Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 25

  Chapter 19

  Alba’s voice dropped, “Lie back, close your eyes, and allow your body to relax. Clear other thoughts from your mind and just think of this room. Columbus is outside patrolling the grounds. You’ve met him and I want you to picture him mentally. Send your mind in search of him, but don’t say anything in your head just think of him and try to narrow in.”

  Amy did as Alba instructed but clearing her brain was the hard part. She was lying back on a soft bed and all she could picture was Marcus’ hands on her body. She could almost feel them. She shook her head slightly to clear the image as she tried to picture Columbus. She could not sense where he was and it was frustrating, the thoughts of Marcus overwhelming.

  “I can’t.” She sat up and her face grew red. “When I close my eyes I can only picture Marcus.

  Alba laughed in her head. “Yes, and you don’t close your thoughts so I get them too. Much more information than I need but quite the picture. That man and his body are hard to resist. The last thing I need, are your thoughts of Marcus making me horny.” Exasperation was clear in her voice and she gave Amy a stern look with wolf eyes. They both laughed. “Let’s try this, I’ll send Columbus a message and tell him to go check out the gazebo. He’ll think it strange, but they’re used to it when I’m pregnant.”

  A few minutes went by while Amy tried to wipe the mental images of Marcus from her mind.

  “Okay he’s at the gazebo. Try to find him.”

  Amy remained sitting chagrined that Alba could read her intimate thoughts. She pinpointed the gazebo in her mind and then Columbus, refusing to think of kissing Marcus while in that same spot. She first felt a shadowed outline of the wolf’s body. She smiled to herself and focused on his thoughts. The connection was made. She could actually see, in her mind, what he was doing. He glanced up suddenly and Amy was aware he sensed her.

  “Now you need to block me out Amy. He’s not sure what just happened and when you’re better at it no one will be aware you’re there. Focus on him and block me. It’s vital no one knows what you’re thinking when you do this.”

  Amy concentrated; she could sense Alba in her mind. She isolated the small piece of energy that represented Alba’s thoughts while keeping the energy open that belonged to Columbus. She shut out her friend. Columbus continued checking the gazebo while thinking about a young female wolf he was attracted to. It figured, when she had so much trouble getting Marcus and their incredible love making from her mind, Columbus would be thinking of the same thing.

  “Columbus has a girlfriend, maybe more than a girlfriend.” She told Alba.

  No reply was given and she glanced over at the wolf who gave her a long suffering sigh. She opened Alba’s link and repeated herself.

  Alba was delighted, “He’s my son but also a man. Of course he’s thinking about a woman. Release him and let’s try someone you’re not familiar with. Scan the outside of the house with your mind and see if you feel anyone.”

  Amy released Columbus. It was easier this time. The energy pinpoint that was his remained as did Alba’s but she could isolate them and shut them down. “I can still feel you and Columbus in my mind. I shut off his thoughts but I’m leaving yours open.

  “Once you make a connection only distance will sever it and you might even be able to feel the connection long distances away. We need to experiment with that later. Can you feel anyone else?”

  It took a moment, “Yes, I think it’s a female.”

  Amy knew what she was doing this time and she gently entered the wolf’s mind. Yvette was thinking about Sinner’s death and she wanted revenge. Her anger was tangible. She was not angry at the other pack’s wolves but blamed Sinner’s death on the new human. Amy realized she herself was the human.

  “You have her and I’m with you too. Reading others’ thoughts will not always give you information you want. I’m sorry for that. Yvette is a strong warrior. Marcus, Ivan and I protect you. You are in no danger from her. She will soon understand that you are a great asset. She doesn’t hate you, she only mourns Sinner and she doesn’t know who the killer is. She needs to blame someone.

  Yvette’s grief was too much for Amy. She was not getting a feeling that the two wolves had been intimate but more the feeling that Yvette had lost a brother and her heart was broken. The need in her body to run in the forest one last time with Sinner was especially painful. Amy felt herself getting lost in that pain and had to consciously pull herself away. She wiped her eyes and realized tears were running down her face. Alba was looking at her and she realized Alba was trying to say something but she had closed her out again. She reopened the link, sinking her hand into the soft fur on the side of Alba’s neck. Amy desired the familiarity of touch and didn’t realize the need came from Yvette and Alba’s suffering.

  “We all feel grief from the loss of Sinner. He was a part of our pack and a member of our family. Blood through Marcus ties us all. He is ultimately our father and we his children. For hundreds of years we lived dangerous and bloody lives. We have taken our safety for granted for much too long. Sinner’s death is a reminder that we have enemies and our feelings of safety only an illusion. You are strong and your gift is very dangerous to our enemies.”

  Amy processed the information, “How did you know I would be able to do this?”

  “When you were unconscious some of your thoughts entered my mind. When you woke, I knew what happened to you and I knew about the story you were working on before you said the words aloud. I was fearful and didn’t want you to say who you were. The room was monitored, so once you told me you were a reporter, I knew Marcus would kill you. I couldn’t let that happen but was unsure of what to do. Going against Marcus is suicide. I’m not sure if I could have done it if my mothering instincts hadn’t been in overdrive. We protect our secrets at all costs. I didn’t know then that you and Marcus are destined for each other, but I know it now. Don’t make me explain. We, the wolves, need you and Marcus needs your love. He is already there, but he probably isn’t aware of what hit him. Men are slower with these things than women.”

  “In a roundabout way you’re asking if I love Marcus. It has only been two days and I’m not sure, but I feel such a pull to him. I was worried for all of you last night when Sinner died but mostly, I was thinking what I would do if Marcus did not return. I guess that probably is love, but it’s happening too fast.”

  Alba’s laugh inside Amy’s mind was joyous. “We never choose love, it just happens. There is no set time or place and we can’t keep from feeling it. You may be more stubborn than Marcus, but you will be so good for him. He’s lonely and has been for far too long.”

  Amy decided to send her mind out again but this time in search of Marcus. It was almost instantaneous. The connection was made. Marcus was coming their way.

  “Be very careful. He is not a wolf and he has powers even I’m not aware of.”

  His knock sounded at the door. Amy went to let him in. Before the door opened fully, Marcus pulled her out into the hallway shutting Alba into the room. He kissed her. They could both hear Alba growling on the other side of the door. Marcus’ continued assault on Amy’s mouth made her breathless. He began trailing kisses down her neck. She heard Alba’s sigh in her head and severed the link. Amy laughed as she pulled away, “That was just rude. Let her join us please.”

  “I want you all to myself and she’s going to interfere. I will be leaving soon.” He said as he kissed her again.

  Amy reached behind her back and opened the door for Alba. “Ivan said you would be joining him tonight. I wish you had told me.”

  “My mind was taken over by your scent, your body and your incredible lips. You are right though, I should have interrupted what we were doing and told you my plans. Forgive me?”

  Alba walked down the hall and then went to the stairs, her last thought to Marcus before her descent was, “Get a room.”

  Marcus laughed and took Amy’s hand leading her to his room. She followed willingly. Once the
door was closed she was in his arms again and he kissed her as if they had separated for days and not just hours. This was where Amy wanted to be and she realized she did love him. She couldn’t deny it.

  Marcus was not gentle. Their bodies knew what they needed. Amy’s back was against the door, her legs came up and wrapped around Marcus’ waist. He impatiently pulled her t-shirt over her head and threw it to the floor. Grabbing the bottom of Marcus’ shirt, she pulled hard and scattered buttons as she tore the edges apart.

  “I want you in a button up shirt next time,” he said as he set her down, unsnapping her jeans and pushing them halfway to the floor.

  Amy wiggled out of her pants as Marcus discarded his own. He had her back against the wall and her legs around him as his first thrust drove home. He could hear Amy’s heartbeat accelerate as he took everything she offered. He could hear and feel the blood rushing through her veins. He remembered the taste from their previous encounter. A few drops would never be enough. His fangs elongated and he had trouble keeping them from sinking into her neck. It took incredible willpower to not take what he needed. His energy was low and he didn’t want to waste it by keeping his body as warm as she was used to.

  Amy wasn’t complaining. Her body was consumed with need at the feel of his hands, his lips and his passion. Her cries of ecstasy blended with his.

  As their breathing slowed, Marcus walked Amy to the bed, their bodies joined. He turned, placing his back to the mattress and collapsed backwards. Amy snuggled down onto his body as he rubbed her neck and shoulders.

  Thirty minutes later, Marcus disentangled himself from Amy’s arms and legs, placed her beside him, and mentioned food.

  “I’m hungry too, what’s for dinner?” She asked.

  “You will have lamb and vegetables, I can smell it from here. My menu will depend on you. Have you thought about what I told you of sharing blood? If it’s too soon or you don’t want to, I’ll understand, but I must seek out food and I can do it while you eat dinner.”

  “Who would you seek food from?”

  Marcus looked at her and for some reason she didn’t think she would like his answer. “The wolves rotate. I don’t usually keep track of it, but they seem to know when it’s their turn.”

  “When it’s a female is it more than sharing blood?”

  “Sometimes it can be, if the female is unattached. I’m not a monk. I’m safer with the wolves than I would be if having sex with a human. I’m sorry but that’s the way it is.”

  “I guess that answers my question. This is not something I want to do because I’m jealous, but it is something I want to do. Will I feel the connection with you after the first time?”

  “Yes, but nothing like you will feel if I feed from you again. You will still have a chance to change your mind if you want.”

  “I don’t want to change my mind and I want to share my blood with you.”

  Marcus kissed her and his hands began roaming again. His lips moved up to her hairline and then her face showering small kisses as he moved to her neck. His hands and fingers caused her heart to accelerate, but Marcus still felt her nervousness. His lower body again entered hers and then his teeth entered her neck.

  Amy was not prepared when it happened. What he was doing felt exquisite. She felt a slight sting at the pulse of her throat and she flinched. Marcus held her tightly but gently by her shoulders and Amy felt a powerful rush. His mind linked with hers.

  “You are beautiful and I’ve wanted to taste you since I saw you in that alley. I want everything you will give me.” Tasting the small nick from Amy’s finger was no comparison to taking her life’s blood. Her essence was spreading throughout Marcus’ body. Victoria was the only other female that gave him the rush Amy was triggering. He could feel her hands clenching his back and her nails left marks as they trailed down to his sides. The feelings she was invoking in him were ecstasy.

  Amy had never felt anything so glorious. His body was warm again and she realized she gave that to him. His body radiated power and he smelled of their lovemaking. She couldn’t see his eyes but she knew they would be amber. The thought turned her on more. She heard him groan low in his chest and she tightened her hold on his body loving the feel of him wrapped around her and they both found the ultimate release.