Read Fang Chronicles: Amy's Story Page 40

  Chapter 32

  A few hours later, a loud knock sounded, on the door, at the top of the stairs. Mary was crying on the other side. Alba released Amy’s hand and raced up the stairs. When she threw open the door she could see tears on Mary’s face. Alba placed her hand on Mary’s shoulder and then stopped. She could smell the cats on her.

  “What have you done?”

  Tossed backwards down the stairs, Alba was unable to stop herself from falling. The cats poured into the cellar. Victoria entered and stood glaring down at Alba as she laughed. She looked at Amy and the babies; then gestured to her cats to leave the cellar. “They’re mine. I don’t need help to finish this.” Her gaze met Alba’s with terrifying directness. “Oh Alba, more children for me; I thought the pain of losing the other two would keep you from wanting to suffer more.”

  Alba was injured, but she started crawling to her children.

  Mary spoke, “What do you want with them? I thought it was Amy you wanted to kill.” She looked desperate and wanted Victoria away from the babies.

  Victoria sniffed the air. “He’s made her vampire,” she hissed as she turned toward Amy.

  Mary got out of her way as Victoria went to Amy, picked her up, and threw her across the room. Amy was still unconscious and didn’t react or seem aware as she crashed against the wall.

  Alba leapt at Victoria and Mary ran to the babies. She gathered them into her arms and ran up the steps as fast as she could go. Alba knew Mary would not hurt the pups, but it was almost impossible to resist the impulse to follow.

  Victoria turned on Alba. “I never had a problem with you Alba, you could have come with me when I left, but you chose Marcus. You and your offspring will die; the older and the younger.”

  “I didn’t go with you because Marcus is a better leader and you’re insane. Marcus loved you and would have done anything for you.” Alba had Victoria’s back to Amy and she saw Amy make a subtle move. It wasn’t much but it gave her hope.

  “If Marcus loved me he wouldn’t have turned me, he would have let me go. I will be damned forever because of him.” Raw deadly emotion could be heard in Victoria’s voice.

  “No, you are damned forever because of you. You wanted to change and live for eternity, but wanted someone else to blame. Your soul is damned, but it has nothing to do with being vampire, it has to do with being evil.”

  Amy came to with a soft groan. The world around her was different, even in the low light of the cellar she could see and hear with amazing clarity. It took her only moments to realize what was happening. Alba was fighting Victoria. Amy tried to push to her feet. It took too long, just minutes but minutes Alba didn’t have. Amy focused everything she had on saving her family’s lives.

  Victoria flew at the wolf. Alba knew Victoria would kill her and fought with everything she had. Her blood covered the floor and walls when finally she had no fight left. Victoria stood up straight and let out a lion’s roar. She was covered in blood too, most of it Alba’s. As she went for the final death blow she was attacked from behind.

  Amy was on her. The fight was now between two vampires. Victoria was stronger but Amy had more to fight for. She knew Alba was dying and she was her only hope. She had no idea where the babies were, but she was fighting for them too.

  Taken off guard by the attack, Victoria was already in a fighting frenzy and surprised or not, more blood was just what she needed. She had never killed another vampire and it only added to the reasons she wanted Amy dead. Marcus would be next, but before he died he would know Victoria killed the woman he now loved.

  The fight was bloody. Despite Amy’s new strength, she knew she was losing. With a last surge of fury, she pushed Victoria back with everything she had. Victoria stumbled and tripped over a pillow, landing on her back.

  Meanwhile Alba had struggled to her feet. She lifted an ax that was against the wall and made a near deathblow. The ax hit its mark but Victoria was not completely out and leapt to her feet grabbing Alba in retaliation. Amy heard the crunch of bone before Alba and Victoria both fell. Notwithstanding her serious injuries, Amy strived to reach the battling women. With a last burst of strength, she picked up the ax and finished what Alba had started. Amy felt no remorse, separating Victoria’s head from her body was the only way she could know for sure that Victoria was dead and her death meant safety.

  Amy put down the ax and ran to Alba’s side. She was barely breathing, but she managed to take Amy’s hand. “I can save you.” Amy was crying.

  “No you can’t. I knew this was coming. You must save my babies. They are yours and you will soon be their only mother.”

  “No, no, you will be there for them. They need you. I need you.” Amy was sobbing desperately now.

  “Shhh Amy, it is my time to go. Tell Ivan I love him and will one day see him again. He has a long journey before him and it is not his time. Tell him you will care for the babies, but most of all tell him I love him.” Alba’s words grew softer with every breath. “Now it is time for you to find my children and kill Mary. She betrayed us.”

  Amy did not think Alba would take another breath but she did, “You must save the cat. You must.” This was said with Alba’s last breath.

  Amy screamed with everything she had. She wasn’t thinking of anything but death and killing every cat that had ever lived. She was up the stairs and on Mary’s scent trail before she consciously processed that Alba was gone forever. She found Mary on the third floor in a back bedroom of the house. She was petrified and held tightly to the struggling pups.

  “Let them go. If you hurt them I will kill you.” This was said with as much restraint as Amy possessed. She only had one thought and that was to kill Mary, but Amy knew the babies had to be safe.

  Mary began inching to the door, holding tightly to the small pups. “You will kill me anyway.” her terror was evident.

  “No I won’t. I give you my promise I will let you live if you hand the babies over to me.”

  Mary realized she had no choice. She tossed the babies to Amy and turned to run down the stairs. Marcus was there. He grabbed Mary by the neck and twisted. Mary had no time to realize she was going to die before he wrenched her head from her body and dropped her to the floor.

  “I promised I wouldn’t kill her.” Amy said with large eyes full of rage.

  “Yes, but I did not and she would not have survived Ivan if she got past me.” Marcus said as he approached. He was careful. Amy had a tight grip on the babies and they were obviously stressed. Marcus knew she was in a state of bloodlust and she had to feed. He was afraid she might harm the babies with her new strength and then she could never live with herself.

  “Give Sierra and Roland to me, you need to feed and I will get one of the wolves in here. Just hand the babies to me and I will see that they’re safe.” Marcus was speaking softly.

  “I would never harm the babies. Alba is dead. I am the only mother they have now.”

  “I know, but Amy, you are newly changed and you could harm them by accident. You don’t yet know your strength or understand your need for blood. Let me help. I love you.”

  Amy was suddenly afraid of her unknown powers and handed the babies over. She sat on the floor, placed her head in her hands and began to cry. “Please don’t take them out of here. I need to have them close. Please Marcus, I would never hurt them.”

  Marcus was able to hand the babies to Columbus who had entered the room. Columbus sat on the bed and gently soothed his brother and sister. Philip entered the room as Marcus pulled Amy into his arms. “No one will harm the pups and we will keep them where you can see them. I promise.”

  Philip walked over to Marcus and Amy.

  “Amy you need to feed from Philip. I will help you.”

  “I’m afraid I might kill him. I want blood and I don’t think enough exists in the entire world to fill me.”

  “That’s normal and I won’t let you harm any of our wolves. They will feed you and you will complete their circle of life.” Ma
rcus said this as he placed Amy on her feet. She was faster than even he thought possible and was instantly feeding from Philip.

  After what seemed like only moments, Marcus stopped her, and Philip took over the care of the babies. As Columbus approached, she looked up at him and began crying softly. “I tried to save her, but it was too late. She saved me instead. I’m so sorry.”

  Columbus had tears in his eyes, but held his arm out to Amy. “You saved my brother and sister. Now feed.”

  Amy cried as she drank the blood Columbus offered. Marcus didn’t need to make her stop this time. Amy had some control now that she had blood in her system.

  “I feel so tired Marcus. May I please hold the babies before I fall asleep?”

  Marcus pulled her into his arms again and swept her off her feet. “Philip, follow us to our room.” Marcus walked quickly out the door and down the flight of stairs to the second floor that led to their bedroom. He put Amy on the bed and took the babies from Philip. Marcus turned to Columbus who had followed, “Go to your father. Thank you for your help, but your father needs you more.”

  Marcus placed the babies in Amy’s arms. They settled down immediately and Amy fell asleep. Marcus watched over them for the next hour. He received updates from all his wolves except Ivan.

  During the attack, Marcus had returned to the cellar to check on Amy and Alba. When he found Victoria and Alba dead, Marcus let out a roar to his wolves that sounded for miles as he called them back to the house. He told Ivan to get to the cellar immediately then went in search of Amy and the babies. He didn’t yet know about Mary’s betrayal. He heard Amy’s words to her as he reached the stairs. The death he gave Mary was far better than she deserved and far easier than she would have received from the pack. They would have eaten her alive. It was the ultimate punishment for pack betrayal.

  Marcus could not feel Ivan’s grief which meant Ivan was shutting him out. He could not yet leave Amy’s side, but needed to know Ivan was alive. Marcus called to him but he received no reply. Marcus called Yvette to the room. “Take the babies and find them food.” He said as he took them out of Amy’s arms and handed them over. Don’t bring them back to the room unless I’m here.”

  Yvette understood and took Sierra and Roland away. Marcus stretched out beside Amy and gathered her into his arms. He couldn’t believe she survived and gave thanks to God that she was safe. He knew he couldn’t live without her and he wondered how Ivan would cope. His own grief was overwhelming and he didn’t think he could manage without Alba. She was by his side from the beginning, his warrior and friend.

  When Amy gained consciousness he had another of his wolves come in and feed her. When she was done she asked for the babies, but before Marcus could have them brought to the room Amy was asleep again. This time Marcus went in search of Ivan and had another of his wolves stay with Amy.