Read Forever Mine Page 19

  Sarah wasn’t sure if she should feel sorry for her or admire her. Sofia’s world was full of overbearing cavemen. But it didn’t seem to slow her down.

  “That’s Eric on the other line!” Sofia squealed. “I’ll call you back!”

  There was a click and the call ended. Sarah put the phone down still completely stunned.

  “What was that about?” Valerie asked.

  “Trust me. You don’t wanna know.”

  She was home by the time Sofia called her back. Eric had been honest but told Romero as little as possible and Romero promised he wouldn’t say anything, but he thought Eric was incredibly stupid.

  Sarah was relieved to hear it and glad she wasn’t the only one now that knew. But she still worried that Romero might get drunk and spill it somehow. Tonight would be interesting. Everyone would be there.


  As usual Angel’s heart raced at the sight of Sarah. He kissed her as soon as she got in the car. It was supposed to be a friendly hello kiss, but unable to restrain himself, he kissed her passionately until someone in the back seat cleared their throat. Sarah pulled away immediately and turned around. Romero, Eric, and Sofia were crammed in the backseat.

  “I didn’t see you guys.” Her scandalized expression when she saw them surprised him. This wasn’t the first time he was ravenous for her in front of them.

  “My bad.” Angel smirked, pulling out of the driveway. “I forgot anyone was back there.”

  “I was just talking to you before she got in the car, ass.” Romero protested.

  Angel chuckled lacing his fingers into Sarah’s and placing their hands together on his lap. Sarah stared straight ahead, a bit too rigid. He wasn’t sure what to make of it. He hoped she wasn’t mad.

  The ride to the bowling alley was a pretty quiet one, except for Romero protesting about the music. Angel hit the off button to shut Romero up and glanced in the rearview mirror for his reaction. What he saw was Sofia resting her head on Eric’s shoulder.

  “You tired Sofi?”

  She sat up immediately. “No.”

  Angel glanced at the clock on the dash. It was only eight. “She falling asleep on you, Eric?”

  Sarah shifted in her seat, brought his hand up to her lips and kissed it. He immediately forgot about Sofia and smiled instead. He was glad she wasn’t mad. He had to remember just because he could care less what anyone thought about the crazed way she made him feel, Sarah was a bit more modest.

  When they got to the bowling alley Angel took Sarah aside. He put his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. “You mad?”

  Her confused expression relieved him, “About what?”

  “Nothing.” He kissed her, feeling kind of dumb. “Never mind.”

  He should’ve known something like that wouldn’t have made her mad. Whatever it was she was over it now. She looked at him weird but didn’t ask anything else.

  There were a lot more people there than Angel had expected. He knew Friday’s were busy, they turned the lights down and played music, but this crowd was huge. Most of the guys from the team had showed up, and, apparently, Sarah and Sofia had invited the track team because there were a lot of them there as well.

  Sarah and Sofia walked away to mingle with their friends from the track team. Angel didn’t mind. He was still holding out hope her friends on the team would talk her into joining, and she’d decide to stay. There were only a few more weeks before she was leaving and it killed him. But he wouldn’t dwell on that and ruin the night.

  Romero handed him a soda and put his arm around his shoulder. “Happy birthday, big guy.”

  Angel sipped the straw cautiously. He knew better. Sure enough it tasted like gasoline laced with some soda. Angel coughed. “What the fuck?”

  Romero laughed and so did the other guys standing around him. “It’s your birthday man. Don’t be a pussy!”

  Someone always snuck in something to pour in the soda. And he knew the guys were going to try to get him wasted because it was his birthday. But he had other plans for later that night. There was no way he was missing out on that.

  These things were always the same. Everyone was underage, so the only chance anyone had of getting a buzz was to sneak stuff in. He was sure half the people there were packing. Angel didn’t even like hard liquor. The only thing he’d ever go for was beer and even then it was one or two at most. But he didn’t want to disappoint the guys so he pretended to keep drinking. He knew they were all drinking the same crap and before long no one would notice when he dumped it out.

  They’d been there almost two hours and Angel couldn’t believe people were still arriving. The place was almost too crowded. Angel could tell Sarah was trying to give him his space with the guys. She’d come over and hang with him for a little bit then walk back to mingle with her girlfriends.

  He didn’t have a problem with her staying by his side the whole night, but he knew Sarah. She wasn’t having it. Giving him his space for some inane reason had always been important to her.

  Alex showed up late but Angel appreciated it. He knew this kind of party didn’t even compare to the parties he was attending now that he was in college. But, yet, here he was looking happier than ever to see him.

  “Happy birthday, little man.” Alex shook his hand then pulled him in for a bear hug.

  Angel groaned when Alex purposely squeezed him hard. Only Alex could make him feel small.

  He cut him loose and looked around. “Damn, this place is packed.” Alex looked pleased.

  There was too much alcohol floating around. That was never good. He’d already noticed some of the employee’s stern expressions. There was only one security guard. An older guy in his fifties, and he had had a hard enough time breaking up a verbal altercation earlier, between two girls. Of course, it didn’t help that there were a bunch of idiots around yelling Fight! Fight! Fight!

  Angel had kept his eye on Sarah most of the night, but when Alex got there he lost her in the crowd.

  Romero walked by and Angel tugged his shirt. “You seen the girls?”

  It was obvious Romero was already lit. “Yeah, I’ve seen lots of girls.”

  “I mean Sofi, and Sarah, stupid.”

  Romero struggled to lift his eyebrows. Angel could tell he’d be no help. “Not sure about Sarah, but Sofi’s with Eric.”

  “Where’s Eric?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Angel frowned. Why the hell did he bother? Just as he gathered his thoughts there was a commotion behind him. He turned around and fists flew. He backed up and before he knew it there were cups and food flying through the air.

  Everyone scrambled, girls screamed and more got involved in the fight. Angel searched franticly for Sarah and Sofia. He felt a hand on his shoulder and jerked it off defensively, but it was Alex.

  “Where’s Sofia?” His concerned expression matched what Angel was feeling.

  “I don’t know.” Angel was pissed he’d let the girls out of his sight. It was chaos. People were getting shoved around. Angel and Alex pushed their way through the crowd.

  “There’s Sarah,” Alex pointed.

  Angel saw her and rushed to her. She was with Valerie but Sofia was no where around. Sarah’s alarmed expression eased up the moment she saw him. He took her hand as soon as he reached her. “Where’s Sofi?”

  She shook her head. “I dunno, we got split up when everyone started pushing.”

  “Keep moving people!” The security guard and a couple of the bowling alley employees were making everyone exit.

  They had no choice but to go outside. They all stood in the parking lot anxious, watching the flood of kids continue to pour out of the exit.

  What the hell was he thinking bringing Sofia tonight? Angel felt Sarah squeeze his hand. He spotted Eric in the crowd coming out the doorway but no Sofia. He noticed Eric held his arm out behind him and as the crowd thinned out he saw Sofia was on the other end of his arm holding his hand. Angel exhaled, as blissful reli
ef set in.

  “There they are!” Sarah lifted her hand in the air to get their attention.

  Eric saw them and walked through the crowd toward them, never once letting go of Sofia’s hand. When Eric reached them he clapped Angel on the shoulder with his free hand and a fat grin, “Dude! Is this a birthday or what?”

  Angel shook his head and they made their way back to the car. Alex and Valerie were already there. “Where to now?” Alex asked.

  The group party was over as far as Angel was concerned. He had his own plans. This was, after all, his birthday. “I’ve had enough action for one night,” Angel lied. “I’m gonna take these guys home.”

  “What?” There was a note of disappointment in Eric’s tone.

  “It’s not even eleven,” Sofia added.

  Angel pulled Sarah closer to him by the waist and she leaned her head against him. “Yeah, Sarah’s tired.”

  “Sarah’s head jerked up and she punched him playfully on his side. “Don’t put this one on me!”

  Angel tried but couldn’t hide a smile, “Sarah, babe, you’re supposed to play along.”

  Alex pulled the keys out of his pocket. “Here.” He tossed them at Eric. “Take Sofi and stupid over there, home. Valerie’s got something to show me.

  He flashed a wicked smile and Valerie elbowed him. “Don’t make it sound like that.”

  Romero walked up to the crowd “Hey! Where’s the party?”

  “You better not throw up in my car.” Alex warned and walked away with Valerie.

  Romero’s looked confused. “Your car? I’m going with Angel. Right?”

  He turned to Angel.

  “You’re over there.” Angel pointed to Eric and Sofia who had started walking away. They were walking toward a still rowdy crowd in the parking lot. “Be careful, Sof.”

  Eric took Sofia’s hand again and showed Angel. “Don’t worry. I got this!”

  “You okay with that?” Romero said, pointing at Eric.

  “Don’t be stupid.” Angel frowned. “Go catch up before he leaves your ass.”

  If it were anyone else, Angel would’ve felt weird about it. But he knew Eric had Sofi’s back as usual.

  Romero took off after them. “Hey, wait up. Hold my hand too, Eric!”

  Sarah laughed and Angel turned his attention back to her.

  Sarah’s grin teased and challenged him at the same time. “So, what about me, birthday boy? Where are you taking me?”

  Angel’s heart thudded. He knew exactly where he was taking her.


  As soon as they entered the restaurant’s back room Angel pulled Sarah into a long passionate kiss. He was ready for her. Hell, he’d been ready for her all night.

  After a few minutes Sarah pulled away for air. “Wow,” She said breathlessly.

  “Yeah, wow.” Angel smiled.

  He was about to kiss her again when Sarah put her hand on his chest. “Wait.” She pulled away and hurried to her purse sitting on the counter. “I have something for you.”

  Angel wasn’t happy. He’d told her not to spend any money on him. He knew whatever small amount she was making from babysitting she was saving for when she went back to Arizona. “Sarah, babe, I told you-”

  “Shush, I wanted too.” She held out a small box with a silver ribbon around it.

  Angel grinned sideways and took the box. She grabbed his hand and pulled him back toward the bed. They sat down and he began to open it. Sarah shifted next to him. Her excitement amused him.

  He opened the box and pulled out the silver chain. He could tell she was anxious for a reaction, but she looked so cute he wouldn’t say what he really wanted to say, that she shouldn’t have spent this kind of money on him. “I like it.”

  He kissed her again. “Read the engraving.”

  Angel flipped it over. Forever yours, Sarah.

  “I wanted you to have something to remember me every day when I’m gone.”

  When I’m gone. Damn, he hated the sound of that. She was crazy to think he needed anything to remind him of her. The thought of her never left his mind anymore. But he smiled anyway and took her in his arms. It was time now for the gift he’d waited for all night.


  Sarah was alarmed when she saw the time on her clock. Her cell phone was ringing and it wasn’t even 6 A.M. Who’d be calling this early? She reached over and looked at her phone. It was Sydney. She flipped it open not sure what to expect.


  “Hey, Lynni.” He sounded calm enough.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “Sorry for calling so early. I couldn’t sleep.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?” In all the years she’d known him, she knew the only times he couldn’t sleep were when he was stressing about something. She sat up and plopped a pillow behind her.

  “Nothing’s wrong.” But Sarah knew that tone.

  “Sydney, you’re stressing about something. You should know better than to try and hide it from me.”

  There was silence on the other end then a sigh. “I can’t stop thinking about you and Angel,” he said. “Are you sure you’re going to be okay coming back here?”

  Sarah frowned, it had been over two weeks since she and Angel had made love for the first time. She kept it from Sydney for a while, not wanting to betray Angel by sharing something so intimate with anyone else. But about a week ago she hadn’t been able to keep it to herself anymore.

  Angel told her how much he loved her every day now. It was killing her that she couldn’t say it back to him. So, she’d broken down and told Sydney, crying in the process. Ever since, Sydney had been beside himself, skeptical about her being able to come back to Arizona. But she’d been trying her best to convince him that she could and would. There was no way she’d let on that just the thought devastated her.

  But she had to go back, no matter how much she wanted to stay now. She just wouldn’t be able to live with herself. How could she tell him she was turning her back on him now because of a guy that she’d known for just four months? Albeit they’d been the best four months of her life, she just couldn’t do it.

  She’d never forget the way Sydney cried that awful day she found out she was going to have to move. She’d cried for him almost as much as she’d cried for herself.

  “Sydney, I already told you. I can do this. Me and Angel are still gonna be together, even once I move back.”

  “Are you sure?” he said. “You two haven’t been apart for even a day since you started going out.”

  Sarah squeezed her eyes shut. She knew he was right. It was going to be hard, harder than when she’d left Sydney. Still, she had to do it.

  “I’ll be okay, Syd. I made it this long over here and remember how I didn’t think I could?”

  “Yeah, you’ve been fine; more than fine, because of him.”

  “Well, I’ll have you when I get home to help me through this.”

  There was a strange silence for a few long moments. “Lynn, in all the years I’ve known you, I’ve never heard you so happy. I’d hate for you to come back and be miserable.”

  “Impossible,” she said. “As long as I have you there for me, I’ll be fine.”

  She couldn’t help but let a yawn escape. She was so tired. The lustful stop at the restaurant had lasted much longer than they intended. She got home way after curfew. Luckily, as far as she knew no one had noticed. Everyone was sound asleep when she snuck in.

  “You should go back to sleep,” Sydney said. "You sound really tired.”

  “I’m okay.” She yawned again.

  “No, you’re tired. Go back to bed, we’ll talk later.”