Read Fio Page 7

asleep yet… His right eye fixed on Brewr who shuffled a little pretending to ignore.

  Pell was already dragging Fio down through the tunnels slowly winding down and out into a giant vertical hole in the mountain where sun beamed down on their faces as they clambered through the crowds. Scurrying resonating chatter and the clang of cooking were a constant hum and clamour. “Aha!” Pell had found his way and peered behind to make sure Fio was still following only to steer off in the direction of small canteen picking up two plates as he asked for food. “Some goosh balls with tanim sauce as well, please."

  Fio turned to Pell with a straight face “Goosh balls?” to Pells procrastination.

  “Smells amazing doesnt it.” Pell replied still ordering. “Speaking of smelling I should probably show you to one of the fountains after this.”

  “I was waiting for you to say that.”

  “You and me both." Pell said as he shoved a plate into Fios hands as he looked for a place to sit. Hoeing into some smack balls. “They really do like balls around here don’t they” Remarked Pell trying hard not to ball out laughing.

  Wiping his face either side and noting that was probably one of the tastiest saltiest meals he had ever had Fio gave Pell a pat on the back as he drank some weird mushy broth thing. "This tastes good."

  “Oh I almost forgot.” He pulled the two mugs from the table and a flask from his side, filled and raised them; “To Eschotia.”

  “To the swamp.” Fio said, Pell almost spitting out his food with laughter you had to bring that up didn’t you.

  “To my legs.” Fio wailed.

  Kaiver turned up putting his palm to his face at seeing nothing but a pile of plates and general mess around them.

  “To her legs.” Pell pointed off behind Fio.

  “Whos?” Fio said looking around Kaiver again face-palming. Their mugs again clanging once more.

  Fio and Pell took off from the village markets to do their washing they spent most of the day around a fountain; sunlight shimmering through its shallow rippling waters. The smooth curved pillars of the room dammed the surrounding darkness. The mostly square room like most had an entrance or exit on every wall either leading to more rooms or of course tunnels. A slender rose vine and amazing carvings broke the room’s sheer solemness. A lot of this place felt ancient like time encapsulated. A few people sat crouched in hooded robes in its darker corners but others were merry sitting about chatting. A grandmother sitting one eye and an ear constantly monitoring a child playing the other dedicated to sewing. Kaiver then eventually Brewr came along it was lucky the water was flowing they were filthy.

  Fio awoke to find himself alone he got up looked around not a trace of them. He checked the chest; his pack was all he found. He opened the chest again and found a note it said very few words. We suggest trying the next city on Fio you'll love it. He put the letter down and checked his pack finding a well-crafted knife one he hadn’t seen before, was it a parting gift? Sifting through deeper he found plenty of food supplies enough for about three weeks he guessed. Four costrels, odd bits and pieces but nothing he wouldn’t use. There was also one of the bows he had made and a full quiver on the shelf above his bed as well as a hatchet. Underneath the pack was a sheet of fine material which would have any number of uses but he guessed it was mainly meant for a cloak.

  He needed answers throwing everything into the chest locking it he went to inquire with the front guards as to where they had gone. Harku would know; he was sitting with his legs resting up and by the way he got up Fio could tell he had been expecting him, giving him a glance Harku waved for leave of his post to his guards. "Good morning Fio” He said rubbing something off his knee walking to greet Fio “They left early. They were very sad of course too of left you but it was for the best, they said. They are a troublesome bunch it is best not to travel with them, even though I probably have a lot to do with them, more than I should maybe.”

  "No. I mean Yes, I couldn’t care."


  "Where did they go?"

  "Who knows, they told me North East but you never know with them. That’s a hard route I am not sure why they would go that way." Harku rested on his right knee watching as Fio resigned himself and moved on.

  "Thanks.” He said absentmindedly turning back. Harku ran to catch up to him and said he would call on him for lunch to which Fio agreed. On his way back to camp he had already started planning his trip he didn’t quite know why but he just felt an urge to keep moving it wasn’t just sadness or fear he just wanted to see more. Back at camp he went through everything packing up and trying to calm his thoughts but still plan his next move, he managed and slept well.

  Harku was standing above him nudging his shoulder. While getting up he wiped his eyes. Harku couldn’t help noticing Fio looked a little pale as they trailed off through the tunnels to the markets. Finding a table next to the warmest face of its surrounding stone walls Harku piped “There is no way I would leave this place and I haven’t been here all my life you know." Harku slapped his hands on the table to stop him-self sitting down. "What we need is something to eat. I will go grab us some food. Something hot." He said with a wink. "You are hungry aren't you?” Harku said quizzically.

  “Could eat a goat.” Fio looked up to see Harku’s back, he hadn’t waited for an answer.

  Coming back with two big plates full of fresh bread and steaming pile of food the sun baked air grew ever brighter as they ate. Harku would not stop talking even when it seemed he had so much food in his mouth it was an impossibility. And then came the questions “so what’s next? I mean your obviously moving on but why so soon and where to do you think? Do you even know? There's about only one place that will have you close enough that's... Lougo City.”

  Your right about where I will be heading, Pell you see was telling me a fair bit about a city called Lougo and now it’s quite obvious why. He said I would like it, maybe find some answers there, its what they left in the note; Lougo City.” He said scratching the back of his neck bemused.

  “No I think they might be right you might be best to head that way, well I'm not sure it would be for the best but they wouldn't do you wrong Fyodor. Do you have enough gear? If you do need anything drop by before you go and I will see you get it, anything at all.” He looked Fio up and down “You know how to fight? Run? Use a weapon?”

  "Ah ha, my bow is good much like the one Brewr gave you and I am a pretty good shot thanks to them, so there shouldn’t be a worry there I can fend for myself okay.”

  “Oh yeah, and a fine bow it is. So you’ve fought before then?”

  Fio could see where this was going he’d hung around the three long enough to have a good sense for these things. “It was the Exgruin way, if they had any formidable raid or opponent they would always call upon their slaves to go in as a decoy we had no choice it was fight or die. Although this stopped after I acquired value.”

  “I never knew that although that most certainly sounds like something they would do. You see this is why you are valuable to us, to Eschotia. Brewr never told me the whole how you escaped thing but he did tell me how you met, I guess he knew I would find out anyway.”

  “Brewr, they never asked about it, just patched me up and took me in. At what cost I don’t know I think it was no coincidence their being there, I gathered they were doing something other than hunting despite their vigour for it.”

  “Well yes but they said they had you doing a lot of the work Fyodor you paid off in spades I think. Fio there is something I must tell you and it’s that word you are in town has gotten around there is a rebel group asking me for you, asking about you anyway. They don’t directly associate themselves with Eschotia but they would come to its defence, anyway they would be in your debt if you were to seek them out, are you sure you don’t want me to… give word?”

  “No-no-no I plan on moving on fighting the Exgruin is madness they are mad I would have to be crazy, I am content to get away with my life. I am not sure I c
ould give anything of use. I plan on moving on tomorrow but maybe I will stick around I dont know I really just want to keep moving.”

  "Hmm this is a sorry state you are in unmoved by te’lure of my beautiful Eschotia." He gave a playful deep sigh with a hand on his chest hanging his head. "You know Fio they are more trouble then they are worth those three its not so dangerous being a guard here, the people take good care of us. But those three they trust no one thats how dangerous they are, they could have used someone like you but they chose to give you up."


  "Oh yes, they help any manner of people. For money for love who knows. But they have more enemies then you could imagine for this. I really can't tell you much more than this, at least not here like this.”

  “Sure.” Fio said taking a brief look over his shoulder. “I understand. I honestly don’t need to know, they were good to me and I would join them again if they offered, maybe. You know I am not so sure now.”

  “Mmm it could end up being an out of the frying pan into the fire.”

  Guards had come about infrequently with reports as this conversation had been going on but nothing serious, no assassin types anyway. They chatted until the darkness coincided with the lighting of the lamps the air was beautiful this time of night just breathing it in you felt alive.
