Read Fire Master Rising Page 8

  She grumbled a little, and turned over in bed – her eyes not opening once. He could see the tear stains on her cheeks, a clear sign she had cried herself to sleep. His heart ached for her.

  “Freya?” Hunter tried again. If this was one of his sister’s, he would be dumping a pail of cold water on them to wake up, but Freya had been through far too much. She didn’t need any more shock at the moment so he used the gentlest voice he had, and continued to try and wake her.

  Finally, one green eye popped open. Her curly red hair was tangled, and matched the annoyed look on her face as she yawned and opened the second eye. “I don’t want to get up.”

  “You have to. It’s time to train.”

  “Train?” She pulled herself halfway up to a sitting position resting on her forearms as he tossed her a brush, a pair of stretchy, black pants, and a top he borrowed from Natalia’s family. He knew what it took for girls to get dressed. He was raised with two very dominant sisters.

  “Yes. We can’t expect things aren’t going to heat up after the destruction we left at Brick and Ophelia’s camp. Natalia’s here to help us train our fire power.”

  Freya sat up at the mention of the battle, and started absently brushing her hair. The bristles went through the strands, but did little to fix the messy style. He sat on the bed. “Would you like me to brush your hair?” He offered a hand to take the brush. She gave it to him without comment, but he could feel sadness radiating from her.

  “My father used to brush my hair every day.” The words came out raspy, full of emotion and unshed tears. In that moment Hunter wished he wasn’t empathic. The misery rising out of her was a harsh reminder of what he went through growing up. She was a lot like him. He could feel how she tried to hide the feelings, push them away, block them. The mark of a true warrior. He’d seen the world she came from, and knew it had to be brutal. Her strength and actions only reinforced his knowledge. He planned to show her a different way of life here. It was a promise he made silently to himself as he ran the brush through her tangled curls, and attempted to tame them.

  His empathy was slowly trickling back to life. He was thankful his powers were resurfacing, but he didn’t enjoy feeling her aching. He wanted to see her happy and smiling. It was a pity, she was too young to feel so much gloom. It made matters worse because, deep down, he knew on a very personal level what she was going through having gone through it himself. Her loss was the same as his. It didn’t matter that his mother and father were back now. They grieved for them for ten years. He shared the same misery she felt, and knew she would carry that with her for years. He tied her unruly curls up in a ponytail, and let her go into the bathroom to change.

  The little girl reminded him of himself on so many levels, and that connection made their strange bond even more powerful. Hunter knew it would be a long road ahead, and he felt sorry for her lost childhood, but he was determined to make the best out of the situation. After the attack on Brick and Ophelia, he knew they needed to train, but he would make sure he made time for her to also be a child as much as possible.

  “When you’re finished dressing, come meet me and Natalia downstairs,” he told her through the bathroom door.

  “Okay.” Her soft voice floated on the air. She swung the door open, and threw her arms around him in a bear hug, whispering, “Thank you.”

  He hugged her back, and swallowed the lump forming in his throat. As quickly as the hug began, she jumped out of his arms, and ran back into the bathroom. He felt a surge of hope spring from her, and it made him feel proud. She was finding a way into his heart, and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

  He had a jump in his step as he made it down the stairs, and into the kitchen where Natalia was waiting for him. She was plating some blueberry waffles for all three of them. “I figured we’d need some nourishment today.” She grinned, and pushed her cat’s-eyes glasses up her nose. He loved it when she fiddled with her glasses, and grinned so deeply that the dimple in her left cheek appeared.

  Hunter came up behind her and kissed her neck. A confused look crossed his face when she pulled away quickly. “Everything okay?” Apprehension crept into his voice.

  She rubbed the back of her neck, and offered a weak smile. “We can talk about it later.”

  He spun her around. He didn’t need more drama surrounding him, and the people he cared about. He didn’t want to talk about it later. He could feel something was bothering her. He could also feel a wave of despondency radiating off of her. He was getting tired of all the unhappiness around him, and wanted to discuss whatever was concerning her right now, before Freya came downstairs. “Let’s talk about it now. We may not have the chance later.” His eyes locked with hers, pleading that she share what was bothering her. He loved being close to her, but the vibe he was reading in that moment made him want to release her and step back. He held strong.

  “Hunter, I’ve been called to Colorado to consult on a case for a supernatural group.” Her voice was quiet as she spoke. The words didn’t match the feelings that she was having.

  “Okay, so the protectors want your help on a case. That’s great!” He couldn’t shake the feeling that worse news was coming.

  She shook her head, and moved away from him. She found busy work by filling glasses with milk. “No, it’s a covert paranormal group that has requested me.”

  “Okay,” he shook his head. “I’m still not seeing the problem.” He felt his body tighten and prepare for whatever bad news that was coming like a spring preparing to pop.

  She placed the milk back in the fridge. “I don’t know how long I’ll be gone, or even what I’ll be working on, but according to the summons, they requested me specifically.” She refused to turn back around and look at him.

  “I must be missing something here. This sounds like great news.” He grinned as he sat down. His stomach grumbled at how amazing the waffle smelled, but his emotions were so tense he couldn’t even think about eating. She was not feeling the way he expected her to feel at all. Shouldn’t she be proud that she was being called to help with a case? Wasn’t that what she had trained for all her life? From what he knew, she had wanted to use her powers to help with criminal investigations since she was a child. He always assumed she’d be a forensic scientist or something like that, and now with her necromancy powers, she could do far more than that.

  She sat down next to him, and picked a corner piece off her own waffle. “My mother thinks the guardians have requested that I be stationed there,” she swallowed, “… in Colorado.”

  Suddenly, Hunter understood, and he pushed his plate away. His appetite was completely gone. “I see. So they want you to move to Colorado.” Panic seized his heart. He knew where this was going.

  She nodded and looked down at her plate. He felt guilt roll off her, and didn’t understand why. “I don’t want to go, but--”

  “So don’t,” he stated flatly. It seemed like a simple answer to him. “Don’t go.” He repeated the words, barely a whisper. He couldn’t ask for more. He knew he was already asking for too much -- he was being selfish.

  “It’s not that simple.” She pulled her glasses off, and rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands.

  “Why not? Can’t you get assigned to be a guardian here?”

  She took a deep breath, and placed her glasses back on her face. “There aren’t many guardians. We are few in numbers, and our population is getting smaller because a guardian can have any type of witch offspring. Our species is getting diluted. In short, we are in high demand, and we get assigned in answer to need. Staying would be selfish.” He could feel her resolve, but had to try. Natalia was his first love. How could he let her leave without a fight?

  Hunter turned in his seat so that he was face to face with her. He placed both hands on her thighs above her knees in an effort to keep her from escaping. It was futile, he knew it. If she wanted to escape, she would simply use her power. She was far more advanced than he, not to mention the handicap he was working
with at the moment. He may have a passive power back, but his control over fire hadn’t returned. He hoped today’s training session would help him get it back faster. “You don’t have to go. You can stay here, with me.”

  She placed a hand on his cheek, and he leaned into her warmth. “If you believe that, you still have a lot to learn about witches. I have faith in your ability to do the right thing. Trust in me to do the right thing here. I will be leaving, and I think it would be wise…” she took a deep breath.

  ‘Don’t say it,’ he pleaded silently in his mind.

  “…to sever all ties.”

  He swallowed hard against the heartache that rose in his body. “So you’re not willing to try long distance dating?”

  She sat up straight and nodded. He could feel her resolve lock into place, and hit him squarely in the face like a punch to the jaw. “I think ending everything here is the best course of action. In fact, I think today is going to have to be our last training session.”

  Hunter felt grief flow over him. He wasn’t sure if it was his hurt, hers, or a combination of both of theirs. It didn’t matter. The sting was real. The last thing he wanted was to spend time with the girl who just broke up with him, but he had Freya’s safety to think about. If it was just him, he’d run away from the emotions he was feeling, and give himself time to regroup. But it wasn’t just him anymore so he pushed the lump forming in his throat down and nodded tightly. “Understood.”

  “Hunt, I’m sorry…” She didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence.

  “I’m ready.” Freya bounced into the room. She was trying to put on a good front, but Hunter felt her blues too.

  “Great, why don’t you grab a bite to eat while I go get my magic bag?” Hunter jumped off the stool, and ran out of the room. He needed space from the two girls so he could separate their feelings from his own. He knew he was miserable, but they had only been dating for a couple of months, and never pushed the boundaries. Knowledge told him that he’d survive this situation, but his heart still burned over the loss of what could’ve been. He’d waited so long to ask her out after crushing on her for years. His shyness actually robbed him of what could’ve been an amazing relationship.

  He met Rebecca at the top of the steps. In his hurry, he almost collided with her. “Whoa! Where’s the fire, Hunt?” She laughed at her obvious pun which just wasn’t amusing to him at this time.

  “Not in my hands at the moment,” he grumbled half to himself and half to her.

  “You still haven’t gotten it back?” Her face showed the distress he was feeling coming from her.

  “No, but it seems the empathy is back stronger than before.” He offered a boyish grin.

  “Ah, so the fire will probably return next. Good. I worry about your safety. Especially since we’re bracing ourselves for a retaliation from Ophelia.”

  “No need, sis. I think I’ve proven I’m resourceful.” But he did agree with her on the possible retaliation. It was only a matter of time before Ophelia and Brick struck back.

  The memories of Hunter rushing into her room with a baseball bat when he thought she was in trouble, and another of him picking up a pipe to fight off the vampires that attacked them the night of homecoming despite the fact that he’d no idea the supernatural world was real flashed in his mind. He’d been helpful since the very beginning of this mess, with power or without. But the major accomplishment he made in unlocking the family grimoire when no one else had the ability proved he was far more resourceful then given credit. Too bad he wasn’t able to find the cure to help his sisters. That would’ve made their lives a hell of a lot less tumultuous.

  “Yes, you have, many times over, but that doesn’t mean I won’t continue to worry about you. I’m your big sister. It’s in the job description.” She grinned, but he didn’t return the smile. He couldn’t keep the gloom from his face. “Are you okay?”

  He popped his head up instantly, and pasted a smile on his lips. It was fake, but he hoped believable enough to change the subject. “I’m fine,” he lied.

  “Is it Freya? Is something wrong with her?” Compassion was all over her face, vibrating off her in waves. It made Hunter feel good to know Rebecca cared about his little dragon. In fact, it was nice to see that Rebecca, despite her new level of strength and power, was still the same sister he knew – unlike Savannah.

  He shook his head. “No, Freya is fine. Natalia just told me she is going to be leaving for a while – some guardian assignment in Colorado.” Experience taught him if he didn’t tell her, she’d keep after him until he broke.

  She bit her lower lip, unsure of what to say. “You two will be able to work it out. Sometimes, absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Unfortunately, she couldn’t shut off the doubt that came from her as she tried to console his fears.

  He kicked his foot against the step. “And sometimes it doesn’t,” he reluctantly pointed out what she was obviously feeling.

  “You’re right, sometimes it--”

  The front door swung open, and two wolves ran over the threshold. Their eyes were wild, and he felt their fear. “We’re under attack!” The dark skinned Jeremiah yelled when his eyes locked with Rebecca.

  Georgie, who had slammed the door shut behind Jeremiah, added, “It’s Ophelia and Brick’s pack.” She confirmed Hunter’s and Rebecca’s greatest fear.

  They all knew it was a possibility, but secretly, Hunter hoped the retribution wouldn’t happen so soon. Rebecca started barking out orders, and the wolves reacted with amazing loyalty. Hunter took the steps three at a time down, and slid into the kitchen. He froze when he saw Freya producing a small fireball in her hand at Natalia’s tutelage. Freya tossed it up and down like a tennis ball, and was grinning from ear to ear with pride.

  Hunter tried to produce fire too, but nothing happened. Crap! We’re under attack and I am defenseless. It was his worst nightmare. “Freya, Natalia, they’re here! We need to get you safe.”

  “I can fight,” Freya insisted as he took her hand and pulled her toward the basement safe house. She dug her heels into the ground, and pulled against him.

  “No, Freya, we’re not ready. This time we need to leave the fighting to Rebecca’s wolf pack. They’ve been preparing for this battle.”

  “I said I can fight!” She snatched her hand away and morphed into a young, red dragon.

  Natalia hid her panic as she placed a hand on the girl’s crimson head and spoke a few unfamiliar words. The dragon’s eyes rolled back in her head, and she collapsed to the ground, asleep. “Please forgive me, little one.”

  “Thank you, Natalia.” Hunter offered a weak smile as he picked up the heavy, child-dragon under her front feet, and Natalia picked up Freya’s hind legs. They carried her down to the safe house.

  Hunter knew Freya was going to be furious, but he needed to make sure they were both ready before they engaged the enemy.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “GEORGIE, I NEED YOU TO attempt to reach out to reinforcements mentally. Do what you can to avoid alerting Ophelia and Brick’s team,” Rebecca ordered, and then she sent a mental SOS to her mate. ‘Gabe, we have a situation developing. Ophelia and Brick are making their move.’

  ‘I’m at least an hour out. I’m over at the Protectors’ headquarters with Lucky. I’ll call everyone I can to get there as soon as possible.’

  ‘We’ll hold down the fort.’

  ‘Be careful, Becks. I love you.’

  ‘I love you too.’ Rebecca wanted to ask him if he’d managed to get a release for their realm’s Brick, but knew this wasn’t the time. She had more pressing issues to get under control.

  “Jeremiah, I need details. How many, and where are they?”

  “They brought quite a few over in numbers. I lost count after about twenty-five.” He ran a worried hand through his sandy-brown hair. “We don’t have the numbers to defend. I think we should consider running to fight another day.”

  ‘We don’t’ run!
’ Siren snarled in Rebecca’s mind.

  “Retreat isn’t an option right now. Georgie and Gabriel are calling in reinforcements. If we enter into battle and lose, then we’ll consider retreat, but not until then.” Besides, they had magic on their side, and Ophelia and Brick were simply wolves. Despite their numbers, Rebecca’s pack had the upper hand.

  Sundae and the rest of the wolves started gathering in the main room of the compound. Jackson, Hunter, and Natalia joined a few minutes later. Rebecca began dividing the wolves into teams, and assigning them quadrants of the house. At this point, it would be easier to hold up in the base, and defend from inside the house as opposed to meeting them in the open. Here, they had leverage, and reinforcements would be able to garner a surprise attack from behind. She was pretty sure victory was something they could easily achieve. Even Siren liked their odds.

  The youngest members of the pack, Willow and River, joined the wolves, and waited for their assignments. Rebecca sent Jeremiah, Sundae, and Jackson to the armory to gather weapons for the impending battle. Silver bullets were effective in impairing wolves, and meant less casualties on her side of the ranks. Besides, she had very few wolf members on the premises, and they would need a way to defend themselves in case the attackers broke through their base before reinforcements made it in time to help them.

  “What about us?” River puffed out his small chest, and waited to be assigned to help.

  Rebecca looked at them. Seven and eight, they were far too young to fight this battle. They were the other two that survived their pack massacre a few months back, and Gabe’s half-siblings. There was no way she’d let anything happen to them. “Where’s Freya?” She looked at Hunter.

  “She’s under a little sleeping spell courtesy of Natalia, and in the safe room in the basement,” he offered.