Read Forever Mine Page 18


  Aunt Norma had made it sound like there would be a lot of her mom’s relatives there. If Sarah had known how things were going to work out, she would have had Angel over.

  She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him saying he loved her the whole day. She’d wanted so badly to tell him she loved him, too, but how could she? How could she sit there and tell him she loved him when she would be leaving him soon and he knew perfectly well it was by choice? She just couldn’t do it. As much as hearing him say he loved her had been music to her ears, she almost wished he hadn’t. It only made the guilt that much harder to bear.

  “So, what happened?” They drove out of her aunt’s driveway. Angel put his hand on her lap and she wrapped both her hands around it.

  She took a deep breath “First of all, all that worrying was for nothing. Most of the relatives who showed up were from my uncle’s side and the few that did show up from my mom’s were very distant relatives. Apparently all their closer family members still live in Arizona. No one really seemed interested.

  “My aunt had to literally remind them that she had a sister. The adults ate in the dining room while…” she lifted her fingers to quote. “…us kids ate in the kitchen. It was actually kind of boring.”

  She left out the part about her step-uncle’s nephews flirting outrageously with her. It had amazed her that both were the same age as Angel, and yet compared to him they were such immature goofballs.

  Angel smiled. “Well, that’s good. I was kind of worried when you called so early. I thought maybe something happened.”

  She leaned against him. “No, I just couldn’t wait to be with you again.”

  He squeezed her hand.

  At first when they drove up the alley to the back entrance of the restaurant Sarah wasn’t even sure where they were. She glanced around a little confused.

  When they got inside she smiled. What could he have in mind? Surely he didn’t plan on making use of one of the booths, did he? They walked down a short hallway and through the small cluttered office. They went through another door that led to what looked like a break room.

  She knew about it but had never actually been in there. There was a counter with a microwave, a toaster, and a refrigerator against the wall, with cabinets above it. A table in the middle of the room and a small sofa next to the table facing a T.V. that was in the corner.

  Then she saw it at the end of the room. A bed, it was a small twin bed, with a dark bedspread nothing fancy, but it would do. She felt her heart speed up a little.

  Angel strolled over to the fridge, opened it up and pulled out a jug of wine.

  Sarah grinned. “Hey, my precious!”

  “I thought maybe you’d want to unwind a little first.”

  Were her nerves that transparent? He poured her a cup then went back to the fridge and grabbed a beer for himself. She chewed her lip when he tugged her by the hand toward the bed. She sat down feeling the swarm in her stomach go wild. She took a big sip of her wine as she watched him go back toward the counter. He opened cabinet above it, and took a small white plastic bag out. Then he came back and sat next to her.

  He smiled and took a deep breath. “I want you to know, that even though you’re going to be leaving, I still want us to be together.”

  Her eyes glistened. She’d thought about that so many times but dared not ask. It was way too much to ask of him. After all, it was her choice to go back. How could she possibly have the nerve to suggest it?

  Angel pulled a small box out of the bag, and handed it to her. Before she could open it, he put his hand over hers.

  “Sarah this isn’t gonna be easy, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I don’t care if I have to drive out there every weekend. Just ‘cause we’re so far doesn’t mean I plan on being a part time boyfriend. Do you understand what I’m saying? I want everything exactly like it is now. I won’t share you.”

  Sarah closed her eyes for a moment, feeling a myriad of emotions. Guilt being the strongest of all. She forced a smile, and nodded. “Of course.”

  He kissed her and took his hand off hers so she’d open the box. She did and pulled out a silver charm bracelet. “It’s beautiful.” She examined the different charms. “Did you pick these out?”

  He nodded “Every one of them.”

  She went through each one. First was a small starfish, then several different sea shells, a sailboat. The running shoe and then the bottle of wine made her smile.

  “The lady looked at me kind of funny when I asked if she had a charm that was a jug of wine.” he said.

  Sarah laughed. “You must not have been at a very classy place then.”

  “Yeah, that must’ve been it.”

  The heart charm was engraved Sarah. “Turn it around,” he said.

  “Forever yours, Angel” it read. She put her hand over her mouth as the warm tears rolled down her cheeks. They gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment, then he kissed her. She inhaled deeply, and then brought her attention back to the bracelet. There was one more that looked like a chicken or a duck. She turned to him confused.


  She burst into laughter “Oh, Angel, it’s perfect.” She threw her arms around his neck.

  He kissed her and pulled back a little to look at her face, wiping her tears with thumbs and smiled. “Let me see.”

  He took the bracelet from her and placed it around her small wrist, fastening it. She held her hand up in the air. “I love it.”

  “I love you.” He gazed into her eyes.

  I love you too. The words almost jumped out her mouth but she held them back and smiled. It was torture, but she just couldn’t do it.

  He took the cup out of her other hand and placed it on the floor, then pulled her to him. His eyes were on her lips and he lowered his head and kissed her, immediately going after her tongue. She offered it eagerly; wanting him to feel how much she loved him, to make up for not being able to say it. He kept kissing her while he moved further back on the pillow, and then laid down partially over her.

  His breathing became stronger and he sucked her tongue a little harder. His mouth moved down, kissing her cheek, then her chin and pushed her head up gently. “I love you so much,” he whispered as he licked and suckled her neck softly, making her body tingle. She caressed his strong biceps as he unbuttoned her blouse.

  When he was done undressing her he undressed himself and put on protection. Then he crawled in next to her.

  “Sarah,” he whispered. “The first couple of times are gonna be fast. I just can’t control myself with you.”

  Sarah gulped. First couple of times?

  “I’ll make it up to you though, I promise.”

  Sarah gave herself to him willingly. Even through all her nerves, she hoped he could feel how much she loved him. He had to know that. He meant the world to her and there was never a doubt that she wanted her first experience to be here, with him.


  Overwhelmed with such staggering emotions, Angel lay there, still in her. He kissed her temple, and then her forehead. He’d felt so many unfamiliar emotions since he’d met Sarah, yet none compared to what he was feeling now.

  All those times he’d laughed and thought of guys with girlfriends as fools. How any guy could be satisfied with just one girl had been unimaginable to him. Now here he was looking at Sarah, knowing without a doubt he’d never be satisfied with anyone else but her.

  From that very first day when he’d looked into her haunting eyes she’d captured something in him. He’d stupidly thought getting to know her would be enough. He’d been taken in by her wounded eyes, her infectious laugh, her stubborn determination, and without warning he’d been brought to his knees.

  He kissed her temple breathlessly. “You’re mine, Sarah.”

  She nodded tracing her fingers down his back.

  There was no way he could let her out of his life now. The thought smothered him, gripping his every sense. He kissed her so
ftly and tenderly as he rolled over and off her. He sat on the side of the bed for a moment feeling dazed. He stood up and walked toward the door, still naked.

  “Where are you going?”

  He turned and smiled. “To clean up, I’ll be right back.”

  He walked out the room and across the hall to the restroom. When he got back Sarah was sitting up on the bed holding her pants in her hands. He slid back in bed with her. “You won’t need those any time soon.”

  He took the pants, bunched them up, and threw them on the sofa across the room. He handed her a towel. “Are you hurting?”

  The silly look of concentration on her face made him smile. She shook her head.

  “No, but I might be too sore to try again right away.”

  Angel got back out of bed and lifted the bedspread up from the top. Sarah moved and crawled under it. He slipped in next to her under the bedspread, and pulled her next to him slipping his arms around her warm naked body. “God, I’m gonna miss being with you everyday.”

  She tensed up.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Sarah shook her head. “Nothing, I just don’t like to think about it.”

  Angel didn’t say anything, but couldn’t help wondering why she so determined to go back if she didn’t even want to think about it. Then he remembered Sydney. He kissed her nose. “Maybe once Sydney leaves for school you can consider moving back here.”

  The look on her face puzzled him. He’d seen that look before, and it’d made him uncomfortable, but he didn’t know what it meant.

  “What’s the matter?”

  She looked at him for a second, the disconcerting expression still on her face.

  “Sydney,” she said. “Well, it’s not all… how you think.” She hesitated.

  His eyes narrowed, not understanding. Then he saw her expression change slightly. “I’m just saying it’s not all Sydney, Angel. I don’t know for sure what’s gonna happen with my mom. She may be out by then.”

  The last thing Angel wanted was to talk about her mom. As selfish as it felt he didn’t want anything to ruin the night. Not this night. He kissed her softly. “Let’s not worry about that now, okay?”

  He ran his hands all over her naked body, and closed his eyes inhaling deeply. Having her this close with absolutely nothing in between them drove him nuts. He was ready again.

  He kissed her harder this time, wanting to swallow her. As much as he wanted to make love to her again and again he knew she was sore, and he wasn’t about hurt her. That’s not how he wanted her to remember their first time.

  But he made good on his promise to make it up to her. After catching his breath, he worked his way all the way down her. Feeling her tremble as he kissed the inside of her thigh made him smile. Oh, she wouldn’t be forgetting this night. He’d make sure of that.


  Valerie drove Sarah to the mall. They were all going out for Angel’s birthday later that evening. Sarah was picking up her gift to him and Valerie wanted to buy a new outfit. Alex was going to be there so of course she was hoping to make him drool.

  Sarah was nervous about her gift. The bracelet Angel had given her was so special she wanted her gift to be just as special. Angel wasn’t one for flashy jewelry but she felt this called for some kind of jewel. She’d picked out a simple silver chain and had it engraved. Forever Yours, Sarah.

  Sarah was his, in every way now. She wanted something that would remind him of that every day, especially when she went back to Arizona. It had been over two weeks since she’d given herself to him for the first time. Ever since then they’d done it every chance they got. It got more enjoyable every time. Just thinking about it made her warm.

  Both she and Valerie examined the chain when the clerk handed it to Sarah over the counter.

  “Hey, that’s real nice.” Valerie said.

  Sarah crinkled her nose. “You think so? It’s not too cheesy?”

  “No, not at all.” Valerie traced the engraving. “Oh, he’ll love that.”

  Valerie walked out to answer her phone and Sarah finished paying for the chain. By the time she was out of the shop, she caught the tail end of Valerie’s conversation and knew she was talking to Alex. She turned to face Sarah.

  “What’s that smile about?” Sarah teased.

  They walked slowly through the mall.

  Valerie shrugged. “He’s funny, but I don’t know. I hate getting my hopes up.”

  “What did he want?”

  “To know if I’m going tonight.”

  Sarah was surprised. She knew Alex was still calling Valerie but she didn’t expect him to still be trying to see her. “Is he?”

  “Yeah, he said he was hoping he’d see me there. He wants to talk to me.”

  “Well, that’s good. Right? “ Sarah frowned, thinking of how she’d egged Valerie on before and how it had come back to bite her. She was doing it again.

  “Not really. I told him I’ve been talking to Reggie again. I didn’t lie. He really has been calling and texting me lately. He asked if I was going back to him and I told him I wasn’t sure. That was a lie.” Valerie’s face soured. “I don’t want a boyfriend. Especially not feeling the way I do about Alex. I think he’s just being a Moreno. The whole Reggie thing struck a nerve, I’m sure.”

  “You still have feelings for him?” Sarah couldn’t figure Valerie out. She thought she got over guys so easily. But Alex had made her cry pretty bad.

  Valerie’s expression said it all and Sarah felt for her. “I was doing fine until he started calling again. If I see him tonight I know it’s gonna be even worse.”

  Sarah stopped herself before saying something too hopeful. She wasn’t going there again. “Well, no sense in worrying about it now. Just play it by ear.”

  They finished up their shopping and were headed home in the car. Valerie stopped talking about Alex and Sarah didn’t want to bring it up again. She was flipping through a Cosmo when she got a text from Sofia that almost stopped her heart.

  OMG Romero walked in on me and Eric! Can you talk?

  Sarah bolted upright and hit the send button. Sofia answered on the first ring.

  “What happened?”

  “I went over to pick up a DVD I wanted to borrow.” She giggled “Hold on.”

  Sarah waited stunned. For the life of her, Sarah could not figure out how Sofia could find anything about this whole situation humorous. From the first time Sofia had mentioned Eric kissing her, she could hardly contain herself. Ever since, much to Sarah’s horror, she’d filled her in on every stolen moment her and Eric had. Each one got heavier than the last. Her heart was racing, and Sofia was giggling!

  She heard a door close then Sofia’s voice again. “Okay, I came outside, Angel just got home. Anyway, Eric was home alone but had just gotten out of the shower. He only had a towel on and we started making out.” She lowered her voice “Sarah, his towel came off and I saw everything!”

  Sarah was going to need smelling salts soon. She fanned herself with the magazine.

  Valerie glanced at her, “You want the air on?”

  Sarah shook her head, “Then what?”

  “I turned away. He felt really bad, kept apologizing and asking if I was okay. I was. It just really took me by surprise. But it was exciting.” She giggled again, unnerving Sarah to no end. “Then we heard a knock on the door. Romero didn’t even wait. He came right in. I grabbed a DVD off the shelf and ran out of there.”


  Sarah fanned harder. Valerie looked at her weird and turned the air on. Sarah welcomed the cool air. She was beginning to perspire.

  “Did Romero say anything to you?”

  “No, he just stood there speechless. You think he’ll say anything?”

  “I don’t know.”

  She honestly didn’t. This was out of control. She wished she could tell Sofia to please not tell her anything more. She didn’t want to know. It was bad enough she was already keeping something big from Angel. She wasn’t su
re which was worse. The thought made her shudder. But she knew Sofia was all alone with this.