Read Far Out! Page 2

Hook Ups” call girls, Luci from “Jerry’s Ladies” call girls, and Robin from “Great Gals” call girls to start our interviews.” I noted. “Well we also have April and Julie who both have orders of protection against the Senator. There is also Susan who was a former secretary who stopped working in his office after multiple advances were made towards her during her time there.” Jim replied.

  “Well we certainly do have quite a list of working women. These are going to be some interesting interviews.” I said sarcastically. “Yeah, but we need to bring up charges against the Senator or close the case with a report.” Jim replied. We left the station with our list of possible witnesses and their addresses in our planetary vehicle. It is great getting around to anywhere on the planet these days in almost a blink of an eye’s time using these vehicles with their global navigational systems.

  We started by going to interview Brandi at her apartment. When we got there it was clear that she lived in a low class area of Chingo. She answered her door in a bathrobe, but let us in, gave us each a cup of coffee, and went to put on some clothes. Brandi came out of her room, sat down, and began to tell us what made her experiences with Senator Sanders so terrible compared to other escort jobs. She told us, “I agreed to play the role of the Senator’s sex slave and be tied up. The Senator then began to do more than we agreed to after I was tied up. He used hot candle wax, iced toys, cat of nine tail whips, chains, and a couple of other painful sadomasochist techniques all while he was wearing his black leather hooded mask getup. I was terrified during some of the Senator’s antics while he inflicted the pains of the whips I felt, but especially after he put a pillow case over my head. I did only have the bag on my head for about three hours though. I have the flesh scars around my abdomen and back to prove it.”

  “How many times were you set up with Senator Sanders?” I asked. “Just the one time, but that was a long night and day; tied up, beat, and ravaged all ways! Then I was untied, I was fed well and put in a paid cab ride to go home, and I never went back again. A part of his basement is like a prison with crazy sex toys.” Brandi replied. Jim asked her, “Do you have anything else to add to your statement?” She shook her head and said, “No.” “Okay, then you have a good day.” I said to her as my partner and I left her apartment.

  “What do you think?” Jim asked me as we got back to our vehicle. “I think she was telling the truth, but we still have a lot of work to do. Those scars sure looked nasty, but I don’t know if they came from a whip. It could have been a yard rake that made those marks for all we know.” I replied sharply. “So, we need to continue on to the next call girl on the list and continue our investigation.” I continued. “Yeah, we should see what Luci has to say!” Jim responded. I told him, “We will be there in a moment to check if her statement corroborates with Brandi’s story.”

  Luci lives in a nicer area of Chingo since she comes from a privileged family background. She lives in a large one story house with a furnished basement. When Jim and I got there she answered her door with a bit of surprise, but she invited us in so she could make a statement. Luci sat down with us and began to tell us about her painful experience with the Senator. She started by saying, “He met with me at a restaurant where we had a couple of drinks. After that we went back to his place for a couple more drinks at his home bar in the basement. We shot some pool and I think he slipped something in my third drink because I must have passed out. The next thing that I remember is waking up with a ball gag in my mouth, as well as having each of my hands and feet tied up, lying on my stomach over a rail road tie like block.”

  “Did he beat you?” I asked in a low tone. “No, he just came in, with a weird leather hood over his head, and ravaged me various ways every couple of hours that I was tied to the block. Then it was strange after I was untied, I was given the meal of my choice, and then put me in a paid cab ride home. After that I made sure that I was never going to be put together through my work with him again!” Luci admitted gingerly.

  As my partner and I were walking towards our vehicle we looked at each other with disgust as we could tell a pattern was beginning to show with these reports of abuse. After we got in I said, “I’ll bet the next interviews are all about the same in that the Senator tortured these women during some type of sexual power trip. We can probably handle the other interviews over the phone.” So we went back to the station and each started to interview these ladies, as I interviewed the call girls Jennie and Robin, while Jim interviewed April, Julie, and the ex-secretary Susan. By the time we were done with our phone interviews we had some disgusted looks on our faces.

  I said, “The call girls Jenni and Robin were also abused by being tied up and violated. They sound like good witnesses, even though Robin is a bit long winded with her explanations.” “And these ladies April, Julie, and Susan were all sexually harassed but not physically abused and intercourse never took place with any of them either. Of course they all want to be witnesses to help put the senator away, but I don’t think that will happen.” Jim said. To which I responded, “It does still establish a pattern of behavior! Let’s call it a day and interview the senator’s wife tomorrow.” “Yeah, let’s go to the bar for a little bit to blow of some steam.” Jim suggested.

  There is a bar we go to occasionally that is a few blocks away from the police station in the opposite direction of the coffee shop. We sat down at Jimmy’s Bar and Grill, I got a cup of tea and some herb to smoke, while Jim got a big coffee and a couple of lines of powder. While I rolled up my herb in a paper Jim snorted his lines of powder. “I feel awake now!” Jim said wide eyed. “I’ll bet you do.” I said as I lit my smoke. “How do you think we are going to do with the senator’s wife tomorrow?” I continued. Jim replied, “I’ll bet her story will be just like the call girls, but probably worse.” “I think that you are probably right Jim, the same, but more of it. I am definitely feeling more relaxed now and am about ready to go home to have some dinner with my family. I will see you tomorrow Jim.” I said as I was leaving. “Okay, have a good evening, I’ll see you tomorrow Jack.” Jim said as he chugged his coffee.

  I saved half of my smoke for later this evening before bed by putting it in my wallet as I left the bar. I went to the nearest teletransportation unit, which was a few blocks away, to get to the unit closest to home. At the teletransporter unit I noted the destination and went through as usual. Then I walked home from neighborhood teletransportation unit. “Hi Kids!” I said as I came in the front door. Peter and Eve were up and ready to greet me when I came in the house. I said, “Happy to see you both. Where is your big brother John hiding?” “He is upstairs trying to get his homework done before dinner so he can go out with a couple of his friends tonight.” Peter said. “Okay. Are you both about ready for dinner?” I asked. “Yeah!” they both replied excitedly. I told them, “Then go get your brother and I will ask Mom to make us some dinner.” I walked into the kitchen and Betty greeted me with a kiss, “How are you Honey?” I asked her, “I am okay babe. What is for dinner?””

  “We are having frog legs, potato salad, corn, and slaw. Would you set the table sweetheart?” Betty asked. “Certainly, I love the way you dial that replicator to fix our meals.” I exclaimed. Then the kids came in and I said, “Hey kids why don’t you help me set the table!” They did and we were all ready to say a prayer before dinner. Then Betty served us all with a smile. “So John did you get your homework done?” I asked. “Not yet, but I will have it done shortly after dinner so I can go over to my friend’s house.” he said with a smile. “How are you doing in school Eve?” I asked. “Good!” she said as she ate her food. Then Peter interjected, “Before you ask Dad, I am doing fine in school too.” “Okay, I hope so.” I responded.

  After dinner we all sat back and watched a basketball g
ame then went to bed. Basketball is great fun to watch now since the rim has been raised as a result of the super lift shoes that the players now have. When the family made it to bed I went out front to smoke the rest of my herbal cigarette, as I sat there I thought about all of the abuse those women told me about earlier today.

  When I got up in the morning it was the same as usual. The kids were all eating at the table when I came downstairs after getting cleaned up. I got my coffee and toast, and then sat down with my newspaper to start my day. There were no big articles in the paper today just the same old politics. I sent the kids off to school, and then went to work after I got a black coffee from the cafe on my way there.

  I sat down at station, looked across my desk and said, “What do you think Jim, is today’s interview going to be like the call girls or the sexually harassed women yesterday?” To which he replied, “We won’t know till we find out, but that senator is pretty wild!” “Yeah, let’s get going to the Senator’s home to interview his wife, Hollie.” I said as we got up to go to our planetary