must know we can communicate telepathically?”

  “That’s a little harder to explain. Wolves of the same pack can communicate mind to mind within the pack, but not with other packs or other beastkind. Our king can exchange thoughts with only his wolf pack. He can connect his mind to a human if he shares enough blood. That is why Ivan wanted to know if you and Marcus shared blood. It will change the dynamics once that happens.”

  Alba continued, “You are a rare gem. You can share your thoughts with our pack. The problem or gift lies in the possibility that you can mind blend with all beastkind. It makes you very dangerous to our enemies. You could tell us what they are thinking and planning. They would kill you if they knew or at least try to.”

  “What makes you think I could read their minds when I’ve only been able to communicate with you?”

  “You can read every mind at this ranch. You just need to learn. We send our ‘mind messages’ when we want to. You could read everything going on, at any time, if you tried. Marcus needs to know about it soon, but I want you to have some practice before that happens. Once you open up, it will be hard not to let them feel your thoughts, but with a little training you can control it.”

  “Can I read Marcus’ thoughts?”

  “Yes, but be careful. He is very powerful and he will easily realize what you are doing. He is already worried for your safety and this will terrify him. I think we can win an all-out war, but none of us want bloodshed. There would be many casualties on both sides. It is also not in our best interest because we must lie low within the human world. If any of the other clans knew you existed, with your talents, it could start a war. Marcus must know soon so I’m hoping you and I can work on your gift.”

  “You’re telling me that others will want me dead because of what you think I can do. You call that a gift?”

  “It truly is. You are very special and Marcus and you were destined to be together. Let’s practice.”

  “I’m not sure if I’m destined for Marcus but I agree, let’s get started.”