Read Fio Page 6

edible Fio?" He said with a straight face only to bounce his eyebrows with a grin.

  "Your appetite knows no bounds." Said Fio acting visibly flabbergasted which wasnt hard, he was still in too much shock to be able to laugh.

  They were all looking at Brewer who had put his head into his left hand. And then Pell broke “Alright enough Fio we think the Exgruin may know another way into these mountains, I went back this morning and something wasnt quite right on one of the ridges so I went immediately back as far as I dared but found no traces.” He said this leaning over a little.

  “It’s a thought, Pell would know if there was...” Kaiver said.

  “You cannot expect me to know these mountains like the back of my hand” Pell said anticipating Fios question.

  “Yup.” Kaiver said for no apparent reason.

  “Will you stop interrupting?” Said Pell squirmishly, “Fio there is something not right the other two trust me but what I am trying to say is we might be off sooner than expected, just so you know.”

  “I thought you wanted as much rest as possible before you moved off the mountains?”

  "Well you know things change."

  The night encroached once more and with it the mountain breeze and nightlife upon a swirl of laughter, banter, smoke, flame, food, drink, and even animals that huddled about them on the edge of the fires light.

  Fyodor exhausted let sleep slowly wrap him up into dreams of yet another crafting session.

  He awoke to find a small red devil on his shoulder pissing in his ear. Immediately he jumped up only to trip on his blankets and fall backwards still trying to brush the thing off it dodged his attempts to swipe it off only to give in out of laughter to which it was swatted off laughing hysterically all the way. Fio looked at it squirming about trying to stop its laughing fits just as a Fawn stepped around from the opposite shoulder with a spear launching it like one would casually lob a paper aeroplane. It landed just as the devil rolled out of the way. “And that’s how you shut him up.” It said hanging off Fios hair looking him in the eye nudging his nose with its tiny fist only to step back around disappearing. The devil got up adamantly pissed off having nearly been skewered, brushing itself off giving a snarl to Fio sniggering moronically and clicking its finger to which it to disappeared.

  Fio was left leaning on his side looking at Kaiver who sitting by the fire. Kaiver was frozen looking at him puzzlingly an eye brow raised only to give way to a smile. "I've cooked breakfast want some?" He held up a pan from out of the fire. Fio looked further and noticed everything had been packed up ready to move on.

  He hadn't noticed Pell was sitting close to him with his legs crossed. He just turned round to look at him and said. “Here hold this" letting a spear fall into his hand.

  “He'd been set as watchmen Fio. Come get something to eat already.” After tucking Pell in Fio did just that. “So yeah we’ve decided to move on.’

  Fio was now walking about munching his breakfast while he made sure everything was ready.

  “Pell remembered something he hadn’t checked so he went to check it last night and well we’ve got to move apparently. Well you know he hasn’t slept till now so things mustn't be to good.”

  “What is it?” Fio said making sure his bow was nearby.

  “He didn’t say exactly because he wasn’t sure but it’s kind of obvious something wasn’t right I think he said something about a trip-line and you know Brewr doesn’t take any chances, we don’t take chances so were off. Eat your fill we will be walking harder out than we came in if Brewr has his way, which he will.”

  Fio sat by the fire a good three hours before Brewr and Pell woke. “Ahhh birds chirping and blue sky with nothing but the smell of breakfast.”

  “You bet, dig in Brewr.” Chirped Kaiver.

  “You’re a boon on humanity you know that.” Brewr exclaimed stretching. Pell had sat up looking around at them pale faced only to flop back down again.

  “Well I guess we give it a little longer.” Brewr said turning back to the others.

  “Fyodor? What was it like being so close to that monster?” Kaiver said giving him a sideways glance while gnawing on some meat.

  "It was a behemoth apparently, well thats what it called itself, do you know what one is?" Fio thought for a bit then explained. “It was paralysing the fear even after I came to my senses I still felt it.” He exhaled breaking his thought to look to Brewr. “I sensed its misery like a stench, as powerful as that of Pell’s feet.”

  “That bed eh.” Brewr quipped looking up at Fio with a narrow smirk, rubbing his chin giving it some thought, then faintly rubbing his knee out of nervousness. A solemness overcame his expression with a sigh. “Well let’s get moving shall we.” His gaze sank to his meal which he gulped down and moved on. “Straight to it lads. Lets haul this gear out of here already we should want to be moving as soon as sleepy is up.”

  Upon Pell’s awakening they had their last meal about camp, the fresh air kept them in good spirits as they headed South East, they walked slowly but didn't talk much. They made their way out of the beautiful majesty of the mountains through ravines past waterfalls. They didn’t stop for anything not even when they made it down out of the mountains, not when they entered the forest and not for nightfall. Their path was as straight as possible.

  The trek lasted just under 18 days until coming in close to their destination, Fio was haggard. They slowly walked their way into Eschotia stopping just before to pull out some white rags which they each tied around one another’s arms.

  “This is the sign Fio to give that we are not strangers here.” Brewr said tightening the knot giving it a slap as if to fix it to him.

  “Now all we have to do is avoid there bloody traps!” Kaiver said with smoky disdain. Brewr grunted gruffly and trudged onwards. Pell and Fio had been taking pot shots at any birds in the trees as per usual until an arrow was shot back at them at which they all looked up to see a guard looking down at them crossly to which they carefully resigned.

  Coming through the trees along a clear expanse of a bed of leaves opposite the foot hills of a valley they saw up to the far right their first glimpse of the entrance. It was a long flat faced cliff that was high enough to peep above the forest canopy just. Guards mulled scattered about the place and people moved in and out and some just stood mingling. The cliff had large carved out hollows like rectangular windows with people looking out. Kaiver explained this is what it was partly known for its worm like tunnels through solid rock that were inhabited by the Eschotian's and used freely by travellers.

  “Halt! Wait a minute... Ohhhh, It’s you guys! Good to see your in one piece eh!" And…” The guard leaned to the side eyeing Fyodor. The other twenty or so guards had already turned their interest elsewhere upon noting the guards familiarity with them.

  Brewr and the guard embraced patting each other on the back. “Fio meet Eschotias general the ever vigilant and yet ever welcoming Harku.”

  Fio gave a nod.

  Brewr offered his bow. “Fio made it.” Best bow you will of ever laid eyes on my dear friend.” putting an arm over his shoulder. Harku raised an eyebrow “Fio ha” he said looking it over noting its craftsmanship. “Welcome.” He said giving a slight nod.

  Brewr looked behind again and giving a nod to the other two and walked off chatting to Harku talking of news and such, while the others made their way in.

  The main entrance was a large tall crack in the rock face that had worn trails leading to it like the shadow of a great tree. The stone was moist inside and had great swathes of green across it pocketed with candles in a sporadic fashion, it was cool and filled with a hollow sound. Pell ran his fingers along the wall feeling its light creases. The small candles flickered deeper in, there were two light bulbs hanging from what looked like cobwebs they were not turned on, maybe they were used at night.

  “Right, follow me.” Brewr said as he stepped into the lead picking up the pace. They walked down innumerable tunnels
many of them passing through high ceilinged rooms with the sun crashing into them from holes in the roof.

  “Not much further Fio... it's a pretty special place ha?” Kaiver said noticing Fio looking about trying to take it all in.

  “We are heading to one of the furthest corners. It’s good and close to the markets but more importantly has very little noise.” Brewr lifted his eye brows at this to the others. “This’ll do he plopped down his pack and everything else, threw a blanket on one of the stone shelves and promptly went to sleep. The three were left looking at each other and chuckled but shrugged and immediately did the same. Kaiver and Pell talked a little about what they would do tomorrow but only for keeping up appearances.

  They all woke up sore. Pell stretched pushing himself off hitting the ground they laughed especially Kaiver who then mimicked him except he was laughing the whole way. Fio was practically limping. Brewr noticing all this uncharacteristically got up ate, swigged and went back to bed.

  "Come on Fio things to do." Pell said side stepping to the left as he piled most of their gear into one of the lockable chests close at hand. “Pancakes from Salvador's for me." Chirped Kaiver only to yawn and pull the blanket over his head to fall back asleep again.

  “Let me show you the markets, come on.”

  “It’s a shame to be leaving so soon.” Said Kaiver from under the blanket not quite