Read Forbidden, The Bittersweet Vampire Chronicles, Book 1 Page 4

  Chapter 3


  Taking a deep breath, Kaid reluctantly leaned up on his side in the makeshift bed, his blue eyes warming with humor and affection as he stared down at Ariel’s sweet profile. She had always had that effect on him. All he had to do was look at her from across the room and he would smile for no reason. She was full of mischief and life and when he woke her up in the mornings, she was super clingy and such a cranky, little bear, that some of her grumpy antics could keep him chuckling to himself throughout the day.

  Protectively re-adjusting the covers, he then smoothed an adoring hand over her pale blonde curls, wondering how in the world she managed to grow more stunning every day.

  Casually glancing towards Brandos, Kaid registered--with some amusement--that his male best friend was still fuming because he had to sleep on the other side of Ariel in their makeshift bed, as was their yearly tradition. Kaid’s two best friends hadn’t been getting along these past few months but seeing them sparking fire off of each other on a daily basis was quite diverting.

  Last year he’d had some worries after coming upon them in the stables clasped in an embrace. Those flames of worry had been doused somewhat when they’d begun fighting so publicly and then completely smothered out when Bran had wounded her, almost fatally, in a contest of swords.

  Now Ariel’s attention was solely focused back on Kaid, as it should be.

  Pulling himself out of his own thoughts, Kaid finally addressed Bran’s earlier remark, his deep voice echoing through the large clearing, a calm tone that nevertheless rang with authority. “You know it’s safer for Ariel if there’s one of us on either side of her. She’s the only lass here, so it’s doubtful that all of your grumbling is garnering you much sympathy from any of the other men.”

  A round of nods and an amused murmur of agreement went up from the multitude of warriors now lounging quietly in their beds, talking amongst themselves. Those soldiers who were further away leaned up on elbows to watch the handsome, dark-haired young man—one of the clan’s most brutal warriors—who stood by the fire, his expression intimidatingly displeased.

  Despite the scar that ran down one cheek—proof that someone, at some point in time, had bested him—Brandos “Bran” MacDonnel was one of the cockiest, most self-assured warriors in their clan, with enough cold-bloodedness to make you wary of making him angry. But tonight, the big, aggressive male was obviously raring for a battle of wits with their leader’s daughter.


  Ariel sighed to herself, wondering why Bran even bothered bullying her. There was no point in it. He was the one who’d broken off their relationship.

  Not that anyone had even known they’d been together.

  They’d had an unspoken agreement to keep their relationship a secret, mainly to preserve Bran’s relationship with his best friend, her half-brother, Kaid, who was extremely protective of her.

  To someone outside her clan, it might mistakenly appear as if Bran were trying to get Ariel’s attention when he harassed her, like when you were little and you whacked a cute boy with a stick, trying to get him to notice you. Ariel knew that it was nothing like that, however.

  Everybody in their clan knew.

  Bran just flat out hated her. This hatred had seemed to start a few months back, the day after Kaid had left on a three-day trip with some elders in the clan.


  The first day, she and Bran had been having a relaxed picnic in one of their favorite hideaway spots in the forest. Bran had been so charmingly affectionate and attentive, his white teeth flashing in constant amusement. And, as he casually leaned back against the trunk of a tree, those intense green eyes had lingered on her in a very admiring way which had told her that he most definitely appreciated the view. All in all, she found those heated looks to be quite gratifying and knew her own gaze probably mirrored his. Some females might have been intimidated by the intensity and aggression he constantly seemed to exude but Ariel had always enjoyed his vicious personality and all his peculiar habits. Since he was around Kaid just as much as her, he was one of her closest friends. Bran was easy to confide in and extremely appealing.

  But the next day….

  Glowing with excitement about the good news she was sure to hear from Bran, Ariel had eagerly headed to the quiet spot behind the old stables where she normally met up with her handsome friendly-friend, as she teasingly called him. Discovering her male in a terrible mood when she arrived, Ariel had been wide-eyed and mute as she listened to him speak, finding it difficult to comprehend that all of his simmering anger seemed to be solely directed at her as he bluntly began to inform her of the various reasons why their relationship was over. Basically, Bran said that he was tired of being responsible for her just because she was Kaid’s sister and the chieftain’s daughter. He growled that he was done babysitting her, callously demanding to know how he could possibly respect someone who continuously threw herself at him in such a pitiful, desperate way, when all he felt for her was a mild, tepid friendship inter-mixed with a growing disgust and revulsion for her unnatural abilities.

  If his viciously cutting tone and ugly, hurtful words hadn’t convinced Ariel that he was no longer interested in being in a relationship with her, the pretty light-skirt walking up behind Bran and wrapping her arms around his waist had done the trick.

  Oh…and the long, open-mouthed kiss he’d given his new lass...which had added just the right touch to have Ariel angrily spinning on her heels and walking away. It’s not like she could’ve argued with him about their relationship with another clan member standing right in front of them. Bran had known that. Obviously, he hadn’t wanted to discuss the end of their relationship. He’d just wanted it over and done with so that he could move on to court girls who were—apparently--more worthy of his attention. Unfortunately, the brutally swift way in which he’d detached himself from Ariel had made it painfully obvious that he no longer cared one whit for her or trying to at least salvage their longtime friendship.


  Although Ariel’s pride absolutely refused to let her show it, she was still shaken by the force of her emotions from that day’s events. The feelings of betrayal, jealousy, and cold, paralyzing hurt had been so piercing and overwhelming to her. Besides Kaid, Bran had been her next closest friend. She’d shared different things with him than she had with Kaid and she’d often felt that he knew her even better than anyone else. Yet, he’d obviously found her extremely lacking to such an awful extent that he hadn’t cared one wit about sparing her young feelings during his brutally-honest tirade.

  Normally, if someone got on his nerves, Bran would indifferently ignore them as he might ignore a peasant, though he’d occasionally give the person a nod of acknowledgment if confined in a close area with them. But Ariel was apparently not even deserving of the silent treatment or the respectful nod. Nope. Since the day he’d broken up with her, Bran had begun treating Ariel with such open contempt and loathing that every member of their clan had noticed. It was humiliating when they questioned him on his hateful attitude. Even Kaid, upon his return from the trip, had immediately demanded to know what Bran’s problem was. And Bran always gave the same general response: I just don’t like her. She irritates me.

  A tiny part of Ariel still felt resentment towards Kaid for not protecting her against Bran. She had half expected Kaid to kill him when Bran had first started treating her so badly.

  But he hadn’t.

  Kaid had merely crossed his arms over his broad chest and looked over to Ariel to see what she intended to do in retaliation.

  So Ariel had quickly learned: the more flagrant, outrageous and quick-witted her retaliation, the more approval would shine from Kaid’s eyes. And, since the moment of Bran’s rejection, she seemed to have developed a pathetically desperate need for approval.

  Every day since their break up, Bran went out of his way to remind Ariel of just how much she completely disgus
ted him, just how much he wanted any other female but her.

  He liked to come up close behind her while they were both out on the training field. When Kaid was distracted, Bran would casually lean forward, his warm breath on her neck as he whispered some random criticism in her ear.

  He often commented about the absurdity of her big curls, and how odd it was that no blade was strong enough to cut her pale, colorless locks. Usually, he made up stories and sly digs about her glowing eyes and unnatural abilities. Like informing her that he’d seen someone else on MacDonnel land that had glowing eyes…then eventually meeting her hopeful gaze to contemptuously inform her that it had been the hairy demoness that legend said haunted a dark forest nearby.

  Or he’d insinuate that certain parts of her body looked larger that day. Then he’d verbally dismiss the idea that it could possibly be from pregnancy, basically insinuating that nobody wanted to sleep with such a bizarre individual…or marry her, for that matter.

  But what Ariel hated the most was when he’d whisper comparisons between her and the current girl he was courting. Bran would comment on how vibrant and colorful the other lass’s hair was, how well she could kiss, how good she felt pressed up against him, and how sweet she smelled. Obviously he preferred someone who hadn’t been out sweating on the training field with men all day or in the barn stepping on horse dung.

  Ariel was not a defenseless victim, however, and often had cutting retorts and criticisms of her own with which to retaliate, not to mention her quick reflexes that enabled her to deliver a mean pinch. Nip someone in the same spot a few days in a row and they often grew wary of getting too close.

  Unfortunately, Bran soon realized that her excellent hearing ensured that even when he sing-songed her name behind his hand from anywhere on the training field, her ears instantly perked up to hear more. Unfortunately, the irritating warrior could not hear her quick retorts from a distance, which was immensely frustrating for her. Even worse was that she couldn’t go straight over to tell him her response without looking like she was the one starting problems. So, she often pretended not to even hear him, but she could, and his words always hurt her already-wounded little feelings.

  Though she hated to admit it to herself, Bran’s reasoning and actions the day of their breakup had completely shattered her heart and irreparably marred her self-confidence. Her wide, violet eyes now held a vulnerability that had never been there before. And with each consecutive girl that Bran had courted, complimented and kissed right in front of her during these past few months, Ariel had then put up a new stone on the wall she was building around her silly, oversensitive, fragile little heart.

  It was an impossible situation—a necessary learning experience, perhaps--that had taught her how strong she could be and how brightly she could smile even through the pain of heartbreak, disillusion and betrayal. Ariel just wished Bran’s continuous harassment didn’t devastate her self-confidence on a daily basis.

  Every once in a while, however, Ariel would see glimpses of the old Bran and wonder if he might still have some sort of feelings for her…


  As was her habit, if a warrior was injured, Ariel would tend to him by the side of the training field, putting special ointment on the wound before carefully wrapping it. If she took too terribly long with one of the unmarried warriors, Bran would noticeably huff and even growl under his breath when the male gave her any sign of affection or appreciation.

  One day, she was kneeling in the grassy area on the outskirts of the training field, gently prodding the injured shoulder of a very well respected, large young warrior named Alec, who was kind and had a very impressive physic.

  “How are you supposed to beat up Bran for me if you’re injured?” she’d absently teased him, in the habit of talking freely with this serious-minded warrior since he was more of an easily amused listener, rather than a talker. Ariel knew that anything she mentioned would never be repeated in a gossipy way, even if he was one of Bran’s closest friends besides Kaid. Plus, she could always tell that Alec liked when she chattered to him about this or that or waved to him in passing.

  Seated in the grass, he casually glanced over his shoulder at where she knelt behind him, his dark brown gaze meshing with hers as he calmly asked her, “So you don’t think you and Bran will be getting back together, then?”

  Ariel’s heart practically froze in panicked disbelief as she absently continued to work on the warrior. “Back together?” she repeated with just the right touch of incredulity in her tone.

  His inquisitive eyes never left her as he gave a small snort, chiding her in a low voice, “Just because Kaid was blind to what was going on, doesn’t mean everyone was, though I fully understood why it was kept a secret. Kaid would not have been pleased. And some of the looks Bran used to give you when Kaid was distracted could have melted rock. Being such a pretty little thing, I’m more prone to watch you than anyone else, so I didn’t miss very many of your subtle interactions with Bran.”

  Desperate to divert the conversation, Ariel breathlessly teased, “I’m the only female that’s ever out here for very long, so that’s not saying much when there’s no competition. Plus, there are quite a few swaggering warriors who might dispute your claim that I’m the pretty one out here.”

  That made him chuckle but then a moment later he grew serious again, whispering, “What happened?”

  Looking decidedly uncomfortable, Ariel realized that it would be foolish to continue trying to deny anything to this observant warrior. Trusting him more than most, Ariel swallowed and admitted in a low, disappointed voice, “It was my fault. I messed up.”

  He looked doubtful. “Nothing can be that unforgivable.”

  Ariel swallowed, her eyes skittering away from his as she shrugged uneasily. “Apparently, it was.”

  His lips curled into a wry grimace. “Well, he did not exactly win your affection in a fair contest. Do you realize how hard it is to compete with Bran for your attention? Especially since he’s the only male that Kaid ever lets anywhere near you.” He paused looking a little bit uncomfortable before he admitted, “Bran and I are good friends…but if I thought I had a chance against his ghost, I’d court you.”

  Perking up, Ariel gave him a dazzling smile. “Really?” she whispered, her voice filled with admiration, disbelief, and pure delight.

  He teasingly groaned, her pleased response warming his serious eyes. “I fear that your flattering reaction has just stolen my heart…and I may never get it back.”

  With a sinking feeling, Ariel realized that the young man was probably just being flattering in order to make Ariel feel better about her unmarried, hopeless situation. But it was still an enjoyable conversation and she appreciated his efforts.

  He slowly exhaled and then ruefully admitted, “I’ve always thought that anyone who could beat Kaid in a swordfight would surely earn enough of his respect to be allowed to court his favorite sister. I fight him fairly often but he’s a monster in the ring.”

  Ariel gasped as an idea came to her. “How about I distract him the next time the two of you are in the ring?” she suggested helpfully.

  A pleased, boyish smile lit up his face. “You are so incredibly sweet,” he praised. “If anyone could distract him it would definitely be you. Everybody knows that he loves you more than anything or anyone else in his life.” He sighed before reluctantly inquiring, “Can you possibly distract Bran, as well? I’m sure he would be the next in line that I’d have to fight to gain your hand.”

  “I can try,” she offered, losing a bit more hope. Alec was an amazing fighter but it was doubtful that he could beat either one of those warriors, much less both, even if she was successful in distracting them.

  “Bran’s really violent when he fights,” the warrior explained, as if she wasn’t out here watching the men almost every day. “When you’ve grown up watching someone fight in the ring, you can usually anticipate which move they are going to make next.” The male shook hi
s head. “Brandos is unpredictable, and he always has that almost crazy look in his eyes when he’s fighting, like he’s really going to enjoy killing you.

  She let out an almost wistful laugh. “At least Bran only gives you that awful look when you’re in the ring together. These days he gives me that look all day long, every day.”

  Alec shook his head. “I’ve watched him. Sometimes he actually looks at you like he used to.”

  Ariel’s curiosity was definitely lit. “Like when?” she whispered with far too much interest. Why pretend?

  Alec sent her a knowing look before humming in thought. “Well, he seems to revert back to his old self when you’re teasing his best friend…like the times when you’re completely focused on Kaid and the two of you are laughing. Also, the other day when you had that little boy with the small wooden sword snuggled up in your lap and you were chattering away with him while kissing his injuries all better. I could tell that Bran liked that scene. He would look away, like he could care less, and then his eyes would immediately slide back to watch the two of you as if he were mesmerized. And, when you were trying to make the boy feel better for crying and you made up that long, funny story about Bran sobbing like a baby after he got hurt once, Bran tried to look annoyed, but I caught him chuckling to himself when he thought the other warriors weren’t looking.”

  Ariel frowned, her face growing serious. “That was a true story,” she lied.

  Alec blinked and then gave her an expressive look that had them both smothering laughter.

  Ariel’s grin remained in place as Alec shrugged. “Other than that, he normally looks like he’s plotting your murder…a very aggressive, bloody one,” he confirmed grimly.

  Ariel gave a half-hearted snort. “Well, that’s Bran. He’s aggressive about everything he does,” she muttered almost wistfully.

  The warrior hummed his agreement. “Friends or not, if you were mine, I would have killed him already.” Alec shook his head, his annoyance more than apparent. “The way he treats you…he takes things too far.”

  This male was not teasing. He was serious.

  Ariel rarely blushed…but for some reason, the smoldering outrage in Alec’s eyes combined with his words made her cheeks flame to a deep, rosy hue. Letting out a soft laugh, Ariel wished she wasn’t so close to the training field area where anyone could glance over and see her red face. “Oh…” she breathed out awkwardly. “Well, his parents are wonderful people and for some silly reason they’re quite fond of the big brute, so I wouldn’t want to see him harmed…too much. That might make them sad.”

  His sober, brown gaze did not leave her face. “Well, I’m not the only one who is growing weary of seeing you looking so nervous and unhappy all the time.” Casually reaching over, he squeezed her small hand with his big warm one.

  Even though Ariel could hear someone approaching, she allowed the affectionate gesture. Suddenly feeling very honored and cherished, Ariel gave Alec a teasing, mischievous look. “Even though killing him is out of the question, perhaps you could just…”

  The sound of someone loudly clearing their throat interrupted Ariel’s sentence and then Bran’s deep voice was clipped as he demanded, “How is the shoulder?”

  Confused by the suppressed fury and jealousy radiating off of Bran’s calm exterior, Ariel tried to free her hand but the other warrior stubbornly refused to release his hold on her. She could have gotten away if she’d really wanted to, of course, but Ariel always preferred to act like she had the strength of a normal girl.

  “The shoulder is doing better, I think,” Ariel assessed casually. “But Alec is proving to be quite difficult.”

  “What do you mean?” Bran demanded impatiently, still pointedly staring at their joined hands.

  Ariel’s gaze twinkled mischievously as she teased, “Well, apparently paying someone to punch you in the throat hard enough to damage your ability to speak is going to cost me more than four gold pieces. I was just about to up my offer to five when you rudely interrupted.”

  Chuckling, Alec helped Ariel to her feet, wrapping her in a brief hug before tousling her hair. “Thanks for rubbing ointment on my shoulder. I think it actually feels better than it did before I pulled it,” the warrior murmured in amazement. Then he cast Bran a look, giving the other male a brief nod of acknowledgment as he murmured, “Bran.” Tossing a playful wink at Ariel, Alec walked off, flexing his fully healed shoulder in appreciation as he went.

  Rolling his own wide, powerful shoulders in agitation, Bran looked big, imposing and grim. After giving his longtime friend a menacing look, he turned back to Ariel, resting his hands on his hips. Contained fury was written in every line of his face and his voice throbbed with leashed violence as he growled under his breath, “Have you found yourself a new friend?”

  Ariel didn’t know why Bran was so angry but she breezily ignored his words as her face suddenly brightened. “Bran, can you do me a favor?” she conspiratorially whispered, clasping her hands in front of her chest.

  His narrowed eyes regarded her with suspicion. “What favor do you need?” he finally snapped out when she failed to elaborate on her own.

  Ariel’s tone was innocently hopeful as she leaned in closer to him. “I need to borrow something from you.”

  He shook his head dismissively. “I do not loan out my possessions.”

  Ariel’s teeth chewed on her lower lip. “But what if I promise to give it back and I’m really careful? Please…?” she coaxed as she held her clasped hands in front of her and even leaned her forearms against his chest as she pleaded, surprised when he didn’t step back or push her away. But Ariel knew that he secretly still enjoyed seeing her in very high spirits or excited about something.

  With a sigh that was bigger than the Highlands, he grumbled, “Fine! What do you want to borrow?”

  She gave him a smile of startling sweetness, her voice filled with delight. “Really?” she laughed, happier than she’d been in a month. He was actually agreeing to lend her something? That was a big step in their long journey back to friendship, especially for Bran. Just to be extra annoying, she exuberantly wrapped her arms around his middle, serenely indifferent to the wild attention they were receiving from the warriors on the field who were turning to gape at them. “Thank you!”

  He left his hands on his own hips, not hugging her back, but Ariel could tell he didn’t mind her display of affection.

  Once again, he asked evenly, “What is it that you want to borrow, Ariel?”

  With a disarming smile, she whispered, “One gold piece.”

  Bran stiffened, his lips tightening in disapproval. His expression was so unamused that Ariel couldn’t contain her helpless mirth. Letting her forehead fall against his chest, she burst out laughing, not even knowing why it was so funny but the outlet of emotions was a welcome respite. Over the sound of her own laughter Ariel thought she heard a suspicious cough.

  Finally looking back up at him, Ariel was wiping beneath her eyes, still trying to muffle the small sounds of amusement in her throat. His lips were still pinched with displeasure as he took a deep breath and stretched his neck to one side and then the other, punctuated by faint cracking sounds.

  Ariel was well aware that he was trying to rein in his immense frustration with her so she stepped back and goaded him even further. “Well?” she demanded, holding up her palms. “Do you have any extra gold pieces lying around that you’re not using?”

  His continence seemed to darken even more. “No!” came the low, surly reply. For some reason she sensed that Bran didn’t like the fact that she’d moved away from him. His large hand wrapped around her upper arm, his iron grip ominously pulling her closer--practically nose to nose--as he bent his head to hers. There was a cold blade of anger in every soft word as he reminded her, “I asked you a question.” Bran didn’t like repeating himself.

  Ariel blinked up at him, feigning confusion as she raised one delicate eyebrow.

  His words were chillingly courteous as
he slowly asked her, “Are you seeing Alec?”

  His awful tone of voice had Ariel suddenly growing nervous. Sensing something in his manner that boded ill for Alec, Ariel instinctively set about diffusing those cynical intentions, even at the cost of her own bruised and battered pride. Rolling her eyes in feigned annoyance, Ariel pursed her lips and sounded quite grudging as she quietly clarified, “Don’t worry, Bran. He’s far too civilized for me.” Her voice lowered a bit more as she confidentially whispered, “Plus he doesn’t kiss as well as you…not nearly aggressive enough for my liking.”

  Bran drew in a sharp breath, his jaw tightening and green eyes smoldering in an emotional riot, obviously surprised by her words. He seemed oddly pleased with the favorable comparison and yet annoyed that she’d apparently kissed someone else. Fortunately, the subtle compliment had dispelled any aggression she’d felt him aiming toward poor Alec, “the terrible kisser”.

  Turning away, Ariel’s eyes immediately searched out Kaid. She was not surprised to find her best friend watching them from a distance, his arms crossed over his thick chest, his face solemn, his intense blue gaze unwavering as he took in the scene.

  With bran following right behind her, Ariel calmly strode over to re-join Kaid, who looped his arm around Ariel’s shoulders, pulling her in to kiss her temple as she smiled and wrapped both arms around his neck—a better hug than Bran had gotten. She knew that’s how Kaid would see it, at least. He thoroughly enjoyed having her full attention as she jokingly grumbled to him about how terrible and selfish and awful Bran was for not agreeing to loan her one measly extra gold piece so she could hire someone to punch him in the throat. This had Kaid tossing back his head in laughter, his straight white teeth flashing in amusement. When Ariel slid a glance over to her arrogant ex, she could have sworn that his emerald eyes and the set of his lips held a touch of satisfied humor.


  Banishing her memories to the back of her mind, Ariel once again focused on the here and now…

  Responding to Kaid’s words, Brandos gave a growl of irritation deep in his throat. “But I don’t want to sleep anywhere near her!” he gritted, clearly being overdramatic in order to goad the Lord’s daughter. “She snores!”

  “She does not!” Kaid laughed, as he continued to try and stop this budding argument.

  Twisting up on her elbows, Ariel warily glanced at the handsome warrior standing by the fire. She wasn’t afraid of Brandos…most days. “What’s that saying about he that protests too much?” she asked with cutting sweetness.

  Bran’s glittering gaze slashed over her with ill-concealed dislike. “No one would say that to me if they’d ever been jolted awake from a very peaceful sleep by those icicles you call feet!”

  That surprised an irrepressible bout of soft giggles from Ariel’s throat. Her sweet laughter filled the forest air, an uplifting, soothing sound amongst the men’s rich chuckles.

  Though few people were aware of it, Ariel had exceptional eyesight during the day or night and she thought she saw an answering spark of humor in the warrior’s eyes—a brief sardonic curve to his chiseled lips—but quickly negated that notion. Bran had no humor left where she was concerned. None!

  Shifting around to sit up, Ariel didn’t notice how many eyes were drawn to where her breasts momentarily pressed snuggly against her boy tunic. Ariel’s body was exceptionally feminine—long, slender, yet curvy at the same time.

  As she pushed her mass of tousled blonde curls off of her face, Ariel’s hands momentarily faltered, her amused gaze sobering in painful remembrance as her mind temporarily flashed to the image of Bran kissing a new lass in the darkened hallway yester eve.

  An overwhelming ache shot through Ariel’s chest at the raw, tumultuous memory, a memory that she’d repeatedly pushed to the back of her mind during their journey here today.

  Quickly, Ariel blinked away the humiliating threat of tears as her violet eyes softly lit with more accusation and betrayal than she’d ever felt towards Bran. With an indignant tilt to her chin, she lifted her eyes to lock with his vibrant green gaze.

  Ariel immediately saw certain emotions flash over his scowling face, a spark of genuine surprise in those shrewd eyes, as well as, confusion.

  Good. He hadn’t seen her last night when she’d accidently come upon his intimate tryst and then quickly ducked back into the shadows. Otherwise, the obnoxious, arrogant brute would be smirking with amusement at her jealousy.

  The fact that he’d been kissing her very unpleasant younger half-sister was actually kind of fitting. Priscilla had always gone out of her way to be hateful to Ariel.

  Before their breakup, when Bran would hear or see Priscilla being spiteful to Ariel, he would mutter ugly things under his breath about the shrewish girl, things that would make Ariel cringe and then softly laugh. Though the names he’d called Priscilla were always quite vulgar, definitely unrepeatable and very unkind, hearing them had always made Ariel feel a bit better about her circumstances as the despised illegitimate child whose step-mother and half-sister hated her.

  The fact that he was now apparently courting Priscilla--was now on her side--was like another dagger to Ariel’s silly little heart. It made a lump of emotion form in her throat, one that she couldn’t seem to swallow down. Bran’s initial rejection had made her feel as if a part of her had been broken and destroyed…but seeing him being affectionate with her sister had made Ariel feel as if a part of her had withered up and died.

  Ariel’s lip curled. The two of them would make the perfect couple. With a trace of fire flashing in her eyes now, Ariel gave Brandos a look of pure distaste, her gaze slashing over him with blazing contempt.

  Apparently Bran saw her ill-concealed loathing of him. It was an expression she had never bestowed on him before, even after they had broken up. And, obviously, by the narrowing of his shrewd gaze and the tightening in his jaw, her disenchantment didn’t sit well with him. Not one bit. Folding his arms over his chest, he continued to watch her, a deep frown furrowing into his brow.

  From the expression the aggressive warrior had worn all evening, Ariel knew there was going to be a war between the two of them this eve. It would be a cozy bedtime battle of wits to amuse the grown men. Then he was going to want to know what that look had been for. She knew him. He was far too curious and he prided himself on knowing what every different shade of her eyes meant when they were aglow. From what Ariel had seen in the mirror last night, when she’d returned to her room after seeing the two of them kissing, he would have no clue because--for the first time ever—there had been a white streaks mixed in with the purple. Five shafts of white in each eye, almost like a star, had shown through the purple glow, transfixing even her when she’d seen it. But it had scared her, as well. Instinctively, Ariel knew that these strong, overwhelming emotions involved her soul, almost as if it was being irreparably scarred forever by these feelings of complete betrayal.

  Faint mockery laced her voice as she offered, “Perhaps I have an idea that might help with your aversion to sleeping next to me.”

  Though he looked a bit distracted, as if he were still wondering about her eyes, Bran lifted one dark brow. “Does this plan involve my hands wrapped around your puny little neck?”

  “Surely that wouldn’t make you happy!” she stated with biting sarcasm.

  “Immensely,” he remarked, with a derisive grin.

  She made a face. “Then, no, it doesn’t!”

  “A pity!”

  “But perhaps someone here will make you the happiest man alive,” she hinted, her voice loud enough to carry.

  Brandos willingly took the bait. “And how would another warrior help me? Someone to guard those lethal feet of yours?”

  “Well, in order to make you happy, I will kindly ask if there is another warrior here who might be willing to completely take over your nighttime guarding duties during this year’s hunt. I would like someone new and wonderful who will enjoy our beds overstuffed comfort ev
en though they will have to endure me snuggling up so close to them every night.”

  Clearly not expecting this suggestion, Brandos stiffened, his eyes narrowing at her in warning. A low growl sounded in his throat as he noticed a dozen unmarried men, quickly fumbling out of their thick covers and bedding, eager to be considered for the assignment of sleeping next to their Lord’s pretty daughter.

  “I do not think that will be necessary,” Brandos bit out between clenched teeth, looking at her as if she had just taken leave of her senses.

  “Well, perhaps we should try it all the same!” she mocked with cutting sweetness. “I don’t want you to feel forced into doing something you obviously don’t want to do!”

  “Lord MacDonnel assigned me to this task himself!” Bran pointed out.

  Ariel waved off his argument. “Oh, that was years ago. My father would understand that you have grown weary of the duty.”

  Turning her head, Ariel quickly surveyed her choices, her agile mind already at work considering and discarding options. Inevitably, she intended to pick whoever would irritate Brandos the most.

  With a joyous inward smile, Ariel easily decided upon Robert—a dark, smoldering warrior with a lean, amazing body and impressive skills on the battlefield and, apparently, other places. Unfortunately, the man had no—I’m talking zero—discrimination when it came to women. Overall, he tended to prefer discretely flirting with the married or taken ones.

  Ariel felt her insides brighten at this glorious option which could not have turned out better for her. A month or so back, Robert had unwisely charmed away a girl whom Brandos had been courting. This fact made Ariel’s selection that much the sweeter.

  “Uuummm….” she murmured, giving a cute wiggle of indecisiveness. “It’s a hard choice!” she declared amiably, making sure her voice carried so all of the men could hear her. “I thiiiiiink…Robert…would serve me very well as Bran’s replacement.”

  A horrified cacophony of muffled laughter and choking coughs burst forth from the other warriors.

  Brandos’ eyes flared incredulously and his mouth fell open to reply before snapping shut when he saw Robert give Ariel a smolderingly gorgeous, very approving half-smile accompanied with a flirty wink.

  Turning his dark head, Bran’s bright green eyes glared his murderous intentions at Ariel.

  In response, she gave Bran a sweet, tranquil smile, unfazed by his deadly stare. Widening her eyes, Ariel innocently shrugged before loudly proclaiming, “I have heard that Robert is a very diligent…worker.”

  No one—not even Kaid—tried to hide their hoots of amusement this time and the whole assemblage of men roared with laughter, including Robert, who smirked humorously and charmingly ruffled the back of his hair in another confident gesture that showed off sculpted arm muscles--a move designed to have all the females sighing.

  Brandos’ nostrils flared, his bright green eyes crackling with outrage as he waited in stony silence for the laughter to die down before he clipped out orders for all of the annoyingly-eager volunteers to get back in their own beds. None of the men argued, although a few looked like they wanted to, but Brandos’ quelling frown quickly silenced their protests.

  When his eyes landed on Robert, Brandos threateningly purred, “So help me, if you even look at the Lord’s daughter, I’ll break every bone in your hands and feet. Then your knee caps…”

  Distracting Ariel from Bran’s next words, which very descriptively detailed what he would do with Robert’s male parts, Kaid wiped the tears of mirth from under his eyes and whispered in amused reproof, “Did you have to go and get Brandos riled up right before he beds down next to us? It will take forever for his temper to cool off!”

  Ariel turned her palms up in a gesture of innocence. “I was merely trying to help the poor boy find a replacement so he didn’t have to put up with me!”

  “Oh yes, I could tell!” Kaid chuckled and then paused to let out another long, uncontrolled laugh. “Good grief! Did you see the look on his face? He is going to slit your throat while you sleep!”

  She gave an indignant snort. “He started it!”

  “Aye, but did you have to pick Robert?”

  “Actually, yes! If I had picked any of the other men Bran would have let them switch with him just to be irritating.”

  “Why? I saw no one so terrible.”

  Ariel cast him a disbelieving look. Lowering her voice, she patiently counted the worst ones out on her fingers in a whisper, “Allen snores like a dying warthog. Last year I could barely sleep and he was all the way across the pasture. John is known to drool overmuch. I’ll spare you the details.” She shuddered. “Smithers can’t shut up long enough to go to sleep and I would end up stabbing him with my dirk. Then I would have to heal him and listen as he thanked me the rest of the night.” She heard Kaid chuckle. “Randall hasn’t taken a bath in six months. And Phin still sucks his thumb when he sleeps. Loudly.”

  Kaid glanced down at her, an admiring look in his clever blue eyes. “I’m impressed that you got all of that from glancing at them one time.”

  “Well, Bran is not one of the nicest people. And since you won’t consider killing him off for me, I’ve had to learn how to anticipate his moves.”

  Kaid snorted at her jest. “Aye, well, nice or not, you got out your wee stick and poked the bear, so now you’d better be ready to do some serious groveling to make it better or you’ll not hear the end of his lectures tonight and I’ll not save you. I will be over here with my back to the both of you, sound asleep.”

  Her violet eyes reflected how upset his lack of concern made her. “You’re going to let him hurt me?”

  Kaid’s strong jaw clinched. “He will not hurt you.”

  “But he’s always so hateful to me and it makes me nervous,” she whispered apprehensively.

  To everyone in the clan, Ariel acted clueless as to why Bran had abruptly started hating her.

  But she knew.

  And apparently the menacing warrior was not planning on ever forgiving her mistake, even though she had sorely regretted it every day since.

  Kaid lightly tapped her under the chin. “It’s a good balance. He toughens you up and I coddle you overmuch.”

  Ariel snorted. When they’d begun building a relationship, Bran had always antagonized her in front of Kaid, slaying her about this or that in an effort to get Ariel riled up. Neither one of them had wanted Kaid to get suspicious and think that anything else existed between them besides friendship. After the breakup, Bran’s antagonistic barbs had become downright mean. And it was extremely vexing that Kaid did not protect her from his friend’s tyranny.

  “Not all the time! You’re insufferable during our training sessions! And you left me all alone in the room last night! I was unprotected as I slept!” she grumbled, giving him a dirty look. “You deserted me!”

  His laugh was husky and amused. “Obviously, I was busy preparing for the trip.”

  Ariel crossed her arms over her chest and glared into Kaid's handsome, amused face. “Mm-hmm! I’m sure you were!”

  He gave her a cocky grin.

  With a loud huff, she pinched her lips together and rolled onto her side, giving him her back.

  He chuckled softly, obviously liking her disgruntlement. Half covering her body from behind with his own, Kaid affectionately buried his face in the unbelievably soft mass of bouncy curls at her neck. “It was only one night. Did you miss me?”

  “Not! At! All!” she muttered, making him chuckle again.

  Although Kaid had left her alone last night, it was rare. He normally guarded her as if he feared she would disappear into thin air. Ariel knew that Kaid’s obsessive, overprotectiveness stemmed from the fact that he had never gotten over the unexpected loss of his own mother. He’d been born with an almost debilitating breathing problem and his mother had constantly fussed over him. They’d had a very close bond. But when he was five, Kaid’s mother had unexpectedly died from a reddened, inflamed wound that h
ad refused to heal and Kaid had been completely devastated. So, on the rare occasion that Ariel was injured, she was very patient when Kaid continuously checked and re-checked her cuts with an unnatural intensity.

  “You were sound asleep when I left the room but even if you did wake up, surely you can sleep by yourself every once in a while.”

  Ariel was annoyed enough with him to chance reprisal. “I don’t know. I didn’t try!” she sniffed irritably.

  Although she’d never let on to Kaid, Ariel had the unerring ability to tell people’s true emotions. An ability that she had long since realized was not normal.


  Not until one occasion, when she’d stubbornly sat on her father’s lap while he presided over the clan disputes in the packed open courtyard, had Ariel realized that she was even more different than everyone else…

  She’d been about six at the time. Kaid had been away for three days and she’d been missing him terribly. Her other half-brothers, Philip and Simon had occupied her attention during the two previous days but Ariel had unwaveringly decided that her father had to be Kaid's replacement for that particular day and then she’d refused to budge from the warlord’s side. Although the very handsome Lord MacDonnel had probably looked strange with a tiny blonde child squished in next to him in his big, ornately carved chair, Ariel’s father had lovingly indulged her as he always did.

  Then, during one case, when her father seemed to rub his chin over-much, worrying and warbling back and forth over a decision of guilt, Ariel had nonchalantly brushed her face against his side as she whispered who the guilty party was. They were far enough back from the huge crowd of people that no one heard her speak. Plus, her thick, shiny curls had covered her mouth from view. When Lord MacDonnel had gently asked why she thought the single farmer had switched his broken plow with the farmer who had eleven children, Ariel had sleepily answered “greed,” that the single farmer had known someone would feel sorry for the farmer who had all those kids and help him fix it. But nobody would’ve helped the single man who didn’t want to spend his own coin on a new plow.

  Listening to the clan’s disputes was not one of her father’s favorite things to do, so when she felt his overwhelming relief at having come to an answer for the current dispute so easily, she helped him with the rest of the disputes, as well. So, after each party had given their side of the story, Ariel would signal who she sensed was guilty by casually shifting her left or right hand forward a bit on her leg, depending on which side the guilty person was standing.

  One time, she sensed that neither of the accused was guilty. And, although Lord MacDonnel’s brows had risen up ever so slightly when she’d discreetly whispered that fact, he’d seemed very wise when he’d announced to his clan that he didn’t feel either party was guilty of repeatedly stealing the older lady’s prized pies, that there was someone missing from the hearing. Ariel had then whispered that it was nobody there at the packed presiding’s, that maybe it was an animal.

  In his charismatic way, her father had quickly turned the case into an entertaining unsolved mystery and a new pie was set out with practically half the clan staring at it from afar to see a fat, wily raccoon swinging haphazardly down from the tree above and taking the delicious delicacy right back up with him.

  It was quite the topic of amusement and her father endeared himself to the clan further when he displayed a bit of dramatics at the following month’s clan meeting, where Ariel was once more firmly planted by his side. Towards the end of the disputes a case was put forth, where one clansman was accusing the other of stealing his wife’s ruffled underpants off their clothesline, Lord MacDonnel had slammed his fist down on the table with mock anger. When everyone gasped and fell silent, he’d glared out towards the crowd for a long moment and then ominously declared, “That wily raccoon did it!” The clan had hooted with laughter and her father had chortled right along with them. Ever since that day, whenever something came up missing, the humorous response was always, “That wily raccoon did it!”


  Ariel’s mind returned to the sudden unnerving silence coming from behind her, and the wave of crackling anger she now felt rolling off of Kaid.

  “Where were you if you were not sleeping alone in my room, Ariel?”

  The hairs on her arms rose when she heard him use that soft, deceptively-easy tone with her. Ariel nervously swallowed. She was going to die. It was the same tone Kaid used when he was truly furious, but actually trying to rein it in.

  She warily backtracked, “Well, actually, I did try to stay in your room but it was impossible to fall asleep again after I realized that you weren’t right next to me like normal! I had no one to snuggle with!”

  A long, long pause.

  “Where…were…you?” He made very little attempt to hide the threat in his tone this time.

  Ariel stiffened at his imperious tone. “I was in Philip’s bedchamber,” she defiantly responded before taking her life in her own hands to flippantly goad him. “I will probably start sleeping in his room at night since you are obviously now wanting more time with your special friend,” she mentioned thoughtfully, acting as though the idea really held appeal to her.

  Ariel knew it would sorely irritate Kaid that she’d sought comfort from a different brother, even though she’d studiously been back in his large bed this morning way before he’d silently slipped in next to her, his hair still damp from a wash in the bathing room by the kitchen.

  Her dread flamed higher when she felt Kaid’s fury rapidly increase.

  He was livid.


  Ariel had long ago given up trying to understand all the quirks Kaid had where she was concerned.

  For instance:

  Ariel had always sensed that he secretly didn’t like when she called him her brother. Kaid liked it much better when Ariel referred to him as her best friend.

  Kaid didn’t like when she sought comfort from any of their other brothers, either.

  Only him.

  And…she’d known at a very early age that Kaid utterly loved and cherished her. Their bond was a strong emotional attachment, more powerful than any other relationship in his life. He was a lethal force and she was his only weakness. Their friendship was close to unbreakable.

  He adored...when she publicly chose him over all others for help or comfort.

  He adored…when she tiredly wrapped her arms around his neck, hiding her face against the curve of his shoulder, wanting him to hold her.

  He adored…when he got to coddle her awake before dawn. Ariel was an utter bear in the early mornings before fully coming awake and Kaid was dreadfully cheerful. He thought it hilarious that she said and did some of the rudest, out-of-character things to people if they got on her nerves while she was slowly waking up.

  He adored…when Ariel woke up in the middle of the night, realized she and Kaid weren’t touching and made a tiny, grunting whimper while she crawled over to him, laid her face against his chest and then let out a few more disgruntled noises just to show him her displeasure. Her grumpy sounds always woke Kaid but he never cared. With a sleepy, well-pleased grin on his handsome face, he would wrap her up in his rock hard arms while murmuring soothing phrases to gently coax her back to sleep.

  And--although he pretended not to adore it--Kaid liked that Ariel came over to where the men were talking around the castle’s hearth fire at night and gave her father a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then, she would go around to each of the elders near the hearth, wrapping her arms around their necks in affection and kissing them on the cheek, as well. Kaid enjoyed the warm looks of appreciation this garnered her from the hardened older warriors who looked forward to her loving, affectionate gesture each night. And Kaid liked most of all when she always came back to where he was sitting, loyally curling up next to him and eventually nodding off against his chest as the men were mulling over that day’s events.

  He adored everything about her. His love f
or her was complete and binding.

  If anyone but Brandos dared to mess with her, Kaid was like the grim reaper.


  But right now Kaid was silently furious and Ariel suddenly realized that this might not be the best time to have her strongest ally mad at her when Brandos would soon be over here squishing her like a bug.

  Rolling back to face Kaid, she noted that he was leaning up on his elbow, jaw clenched, visibly fuming.

  Another quirk: Kaid liked when she was jealous.

  Weird…but true.

  And Ariel decided that she needed to ruthlessly exploit that penchant now so he wouldn’t be upset with her. Moving closer to his warmth, Ariel pressed her forehead against Kaid’s broad chest, her voice accusatory as she pouted, “Philip kept kicking me last night and now I have bruises from his awful bony knees. And it’s all your fault!”

  She heard Kaid's snort and lightly pinched him.

  “And every time I crawled out of bed to come see if you had returned, you were not back yet. And that’s all Kristin’s fault!” she exaggerated, casting a hurt look up into his handsome, square-jawed face.

  Kristin was the pretty blonde serving wench that Kaid currently favored with his attentions.

  Again, Ariel rolled away from him in a most convincing sulk, lying on her stomach, her face buried in her folded arms. “Apparently you don’t even want me around anymore. It’s clear that you like spending all of your extra time with her and not me,” Ariel accused in a sad, forlorn voice, being tediously overdramatic because she knew Kaid would absolutely eat it up. Ariel had no problems with Kristin. In fact, they had once been really good friends, but the girl seemed to dislike her greatly now. No doubt, Ariel’s constant companionship with Kaid had made the servant envious. Ariel could understand that. Her best friend was big, brutal and stubborn but he had a good, loyal heart and would someday make an amazing leader.

  As Ariel had anticipated, her resentful words, smacking of jealousy, had Kaid instantly softening and capitulating.

  Sitting up, he reached over and easily lifted her slender form, tugging her onto his lap. His arms possessively wrapped around her, holding her tightly against his chest. It was the way she had always preferred.

  “You will always be my favorite lass,” his deep voice reassured her earnestly. “Never doubt it.”

  She felt him sliding one hand under her thick mass of hair to wrap around the back of her neck in a deliberately threatening gesture of control.

  “But do not sleep in Philip’s room ever again. If he starts running his mouth that he’s now your favorite, I will do him bodily harm.”

  Ignoring his high-handed tactics, Ariel wrapped her arms and legs around him, like she knew he adored. “Even though you have callously discarded me for someone new, you will always be my most cherished possession,” she claimed outrageously. “Because…” she jabbed him in the chest three times—like she always did--as she said her next words “you…are…mine! And that is that!” she huffed stubbornly. Then she tucked her face into the side of his neck out of habit, grumbling, “This is my spot! Mine!”

  He chuckled at her sweet declarations, good mood fully restored. “Stop your fussing,” he grumbled cheerfully. “You know how precious you are to me. Every single day you do some silliness that makes me love you even more.”

  “I’m not silly!” came her muffled reply.

  “Listen,” he ordered in a tone of authority and calm, keeping his deep voice very low, “fix this with Bran. I’m serious, Ariel. Smooth it over so he won’t be grumpy all day tomorrow. He has always been overprotective of you, even though he loathes the idea of admitting it. You trapped him into showing that weakness tonight and he hates when you get the better of him. Understand?”

  “But he did start it!”

  “Ariel…” he purred, his tone containing a silky thread of warning. Easing back, he cast her a severe look.

  Keeping her chin tucked down, Ariel refused to meet Kaid’s gaze as she muttered, “Perhaps I will try...”

  Pretending to be too busy scraping a non-existent spot off of Kaid’s tunic with her fingernail, Ariel continued to ignore her best friend as he silently stared her down. When she finally widened her violet eyes and slowly peeked up into Kaid’s uncompromising face, her full lips twitched in mirth and she immediately conceded, leaning forward to loudly kiss his cheek. “Alright! I will try since he’s your friend and because you always share your sweetcakes with me on these trips when I run out of mine,” she inadvertently bargained, waggling her eyebrows.

  His brows rose in dark speculation. “Is that what it’s called when you steal sweetcakes from me?” His tone was stern. “Sharing?”

  Brows furrowing at this unexpected turn in the conversation, Ariel tipped her chin back down, this time in grumpy contrition as she continued to play with his tunic, absently twisting the material in her fingers now. Her discomfort was obvious, as Kaid had intended. “I’m sorry,” she finally muttered.

  Surprisingly, he gave a crack of laughter that turned into a broad, attractive grin. “You’re not one bit sorry!”

  Burying her face in his chest, she stubbornly argued, “I am too sorry! I just thought you liked apples better. Now, I know.”

  He let out an even longer burst of amusement.

  Lowering his mouth to her ear, humor was evident in his gruff tone as he chastened, “You are such a little liar!” Then he burrowed his face against her, rubbing one day’s worth of stubble against her cheek as she squeaked, trying to squirm away.

  His grin held deep affection when he finally took pity and released her.

  As they separated, Ariel abruptly sobered, a lump of apprehension thickening within her as she suddenly remembered something that she’d overheard a group of warriors talking about earlier. “Kaid,” she whispered, “are…are you betrothed to someone?”

  Her best friend stiffened, his piercing blue eyes guardedly slanting her way as he gave her a long, curious look through half-lowered lids. Then he slowly nodded with a great deal of satisfaction, his mouth lifting into a wide grin of anticipation. “Aye, it will be announced once we return.” Under his breath, he added, “I have waited long enough.”

  Ariel’s breath hitched. “How long have you known about this? Why did you not tell me?” she whispered, her feelings unbelievably hurt. “Is…is it to Kristin?” she demanded hesitantly, failing to keep the distaste from her tone. Kristin hated Ariel and the thought of a future where Kaid’s door was always closed to her, even if she just wanted to talk to him, made her chest ache.

  His eyes warmed. “Nay, it’s definitely not to Kristin.”

  Ariel almost melted with relief. “To whom, then?” she continued to press, looking up at him expectantly. “You know I wanted you to meet my friend Sarah! The two of you have never even been properly introduced! She would be perfect for you! I just know it!”

  He gave her a strangely tender look, his gaze riveted on her coaxing smile. “It’s not Sarah, either, but you will have to be patient for the answer.”


  Even though Lord MacDonnel insisted that it was safer for Ariel if they kept up the farce that she was his illegitimate daughter, she was actually not blood related to their clan, a fact only known by Kaid and his father. All those years ago, on the journey back from a two week trip, Lord MacDonnel had been the one to discover the body of Ariel’s beautiful, richly dressed mother in the forest. Her throat had been cut, but the young lady had not been stripped of her expensive possessions. When Ariel was found soon after, having wandered much farther into the woods, Lord MacDonnel had privately questioned her. Fearing that it had been no thief who had performed the treacherous deed, but rather someone the pretty woman had trusted, Kaid’s father had secretly accepted responsibility for the little girl until he could find out more about where the pair of them had come from. That
same night, Ariel’s mother had been carefully buried in their family cemetery, her lacerated throat hidden from view with a neatly wrapped swath of expensive cloth. The basic information that Lord MacDonnel had given his clan, was that he had met Ariel’s mother a few years back in a village, and when the young woman had started to sicken, she’d sent Lord MacDonnel a letter, informing him that she’d had a child by the leader and asking for the little girl to be given a safer home once she died. Lord MacDonnel had never divulged where he’d supposedly met the mother, even though many clansmen had curiously inquired about her origins over the years. And since Ariel looked more and more like her beautiful mother every day, she had never been allowed to meet visitors that came to their castle, in case one of them recognized her true identity. Ariel was always relegated to her room for the duration of their visit, which she had never understood, and always got miffed at Kaid over, since he made sure that his father’s orders were enforced. He didn’t want anyone taking her away from him.

  If not for that tiny wild streak of stubbornness that he’d seen flashes of when Ariel was mad at him, Kaid would have already told her that they were not truly blood related, as he’d been tempted to do a thousand times over. But a small part of him obeyed his father’s dictates because Kaid feared that she would leave him in order to meet her true family.


  Ariel gasped in dismay. “You can tell me! You know I won’t tell anyone! I promise!” she cajoled, gazing appealingly at him with her wide violet eyes.

  Seeing how worked up she was becoming, Kaid caught the back of her neck again. “Calm yourself, Ariel. Look at me,” he ordered soothingly, his discerning blue eyes instantly connecting with the much beloved purple fire of her own. “Everything will be fine, I promise. I would never marry someone without considering how it would affect you. But at this point, Father has vowed me to silence.”

  She cast him a look of sheer misery.

  “Ariel,” he sighed, his eyes unintentionally starting to warm with pleasure as he tried to explain again. “I have always loved my betrothed and I’ve only grown more in love with her as we’ve grown up. Unfortunately, there are many secrets surrounding our relationship and Father wants to speak with her about it first. I know she loves me, as well. I just don’t know if she can love me that way.”

  Ariel made a face, feeling even grumpier. “How could she not like you that way? Good grief, Kaid! The castle serving wenches and the village girls are embarrassingly forward and they’re always trying to attract your attention but you never pay them any mind!”

  A sardonic curve twisted his lips. “You exaggerate, like always,” he goaded.

  Ariel drew in a long outraged breath. “Exaggerate?! Kaid!”

  He cut off what was sure to be a rant. “The position as my wife comes with quite a bit of power which is always attractive. So even if I was fat, old and bald, they would still flirt with me,” he stated modestly.

  Her eyes suddenly lit up with a mischievous look.

  “Don’t say it!” he growled.

  Her eyes went round with innocence. “What?”

  He lowered his brows menacingly. “Whatever insult you were about to let tumble out of your brave little mouth, I wouldn’t if I were you. I will make you pay.”

  Ariel’s teeth bit at her smiling bottom lip as she caught his hand in hers. Although she had been about to abuse his ego, she decided to compliment him instead. “I was merely going to point out that all of my brothers have father’s square jaw, handsome features, and dark blonde hair. The three of you are the smartest and most handsome men in the clan. So, of course she will instantly fall in love with you!”

  He smiled indulgently at her then watched her expression closer. “What are you thinking?”

  Ariel quickly shook her head. “Nothing.”

  “What was that little frown for then?”

  Ariel sighed knowing Kaid would be persistent if she didn’t tell him. “It just bothers me...”

  “What bothers you? Tell me,” he coaxed, becoming serious. Ariel appreciated that quality in Kaid. He always took any problems she had very seriously, wanting to help her, to smooth her journey through life in any way that he could.

  “Well, it’s just that, even Priscilla looks like Father, although I can see a lot of her mother in her, as well. All four of you are easy to distinguish as his offspring.” Her lips tightened unhappily. “I am the only one that got none of his features.”

  Kaid let out a frustrated groan. “Please do not start worrying over that again. The last time you got all worked up, Father asked Mary to curl his hair with the heating iron.”

  Ariel gave a snort of laughter.

  “Seeing a grown man who normally has straight hair coming down the stairs with big ringlets was just…humiliating.” Kaid grumbled, slightly shaking his head as if in pained remembrance.

  “That was years ago on my birthday and I thought it was a very sweet gesture,” Ariel declared, laughing at the fond memory. Then her smile slowly faded and her brow furrowed again. “Priscilla says my mother lied, that I’m not even Lord MacDonnel’s daughter. Be honest. Do you think she’s right?” Priscilla was their younger half-sister from Lord MacDonnel’s current marriage. Both Priscilla and her mother despised Ariel and never missed an opportunity to let her know it.

  “Priscilla needs to mind her own business and shut her mouth!” Kaid growled. “You look just like your mother, so identical that it’s almost eerie.”

  Ariel whacked him on the arm. “Eerie? Now I am eerie?”

  He chuckled. “You are very beautiful, like your mother was, but you definitely inherited many of Father’s personality traits,” he carefully pointed out.

  Gasping, Ariel perked up, her eyes widening as they fixed on Kaid in rapt curiosity, desperately wanting him to continue.

  Running his hands down her sides, Kaid smirked broadly as he teased, “Well, you are a grumpy little bear just like Father,” he boldly lied. “And, without a doubt, you definitely inherited his stubborn streak.”

  Ariel’s mouth fell open on such a loud, indignant inhale that Kaid grabbed her up in a big hug, laughter already rumbling up from his thick chest.

  Her small fists were purposely ineffective as she whacked him on the back several times, not truly mad, just being tetchy.

  “His violent tendencies, as well,” Kaid continued to taunt.

  Acting thoroughly incensed, Ariel struggled to push him away. “You are certainly not my favorite brother!” she grumbled, pretending she was going to crawl out of their bedding. “Where is Philip? I’m going over to sleep next to him this eve!”

  “You’ll do no such thing and you know it!” he denied good-humoredly, pulling Ariel back over to him and kissing her on the forehead before gently setting her down next to him on the blankets. “You’d start shivering and come crawling back over here within a few moments. I’ll just keep you here now and save you the humiliation.”

  Looking cute and thoroughly disgruntled, Ariel turned her head and continued to glare up at him.

  A devilish grin split Kaid’s features as he stared down at her, complete adoration filling his eyes. “You look like a wee outraged kitten,” he mused indulgently, his big palm smoothing down one of her flyaway curls.

  Her eyes narrowed as she tried not to smile in return, but then her expression suddenly tensed and her hands latched onto Kaid's tunic. The retort she had been about to make died on her lips, as all the blood drained from her face. Eyes now wide in alarm, she immediately tossed herself over and behind Kaid, and slung the blankets on top of her head in order to hide.

  Kaid sat up, his sword whistling as it left its scabbard. “What is it, Ariel?” he demanded low, immediately on guard.

  Unfortunately, Ariel had become aware of a menacing presence moving closer. Since she had the innate ability to sense other people’s emotions, she knew it had to be Brandos and he was barely suppressing a violent, simmering rage.

  A few heartbeats
later, she heard the deep tone of Bran’s voice as he told Kaid, “The guards are all in place for the night.” Then his attention turned to the tall lump of furs behind Kaid and he purred, “Lady Ariel, I think there are few things about the birds and the bees that you and I need to discuss.”