Read Far Out! Page 3

vehicle. After we got out of the parking garage I typed the address into the navigational system and we were there in a blink of an eye.

  It was definitely a beautiful house in a nice neighborhood. Hollie came out to answer the door as we were walking up to the house. “Hey officers, I was hoping you would get here soon. My husband should not be around any time soon. Please come in and sit down. Can I get you something to drink?” “Yeah, I will have a cup of tea.” I said. Jim said, “I will have some water. Thank You.”

  We sat down, as it took her a couple of minutes to replicate the tea and water. She sat down with us after she handed us our drinks. Then she started to tell us her story, “I began dating Burney many years ago when he was just an attorney. He wasn’t in to that crazy sex stuff back then. He started with that crap about ten years into our marriage after he found out that another senator and a couple congressmen were doing it. He enjoys his power trips.” “So, Mrs. Sanders what did he do to you and what do you hope to accomplish by our making these reports?” I asked.

  “On multiple occasions he tied me up and gagged me. Sometimes he would try other strange torture techniques like sensory deprivation by leaving me tied up for hours in the dark. He also beat me with whips and chains. While I am happy to say that he has not done any of those things to me for years those are some of the main reasons that I am divorcing him so I want it to be noted in court, as well as him cheating on me.” Hollie answered.

  “That sounds terrible Mrs. Sanders, but what do you expect us to do about it?” I asked. “I want your report to use at my divorce hearing!” she said with a snarl. “Okay, we will see what we can do Mrs. Sanders and get back to you soon.” Jim said as we were leaving. We both decided to go to lunch before going back to the station.

  We agreed on burritos, enchiladas, and nachos with cheese at Fred’s restaurant. After we sat down and ordered I asked Jim, “What did you think of Mrs. Sanders and her stories?” “Well Jack her stories sounded like a mix of the witnesses with more intense torture.” he replied. “I agree, but out of all of these noted stories of abuse can any of them be used against the senator in divorce court?” I wondered. “I guess we will have to wait until we read the prenuptial agreement!” Jim exclaimed with a smile.

  When we got back to the station I looked up Senator Sanders’ record and prenuptial agreement to see just how much of this evidence could be used against him in divorce court. All of the previous cases against him were settled out of court if at all since many of them were call girl cases, but none of the cases actually got to court. So, I read the ten page prenuptial agreement. As a result I realized that Mrs. Sanders could not use any of the evidence that Jim and I had collected during her divorce trial. It was the line in the document, “Any malicious sexual acts with any partner before or during our marriage may not be used against Burney Sanders in the event of divorce.” That made Mrs. Sanders case fall to pieces.

  I said, “Hey Jim, what political piece of trash gets to cheat on and torture his wife, but made sure that he would never be penalized in divorce court for doing so?” He grinned and replied, “Well Jack, that has to be our Senator Sanders. I found out that this divorce has been coming for a while since the senator has had a divorce attorney for nearly a year now. I guess Mrs. Sanders wasn’t the only one who was preparing for divorce. The problem is that Mrs. Sanders won’t sign the divorce papers since she is not happy with the settlement.” “So that is why she is trying to get us to find something on him that she can use in court. I wonder why the captain put us on this dead end case.” I replied.

  We both went to the captain’s office and I said, “Captain Fire, why were my partner and I put on this dead end case that has no legal merit at this time?” The captain looked up at us and said, “Shut the door and sit down.” So we did and then the captain said, “I had you investigate Senator Sanders as a favor to the senator in an effort to get Mrs. Sanders to realize that she has nothing more to add to her divorce case since the prenuptial agreement was in place. You have done that so, now all you need to do is present your findings to Mrs. Sanders to help her get it through her thick skull that she has no more leverage in the divorce case so she should settle ASAP.”

  Jim looked at the captain and said, “Sir don’t we have better things to do than get some senile woman to accept her divorce? I mean even if her husband is a senator.” “The senator has helped us in the past to get crooked politicians so we are trying to help him make his life a little easier outside of his political objectives. So, tomorrow I want you both to present your findings to and try to get Mrs. Sanders to accept the fact that there is nothing more she can do in divorce court but sign the papers to finalize the divorce!” the captain replied. “Okay captain.” Jim and I said as we were leaving the office.

  We sat down at our desks and shared a look of disgust as I said, “It is amazing what our political leaders can get away with.” To which Jim replied, “Yes it is, and it is amazing what some women are capable of when they are faced with divorce.” I agreed, “Yes it is. I think we should wait until tomorrow to present our so called evidence and case to Mrs. Sanders. We can go up there tomorrow and talk to her, but let’s call it a day for now.” We both agreed to wait until tomorrow to approach Mrs. Sanders to tell her what she probably already knew about the prenuptial agreement and her divorce case.

  When I got home the kids all greeted me at the door with a smile. Then Peter pulled me aside and said, “Dad I have this girl at school I like, but she doesn’t seem to want anything to do with me. What can I do to get her attention so we can go out together or something?” I smiled and said, “Well Peter sometimes it is hard to catch a woman’s eye, but if she is continually trying to avoid you then she may not be the right girl for you. You don’t want a girlfriend that is only with you because you impressed her by buying her gifts or did something wild for her. A woman like that would just use you for material things and maybe your talents. You shouldn’t try to change who you are in order to pick up girls.” Peter looked at me a bit disappointed and said, “Okay Dad.” After that we sat down to a good dinner and then relaxed as we watched a game on television.

  The next day my partner met up with me at the station to discuss how we should go about talking to Mrs. Sanders since she was so unstable. “Hey Jim, did you have a good night?” To which he replied, “Yes. What about you?” “I helped my son to figure out some of his girl problem at school. Speaking of girl problems, when do you think we should go see Mrs. Sanders?” I said. Jim responded, “I think we should go talk to her this morning so we can be done with this case by lunch.” “I agree, then we can be done with this case.” I replied.

  When we got to the senator’s house in our planetary vehicle Mrs. Sanders came out to greet us before we got to the door again. I said as I shook her hand gently, “Mrs. Sanders how did you know we were here? This is the second time that you came out to greet us before we came up to knock on your door.” She replied, “There are motion sensor cameras in the yard and along the driveway to alert me when visitors are here.” “Are they ever turned off?” I asked. She said, “Nope. Please come in and tell me about your case against my husband.”

  We went in and sat down after she offered us some coffee. While she was out of the room I said, “How do you think she is going to take it Jim?” “It may be messy, but relatively easy Jack.” he said. Then Mrs. Sanders came in, gave us our coffees, and sat down. “Well guys, is my husband going to spend some time in prison?” Mrs. Sanders asked. I was ready to lay it out for her straight forward like, but Jim wanted to ease her in to accepting our results. He started by saying, “You can look forward to never having to live with the senator again when you choose to do so.” “What is that supposed to mean!” she snapped back. Then I said, “What he means is that with the prenuptial agreement in place before your marriage there is no case against your husband. It is probably in your best interest to sign the divorce papers and move on with your life.”

  “Are you serious
? I can’t use any of that evidence in my divorce case to get a better settlement?!” she exclaimed. “Unfortunately not, and we are going to have to close this case now since none of the evidence can be used against him in any court. All of his sexual partners gave consent before beginning taking part in playing crazy games with the senator.” I said. “OOOHHH!! That makes me so mad!” Mrs. Sanders said with a snarl, as her face turned red.

  “We do want to help end the strife between you and Senator Sanders so we did bring a pre-signed copy of the court ordered divorce settlement with us today. Would you please be so kind as to sign these papers to put an end to this feud?” I asked nicely. “Why should I?!” Mrs. Sanders snapped back with a snarl. “It will make your life easier by ending your strife with your husband Burney and move on with your life.” I said while putting the papers down on the coffee table in front of her. She looked at them and said, “I guess, as long as I will have plenty of time to move out of the house.” “I am sure something will be arranged and you shouldn’t have any problems getting all of your belongings.” Jim said as