Read Forever Mine (The Moreno Brothers) Page 18

  Valerie said he agreed to going out but no sex and they were already going out again tonight. Sarah had to laugh at that too. If it was true that Alex was just like Angel, only intensified times three the way everyone made it seem Valerie was dreaming if she thought she’d keep that guy off her. Not that She thought Alex would ever force himself on her. But she was sure he’d find a way to manipulate the situation. If it were anyone else, maybe Valerie could find the willpower to stand firm. But with him, Sarah highly doubted it.

  Valerie left to get ready herself, leaving Sarah to finish up. When she was just about done, she heard the doorbell ring. She glanced at the clock; it was only Six thirty. He said he’d call if he would be early. She continued working on her makeup and then she heard Valerie.

  “Sarah, it’s for you.”

  Maybe he got off early and wanted to surprise her. Sarah was glad she was ready. She put all her things back in her make-up bag and stuffed it in her purse. She sprayed herself with a little perfume, and grabbed her purse. She inhaled very deeply then took one last look at herself in the mirror. He was going to flip when he saw her.

  As she rushed out she glanced out the window and caught a glimpse of that unmistakable, 1964, Canary yellow, Chevy Impala, parked directly in front of the house. It couldn’t be.

  She turned the corner into the front room and went numb. There he was, all six feet of him, standing there looking at her from head to toe. For a second, she was unable to speak.

  “Sydney!” She jumped into his arms.

  He hugged her tight. The smell of his cologne brought back all the wonderful memories. When they pulled apart, she stared at him still in shock. “Oh my God, what are you doing here?”

  “We gotta talk, Lynn.”


  Angel had taken off early, feeling a little guilty about leaving when the restaurant was still busy. But he hadn’t seen Sarah all day, and he was getting antsy about it.

  He’d gone home to change and was just pulling out of his driveway, when his cell phone rang. Glancing at the phone screen, he thought she must’ve read his mind because he was about to call her.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “Angel?” She sounded odd, and immediately it made him uncomfortable.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” she said. “Well, something’s come up. The neighbors up the street, the uh…Gleason’s, they had an emergency and they need me to come over immediately to baby-sit. They’re desperate, Angel. I couldn’t say no.”

  Feeling disappointment, but at the same time warmed by her sincere concern, Angel sighed. “Is it for the whole night?”

  “I’m not sure,” she said. “But I’ll call you as soon as I know something.”

  “Alright.” He turned the opposite direction, back toward the restaurant. “I love you.”

  There was a long silence then he heard her again. “Okay, bye, Angel.”

  He’d been back at the restaurant for a little over an hour when his phone rang. He answered it immediately without even checking who it was, thinking it’d be Sarah.


  “Hi, Angel.”

  He was quiet for a second. “Dana?”

  The only times she’d called him since the day he told her off, was a few times to leave drunken messages. But he hadn’t actually talked with her since. Now he regretted not answering.

  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  “What do you want?” It wasn’t his thing to be rude, but he wasn’t about to get in hot water with Sarah. The last thing he wanted to do was encourage Dana.

  “I’m not calling to rub it in or make you feel worse, if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m just calling to tell you, I’m here for you.”

  Angel rolled his eyes impatiently. He had no clue what she was talking about and, really, no interest.

  “Dana, I don’t need you here for me, Okay? I’m working right now, I gotta go.”

  “Angel, I know I pissed you off, but before anything ever happened between us, we were friends. I don’t know what happened with you and Sarah, but I know you were really into her, so if you need someone to talk to now, remember I’m still your friend.”

  Her words were all over the place and still Angel couldn’t make anything of them. He decided to just humor her. “Alright, thanks. I gotta go.”

  No sooner had he hung up with her when the phone rang again. He picked it up a little annoyed thinking it would be her again. It wasn’t. It was Eric.

  “Hey, dude. Where are you guys?” Eric asked.

  “I’m working.”

  “Working?” Angel heard Romero in the background. “Ask him, ask him!”

  Angel smiled. “Ask me what?”

  “Is Sarah with you?”

  “No, she had to work. The restaurant was busy so I just came back.”

  “Oh, so Sarah's not with you?”

  Then Angel heard Romero again, “I told you! Didn’t I tell you? That was her. I know it was.”

  “What’s he saying?” Angel asked.

  Eric told Romero to shut up. “Nothing, man, this guy’s just tripping. He thinks he saw Sarah a little while ago.”

  Angel was undaunted. “Nah, she’s babysitting.” He stood there smiling, listening to their conversation. He couldn't tell if Romero had been drinking, or was just being obnoxious.

  Eric and Romero went back and forth for a few minutes, then Angel heard a struggle, the phone got muffled, and the horn honked. He chuckled, Idiots.

  “Alright, man,” Eric said to Angel.

  Angel laughed. “Is he wasted already?”

  “No,” Eric said. “But you wouldn’t know it by the way he’s acting.”

  Angel's other line beeped.

  “Don’t answer your other line, it’s just dumb ass,” Eric said.

  “Answer it!” Romero yelled in the background.

  “Hold on.” Angel chuckled, clicking over to his other line. “Wadda ya want, ass?”

  He stood at the hostess stand at the entrance of the restaurant, looking back in to see how many customers were left. It was early, but most of the guys in the kitchen were on overtime now and his dad had told him if it slowed down enough to close early and let them go home.

  “It was her, man,” Romero said.

  He walked back casually sneaking a peak in the second dining room, it was empty. He knew Romero couldn’t be right, but he went along anyway. “Yeah, where?”

  “In a car; a fuckin’ yellow Chevy Impala, one of those old ones, all cherried out, with a dude.”


  Sarah was both, shocked and overwhelmed with joy when she saw Sydney. She hadn't realized how much she'd missed him until she felt the emotion in his hug.

  She had so many questions for him she almost forget Angel was going to be there any minute. She’d felt so rotten having to lie that way. But she knew there was no way Angel was ready to meet Sydney, not like this. It would be a slap in the face. She needed to explain everything to both of them before she could have them meet.

  This whole mess was her fault and now it threatened to blow up in her face. She was a nervous wreck all day and now she felt on the verge of a meltdown.

  Sydney said he wanted to talk to her and she had a feeling it wasn’t going to be a short conversation. The only places she knew were places Angel had taken her. All of them were places frequented by everyone from school.

  There was no way she was taking him to her and Angel’s special place. So, she decided to go to a place further down the beach where she’d never gone with Angel. She figured it was safe.

  Getting there would prove otherwise. They got stuck in Saturday night traffic. It seemed everyone was out that night. She sunk in her seat several times when she thought she saw people from school. Guys from the football team even.

  When they finally got to the beach, Sydney dropped a bomb. She’d been expecting something big since he’d driven all the way out here, but she was still sho
cked and upset when she heard it.

  “Lynni.” He started. “I should’ve told you this a long time ago.”

  Sarah braced herself. As long as he wasn’t sick she could take anything else. “What?”

  “Remember Carina Santiago?”

  Sarah thought for a moment, “The girl in orchestra who plays the cello?”

  “Yeah.” He took a deep breath. “Well, just before you left, me and her started talking, a lot. We actually started seeing each other. But you were going through so much crap and stressing out cause of your moms problems that I didn’t want to tell you about it.”

  Sarah shook her head. “Why?”

  “C’mon, Lynn, you had so much stuff going on. Half the time you were almost sick with worry about your mom. How could I sit there and tell you about how good things were going for me? It didn’t feel right, and even after you left, you were so miserable, and that’s when everything really started to happen for me and Carina. I couldn’t do it.”

  Sarah stared at him, almost sick to her stomach, feeling so self-centered. All this time she’d been going on and on about having to be there for Sydney and now she was finding out that she’d been too busy wallowing in her own crap to listen to him. He’d been there for her, and through it all he’d kept his own feelings to himself; never once able to share his own anxieties or excitement about his own brand new relationship. Unless he’d kept anything else from her before this, Sarah knew very well this was a first for him too.

  “Oh, Sydney. I’m so sorry.” She hugged him tight.

  He pulled back gently. “What are you talking about? I’m the one that kept it all from you.”

  “Yeah, but you did it for me, because I was such a whiny useless wimp. I dumped all my crap on you, time and time again, and never once thought about how hard it must be for you.”

  Without warning the tears came in mass. She felt terrible, but when her eyes met his, he looked mad. “Don’t you dare do this, Lynn.” He wiped the tears from her cheeks. But spoke firmly. “You’ve been the best friend that anyone could ever ask for. You think I’ll ever forget what you did for me? If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have made it through middle school. I was the fattest, laziest piece of -”

  “No, you weren’t.” She stopped him, infuriated.

  “I was, Lynni. But you were the only one that didn’t think so. And just like right now, you were ready to kick some ass if anyone ever made me feel like I was.”

  “That’s because I’ve always known what a beautiful person you are, Sydney. They didn’t know you like I did.”

  “And I’ll never forget that about you. But I keep hearing you talk about how much you owe me. You don’t owe me shit. You got me through the roughest years of my life. If anything I owe you big time. If it hadn’t been for you I might have shot myself.”

  She stared at him stunned.

  “It’s true, Lynn. I’m ashamed to admit it but there were times I was thankful that things weren’t perfect for you, because I knew if your life had been just an inch more normal, maybe you wouldn’t need me so much.”

  “How can you say that?” The tears burned in her eyes. “I would never turn my back on you.”

  “I know that,” he said. “That’s why I’m here. You have to stay, Lynn. You belong with Angel, just like I belong with Carina. Why do you think I accepted the scholarship to Columbia?”

  Sarah stared at him blankly.

  “She’s going there,” he said. “It’s been killing me, because I know you want to stay here with Angel. It’s where you should be. If you came back to Arizona just because you felt you couldn’t turn your back on me. How am I gonna feel when I leave for Columbia? What if because you insisted on coming back to Arizona you lose Angel, and you’re on your own? How am I supposed to live with that? I’ll drop out of school Lynn. I swear to God. I’ll lose Carina before I abandon you.”

  “No!” Sarah gasped.

  “Then stay here, Lynn,” he said. “Stop being so damn stubborn, and tell him you love him, already. Stay here and be happy. He looked deep in her eyes “Me and you, nothing will ever break us apart, not anyone, not any distance.”

  Sarah smiled, feeling her heart swell a million times over. “This is why I love you so much, Sydney.”

  “I love you too.”

  Sarah hugged him tightly. Then they hung out for about another hour, with Sarah insisting he tell her all about Carina. Sydney didn’t hesitate telling her everything. To Sarah’s shock they’d been intimate for some time now. Sarah tried to shake the guilt off. He should’ve been able to share that with her. She knew it was huge. Then he hit her with yet another surprise. “She doesn’t know I’m here with you.”


  “Everyone at school knew how tight we were, Lynn. She did too. When we started going out she was incredibly insecure about you. You’re a pretty rough subject with us, but I’m trying to get her to understand. It’s too soon though, and I know if she knew I drove all the way down here to see you, it’d be over.”

  Sarah chuckled. “Yea, well, Angel thinks you’re a girl.”

  The expression on his face made her laugh. “He assumed when I told him about my best friend Sydney, that you were a girl and I never corrected him.”

  She held her breath, not sure what to expect.

  He smiled slowly. “Well, Lucy, we both have a lot of ‘splaining to do.”

  Sarah giggled and slid her hand in his like she’d always done before. “I was gonna tell him today. My mind was totally made up. Why do you think I’m wearing this get up? But then you showed up.”

  Sydney checked her out from top to bottom. “You know I was gonna say something earlier. Then thought I better not.” He shook his head still taking it all in. “Damn, Lynni. I almost didn’t recognize you at first.”

  Sarah blushed. “It wasn’t my idea, okay?”

  “Oh I didn’t say it was a bad idea. Just sayin, wow.”

  Sarah laughed feeling self-conscious. “Stop.”

  “Alright, alright, but yeah. Tell him as soon as possible. And, Lynni, if you need me to talk to him, I will.”

  Sarah smiled, she just didn’t think that would fly with Angel. She just couldn’t picture him listening to another guy talk about his relationship with her, even if it was Sydney.

  “I’m starving,” she said.

  “Anything good around here?” he asked.

  Sarah didn’t care about good. All that mattered right now to her was discreet. “We'll find something.”


  Angel stood still for a moment. He knew it couldn’t be, but Romero sounded so convinced. He took in what he’d just heard, then shook his head and started walking again. “Nah, dude,” he said. “She’s babysitting for her neighbors right now.”

  “Call her then,” Romero said.

  Romero’s dogged tone made him uncomfortable. He was so sure. Angel stood quiet for a moment. “Did she see you?” What was he doing? This was absurd. There was no way Sarah would be out with another guy. He trusted her.

  “No,” Romero said.

  “I didn’t see shit!” Eric yelled in the background.

  “Yeah, well, he would’ve if he didn't drive like a girl. By the time we turned back, they were gone.” Romero said.

  They’d actually gone back to check? Angel picked up the phone at the hostess desk without mentioning it to Romero. “So, what was she doing?” He dialed Sarah’s cell phone number.

  “Talking, I guess,” Romero said. “I saw her as we passed the car, and I had to do a double take but Eric was driving so fast and wouldn’t slow down. She looked different.”

  “’Cause it wasn’t her!” Eric yelled again.

  Angel listened to him with one ear, and waited to hear Sarah’s voice in the other. But it went to voicemail.

  “So, she’s supposedly working then, right?” Romero said.

  Angel didn’t like the way that sounded. He knew Sarah wouldn't lie to him. He hesita
ted to answer.

  “I’m just saying,” Romero said. “In case we see her again. I’ll go ask her, what’s up? If the asshole even thinks of saying anything I’ll pop ‘em.”

  Angel chuckled but he didn’t feel the least bit amused. This was starting to feel weird. It wasn’t like Sarah to not answer when he called. She always answered. Even when she did miss his call, she’d call back almost immediately. But then he had called from the restaurant phone. Maybe she didn’t recognize it. He’d only called her from that line a few times.

  “I’ll call you back, dude,” Angel said.

  “Call her,” Romero persisted.

  “I will.”

  As soon as he hung up he called Sarah. It went to her voicemail again. This time he left a message.

  “Sarah, babe, it’s me. Call me as soon as you get the chance, okay?”

  Within a half hour the restaurant was empty and clean. Angel double checked the kitchen then closed up. On his way home Eric called again.

  “Hey, dude, you still at the restaurant?”

  “Nah, I’m on my way home.”

  “What? You’re not gonna meet up with us?"

  “I’m tired, man." Angel yawned. "I’ve had a long day today.”

  “Alright then. Hey, did you ever talk to Sarah?”

  Angel frowned. “No, not yet.” He glanced at the clock on the dash. It was just after nine.

  “Well, don’t sweat it, dude. I’m sure it wasn’t her, but you know how Romero gets.”

  Angel smiled. “Yeah, I know. I’m not sweating it. I’m just tired.”

  He sat staring at the red light. Shit he was getting a headache. For some reason, Dana’s call popped in his head. He tried remembering all she was blabbing about. Now he wished he’d paid attention.

  She’d said something about being there for him. The light turned green and it came to him.

  I’m not calling to rub it in, I don’t know what happened with you and Sarah, but I know you were really into her.

  What was that about? None of it made sense. Well, hell, he’d never make detective that was for sure.

  That was it. He was done. He didn’t need this aggravation what he needed was sleep. And he planned on getting some when he got home.

  If he never talked to Romero tonight, he wouldn’t be questioning where Sarah was, even if he hadn’t been able to get a hold of her all night. He knew exactly where she was, at her neighbors, babysitting.