Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 26

  Chapter 20

  Marcus escorted Amy downstairs so she could eat. He promised to stay with her until she was finished but then he had to leave and join Ivan.

  “It’s very important we find the person that killed Sinner, but it’s more important that we figure out why. The attack was unprovoked and we need answers. I’m sorry to leave but I must investigate so I can keep us safe.”

  “I don’t like being left behind, but I understand. I’ll stay here with Alba and catch up on some sleep until you return. I feel as if all I’ve done is sleep today, but I’m tired and lethargic.” Her husky voice betrayed the sleepiness she felt.

  He took her hand and squeezed gently. “That’s my fault. Giving blood is different for humans than for wolves. I got carried away and for that you have my apology.”

  “Accepted. Will you come to my room and get me when you return?”

  “No, I want you sleeping in my bed while I’m away and I will happily kick Alba out when I return.”

  “Alba is pregnant and you are incredibly rude to her.”

  Marcus laughed, “Alba can take it.”

  Alba could hear their soft laughter as she waited in the kitchen. It sounded wonderful. She knew Marcus needed Amy in his life. They all needed Amy but her need was the most selfish. She tried to shake off the sadness of her feelings. Now was not the time.

  Amy finished every last bite and understood how Ivan must feel. She ate twice her normal amount of food, but wasn’t ready to explode as she would have expected. “If I gain weight from this, we might need to find another solution. I hate diets.”

  “Your body needs the calories and it won’t show one inch on your waistline although an inch or two would go completely unnoticed on you.”

  “You probably practiced that line on women before and you know it always works.”

  He laughed. It felt so good to sit here with her, making her laugh and having her scent surround him. He knew he had to leave, but it was incredibly hard when he wanted nothing more than to take her back to his room and spend the next few weeks locked away in her arms.

  “I must leave. I cannot delay any longer.”

  He kissed her gently on the lips and he was gone.

  Amy was expecting it, but his instantaneous disappearance was still startling. She didn’t think she would ever get used to it. She went in search of Alba.

  Alba, in wolf form, was sitting on a bench and eating out of a bowl at the wooden table in the kitchen. Part of Amy’s sadness went away with the sight. She couldn’t help the laugh that escaped.

  Alba’s indignation was evident in the words she sent through Amy’s head, “Just because I’m a wolf, does not mean I must eat my food from the floor like a common animal.”

  “You’re right and I’m sorry I laughed. Nothing should surprise me any longer. Don’t let me stop you. It looks as if you are eating the same dinner I had.”

  “Yes, but it’s easier in a bowl. I’ll be happy when the pups are born and I can be in human form again. I’m getting too old to be pregnant and I’m very impatient.”

  “I guess I can understand that, but you don’t appear old. I know nothing about pregnant wolves but you don’t show. I don’t see an extra ounce of weight on you. Who got you your dinner?”

  “Philip, he does most of our cooking and he’s very good at it. When we piss him off he threatens to go to another pack, but he loves us, and we’re sure he never would. He’s just testy if his food is not eaten or the house gets messy. I need to find Philip a good woman.”

  “How many wolves are here now?”

  “About twenty, they are taking turns on guard duty and if not guarding the grounds they are sleeping. They’re on twelve hour shifts and will remain on high alert until we find out what’s happening.”

  Alba finished her dinner and Amy told her she was sleeping in Marcus’ room. “I will sleep outside the door so Marcus doesn’t have to get rid of me when he returns. I like my comfort and I hope you will make me a softer bed than the carpet. I’ll show you where the extra blankets are kept.”

  “No Alba, I can’t make you sleep on the floor even with a blanket. Join me in Marcus’ bed, he won’t mind.”

  Alba laughed. “I don’t want to offend you but I could not sleep on his bed if I wanted to. It will smell like you and Marcus and what you’ve been doing in the sheets. I can smell the love making essence on you also and I prefer to sleep in the hall.”

  “Well that’s just great. If you can smell it so can the other wolves. What will they think?”

  “They’ll think Marcus got very lucky.”

  “Thanks that sure helped.” But Amy laughed.

  They left the kitchen and went through the dining room to the stairs. As they began their descent, they heard gunshots near the front door.

  In an urgent voice Alba said, “We need to get back to the kitchen, there’s a cellar and if we can get inside you’ll be safe.”

  Amy followed Alba as the wolf raced back. Just as they entered the room, a rifle stock was knocked through the glass on the back door and the door was thrown open.

  Two men entered, both with large guns. The lead man raised his rifle and Alba growled as she got between the men and Amy.

  “If you want to die wolf, keep coming.” The man said as he pointed the rifle at Alba.

  “Don’t hurt her. What do you want?” Amy said in a panicked voice.

  “Be very careful Amy, they are cats and our enemies.” This was said in Amy’s mind and she sent back a message.

  “If they wanted us dead they would have killed us as soon as they entered. They’re talking and threatening for a reason.”

  Alba turned human and faced the men.

  “Well hello Alba, I see you’ve decided to add to your pack. I guess I’ll have more children of yours to choose from when I start killing them again.”

  Alba flew through the air as she changed back to wolf. She hit the man square in the chest, but he was ready and hit her in the side of the head with his rifle. She went down and the stock of the rifle connected once more with her head.

  Amy tried to run to her, but the second man grabbed her and pulled her to a stop.

  “We heard they had a human in the house. You’re coming with us. I think you’ll make a great bargaining chip with the wolf king.

  His grip was punishing and she cried out. Alba didn’t move. Amy was so afraid. She was worried for Alba and the babies. She could see blood pooling on the floor as it came from the side of Alba’s head.

  Alba’s voice sounded faintly in her head, “I’m okay. You need to see if you can connect with Marcus. If you can achieve the link, he can save us. It’s the only chance we have. It will help that you shared blood.”

  All of this resonated in Amy’s mind with no sign of movement from Alba. It was best that the men think she was unconscious. They dragged Amy outside. She resisted and the blow to her face was sudden and brought back memories of another struggle. It rattled her brain. She realized she needed to stay alert to try and communicate with Marcus. She stopped fighting them and allowed the men to pull her toward a large vehicle that was coming up the drive. She was airborne for a moment, traveling across the back seat and hitting her head on the opposite window. Her captor slammed the door behind him after following her in. She couldn’t help reaching for the door handle closest to her but he grabbed her hands in a punishing grip and used duct tape to wrap them securely. The other man jumped in the front seat next to the driver. Amy was used to the scent of the wolves and realized these men smelled different, especially in the close confines of the car. She focused on Marcus. Her terror for herself and Alba was poured into the wave of energy she tried to send outward. She could not tell if he received her message and prayed she would see him one last time. She had no doubt these men would kill her. She read their thoughts and knew she was but an after dinner snack when her usefulness was at an end. She would be alive when the cats started eating her.

  They drove down the long d
riveway in the direction of the gate. Amy saw a wolf lying on the ground. He wasn’t moving. The vehicle gained speed and Amy continued trying to connect with Marcus.

  The man beside her laughed and turned her way.

  “Who do you belong to? Are you with one of the wolves, a wolf whore?”

  Before Amy could answer, Marcus was in the front seat with the two men. The man in the passenger seat went flying through the windshield. It happened so fast Amy could not understand how it was possible. Before the man beside her could move, his head was ripped from his body. The spray of blood covered her face. The man’s body remained next to hers and the shock she felt was nothing compared to that felt by the man driving as he tried to slow the vehicle. He knew what was coming and he suddenly turned the SUV into a tree. Amy didn’t see what happened just felt herself flying. Jagged glass bit into her face and arms as she soared through the shattered windshield, and flew past the tree. She had no time to think before she hit, but it was not the hard ground she might have expected; Marcus was beneath her.

  Amy had so much blood covering her it was impossible to tell where she was injured. She was awake and trembling, her arm throbbing. Marcus rolled over, placed her gently on the ground and went to check on the driver. Amy heard a cry of fear and then a loud cracking noise. She knew the driver’s fate. She was tuned into the rage that was all Marcus. She felt him looking around for more people to kill. His breathing was savage and his fury was gripping her mind. He stood still and tall, all vampire, lethal. His power was visible, almost a force field. His breathing finally slowed and he walked toward her; his eyes continuing their amber glow.

  Looking at him sent a thrill through her, but fear was present too. This is what he was. He spoke about himself and the wolves as animals. Seeing him this way was much different from the pictures in her mind. She moved away from him without consciously realizing it.

  His eyes softened, the amber glow fading slightly, “I’m not going to harm you. You’re hurt and I need to get you back to the house and check your injuries.”

  His voice had a calming effect and the thought of Alba snapped her out of some of her shock and fear. “We need to help Alba.” Amy explained through gasps of pain.

  “Alba’s fine she knows you’re okay too and is waiting for us. Let me pick you up and carry you.”

  Marcus leaned over her again, but Amy tried to stand without his help. It didn’t work. He had her in his arms before she could fall. At his touch all fear left her. He stood still and took a deep breath. His eyes closed. She felt his power surrounding her, she felt safe. His tight control loosened and he relaxed. After inhaling her scent again and a soft squeeze to her body, he gently carried her to the road leading back to the house. A vehicle came down the drive and stopped when it reached them. Marcus held Amy gently and got in the back seat as several wolves got out. His voice held no sympathy for the dead men, “Get rid of them and then get rid of the vehicle. I want no sign they were ever here.”

  “Oh God,” Amy said as she began to cry, “They’re going to eat them. They can’t.”

  Marcus again softened his voice before replying, “I’m aware you’re upset, but we live a different life than humans. Don’t think about them, they deserve their fate. Hold yourself together so we can see what damage was done to you.” His finger wiped at the tears trailing down her face.

  Her teeth were clenched and she took a deep breath, “I think my arm is broken. I’m not sure. It hurts and I think I need stitches too. I have cuts, but they’re not life threatening. You’re sure Alba and the babies are okay.” Strength was returning to her voice.

  “I’m positive, but after this is sorted out she has some explaining to do. When I took care of the problem in the car, I mentally checked on Alba because she was not with you. She told me she was okay and was thankful you had reached me. How would she know you could do that? You shouldn’t have been able to.” He stated this into her mind, his voice soft but firm.

  She didn’t answer his question. She was just beginning to process everything that had happened. Marcus tore a man’s head from his body. She had never seen fury like that in anyone’s eyes before. As bad as it was, Amy realized she needed to compartmentalize what occurred and examine it later. She also had to get her shaking body under control.