Read Fire Master Rising Page 7

  “Of course. I just assigned Eric as a new enforcer, and sent him and a team down to the Tucson compound so I have some more room in the main house.” Rebecca knelt down to Freya’s level. “We’d love to have you, and I believe the room next to Hunter’s is free.”

  Freya nodded as she took a step back and said, “Thank you.”

  Hunter smiled sheepishly. “Thanks, sis. I thought this would be the best place for us with mom staying at Grandma Catherine’s.”

  “Good idea. And you, Freya, are very brave. You will be safe here.” Rebecca smiled as she stood up, and motioned for them to enter the house.

  Hunter followed Rebecca upstairs with Freya in tow. She was apprehensive, but hurried inside the bedroom when Rebecca opened the door.

  “I guess I’ll let you guys get settled in.” Rebecca started heading out the door.

  “I’ll see you in a few, Becks,” Hunter told her as she was leaving.

  Freya wasted no time, and climbed into bed. Hunter was thankful she took a shower at Catherine’s house because now she could relax, and get some much needed sleep. He bent down and tucked her into bed. He couldn’t believe he was suddenly a guardian to a seven-year-old, going on eighteen it seemed, dragon shifter. She smiled up at him with trust in her green eyes, and he felt a tug on his heart. He would keep her safe. He may have failed his sisters, but he wouldn’t fail her.

  “I’m right next door to the left if you need anything.”

  She nodded, and closed her eyes. Hunter stood up, headed toward the door, and turned off the light.

  “Can I have the light on, please?” Her voice was shaky, but strong. He understood her need to keep a light on after spending time in a cell in that bunker cave. He went over to the bedside lamp and turned it on.

  “Of course,” he whispered, and silently promised he would pick up a night light tomorrow for her. He turned off the main light and said “Goodnight” before shutting the door.

  He took a minute before heading downstairs to talk to Rebecca. He needed to breathe and gather his thoughts. So much had happened in the last forty-eight hours, and he wasn’t even sure he had all the details straight. He went to his room, and changed into a pair of comfy sweats and a t-shirt. In a matter of two days, he managed to get himself kidnapped, and poisoned with nanobytes which locked out his powers. He took a moment, and tried to light a candle, and failed. He knew his powers would return soon, but being left powerless was like being emasculated. On top of the loss of power, he found his mother who was reportedly dead ten years ago, failed to find the cure for his sisters, and was now the guardian to a child. His world had been turned upside down, and he wasn’t sure how to correct the tilt.

  The timing of his mother’s return was suspicious. Only weeks ago, their father reappeared in his life too. His family had increased by fifty percent with Freya, Mother, Miracle, and Mystery. His first concern was making sure he protected the dragon shifter that slept in the room next to him. He wasn’t done looking for a cure for Savvy and Becca, but he wasn’t obsessed with the idea of saving them. They made their choices. They even seemed happy with their decisions, well, at least Rebecca was. Savannah was still working on issues. She didn’t make the decision to be a vampire, but she did make the decision to allow the transformation to happen once she returned from death.

  It was strange how they were all being forced to grow up so quickly. Rebecca had also recently found herself in a motherly role with River and Willow. He hoped she would be able to help him adjust to this new responsibility. He didn’t know the first thing about raising a child, let alone, a shifter child.

  Once his thoughts were gathered, and put into some semblance of order, he headed down the stairs, finding Rebecca and Gabriel in her office. She was working on something important at her desk while Gabriel was behind her reading whatever it was, and caressing her neck in a preoccupied manner. He loved seeing the two of them together. They were role models for a great relationship. So into each other that they took every opportunity they got to touch, even in the smallest manner. They supported each other, and even when they fought, they listened respectfully to each other’s opinions. It was obvious, despite Rebecca’s position of power, that she appreciated his insight, and relied on him as much as everyone else relied on her.

  He knocked gently on the door frame to alert them to his presence. Both being wolves, he was sure they knew he was there, but he still wanted to be polite. “Hey, sis. Thank you again for letting us stay here. I really need all the help I can get raising a shifter child.” He grinned at Rebecca who looked up with an easy smile. “Gabe.” He offered a respectful nod.

  “I’m not familiar with dragon shifters, but if she is anything like a werewolf, she won’t even show if the virus is dominant or recessive until she goes through puberty,” Gabe said, “but I will happily help however I can.”

  “Thanks.” Hunter let out a breath he didn’t even know he was holding. “I think your insight will help a lot. According to her, she is well-trained at shifting already so the real concern is everything else.”

  “And how are you holding up?” Rebecca asked, worry clear on her face.

  “I haven’t gotten my powers back yet.” He rubbed the injection spot on his shoulder where the dragons gave him a shot to counteract the nanobytes.

  “I wanted to know how you are doing, Hunt.” She put down the pen she was holding. He hadn’t even noticed she was holding it. “The powers will come back. You’ve been through a terrible ordeal, and I want to know if you need some time to unwind before jumping into everything else.”

  “I’m fine.” He ran a shaky hand through his blond curls.

  “Liar,” she snapped, a little harsher than he expected.

  It was exactly what he needed to knock him back on track, and he locked defiant eyes with hers. “What do you want me to say? My life is in turmoil right now? That a seventeen-year-old shouldn’t have to deal with all this craziness? Or how about the guilt I feel for failing you and Savannah?”

  Rebecca stood up, and gave him a muddled look. “How did you fail us?”

  “I tried so hard to find a cure for the vampire and wolf viruses that I almost got us all killed. My crazy obsession put everyone in danger. I’m your brother, Rebecca. It is my job to protect you to keep you safe. No offense, Gabe.”

  Gabriel shrugged. “None taken. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one looking out for her well-being.”

  “Let me put your mind at ease on that one, Hunt. I am happy as a werewolf. I chose this, and I am truly happy. You couldn’t have changed my decision to be made just like you couldn’t save Savvy from being sired. We are what we are, and we’re both content with what we are.”

  “Really, Becks? Is Savannah really happy with being a vampire?”

  She nodded. “She accepts it.”

  “But is she happy? Content? Satisfied with how her life has turned out?” He really needed to know she was okay with her lot in life. If he couldn’t take care of his sisters, how could he protect Freya?

  Rebecca sighed heavily. “I don’t know, Hunter, ask her.” She ran a hand through her ponytail, a nervous gesture she did when she got annoyed with something, or someone. “But let’s get one thing straight. What happened to Savvy was because of my inability to make a decision, and the lies and deceit I did to keep her safe from this dangerous world. You couldn’t have helped her avoid her fate. You didn’t even know you were a witch when it happened.”

  “When did this become the blame game?” Gabriel asked. “Rebecca, you know Savannah told you this was something Celestia had planned long before you became a wolf. Hunter, you were there fighting bravely with the rest of us to save her life. There is no one to blame here but destiny and fate.”

  Hunter was thankful that Gabe stepped in, but it didn’t change his guilt, and now he had a child to protect without any idea of how to do so in this supernatural world. He needed to get his powers back and train harder. He would be successful this time, and he kn
ew exactly who to get help from; his mother, Miracle, and Mystery. Rebecca and Savannah already had too much on their plates.

  Chapter Twelve


  THE MONASTERY GRAVEYARD WAS LOCATED high on Superstition Mountain which made an out of the way hideout for the monks, and possibly the Convent of Souls’ leaders. It was so high the smog from the city seemed to roll through the mountain along with the slightest of breezes giving the graveyard an eerie, horror film feel. Two months ago, she would’ve been the cheer captain in that movie that ran through the grave markers running from the monster chasing her, and now she was the monster. If whoever she was here to meet meant to set her nerves on edge, they failed miserably. She was a creature of the night, after all. Very little scared or intimidated her anymore. A freaky stage was not enough to rattle her nerves.

  Her black, stiletto boot heels sunk into the moist ground, which made her begin to wonder if she made the right shoe choice… wardrobe choice for that matter. She wore a bright blue and white striped summer dress with a black and white hat to shield her skin from the harsh sun’s rays, and a black lace, half sweater to protect her arms. She should’ve dressed more practically in case danger did arise. She would be at a disadvantage in a supernatural fight. The only weapon she brought along was the golden whip which wound its way around her waist, and concealed itself like a belt; that, and the good luck crystal she wore from her mother’s magic box.

  The internal argument going on in her mind about fashion winning out over safety was so distracting that she hadn’t even noticed the dark figures that stepped out of the tombstone shadows. All four of them managed to make a square around her. Uneasiness crept up her back, and her inner critic began to admonish her for her careless, impetuous behavior. Lucky was right about that; she could be a little bit imprudent. She couldn’t run, even if she wanted to. Even wedges or simple heels would’ve been a smarter choice! She could’ve slipped them off her feet. Boots were a little more complicated.

  ‘You’re a vampire and a witch,’ her moral compass reminded her. It gave her added courage. She may not be fully trained yet, but she had strength and power. Besides, maybe they weren’t looking for her – Yeah, right! They called you here, idiot! “Hello, I’m Savannah Winters.” Her voice was smooth, no hint of concern. Years of putting on a fake façade helped her in this moment.

  “We know who you are.” A fifth person stepped out of the shadows. He wore a hood which shadowed his face. The only thing she could see were his dark grey, soulless eyes.

  “And you are?” She asked, feigning confidence she didn’t have. She knew the old adage, ‘Fake it until you make it,’ and found it quite helpful a lot lately.

  “We are representatives of the Convent of Souls. It really is all you need to know,” the man with the hidden face continued.

  “I prefer to know who I’m talking to.” Savannah crossed her arms defensively over her chest.

  He chuckled, and pulled the hood down, revealing the face of a young man with sandy-brown hair. “My name is Xander, and you are the witch turned vampire.” His grin was dangerous and inviting. “You, young one, have made quite a name for yourself already.”

  “Wonderful,” sarcasm thick in the word and her look. “I’m not looking to make a name for myself.”

  “A water witch with the power of psychometry turned vampire by the new queen, named her successor, and, if the viral video on the internet is evidence enough, you’re also engaged to the infamous Viktor Romanov.”

  Savannah shrugged. “That sounds about right.”

  “Which is why you have made quite a name for yourself.” He signaled for the rest of his team to move back and give them more privacy. “Not to mention your twin, the witch-wolf-alpha, and your brother, the fire witch, who now is rumored to own the only dragon shifter in this dimension.”

  “He doesn’t own her!” Savannah snarled, and took a step back. How this man knew of Freya made her nervous. They’d just returned to this dimension. There was no way he could know unless he knew someone on their team. That meant they had a traitor in their midst.

  “Ah, you’re right. Own is a harsh word. Shall we say he is the caretaker to the child dragon?”

  “You can say whatever you want.” She raised her chin defiantly.

  This time his chuckle was deep, and vibrated in his strong chest. “It’s of no consequence. Your response was confirmation enough.”

  Savannah sighed deeply. “Did we come here to discuss my family or my application to join the Convent of Souls?”

  “Both, actually.” He took a step closer to her, and lowered his voice. “Did you know your brother came to see me a few weeks back to discuss a cure for you?”

  Savannah felt herself suck in a breath. It was a human reflex. She didn’t need air anymore, but she needed a moment to gather her thoughts, and it gave her that. “He shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Did you know there is a cure?” He took another step closer, and her heart thumped.

  There was a cure? She had given up the idea of a solution to her problem.

  “It comes at a very high price.” The silence stretched out painfully between them.

  She refused to show her desire to hear more. He was dangling this ‘cure’ in front of her like a doggie treat, and she wasn’t going to bite. She learned from Hunter’s kidnapping not to fall into that trap.

  Finally, Xander spoke. “He offered to pay the cost, and I told him it was your fee to pay… if you’re interested.”

  Heck, yeah, I am interested! She thought to herself. “What is the price?”

  “A deal with a demon lord, death of an innocent, and a sacrifice.”

  She allowed herself to think about it, to dream for just a moment that it was possible to be human, even a witch-human again. Even as the idea occurred to her, she knew she couldn’t do it. “Is that all? Sell my soul to the devil and I’m free?” She crossed her arms over her chest. “I won’t do it.”

  Xander grinned. “Good, you passed the first test.”

  “The first test?”

  “Yes, the Convent of Souls believes all lives, human or supernatural, are equal, and for you to resist the one thing you want more than anything else to keep from crossing that line means you don’t believe you’re better than anyone else.”

  “How many of those tests do you plan to give me?”

  “A few more. We’ll be in touch.” He turned to leave.

  “Wait.” She reached out to touch him, and got shocked in the process. She shrank back instantly.


  “I’m confused.” She was. “I thought the Convent was more for those on the darker side of the law.”

  “There is no dark or light side in the Convent of Souls, Savannah. It’s a mix. Even the Authority has people on both sides of the fence. Unlike the Authority, we’re very selective in who we let into our ranks. You’ve been vetted by Celestia, Viktor, and Maverick which gains you access to the testing stage.”

  “Testing stage?” She shook her head. “And now I’ve passed the first test.”

  “Yes, as I mentioned before, you will be put through a series of tests to measure certain personality traits we expect from our members,” he advised.

  “And those would be?”

  “Random examinations. Most of the time you won’t even know you’re being tested.”

  “And what are you looking for?” She had always been very good at tests as long as she could prepare for them.

  “Loyalty, understanding, courage, power, strength – you know, the usual attributes.”

  Savannah nodded. “Is the fact that I didn’t ask how to kill my sire a point in my favor?”

  He shook his head. “The testing has begun. You won’t hear from us again unless you’ve passed.” He turned on his heel, and started to leave. His groupies followed his lead, leaving her alone. She felt a shiver crawl up her spine as the darkness slowly crept in around her. She never really liked graveyards, and this one ha
d an overly-exaggerated creep factor.

  Chapter Thirteen


  HUNTER KNOCKED TIMIDLY ON FREYA’s bedroom door. It was getting late, and he knew he needed to get her up and going for the day. Not to mention Natalia had made a special trip out to help both of them regain their power, and she’d been waiting for over an hour for the little dragon shifter to join them. Ever since they were infected with the nanobytes at Ophelia’s camp, his magic had fizzled out. He needed help, and so did Freya, and he knew Natalia was perfect for the job.

  He didn’t like being powerless, especially after he had to work so hard to gain access to his powers in the first place. He knew it was only a matter of time. His empathy was already working better than yesterday. He just wanted to help the situation along a little bit, and this training would accomplish that task. He didn’t expect to feel the rush of emotions from his houseguest when he approached the door. He could feel her sorrow slamming against him in waves from the shifter child. He knew what she was going through, and she had every right to feel sad. She’d just lost her father. He sacrificed his life to save her, and she was alone in a strange world surrounded by werewolves, the very supernatural race that held them captive, and killed her father. But as her guardian, he also knew it was his responsibility to help her get out of her depression. Losing a parent was one thing he could help her with. “Freya, time to get up.” He knocked again.

  No answer.

  “I’ll count to five, and then I’m coming in,” he warned her as worry started to enter his mind. What if something happened to her while they were sleeping? What if she ran away, and the pain he felt was just residual – or worse?

  He made quick work of the numbers between one and five. His subconscious knew he was being irrational. He knew he should trust his powers, Natalia taught him that, but he couldn’t help the fear that crept into his mind, and began to take over. It wasn’t until he saw her sleeping comfortably in her bed that his heart started beating steadily again. He rushed to her side, and checked her breathing before he shook her softly. “Freya, honey, it’s time to get up.”