Read Five Page 40

  I woke up in Luke’s warm embrace. My head rested on his outstretched arm. He still slept. He looked peaceful—almost childlike.

  The curtains were drawn and light poured through the window. I had to squint, but my eyes had adjusted a little.

  Luke’s golden mane shimmered as if it were a small sun. A lock of hair had fallen onto his forehead. I reached out, brushing the softness from his handsome face.

  His eyelids fluttered open. His gaze was bright, the clear color startling. He gave me his cosmic smile.

  I felt a return expression spread across my lips. He was so beautiful, and it wasn’t merely a mask.

  To my surprise, he hugged me. I let my body mold to his.

  “Thank you,” he said softly into my hair.

  I felt tears spring to my eyes. I didn’t know why. It wasn’t from the light even though I wanted it to be.

  “For what?”

  “Not pulling away.”

  I cringed. I hadn’t realized what I was doing. How could I have feelings for two men at once? I didn’t know how it was possible, but I couldn’t deny it any longer. This sucked.

  Luke stiffened. “What is wrong?”

  I’m a sorry sap. “Nothing.”

  “It’s fine if you do not wish to tell me.” He made me look into his concerned eyes. “Are you unwell?”

  Good question. I was fine—all except for the conflicting emotions that were eating away at my soul. I felt as though I was betraying everyone I loved by having feelings for Luke.

  A horn sounded. More followed in the distance until I could barely hear the low call. I scooted toward the window.

  Luke tugged on my arm. “It is unwise for you to try that now. I want you to be as strong as possible when you face Tabitha.”

  Was she the white eyed creature Lily had mentioned? I hoped not. “Who is she?”

  He rubbed his stubbly jaw. “The closest thing we have to a real Queen. She holds no elemental power, but she is a seer. She was here before the first fae settled your world. She was alone. The last of her kind. No one knows where she came from.”

  She sounded terrifying. I didn’t want to see her. I wanted to go to the out of the way attic room I had fought to get and sink into my comfortable bed. Why hadn’t Grace warned me about this life? I had no idea if I would have believed her. Maybe I would have ended up here anyway, but maybe not.

  Thinking about her brought unwanted fears to my mind. I hoped she was safe. I hoped they all were. I didn’t want to do anything that would put them in further danger. I had already revealed their secret hiding place.

  “Do you have a mirror?” I asked. If I was going to stare down the Queen of the fae, I wanted to at least look decent.

  Luke laughed. He brushed his fingers through my hair. “You have never looked more beautiful.”

  Uh-huh. I was really going to buy that. “I would like to see for myself, if you don’t mind.”

  He got a funny look on his face as if he were contemplating refusing my request. Was it that bad?


  “Okay, fine, but I don’t think it is a good idea yet.”

  I held out my hand. “Just give me one.”

  A gilded mirror materialized in front of me. I gasped. The woman staring at me looked like my mother only with darker hair. I pinched my cheek. So did she. I made a face. She mimicked my movements. I had my mom’s gray eyes, but I had never seen them sparkle like this.

  What was going on? I looked around the mirror. Empty space greeted me. I moved to the reflection again. “What happened to me?” I hissed.

  Luke shrugged. “Your body is adjusting to your new surroundings.”

  I grimaced, feeling my face. “I look older.”

  He laughed. “You are nearly to your full maturity.”


  The mirror vanished. He placed his hand on my shoulder. “I told you it wasn’t a good idea. I think you look fantastic.”

  I turned and frowned at him, punching his shoulder. “You would.”

  He cocked a brow. “I will hardly be the only one.”

  My hands flew to my curvier hips. “And just what exactly was wrong with the way I was?”

  He blocked my second blow, capturing my hand and brought it to his lips, placing gentle kisses on my knuckles. His cerulean gaze penetrated through me. “Absolutely nothing. You are merely getting ready for the change.”

  I’d done enough of that already. Thank you very much. I yanked my hand away and slid against the wall, folding my arms protectively across my stomach.

  Luke sat next to me. He reached for my hand again, but I shrugged him away.

  Grunting, he pulled my chin around. “Rayla, we don’t have time for this. I must know what you have decided.”

  I gaped at him. “Nothing. That’s what I’ve decided. I don’t even know what my options are.”

  “If you were any other Elemental on the planet, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. We would be doing other things by now.”

  The hungry look he shot me told me exactly where we would be and what we would be doing. Unwanted heat crept into my face. I grabbed a fistful of silk and pretended to be mesmerized.

  His tone had taken on a sultry cadence, his breath tickling the side of my neck. “You will have to claim what you want.”

  I slid the slippery sheets through my fingers, not looking at him. “This whole thing is stupid. I’m not old enough to handle this crap.”

  Luke straddled my legs. His face was inches from mine. “You can handle more than you think. You have done amazingly well without any guidance at all. I am truly astounded by you.” He reached out and cupped my cheek. “Don’t you realize how special you are?”

  I shook my head. “It’s not like I have much to compare myself to.”

  His tone was solid. “Never do that.”

  I looked away from him. He turned my gaze to his.

  “You have no idea the power you hold. Stop thinking as a simple human girl would. You are no longer that person. You are a queen. Act like one.”

  I went rigid. How could I be a queen of anything?

  The thunder of beating hooves startled me. Luke cursed under his breath. The bed was gone in an instant. I hit the floor and shook my head at him.

  He gave me a quick sheepish expression, pulling me up and flush with his body. “I may never get to do this again. No matter what happens, you have to understand that what I feel for you is real.”

  He crushed his lips to mine. His kiss seared through me as though he were trying to brand me his. I couldn’t make myself push him away. When the carriage rolled to a stop, he jerked back from me and wiped his mouth. I was still reeling from emotions I should not have felt.

  Zach poked his head through the window. His expression went cold as it fell on Luke. “It took you long enough. Taylor’s been here for six hours.”

  Luke shrugged. “Rayla was hungry.” His tone held a meaning I didn’t want to grasp.

  Zach ripped the door open and held a hand out to me. “Are you okay? You seem a little flushed.”

  I took a deep breath, trying to clear my mind. I had to think or someone was bound to do it for me. “I’m fine. I just woke up.” Taking a deep breath, I placed my hand in his and stepped out onto the glowing street, not believing the scene that greeted me.

  I scuffed my shoe against the radiant cobbles. Were they really solid gold? Zach handed me some shades. I gratefully accepted. I didn’t want any of the fae to see the wonder in my eyes. I tried to act blasé about the place, but I was finding it rather difficult.

  The streets were lined with shining blooms in every color of the rainbow and a few more my mind had trouble processing. A breeze brought a multitude of scents I didn’t recognize with it. All pleasant. I breathed in deeper.

  “Careful,” said Zach. “Not too much at once.”

  It was a little late for that. My head was already spinning. I looked back at Luke. He smiled warmly.

  He’d accomplished wh
at he set out to do. Darn him.

  Jett strode up to me. His grin couldn’t have gotten any larger. “Welcome to Lombarda, my lady. We have been anxiously expecting you. You may ride the rest of the way with me.”

  Oh, what an honor that would be. “No thanks.”

  Jett frowned. “I am the only one of my brothers that has not been given ample time to get to know you. You would not deny me your company.”

  “Uh, Yeah. I would.” I shoved past him. “I don’t like you.”

  Luke and Zach busted up in laughter. I glared at both of them.

  Jett caught up to me, snagging my elbow with a locked grip. “It is my right.”

  I leaned angrily toward Jett. “I don’t give a flying fig what you think or want. It’s not happening.” I yanked my arm away from him, steeling my gaze to his. “Ever.”

  Zach stepped between us. “Who would you like to ride with?”

  I did a double take. He was giving me a choice? “I…” I hadn’t noticed the horses because I had been too focused on their riders.

  Bottomless obsidian eyes penetrated through me. The pegasus reared back. His wings spread wide. He pawed at the ground, snorting. I trembled before the hellish beast, not sure what to do.

  Zach folded me in his embrace before he whispered, “He likes you.”

  That thing couldn’t stand me. I could feel it radiating from him in sharp waves. I hate you. I hate you. I hate you.

  I stiffened. “I am not getting anywhere near him.”

  Zach crowded me with his big body. “You are being ridiculous. Styx is just excited to see you.”

  Bull crap. “I would rather walk.” I turned on my heel and stopped short. Jett was right behind me. I refused to even acknowledge he was there.

  “It’s really far,” said Zach.

  Luke was suddenly next to me. “You heard her. She doesn’t want to go with you.”

  I looked between them. Dark and Light. Each one perfect. How could I choose?

  I gave them both my impression of imperious. “I desire to walk.”

  I sidestepped the group and headed toward the city. Jett took his turn at laughing. The sound hit me like a shockwave. I shuddered, but kept moving.

  The three of them skulked behind me. I was soon too overwhelmed with what I was seeing to pay any attention to them. I lowered my shades. I wasn’t ready. I blinked back tears and replaced them. Shimmering crystal towers jutted above three story golden gates.

  Who were they trying to keep out? King Kong?

  We had to be at least a mile away from the enormous castle. Pastures of swaying tall grass flanked the road. Cute little cottages were nestled against the enormous redwood tree-line. People flowed out of the houses, coming toward me. Luke stepped to my left, Zach to my right. I could feel Jett’s solid steps dogging mine.

  I looked into the faces of the hopeful. Why were they staring at me like that? They were beautiful people, but there wasn’t one single child among them.

  What a sad existence. Children were the gift of God.

  I grimaced. Oh, yeah. These people didn’t have one of those. I felt sorry for them.

  Every person bowed as I passed then dropped to a knee. I was not royalty, and I didn’t want people treating me like that. I was no better than they were. So what if I had mystical power. They did too.

  A black blur flew above us as if scouting for trouble. I wished he wasn’t so close. That thing scared the heck out of me.

  The gates to the city swung wide as if in greeting. I braced myself for something spectacular.

  It was. Just not what I expected.

  I stared at a medieval village. The people within were dressed in their finery: shimmering silks and satins, rich velvets, impressive brocades. I felt completely underdressed.

  Then I realized I wasn’t. Somewhere along the way, I had been draped in a glowing white ball-gown. Yeah. That looked good with my sun glasses. I didn’t know why I cared what these people thought about me, but it might have something to do with the expectations in their eyes.

  The road wound upward to the castle. A grin spread along my lips. I was actually going to see a real one. And this one was cool. It was made entirely of crystal.

  I could feel the multitude following us. Their emotions swirled around me, mingling with my own. Did they do this for every single Elemental?

  The brightly colored buildings rose high above us. The one on the right gleamed as though built with ruby bricks. It couldn’t be, but that’s what it looked like. The next one shimmered iridescent in the bright sun-like opal.

  I leaned over to Zach. “Are these made out of what I think they are?”

  He smiled down on me, seemingly pleased I had asked him. “They are.”

  I closed my gaping jaw. “But I didn’t think gems came that big.”

  He chuckled. “We do not hide our wealth underground or in vaults. We keep it in the open for all to enjoy.”

  I felt a pang of frustration having grown up in a relatively poor family, and there were so many people in my world way worse off than we had been. One sculpted brick could have provided for my entire town for the next hundred years.

  The street narrowed as we drew closer to the castle. I looked behind me. A sea of people followed us.

  We came to a grove of trees. The leaves were a brilliant orange, like the new bloom of a poppy. There was no breeze to speak of, but they swayed together as if dancing. I watched them as I passed under the glowing archway.

  Gasping, I stopped to take in my first real view of the castle. My fingers flew to my mouth. Luke and Zach laughed, each placing an arm around me. I could feel them swatting at each other, but I didn’t care. I was looking at the most beautiful scene I could ever imagine.

  A waterfall rushed from the top of the fairytale castle into a cloudy mist at the base, making the entire structure seem as if it was floating. The cool spray prickled my skin. Colorful birds flew overhead, singing an enchanting melody. The fragrance of the air became more intense with every breath. My head felt funny. I tried not to sway on my feet, but the experience was overwhelming.

  The castle was enormous. The iridescent spires were capped in gold. The glowing blocks of stone were almost transparent, sort of like a shoji screen. I squinted, trying to catch a glimpse of the inside. Rushing forward, I picked up my skirts and skipped down the path enjoying this entirely too much. I couldn’t keep from smiling in wonder. I twisted and turned to see the source of every new sound. There was so much to take in. Weakness drained my body, but I didn’t want to miss anything at all.

  The image before me swam. I blinked, but everything was skewed. When excruciating pain shot through my skull, I clutched my head then fell to the glowing earth.

  Dove gray eyes gazed into mine, searching.

  Too close.

  Shocking white hair piled into a messy array. The scent of jasmine floated over me. A wild giggle, a prodding of skin.

  Hungry blackness.