Read For Her Pleasure Page 13

  “Yeah, darlin’. I’ve missed you.”

  She smoothed a hand through his hair then let it slip until it was centered on his chest. “Mac’s going to be here in a little while to get me. Why don’t you go home and grab a bag and meet us back here? We have to stop by the house to get my things and let Mac change. You could drop your bike there.”

  He caught her hand and raised it to his lips. He tasted her palm then kissed it before letting it fall once more. He must be out of his fucking mind to agree to this. He was as hard as a fucking rock, and it was a long-ass drive to Galveston.

  “All right, darlin’. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  He turned to go but Kit slid into his arms once more.

  “I’m glad you’re going, Ryder,” she said softly.

  He smiled down at her and tried real hard not to kiss her again. Mac was a reasonable guy, but he might not be pleased that Ryder was putting his mark on his girl in public.

  His girl. Mac’s girl. Fuck.

  He squeezed Kit’s hand then walked toward the door.

  Kit watched him go, her chest tight. She missed him. He hadn’t been around much in the last weeks. Oh, he’d been a steady source of support during the trial of the man who’d raped her over a year ago, but he hadn’t been to Mac’s.

  What a twisted mess. She should be the happiest woman alive. She no longer lived in constant fear now that her attacker had been jailed. Mac loved her and they enjoyed a terrific relationship. But she missed Ryder. Missed his big body wrapped around hers, his lips and hands on her skin. Missed the comfort of having the two people she loved most in the world close to her heart at all times.

  She headed back to the bar and set her tray down. A quick survey of the room told her the customers were satisfied for the moment. She leaned against the worn countertop and took a breather.

  Fifteen minutes later, she headed back into the crowd, her tray full of beers and mixed drinks. Her pulse sped up when she spied Mac standing in the doorway. She grinned and blew him a kiss.

  No matter how many times he walked through that door, she got a ridiculous thrill, like it was the first time she’d laid eyes on him.

  Tall, big, broad shouldered, looking like the sexiest man alive in his police uniform and Stetson. His blue eyes positively smoldered as he raked his gaze over her.

  Oh, this weekend was going to be fun.

  He strode toward her, and her pussy tightened painfully. Figures she could get wet, and he was still ten feet away.

  “Hey, baby,” he said huskily as he came to a stop in front of her.

  She shivered at the raw sexuality in his voice. She reached up on tiptoe and kissed him. “Hey yourself.”

  “You about ready to go?”

  She checked her watch. “Ten more minutes and I’m yours.”

  “I’ll wait for you by the bar,” Mac said.

  She nodded and set about finishing her drink deliveries.

  A few minutes later, she walked back over to the bar and plunked down her tray. Mac slid an arm around her and began untying her apron for her.

  “I missed you today,” he murmured against her ear.

  She leaned in against him, resting her cheek on his chest. He smelled delicious. Felt even better.

  Suddenly she picked her head back up. “Have you talked to Ryder?” she asked.

  “Yeah, he couldn’t make it. Sorry, baby.”

  “Oh, he came by here and I talked him into going. He’s headed home to grab a bag, and he’ll be back in a few minutes. I told him he could catch a ride with us. Is that okay?” she asked anxiously.

  “Of course it’s all right. I wouldn’t have invited him if I didn’t want him to go.”

  She relaxed into a smile. “You’re the best, Mac. I can’t believe you planned this whole weekend. I can’t wait for it to just be us. I’ve missed you both.”

  “I know you have, baby,” he said quietly.

  “Hey, there he is,” Kit said as she looked beyond Mac to the door.

  Mac’s hand tightened at her waist.

  Ryder approached them at the bar, and Mac held out a fist. Ryder bumped it with his. “How’s it going?”

  “Great now that you’re here,” Mac said lazily. “We can get this party started if Kit’s ready to leave.”

  Kit looked between the two men, and her nipples hardened to points. Her stomach clenched with heady anticipation. Oh yeah, she was ready. A whole weekend rocked between the two sexiest men alive? What girl wouldn’t orgasm just thinking about it?


  Ryder looked over his shoulder to see Kit curled up sound asleep in the back seat of Mac’s extra-cab Dodge truck. She looked fragile, delicate, and he knew she was anything but. The last year had taken its toll on her in more ways than one.

  “She asleep?” Mac asked in a low voice.

  Ryder turned back to Mac. “Yeah. Crashed hard.”

  Mac shook his head. “She needs this weekend to decompress.” He paused for a long moment and gripped the steering wheel tighter. “She’s still having nightmares.”

  Ryder clenched his jaw until it ached. “Are you sure you wanted me along? You guys probably need the time together.”

  Mac stared curiously at him. “Is there something going on with you, bro? You’ve been acting weird lately. I could swear you’ve been avoiding us. Kit’s missed you being around.”

  Ryder swallowed and looked away. “Nah,” he lied. “Just been busy at the garage. Besides, I figured you guys had enough to deal with without me hanging around.”

  “Cut that shit out. You know you’re welcome at our place any time. Kit’s going to kick your ass if you continue to blow us off.”

  Ryder grinned. Yeah, she was feisty. It was what he loved about her most. She was strong willed, a free spirit. She was beautiful.

  “Yeah, she latched onto my ass like a pit bull when I got to the bar,” Ryder said.

  Mac chuckled. “That’s my girl. Won’t take no for an answer.”

  “I’ve missed her too,” Ryder admitted before he could think better of the statement.

  Again Mac looked sideways at him. “Then don’t be a stranger.”

  “Who’s being a stranger?” Kit asked in a sleepy voice.

  Ryder turned to see her sit up in the seat and rub her eyes.

  “No one, darlin’. You get a good sleep?”

  She yawned then frowned. “I should have made one of you sit in the back with me so I could snuggle.”

  Both he and Mac laughed. Kit was a total snuggle bug. She wasn’t content unless she was wrapped around him or Mac, and the truth was, Ryder was more than happy to accommodate her most of the time.

  She leaned forward until her arms rested on the seat between him and Mac. “So who’s the stranger?”

  “Ryder is, baby.”

  She snorted. “That’s the truth. If I didn’t know better, I’d say he doesn’t love me anymore.”

  “Fat chance,” Ryder said, flicking his finger under her chin.

  She leaned over the seat and kissed Ryder full on the mouth. He was so surprised he didn’t react immediately. And before he could, she pulled away.

  “Kit,” Mac growled. “Don’t start something you can’t finish. I’m driving for God’s sake.”

  She grinned mischievously. “You don’t complain when I give you a blow job on the road.”

  “Hell,” Mac said.

  “Well now, darlin’, had I known that little tidbit, I most definitely would have ridden in the back seat with you.”

  “It’s not too late,” she said innocently. “Mac could always pull over.”

  “The hell I will,” Mac muttered. “Maybe you think driving with a hard-on is a piece of cake.”

  She laughed and leaned back once more. “You guys are in so much trouble when we get there.”

  “Darlin’, is that supposed to be a threat? Because I have to tell you, I hope to hell it’s a promise.”

  “Amen,” Mac said as he exhaled.

bsp; Ryder tensed when he felt her fingers dig into his hair. Her small tips smoothed over the strands, pulling and separating them.

  “I love your hair,” she said huskily. “So long and wild. Like you.”

  Ryder groaned. Fuck on a stick. How the hell was he supposed to maintain any sort of distance? Kit was a goddess. There wasn’t anything he didn’t like about this woman.

  Her hands continued to knead in his hair, and he leaned back to give her better access.

  “I can’t wait to have my hands in your hair while you fuck me,” she whispered.

  “Jesus, Kit. You have to stop or I swear to God, I’m gonna make Mac pull over while I fuck your brains out.”

  “And that’s supposed to warn me off?” she deadpanned.

  Mac laughed again. “I told you, man. She’s really missed you.”

  “How much further, Mac?” Kit asked as she let her hands fall from Ryder’s hair.

  “We’re about an hour out of Houston, baby. Then another forty-five minutes or so to Galveston.”

  Ryder turned around in his seat. Despite her short nap, she still looked tired. Fatigue rimmed those beautiful green eyes, dark smudges resting in the hollows.

  “Why don’t you go back to sleep, darlin’? We’ll wake you when we get there.”

  “You bored with my company already?” she teased.

  “Do as he says, Kit,” Mac rumbled from the driver’s seat. “You’re gonna need all the rest you can get.”

  “I’d sleep better if I had someone to snuggle,” she grumbled.

  But she lay back down and curled into the seat with a yawn.

  Ryder and Mac drove the rest of the way in silence. Ryder snuck a peek at Kit every once in awhile, but she slept soundly.

  They arrived in Galveston and drove along the seawall until they came to their hotel. Mac parked in front and quietly opened his door to go check in. Kit remained asleep as Ryder waited with her.

  A few minutes later, Mac slid back into the truck and pulled it into the parking lot adjacent to the hotel.

  “I’ll get the bags. You wake Kit up,” Mac said in a low voice. “We’re on the top floor.”

  Ryder eased out of the truck and opened the back door. Kit’s silky hair splayed out over the seat, and her soft breathing filled the interior. Ryder stroked fingers over her cheek, and she stirred restlessly.

  “Time to wake up, darlin’,” he murmured.

  She stretched and emitted a low groan. “We’re here?”

  She rose up on her elbow and peered around. As if struggling with the heavy fog of sleep, she blinked and shook her head.

  He reached his hand out to help her down. When she stepped from the cab, she melted into his arms, burrowing her face into his chest.

  He gripped her tightly with one arm, squeezing her against him. “Come on, darlin’. Mac’s waiting for us in the lobby.”

  He ushered her inside where Mac was holding the elevator. She immediately nestled into Mac’s side, and Mac wrapped a possessive arm around her. Mac kissed the top of her head, and she turned her lips up, offering her kiss to him.

  Ryder glanced away, the intimacy between them making him uncomfortable.

  The elevator doors swooshed open, and they stepped into the hallway. Mac led the way to the room at the very end and set the baggage down long enough to insert the card in the door.

  Kit opened the door and walked in ahead of them, flipping on the lights as she went. Mac had booked a suite, Ryder noted. There was a small living area with a sliding door to the outside balcony.

  He and Mac followed Kit into the bedroom.

  “Ohhh, one king bed,” she said as she bounced onto the mattress. “I like!”

  Mac chuckled and set the luggage down near the bed. “I’m going to take a quick shower. I’ll be back in five.”

  Mac shuffled into the bathroom and closed the door, leaving Ryder and Kit alone.

  Kit sat on the edge of the bed, her expression hesitant. Ryder cocked an eyebrow, curious as to why she’d be unsure.

  “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, Kit girl?”

  She flushed guiltily and looked away. Her fingers flexed and curled against the bed spread, almost nervouslike. Then she turned her green eyes back on him.

  “I guess it’s just been awhile,” she said huskily. “Maybe I’m not sure you want me anymore.”

  Ryder sighed. What a mess he’d made of things. Instead of enjoying a good thing, he’d done his best to screw it up. He walked over to the bed where she sat and cupped her head in his hands. He shoved his fingers deep into her hair.

  He bent his head and captured her lips in a deep kiss. He feasted on her mouth. Gone were the warm, comfortable kisses they used to share. It was hot, breathless, and it sent a jolt to his groin that had his dick paying quick attention.

  He licked at her lips, nipped with his teeth, gave her no choice but to respond.

  “Get out of those clothes, darlin’. It’s been a long time since I got to taste that pussy, and I’m as hard as a jackhammer at the idea.”

  Kit shivered as she stood in front of Ryder and began pulling her shirt over her head. There was something different about him. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was enough sexual tension in the room to float a small barge.

  She let her shirt drop to the floor then slid her hands down to the waistband of her jeans. Slowly, she peeled the denim down her legs until she stood in only her underwear.

  Ryder sucked in his breath. “Black underwear. My favorite.”

  She smiled. “I remembered.”

  “Of course, darlin’, you’d look good in a sackcloth.”

  She leaned into Ryder and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’ve got too many clothes on, and if you want to see the rest of me, you better get to shucking.”

  His hands drifted down to cup her ass through the silky material of her panties. Then he walked her backward until the back of her knees hit the edge of the mattress. She went down onto the bed, his arms around her. He came with her, until their bodies tangled together.

  “You’re not calling the shots tonight, darlin’,” he murmured close to her ear.

  He proceeded to lick and nibble at the delicate skin surrounding her ear. Forty thousand chill bumps did the river dance over her skin as he sucked the lobe between his teeth.

  The straps to her bra slid down her shoulders. He pushed impatiently at the cups until her breasts sprang free. A growl echoed through the room just before he latched onto a nipple.

  She sucked in breath after breath but couldn’t manage to catch up. The rasp of denim scratched between her legs as Ryder thrust a big thigh between her knees and spread. His body, hard, urgent, mimicked fucking motions, and she felt the bulge suppressed by his jeans cradle into her pussy.

  He rubbed again, denim against silk. The sensation set her clit on fire.

  “Please,” she whispered.

  “Please, what, darlin’? Kiss you? Suck you? Fuck you?”

  “Yes, yes and yes!”

  He chuckled then slid his big body down hers until his lips pressed against the waistline of her panties. He nipped until he caught the edge in his teeth then slowly began to pull down.

  His fingers feathered over her tattoo as her underwear moved lower. Cool air blew over the bare skin of her cunt and she shivered.