Read Fio Page 8

been good Fio, Eschotia will be sorry to see you go.” He put his arm on Fios shoulder.

  “See you in the morning I expect.” Fio said returning the pat.

  “Make sure you do."

  “Sure sure, thanks.”

  Lougo City was west of Eschotia, Fio chose to head off before sunrise. Striding through the tunnels and out along the familiar path. He noticed travellers littered about the entrance with guards scattered about also. To stay did not occur to him. Harku was not about but the guards seemed to know who he was and waved, the few he passed closest wished him well, this broke Fios heart.

  Heading up the gorge he passed through the numerous tall and slim trees that despite being so very uniform didn’t keep the light out very well. The ground was covered in light yellow leaves there was barely any undergrowth. After hitting an undulating slope it felt like he had reached the very heights of the canopy and having to almost climb out the last bit Fio came out onto a grassy plain with sun stung plants. The landscape was almost baron and walking was a good week or so as the crow flies. Grass and knee high scrub eventually gave way to a maze of rock like totems and then as far as the eye could see wave upon wave of an ocean of sand dunes it was beautiful. The next morning he rose early but so did the sun catching some stars unawares still in the sky shining bright across clear cut blue, he yawned and pressed on happily.

  Fio would make camp during the middle of the days when the sun shone its brightest using his new cloak as a tent. He would notice the sand landing on it like a sheet of stars only to wake in the evening almost buried. Fio did try walking in the heat but it wasn’t good: And everything fell away like it always did the sun peered in again and the blue kept spreading and then it was as clear as can be; his eyes got hazy.

  The nights sky was always there to save him.

  Once again he awoke early morning a huge flat plain stretching out in front of him he gasped; in the middle of it was the city of Lougo.

  So foreign was it, it made his head swim in awe he rinsed his chin and unsteadily swaggered forward a few steps in disbelief falling to his knees. A moan came from behind; two travellers passed on camels happily waving down to him as they breezed past. He waved up at them covering his brow with his forearm to avoid the sun. He sat and watched the camels go in they were moving about three times his pace and looked as though it took them one hour and a bit to reach it. He had made camp on the outskirts in the dunes the sand making as comfortable and warm a bed as any.

  It was morning again and after having something to eat and rolling up his cloak he set off out across the plane before the sun bathed the world in its biting heat and him along with it.

  It was a long walk across the plane to reach the city where upon he stopped to look at the towers and an outer hill of rubble that surrounded them. He walked through one of its depressions which acted as an entrance. He was accompanied by a cool comforting breeze that had a faint smell of salt. Sand swept along the empty streets, the buildings were torn a sunder to the very depths in parts some surprisingly still standing. The first encounter was kids playing amongst the outer barrier; the rubble hill. They had a ball and were having a ball with it. Above on about the seventh floor he saw three heavily armed fighters at what must be an outpost they didn’t pay him any heed. Further in he stopped at a cross section taking in his options, down one of the streets people were walking so he moved that way. They grew denser until he was amongst it all; markets, heralds, buskers, more fighters, and the bulk of it being people of all sorts. Coming through what felt like a main cross section that had a large fountain in the middle he was swept up in the crowd only to duck and weave to try and get out moving towards the nearest building at which he flung himself into a tavern.

  The volume of chatter was something Fio had not experienced before the air was littered with no distinct smell and its kitchen behind closed doors was in full steam. The barman and the patrons looked inviting but worn like the city. The banter was unintelligible more like squabble he figured he just wasnt used to it. He sat down in the near corner to the right overlooking the street. Not quite believing where he was and before he could pour himself some water. “Can I get you sir?” Came a voice, a young lad plopped a menu before him and a glass of water and moved on. "Ah thanks." Fio turned looking a little put out noting the waiter was already well out of ear shot. He sat and tried not to be noticed not quite knowing what to do with himself.

  A man sitting across the table from him looked at him and leaned back a little and sipped his drink as he asked “And. What brings you to Lougo city, may I ask?” Fio turned away from his reserved observations and looked blankly at the man "Um well not much, I am visiting, seeing the sights I guess. And you?”

  “Me well I am a regular this is what I do. You arrrrr looking around like there’s a fly buzzing about." Fio immediately refrained from looking about.

  "Well yes I am new, I havent seen a place like this before. Ever. Lots of different people..."

  "Have you got a place to stay then? Or you’re looking for one? Hhmm?”

  "No not yet.” He said his gaze starting to wander again.

  The man looked aggravated with something; slamming his fist on the table he gave a whistle to one of the shaggy but more than “freaking” (Fios words not mine) functional robots and gave a nod towards someone in the crowd the robot registered and turned its head you could hear its left eye zoom which made a few in the bar turn their heads. It approached an individual and picked him up squealing. "No! No! I haven't finished my meal!" The robot turned picked up his meal and slapped it to the mans chest to which he kept pressure on it with both hands a guard appeared with a hefty cannon opening the door for the robot. As soon as the robot stepped outside the banter increased back to its usual. A thud and the sound of something breaking like a plate was heard outside and the robot came walking back in and resumed its post like an old ornament.

  The man across from Fio had already started chatting to Fio again but nothing was really registering he was a little shocked, but soon came around.

  "So anyway if you want a good place you won't find better than the Princely Hammock, I can guarantee you that it's just around the corner. Do you play chess perchance?"

  Fio looked at the board between them he hadnt noticed it, it was half carved half scratched into the table. Its white squares looked as though they had been bleached and the kings were the pepper and salt shakers albeit with carved crowns.

  "No." Replied Fio. "But I have played it once or twice, I will play but dont expect much." Fio wanted to ask further about what he was saying about a place to stay but wasn’t sure this was a good idea.

  "Oh good lad, I will go easy on you, no cheating though." He said with cock eyed look and pointed finger to match. "Now I'll go first just as to show you how its done."

  Having finished the game beaten easily Fio thought it best to keep moving. He said goodbye and went out the creaky hinged flyscreen doors back into the street. The sun was down and marketers were packed up or packing up and moving on. Fio stopped to look but for a second, now worrying about a place to stay. Slowly strolling down the warm dusty road all the skyscrapers started to collapse enveloping the sky about him shock shook him and as he turned about frantically he saw the devil on his shoulders again; grabbing it, it disappeared in an exploded screech only to reappear in the hundreds around him some being squashed by the falling rubble screaming others laughing. He kicked the one in front of him and then he looked about and up and all around everything was back to normal. The sky was not caving in. He fell to his knees with a gasp half way between disbelief, horror and relief. Then head shaky he got back up.

  There was an old looking lady lingering hunched over her stall finishing up, she was clothed in faded blue and red fabric. "Excuse me, sorry to bother you.” Fio said “But I am a little lost can you point me in the direction of somewhere I might find a bed?"

  The lady gave no heed just kept on filling up a sack of items from around her.

  "Help me carry this come on. There is food and bed, just keep up.” Noticing he wasn’t sure whether she was talking to him or not she reiterated: “The grub is good.” Leaving her gaze upon him. He promptly stepped over and carried all he could. "Oh you must have big strong shoulders.” She said having a quick feel by cupping his right shoulder with her left hand. The lady raised her eye brows. So did Fio but out of caution. “Come on, hurry up." She said just before leading the way as she picked up a new bag and her eyes resized at the weight of it and her impatience grew a little in potency like the tension in her face.

  With a sack in his left hand over his left shoulder that also had a chair tied to it and a smaller bag in his right Fio hurriedly followed. “How do you manage to do this all by yourself? Do you do it every day?” He was shuffling between a jog and a run to keep up, his remark trying to buy some time.

  "Oh it's not so bad I've a good back and I usually have help! Mostly." She didn’t slow down.

  It went on and on; her feet stuttering like the wind; straight down into a narrow alley after shooting across deserted streets like a needle through thread.

  Narrow passage way after cobbled narrow passage way. "Shortcuts they are." She let the comment fall behind her to