Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 39

  Chapter 31

  Another week passed before they started preparations for the babies’ naming ceremony. The other wolf clans in the U.S. would send envoys and there was a lot of work to do. It was important for Marcus to show the strength of his clan as well as build trust among his allies. Dealing with different packs was always walking a fine line in diplomacy. The other clans had heard about his recent problems with the pride queen and expected to learn the latest news while attending the celebration. Marcus’ clan was the largest in the U.S. and his fight could be theirs too.

  Amy was given free rein in the party preparations and she had a blast. She had never thrown a party and had no idea how much fun it would be. Alba grumbled but went along. She was feeling better and more like her old self, which meant she was standoffish and cranky with almost everyone but Marcus, Amy and Ivan.

  It was obvious Alba had forgiven Ivan. He was never seen far from her side and Alba did very little growling when he was around regardless of which form she took. Ivan had taken her out for a few runs since the babies were born and Alba always appeared more relaxed when she returned.

  Marcus told Amy about Alba’s battling days. He explained she was fierce and few wanted to tangle with her. She had a lethal reputation even in the male dominated wolf world. Marcus said Amy was lucky to see Alba in “mommy” mode. Most of the pack only knew her as a warrior and they stayed out of her way as much as possible. Whereas Ivan was close to all the wolves, Alba had few friends though she was respected.

  Guests were arriving at last and the rooms in the ranch house began to fill. Marcus believed there was little chance of an attack while the clans were together, but he didn’t let up on security.

  Each clan was represented by ten members along with their Alpha. A naming ceremony was the only time the Alphas were together at one time. It was in their nature to fight and it was trying for them to be around each other for long. Ivan’s older two sons, Columbus and Duncan, were beginning to show the strain. They both had strong Alpha tendencies and it took their father, the Alpha, to keep them in line. They made themselves scarce until the actual naming ceremony began. The vampire to each clan did not come. This practice was adhered to in order to lessen the threat of a clan takeover. The wars from centuries ago were not forgotten and the clan alliance stayed strong through rules that kept infighting to a minimum.

  Amy liked all the wolves she met. Most were a little more uncivilized than Marcus’ wolves but they were kind to her. Marcus made it well known she was off limits. He also kept her close to his side.

  Nicolas was the Alpha of the northern clan. He was good looking and had an unhealthy sense of humor where Amy was concerned. He was constantly kissing her hand and holding her arm if he was given a chance. He knew he was playing with fire, but he liked to rile Marcus. Amy wondered how such a fun loving guy had ever become Alpha until she saw the reason for herself.

  One of the west coast wolves didn’t just get a little touchy feely, he actually pulled Amy into his arms while Marcus was in another room. Nicolas had the other man by the throat before Amy even knew what was happening. The alpha’s flash of teethe put instant fear into the brash wolf’s heart. Nicolas removed the man from the room before Marcus entered. Amy never saw the other wolf again. She asked Marcus if he was dead. He assured her the wolf was fine, but was young and didn’t think before acting so some discipline was deserved. Amy was relieved but she had seen what made Nicolas a true leader and hoped he never wanted Ivan’s pack. If Nicolas won the fight Marcus would kill him and Amy kind of liked the fun loving wolf.

  Brandt was the Alpha of the western pack. He was more subdued than Nicolas but no less friendly. Both he and Nicolas were unmarried. This bothered Amy because she now felt everyone needed a special someone to be complete. She tried to get Nicolas interested in Mary and he seemed to like the idea, but Mary turned him away. Amy knew Mary still loved Marcus. She wanted Mary happy with another man. Having her happy and hundreds of miles away would be a bonus.

  The evening of the ceremony arrived and the clans met at the pit. Marcus explained the ritual to Amy and she wasn’t happy. She watched what was to happen with the killing eyes of a she-wolf protecting her own cubs.

  The three Alphas and Marcus stood in the bottom of the pit. The cubs were carried down by Alba and passed from her arms to their fathers.

  Marcus spoke, “This is our next generation. They will be strong and powerful like the Clans of yesterday. They will maintain the peace needed for us to survive in the world today. They will make strong warriors. We will protect them with our lives and when they are of age they will give their lives protecting us as their brothers did before them.” Marcus took Sierra from her father’s arms and held her up. “I name you Sierra, for it is a strong name.” Marcus handed the wolf cub back to her father and then took Roland and held him up. I name you Roland, for it is a strong name.” The cheers were deafening.

  Before Ivan handed Sierra to Nicolas, so he could take Roland, his teeth bit into Sierra. She yelped and began to struggle. Ivan then placed her in Nicolas’ arms and he did the same while Ivan took Roland and marked him. The three Alphas all drew blood.

  The only reason Amy wasn’t tearing into them was that Alba was holding onto her. “Shhh Amy, it is part of being Wolf. These bites bring the clans together and we will always protect what is linked by blood. The babies will heal and this is important to their future safety and the security of the alliance.”

  Amy still had trouble understanding why pain helped to bring the clans together and just wanted to have the babies in her arms. She now understood what Marcus meant when he told her the wolves were his family. Amy felt that Roland and Sierra were hers.

  The ceremony was finally over and they went back to the ranch to celebrate. It took a while for Amy to calm down, but finally she relaxed and enjoyed herself. She made sure she was holding the babies if Alba, Ivan or Marcus were not. She made a low sound in her throat when a female from one of the other clans tried to take one of the pups out of her arms. The woman lowered her eyes and walked away.

  “You growled.” Marcus said with a laugh.

  Amy smiled at him and said, “It worked, she won’t try and touch my babies again.”

  Marcus just sighed. Alba smiled at him from across the room. Marcus realized he had never seen Alba attach herself to anyone as she had to Amy. It was almost puzzling. He wasn’t even sure where Amy’s mothering instincts came from. She claimed she never wanted children, but Marcus could see she would be a great mother.

  Alba approached and when she got to his side whispered, “Don’t worry Marcus, Amy is the one for you. Stop procrastinating and make her yours.”

  “I know and it will be soon. I don’t think we have much longer to wait for Victoria’s revenge. I want Amy as safe as she can be and remaining human will get her killed.”

  “Yes it’s time.” With that Alba walked away.

  The following day everyone began leaving. Marcus did not see them out, that was left to Amy, Alba and Ivan. Alba held the pups close. Nicolas drew Amy into his arms even as Ivan growled. Nicolas gently kissed her on the forehead and then released her.

  “You are special Amy. We have been awaiting you for a long time.” Nicolas then gave a long look at Alba. She returned his gaze and nodded her head. With that, Nicolas turned, walked out the door and got into the vehicle that was waiting for him.

  “He has the sight and we don’t argue with him.” Brandt said, “Nicolas is taken with you for some reason and if he saw you in the future then you are part of the clans. I wish you blessings.” Brandt then kissed the back of Amy’s hand and departed.

  After the cars drove away, Amy asked Ivan about “the sight” Brandt had mentioned. Ivan seemed disturbed, but said that Nicolas saw into the future. It was one of the things that made his clan strong and dangerous.

  “Marcus brought the clans together more than one hundred years ago. It’s part of what has kept us from wars. We are stronger as a w
hole and Marcus could see that. It wasn’t easy, but he managed it. The European clans are finally starting to figure out what we have recognized in America for a long time and they are now forming alliances. If we stick together it will be hard for other beastkind to take over or harm us.”

  Amy sensed Nicolas’ words were bothering Ivan. She tried to ask him about it but he, as troubled as he seemed, said he needed to check on the property. He walked out of the room. Alba left to feed the babies.

  Amy felt a foreboding but she wasn’t sure why. When the sun began to go down she went to Marcus’ room. It was dark inside and Amy approached the bed. Marcus gently took her hand and pulled her up with him. He had her clothes off in seconds.

  “I love you.” Amy said.

  “That’s why I’m no longer waiting.” With that Marcus’ teeth entered Amy’s neck.

  She could feel herself getting lethargic as Marcus continued drawing her blood into his mouth. He usually did not take so much, but Amy was past caring. She began to lose consciousness and gently rubbed Marcus’ back, but before she drifted away she again whispered, “I love you.”

  Marcus had known it was time. He was tired of worrying and dwelling on it. Amy was his and she would spend eternity with him. When she drew her last breath, Marcus bit his own wrist and held it to her mouth. He bit deep and she soon latched onto his arm and took in his life-giving blood. When he finally made her stop she looked at him with confused eyes. “Sleep,” he told her. Blue eyes slowly faded out.

  Marcus had planned on staying with Amy throughout the night but his wolves on security detail informed him of a problem. Marcus immediately knew it was Victoria and that Amy was in trouble. She was not ready to fight and needed more time to come into her strength.

  Marcus called Alba to the room as he picked her up. He was taking her to the cellar and wanted Alba and the babies safe too.

  Alba entered the bedroom holding the pups. She was surprised to see Amy in Marcus’ arms. She realized what had happened and followed Marcus as he quickly left the room.

  “I sent Ivan to see what we are up against, but I want you and Amy safe. I know you want to fight but you need to protect your children and Amy.”

  “I will remain with her and the babies. Don’t worry.” Alba was in warrior mode and Marcus knew she could keep them safe if anyone could.

  Alba always fought by Marcus’ side. He was glad she was not arguing with him as he got all of them into the cellar. Amy did not regain consciousness and he was sorry he had not changed her weeks ago. His lack of foresight might very well mean her life.

  Alba bolted the door from the inside. The cellar could hold out against many things including fire. It held enough food and water for a month and could comfortably house twenty people. It had a bathroom which Alba insisted on when it was built. Men rarely thought past food and sex.

  Large pillows were spread around on the floor and Alba gently put the babies down. They snuggled together with no idea of the battle being waged. Alba checked on Amy’s condition, then took her hand and held it as the night passed and the babies slept on.

  Amy never saw the sadness in Alba’s eyes or the tears that fell down her cheeks.