Read Forbidden, The Bittersweet Vampire Chronicles, Book 1 Page 3

  Chapter 2


  Rolling his wide, powerful shoulders in agitation, Bran looked big, imposing, and very grim.

  “Good grief, Kaid! Why do I always have to help watch over your little sister?” his deep voice gruffly boomed throughout the dark, campfire-lit grounds where tired MacDonnel clansmen were preparing to bed down from the excitement of the first day of their annual hunt.

  Although her slender hands fisted in exasperation at Bran’s niggling words, Ariel pointedly ignored the young, overly-aggressive warrior, wondering if he even realized the amount of intense emotions his flashing green eyes were putting off as he prowled in front of the central fire. The bright sparks in the darkness and popping of the settling logs behind him seemed to emphasize the hostile feelings roiling inside the hardened warrior. His lovely square jaw was clenched as he restlessly paced, obviously trying to pick a fight with Ariel as she moved across the forest clearing, gently weaving a path through the lounging clansmen, her hips femininely swaying in the baggy boy pants and long tunic she wore.

  That annoyingly attractive male--who happened to be her secret ex-boyfriend--could go jump off a cliff for all she cared!

  Alright…alright…so occasionally she might care…a little. But most of the time she was fingering the sturdy hilt of her favorite blade, imagining his quick demise. Bran MacDonnel couldn’t goad her or growl spiteful things under his breath when his thick throat was cut, now could he?

  A very pleasant thought, indeed.

  With the shadow of a smile playing at her lips, Ariel discretely turned her head, sliding the huge warrior a look beneath her long lashes. And, since his eyes had never left her moving form, he immediately noticed.

  As their gazes met, a jolt of energy seemed to surge between them and Ariel silently caught her breath. Bran’s lips curved with a cruel edge of challenge, his gaze slashing over her with loathing and something else Ariel couldn’t quite put her finger on.

  Just to annoy him, she reached up and scratched her shoulder with just her pinky finger…a secret gesture that she’d previously used to signal him to meet her behind the old stables later. His eyes widened in surprise and she couldn’t help but smirk because she’d caught him off guard, which did, indeed, annoy him. They were far from home and he’d have to walk a long way to get back to the old stables.

  With an inward sigh, she wondered if the big brute ever ached for her lost friendship like she ached for his. Ariel’s heart used to leap at the idea of spending time with Bran. Stolen moments with her strong, handsome warrior had been the best part of her day. Now, any time spent around his simmering anger was the worst.

  Ariel still felt the warrior’s sharp gaze on her back as she halted beside their three-person makeshift bed, just big enough for Kaid and Bran with her literally squashed right in the middle for warmth and protection, the same as every year. Except Bran used to secretly love Ariel, or maybe he’d just been pretending…until she’d made that mistake. Now the massive warrior seemed to utterly despise the very air she breathed.

  Bending low, Ariel slipped her long legs into the overindulgent pile of blankets and lush furs, easing in next to Kaid, her best friend and oldest half-brother.

  Ariel secretly thought her deceased mother must have lied when she’d claimed Lord MacDonnel had fathered her, apparently willing to say anything to secure her daughter a safe home. But Kaid usually became moody when Ariel mentioned those opinions, so she rarely spoke her worries aloud anymore.

  From Ariel’s long curves, pale curls, and soothing violet eyes—plus all the weird tricks she could do—nothing of her angelic face or form matched Kaid’s tall, hulking build, strong jaw, intelligent blue gaze, or the straight, dark blond hair that dusted his overly-broad shoulders.

  Kaid was several years older than her, would someday be the leader of clan MacDonnel, and he continuously watched over Ariel with a warm, overprotective devotion that bordered on obsessive. He was her haven, a place where she found friendship, affection and companionship. And Ariel didn’t mind in the least that her best friend tended to coddle and indulge her. She’d never known any different.

  Presently, Kaid’s alert blue eyes were grim as he sat up and carefully rearranged the layers of coverings over Ariel’s slight frame for maximum protection against the cold chill. When she tilted her head back, impishly smiling up at her handsome best friend, his look finally softened into warm amusement.

  Quirking one eyebrow, his sarcasm was evident as he questioned, “Is this bed soft enough for you?”

  “It’s amazing,” she purred, thoroughly enjoying the padded softness of the furs she now lay upon. “I didn’t think you could make a better bed than last years but you’ve managed to surpass even that.”

  He shrugged one broad, powerful shoulder. “I have to sleep here, as well,” he gruffly negated the effort, though she could sense the pleasure her words had given him.

  “I’ve seen what you take for bedding on your other hunts!” she argued. “You cover up with only your plaid at night like some foolish person.”

  He snorted. “I don’t need a lot of coverings. I’m not a scrawny little female who will freeze stiff during a single Highland night. And it’s my job to protect you.”

  “Yes, it is!” she agreed, her soft, melodious voice teasing as she affectionately wrapped her arms around his middle and laid her cheek against his hard chest. “Thank you, Kaid.”

  He grumbled something under his breath, acting as if she were being impossibly silly as he lovingly cupped the back of her head with one large hand.

  Trying to distract herself from any thoughts of her vindictive ex, Ariel decided to tease her overly-proper best friend who didn’t handle criticism very well…at all. “Mmm…” she sighed. “I just can’t get over how soft this bedding feels!” Mischievously, she pinched Kaid in the stomach, insinuating that he was a bit padded around the middle, even though there wasn’t a spare bit of flesh on him.

  Kaid’s eyes lit up, brows raising a fraction. “Reeeally?” he purred then narrowed his gaze into a mock scowl. “Are you sure?” What he was asking was if Ariel really wanted to take this path that would lead to pain and suffering. Her pain and suffering.

  Nervous excitement buzzed through Ariel’s veins at the casual tone he’d used, a tone which normally indicated that he was going to kill her…right after he calmly tortured her. Trying to hide her mischievous grin, Ariel bit down on her lower lip and gravely nodded. Her lovely eyes were wide as she stared up into his well-defined, arrogant features. “Mmhmm…” Pinch. “Very, very soft!”

  Her best friend was a hard worker, able to focus and relentlessly practice to excel at anything he chose to accomplish. The young, brawny warrior had a great sense of humor, but sometimes Kaid sunk into a dark, volatile frame of mind, his angry explosions almost unmanageable. These bouts of temper usually came about when Ariel was not near enough at hand for his liking or if she and Kaid had quarreled. And—surprise, surprise—their spats were almost always based on the fact that Kaid felt she was neglecting him for long periods of the day to callously tend to any ailing clan members.

  From as far back as she could remember, the task of keeping Kaid from getting too moody had always fallen on Ariel’s shoulders. Even their strong-willed, clever father could not seem to coax, growl or command Kaid out of one of his darker tempers. So, even if Ariel was busy elsewhere, like when she helped with the birth of a new babe, her father never hesitated to send a soldier to retrieve her, post haste.

  Kaid’s bad moods were legendary and so frightening at times that she had long ago made it a habit to be playful and tease him as often as she could, thus keeping his spirits light as she showered him with constant affection.

  He adored when her attention was solely focused on him and no one else.

  Slowly moving his large hand, Kaid positioned it right underneath Ariel’s ribs in a silent, threatening gesture, letting his fingertips heavily rest on her flat belly--
like a big, awful, thick-legged spider--ready to bite.

  Ariel drew in a sharp breath, her eyes widening with the realization of what was to come and she immediately gasped out a correction, “You’re not soft! You’re strong and handsome and cunning and wonderful!”

  “That’s more like it!” he rumbled, easing his hand away.

  Smiling with relief, Ariel looped a slender arm around his waist again. Then went ahead and anchored her leg over, as well, grateful that she had loose boy pants on for this trip.

  Kaid raised one curious brow at her actions and then shook his head in resignation, his eyes twinkling with mirth because he knew her competitive, mischievous nature all too well.

  Trying to look sweet and innocent, Ariel purposefully moved over as close as she could to the young warrior so that his hand would no longer be able to fit in between their bodies. Then, feeling much more secure, her reckless tongue proceeded to aggravate him again as she goaded, “Even though you are a bit knob-kneed and bony.”

  Kaid barked out a laugh. “Bony, am I? I’ve never been accused of that before!” he exclaimed good naturedly. No matter the insult, his hand swiftly returned for vengeance. His grip was strong and--although Ariel ducked her head into his body, squealing as she ardently clung to his muscular frame--he made quick work of peeling her arms away and pinning her wrists above her head. Ignoring her protests, his hand returned to dig into her stomach right where she was the most ticklish.

  Erupting into a long tide of uncontrollable laughter, Ariel had to wait for a lull in the torture to gasp out, “Jesting! I was only jesting!”

  Kaid immediately paused. “Are you sure this time?” he questioned sternly, staring down into her lovely flushed face, a pale cloud of soft curls fanning out around her.

  “Yes!” Ariel laughed, her eyes sparkling, all personal problems momentarily forgotten.

  Thankfully, Kaid had mercy and did not continue his torment. “I thought so.” Beautiful white teeth flashed in a cocky grin of satisfaction as his thick arms protectively drew her back against his chest.

  With a silly smile, Ariel curled into him like a contented kitten while he affectionately pressed his lips to her temple, kissing it twice.

  Suddenly tensing, Kaid pushed just far enough away so that he could look down into her sweet face. “How is your side?” he demanded gruffly, his face starting to lose color. “Did I hurt you?”

  Ariel could feel the worry and remorse suddenly radiating off of her good friend. She’d been seriously injured during a sword match several months back. Unfortunately, she was their clan’s main healer…but her maid, Mary, was a practiced caretaker, as well, so Ariel had been in good hands.

  “No. You didn’t hurt me,” she quickly assured him then pulled a face. “But my side is a bit sore from the long ride today,” she exaggerated, just to appease him. If Ariel told him that she was fine, Kaid always accused her of not telling him the truth, so she’d learned to complain of small, easily-curable ailments for his peace of mind.

  Noticeably less worried now, Kaid gently laid one large hand over the area of her injury, near her hip, patting it lightly as if in apology, which made Ariel smirk.

  Starting to become a bit worried about her own peace of mind, Ariel was a little too aware of the empty spot on the other side of her to fully enjoy the luxuriously soft nest Kaid had put together for their comfort. Soon, this coziness would be filled up with Bran’s overgrown, frustratingly muscular body packed in right next to hers. As the leader’s daughter and the only female ever allowed to go on this annual hunt, Kaid and Bran had always flanked her on both sides at night for protection, their big bodies shielding her smaller form from the harsh bite of cold wind and any unexpected attacks.

  Ugh! How awkward that she had to sleep with Bran’s muscular back pressed up against her for warmth when he seemed to dislike her so fiercely. During the previous few hunts, when their secret relationship had been developing, it had been quite exhilarating to be snuggled up against him right under Kaid’s nose…even though she’d had to discretely swat at Bran’s large, roaming hands last year. But now that the huge, overbearing warrior was actively despising her with every seething breath, it was a bit…uncomfortable.

  Kaid and Bran were two of the top warriors in their clan. The same age, they had grown up, shoulder to shoulder, the best of friends. Both males were smart, very aggressive, and extremely dangerous if you got on their bad side.

  Neither one of them forgot or forgave easily.

  Unfortunately, Ariel was currently planted firmly on Bran’s bad side. And yet she was Kaid’s most coveted treasure. The combination of extreme love and hate in these two best friends, whom she was daily forced to be around, left Ariel’s emotions a bit chafed and raw by the end of every evening.