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  Far Out!


  Isaac Lasley

  Far Out!

  Isaac Lasley

  Copyright © 2012, Isaac Lasley

  All Rights Reserved.

  ISBN: 9781301627004

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  In a galaxy further into the universe than humanity can see is a beautiful planet with many life forms that exist almost exactly like the earth. This great planet, called fearth, has life forms similar to that of the earth. The planet is ruled by the dominant species similar to humans, called the fumans. They look and act similar to humans on many different levels.

  The fuman population lives with many technologies that compare to humans like television, furniture, and electricity. Although, the fuman populations around their planet, known as fearth, do not use large crop fields, grocery stores, or many retail stores. The key factor in the fuman population is unified physics and the technologies that helped to bring a kind of peace to their planet that now knows no hunger ever again. They are also clothed and sheltered by communities and as a part of fumanity.

  The fearth military was also united through unified physics and the understanding that all of fumanity, as well as everything in the universe are composed of positive and negative electromagnetic energy. As a result of this understanding, they have the most powerful weapons in their region of the universe. They do not possess these weapons to fight each other on fearth, but to defend against possible invasion. While unlikely, there is still the possibility of extraterrestrial invasion for which they are prepared, if interstellar diplomacy does not work.

  Replicators have helped all of fumanity by ending the need for grocery stores, plumbing pipelines, and most retail stores. City markets with fresh produce and goods are still used regularly though. Teletransportation units around their cities and planet have made most planetary vehicles obsolete. Disintegrators help fumanity to end the need for home waste pick up, recycling, and liquid plumbing drains. All of fumanity smells much better around the planet as there are no longer any garbage landfills. Home gardens do exist at four out of five homes on fearth, since fresh vegetables are best to be scanned and then replicated at a later time.

  Jack lives in a capital city of Springton and works as a police officer in the nearby metropolis of Chingo. He has a wife, Betty, and three kids; John who is fourteen, Peter who is twelve, and Eve who is nine. He owns a nice four bedroom three bathroom house in a nice neighborhood just at the edge of town where his family lives. His family, like all, also has an in house replicator that is used to scan and replicate nearly anything up to a certain size, especially well made meals and clothing. His kids get to and from school everyday through the neighborhood teletransportation unit.

  Jack goes to work every day by walking to the neighborhood teletransportation unit, punching in his code for a transport unit near the Chingo police station, and walking in to come out of the destination unit. He never has to take lunch to work since replicators are readily available in the break room for food and drinks. He also never needs to threaten lethal force against those who may try to violate the law or become violent since he has many nonlethal weapons that immediately disable offenders. Although, Jack’s job can still be hard as people continually have problems and need help from law enforcement officials on some level to solve them.

  “Good morning Honey”, Betty said softly as she used a cup of coffee to awaken me. “What time is it?” I said in a groggy tone. “It is time for you to get up, take the kids to the school transport, and go to work. You shouldn’t stay up so late, then you could get up earlier without being so groggy.” she said in a feisty way. I got out of bed, grabbed my cup of coffee to drink, and then I jumped in the shower to get cleaned up before work. When I got downstairs John, Peter, and Eve were almost finished with their bacon, eggs, and toast breakfasts. They usually always insist on having their eggs made differently as John had three scrambled, Peter had two over medium, and Eve had two poached. It is amazing how different and similar my kids can be as they all wanted some eggs, just made differently. All I wanted was some toast, a look at the morning news, and had another cup of coffee before I saw the kids off to school, stopped by my morning cafe, and headed to work.

  The neighborhood teletransportation unit is only a block away from our house. It is nice since it has the standard digital map that we can use to locate the point B transport unit. It is also nice that every school has a couple teletransportation units so the kids always get to class and back home on time. All I need to do is make sure they go to the right school. John, Peter, and Eve all know how to use the digital map and units themselves, but I am there to make sure that they go to class. I usually trust them to get to school by themselves, but earlier this semester I caught John cutting class with some of his friends to go see a movie that just came out, so now I escort them all to the teletransporter unit.

  After I sent them all through the teletransporter I went through to Shirley’s Cafe which is in Chingo near my police station. Only fresh brewed coffees are replicated there. The waitresses Barb and Sue or Patty are usually always friendly and talkative along with the regulars. The regulars; Don, Jim, Tiffany, Jane, and Tom, were there on most days and ready for a laugh or debates about the morning news. Most of the time I would usually get a coffee to go, but sometimes I would stay for a breakfast usually of sausage, eggs, and cheese on toast with a couple cups of juice with my coffee.

  Today Tom, Jane, and Don were sitting at the bar when I got there, with Barb and Patty working the replicators and serving the customers. As I walked in Don spotted me with his morning paper in hand, “Hey Jack, did you hear about the guy who went to prison for disintegrating his wife?” “Yes! I helped to get the incriminating evidence against him including the kids’ testimony and her electromagnetic signature from the place in the house where she was disintegrated.” I said. Don came back with, “Then why were you not there yesterday when he was sentenced.” To which I replied, “I did not need to be there for that.” He said, “Okay, but he was only sentenced to thirty years.” To which I replied sharply, but with a smile, “Yep that is exactly what he needed. I will see you later.” Then I left for work with my coffee in hand.

  As I walked into the police station and up to my desk I saw my partner, “Hey Jim!” “Hey Jack! Did the captain tell you about our next case yet?” he asked. I replied, “No, I have not seen the captain today.” To which he said, “It looks like we are going to start a new case today.” “Great! I will meet you in the captain’s office after I use the restroom.” I said. Using the restroom is great and easy with replicators at the head of faucets to produce water in sinks and soap from the dispensers, as well as having disintegrators at the base of the toilets and sink drains so no long distance plumbing is needed. I sat down and did my business while I imagined what my next case could be. I have handled disintegrated deaths, family problems, business disputes, lawsuit investigations, assault/battery cases, as well as public intoxication problems. I knew my next case could be any of those types of problems or something else.

  When I got to Captain Louis Fire’s office Jim was already sitting there waiting for him, so I sat down and joined him. Captain Fire came in right after I sat down, shut the door, and sat down behind his desk. He looked at both of us and said, “Have you heard of our state Senator Burney Sanders?” To which we both replied, “Yes.” Then the capta
in said, “Well it seems that the Senator has been sleeping around on his wife by using call girl services and by having multiple affairs with private secretaries. Now his wife is divorcing him and suing him for breach of marriage contract. As a result you are both now assigned to make a record of the Senator’s follies.” I replied, “Why are we being assigned this casework that seems more like the job of a private investigator?” Captain Fire said, “Laws were broken by the Senator, including, but not limited to breach of contract, as well as likely physical abuse, possible assault and battery of multiple women.” Then Jim said, “Okay! Let us get to it Jack, we have work to do.” The captain handed me the file and then we went to our desks that are set up to face each other to begin our work on the case, classified as, “Senator Sanders’ Abuse.”

  “We should obviously start by making a list of people to interview regarding the possible laws that were broken. We can begin with all the women noted in the case file and then interview the Senator’s wife. I see we have Brandi from “Bikini Babes” call girls, Jenni from “Happy