Read Forever Young The Beginning Page 42

  She looked forward to going to see Celeste perform with Damien. He had been interested in her from the first time they had met. He was attentive, courteous, not pretentious and very focused. He has such nice eyes and such a kissable mouth too! Alyssa, you are a naughty girl! And what of Ian? Last I heard he’s in Spain. Has to travel more now what with being senior officer of the Lafayettes. I miss him. Is it getting warmer in here or is it me? Mmmm, I am naughty! What of me crossing over? No children ever? There is always adoption though. Do I want to do that? There’s too much I don’t know about becoming one of the others. If I marry one such as Damien, that door will forever close. If I stay single as I am now, I can cross over any time. I wonder if I should have just done it while I was at the chateau. That could close the door to a life with Damien. I’m coming to a crossroad it seems. I wish Marie was in Paris. I could ask her advice. She thinks of everything.


  Little Rosita improved daily. The color was coming back in her cheeks and her appetite became normal again. She would soon leave Barcelona House being as her grandfather would take her in. The rest of her family had perished in a tragic fire.

  Lorn and Corinne Barnes had made it to Barcelona, and were all excited about the wedding. Tom and Celita had decided to have it at Barcelona House and have the celebration there as well.

  Ian and Alandra had taken a day to be alone together. He hadn’t attempted to become intimate with her, wanting to court her properly as one so young deserves to be courted at least once in her life. Things had been different when he had been imprinting and had to engage in intimacy in order not to lose that ability forever. This was different and he resolved to do it properly.

  She had packed food and wine for them and they were well on their way out into the countryside beyond Barcelona. Ian kept driving the carriage along until the countryside became wild and sparsely inhabited. He had turned off of the little road they had been following and had gone some distance into the woods. Freeing the horse from its harness he put it on a long tether where it could graze and drink from a stream.

  He lifted Alandra down and showed her his copper bowl and flasks and explained their use. “Now that we’re where no one can see us, I can show you some of the things that we vampires can do.” He took the copper implements from the rucksack, a pistol and some other things not needed, and put back only his knife, flint, salt, and toothbrush. He was wearing cotton seaman’s pants and a loose fitting long sleeve shirt and she was wearing pantaloons, a long sleeve blouse, boots and a wide brimmed hat. “You’ll carry this” he said as he put the rucksack on Alandra and adjusted the straps.

  “What will you carry?”

  “I’ll carry the most important thing in the world.”

  He produced a broad leather strap and made a slip loop around each of her wrists with it. “This is in case you slip and let go. It will keep you from falling.” He turned his back to her and knelt in front of her. “Climb aboard, Alandra. Ready?”


  He bounded away then, slowly at first. Alandra laughed and kissed his neck. In ten seconds he was going full speed and bounding in great leaps over gullies and large rocks. They rocketed through the woods at a dizzying pace until he came to a tall tree and leaped to a point halfway up the trunk, swarming the rest of the way up to near its top. There they found a fairly broad limb that formed a saddle. He turned and deposited her in it and then turned to her and kissed her gently. They could see an azure line that was the Mediterranean dominating the horizon to the east. White puffy cumulus clouds dotted the sky and there was a light northerly breeze to make the treetop sway gently.

  “Oh, Ian! I never imagined such a thing! Did you tell me that you took Celeste running like this?”

  “Yes. She loves it. Alandra?”


  “I’ve been with other women after Cosette died.”

  “I… didn’t know that.”

  “I thought you’d surely married by that time.”

  “I would have been married if not for Carlos Chavez. You were right to think that. I can see how you could meet someone who could take away your grief. Philippe’ was like that for me. I was going to marry him, Ian. I did love him.”

  “Yes. I can see that. Regarding the women; I didn’t seek them. It just happened. There were two of them.”


  Ian chuckled “Not two at one time.” He pulled her to him and kissed her forehead, stroking her hair. “I met one along a roadside one evening. She and her uncle were passengers on a carriage and I helped the driver make a repair. They offered me a ride and that is how I met Anna. I invited them to stay at Marie and Henri’s chateau. They were traveling that direction anyway. It was around three months or so after Cosette’s death that we became intimate. Anna had stopped at the chateau to see us on her way home. She was forty years old at the time. She sent me away a few years later after learning of what I am. We never married. That was hard on me, the rejection and disgust.”

  “I could tell that when you spoke in the garden at my parent’s house. I mean the sorrow... in your voice, Ian. Why did you not marry her?”

  “I was afraid to tell her about myself, and I would never ask a woman to be my wife without her knowing about me.”

  “That is only right, and you’ve been truthful with me. I admire that, and I expect it.”

  “I later by chance happened across Alyssa, a girl I knew from before.” He then explained imprinting and what he had to do during the three weeks to avoid becoming impotent. He told her that Alyssa had been his partner for one night for that and had afterward gone to Paris.

  “She just came out to that chateau and … took up with you?”

  “I know, Lass, but that is how some of the French do things and so do some of the Scandinavians. Alyssa is impulsive in that way. Cultures and customs differ from place to place. You wouldn’t believe some of the things they do in the East, like in India or China. Anyway, years later I had saved her from a coven of vampires in Paris.”

  “She was captured?”

  “Yes. We became lovers some time later, and we’ve been together from time to time since Anna sent me away. She lives in Paris and her work is her life. There has been no one else.”

  She sat silent, digesting this new information. Then she said “I’m glad that you told me this. I’m not disgusted. You didn’t ask for this to happen to you. Who could ever even dream of such a thing happening? I’m overjoyed that you have come back to me. My heart sings when I see you. I love you.”

  “I love you, Alandra. Will you marry me?”

  “Oh Ian, yes I will marry you! Yes! Yes! Yes!” She took his face between her two hands and rained kisses all over, ending with a long and passionate kiss on his lips. She laughed then and was thinking I thought you would never ask, my love! Madre de Dios! It has been hard to restrain myself when with you! I almost wish that you were not so much of a gentleman! She said “In fact, I know a convenient place for a wedding and I’ve heard that they’re planning to have a wedding there soon. I think that a double wedding would be twice as nice as a single one, don’t you?”

  He flashed a smile then and said “Oh yes! Yes I do! We’ll go back and drink some wine to seal this. But first, let’s go catch some fish to roast with our lunch.”

  “Now wait, Ian. What would you have done if I’d said no to your proposal?”

  His eyes twinkling he said “Why we’d just sit here in this tree until you changed your mind!” She threw back her head and laughed then and he kissed her. Then he smiled and turned about for her to climb aboard his back. After securing her strap, he leaped from the top of the tree as she screamed all of the way down. They bounded away at a dizzying speed until they came to a stream.

  She watched him snatch fish from the stream in a shady pool formed by a fallen tree and a natural rock formation. He only caught two. Soo
n they had four fillets boned and ready. Ian snatched up handfuls of long grass and wrapped the fillets in it and put them into his rucksack. Alandra climbed on again and they rocketed away. Shortly they were at the place where they had left the horse and carriage. She prepared their food while Ian built a fire. Soon they were frying the fish and some wild leeks in olive oil, in a pan that they brought. They ate a leisurely meal then and toasted their upcoming wedding.

  He looked lovingly at her and said “Alandra. I can bring you over any time if you want to be like this…like I am.

  She sat silently staring at her plate. “What is it like?”

  “It takes three weeks for it to be complete and then you’d never age or get ill again. It would be best to do it in France, where Marie and Henri live. You could never walk uncovered in sunlight nor have children either though. I’m never going to bring it up to you again. It’s your choice and I want to live my life with you no matter which way you choose. You are the center of my world.”

  She nodded her understanding and leaned over to kiss him then. He continued, saying “I know that I told you that I wished that this had never happened to me, but I do want you to know that my new family is wonderful. I love being with them as often as I can. You would really love them, Alandra. There has been a lot of good in my new life since I became a vampire. Other than missing you and losing Cosette and Anna, it has mostly been really good.”

  They packed up after Ian kicked the coals apart and doused the remains of the fire with water from his copper bowl. He packed all of his belongings into the bag except the loaded pistol which he put in his sash with his knife. Loading the carriage he picked Alandra up and stood her in the carriage as if she was a babe.

  They’d gone less than a mile when Ian spied three horsemen about two hundred yards distant, approaching them. He stopped the carriage and set the brake firmly, even as he unbuttoned his shirt. Without turning to Alandra he said “I don’t like the looks of those three.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “I’ve seen their kind more than once. If they part and let our carriage pass, then I’m wrong, but if they stop and block the road, they’re criminals.”

  “What… what will you do?”

  “Only whatever they force me to do. Don’t be afraid. They won’t harm you.”

  The one in the lead stopped in the middle of the road, not yielding. The other two flanked him, which told Ian all that he needed to know. They didn’t even bother to draw their pistols.

  “Bueno dia, senor and senorita.”

  “Bueno dia.” said Ian with a smile, coolly watching and gauging the distance.

  ‘The senorita doesn’t talk? Such a shame for one so very pretty, no?”

  Ian watched. Just a little closer, you bastards he thought.

  The leader edged closer not seeing this fool carrying any weapons. Drawing his pistol, he said “Have you any money, senor?” His companions urged their mounts a little closer too, spreading out away from their leader a bit, but blocking the road.

  “Yes.” Ian slowly took one hand and pulled his leather purse and thong over his head. Tossing it high and to the left side of the leader his vampire eyes tracked the eyes of all three of them as they followed the high arc of his purse. He pulled his pistol and shot the leader between his eyes when the bag reached its highest point. Before the bag had hit the ground he had grabbed and flung his knife backhanded with his other hand, burying it in the throat of the second man. By the time that knife had found its mark, he had leaped from his seat across a twenty foot gap to snag the third man by the throat as he flew past him. He twisted that man’s head completely around, snapping his neck as they both started downward, with Ian landing on his feet in a crouch. It was over, never having a chance to get started.

  “Alandra, are you all right?”

  She sat in the carriage staring wide-eyed. “Yes. Oh Ian, it was so fast!”

  He methodically retrieved his purse and weapons. Then he searched each body, relieving them of their pistols and knives. Two had purses with some money. He cut the purse thongs and took them to Alandra. “For expenses at the hospital.” Everything else he put into his rucksack and tossed it on the floor of the carriage. Rounding up the three horses he inspected them for brands. One had a brand so he took the saddle off of it and slapped its rump, sending it running. Tossing that saddle in the back, he took the other two horses and tied them to the rear of the carriage. Disposing of the bodies he then vaulted into the carriage, leaning over to kiss Alandra and starting their horse down the road.

  “I’m sorry you had to see something like that. You can sell the saddles and horses. The money you get can do some good at Barcelona House, and Alandra; they were going to do far worse than rob us.” She shivered and edged closer to him, winding her arm under his and leaning her head on his shoulder.

  Chapter 75

  Anna was filling in for a bank manager one day who was ill. She had to go over a pile of documents and among them was a request for a loan. It was for a substantial sum of money. She noticed the name on the loan as one Lukas Eschmann.

  Her secretary came in and said that Herr Eschmann was there now, and desired to speak to the bank about his request for funds. She had the secretary show him in. She stood and welcomed him to her bank. He was a really nice looking man of about thirty five years who had kind blue eyes that looked like they could be merry, but had not been in a while. She thought now how did I guess that?

  They discussed the plans he had brought with him to show the bank. She looked at them with interest and judged him to be a sound businessman based on his reputation; so she told him his loan would be approved and that if he could return later that day he could have the money. He stood and thanked her and walked out.

  Later he returned and took his funds, thanking her once again. This time she extended her hand. He took it and bowed slightly, brushing his lips on the back of it.

  Two days later, she received a bouquet and an invitation to dine at a fine local establishment in Lausanne. The invitation was from Lukas Eschmann. She thought about that for some time, and then she decided to accept. He was a widower of good moral repute who had two young daughters. She thought I’m no spring chicken and he’s quite handsome after all. And I’m still naughty, aren’t I? I’ve been without a man for too long now. He’s quite a bit younger than I, but since when did that ever stop me? She laughed out loud at that thought. What chance do I have with reconciling with Ian? Oh! The very thought of that! Mmmm! Is it getting warmer in here or is it me? Now I’m really being naughty! I wonder what Lukas would think if he only knew what I’m thinking right now! Anna you are indeed a naughty and wanton woman! She laughed aloud once again then at the delicious thoughts going through her mind. Yes, Lukas. I’ll accept your invitation. Indeed I will!


  Elsie’s Cloud rode at anchor in the harbor of Barcelona. Angus and the crew had welcomed Ian and Tom and their prospective brides warmly. Celita and Alandra walked all about the deck of Elsie with their prospective husbands. They would point to this place or to that place and recount an event or experience from those days following their rescue. Ian spoke with Angus, learning the news from Scotland. Angus was as ramrod straight and lean as ever but Ian’s vampire eyes could see the telltale signs of age. MacCarr had come and given Ian a bone crushing hug as always that now seemed little different to Ian than that of another crewman. He hugged MacCarr applying a tiny bit of vampire strength and heard him grunt in pain.

  “Why Mark, methinks ye are getting a mite soft what with your advanced age and all.”

  “Hah! I’m still champion of this ship in arm wrestling and no peacock banker is going to change that!”

  “Oho! A wager then! You win and I get dunked into the harbor, I win and you go into the drink?”

  “Done then! Bring us three barrels. This banker man is goin’ swimmin’ lads.”
r />   Wagers were quickly made and a crowd of their crewmates gathered. Shortly they were at it. Ian pretended to struggle mightily and let it go back and forth for a good while, and then he slowly but surely bore Mark’s arm down flat on the barrel. MacCarr sat there in wide-eyed disbelief. There was a great cheer because no one had ever bested MacCarr at arm wrestling including Ian.

  MacGregor said “Mark, why don’t ye bring us back some fish while ye are down there then lad?” This brought laughter all around.

  “MacCarr, it wasn’t fair. Ian gets to toss those heavy bags of gold all about every day. You never had a chance laddie.” Said Armando as the crew hooted.

  “You tell them fishes that the banker sent you to collect on their note now, Mark!” said another as he walked like a man going to the gallows. More laughter erupted at that.

  “Say hello to Davey Jones now while you’re down there, Mark” said another as the crew hooted and guffawed.

  Grumbling and red-faced, MacCarr turned only to see Ian walking over to him. “Here grandfather. Let me help you over the side.” He then grabbed Mark by the seat of his pants and the scruff of his neck, stooping quickly and lifting him over his head to toss him into the harbor. There were cheers and raucous laughter mingled with applause. Celita and Alandra laughed harder than anyone. They hadn’t forgotten the time MacCarr had tossed Ian over the side after an arm-wrestling match years ago. Alandra caught Ian’s eye and he let his eyes glow briefly as he winked at her. She put her hand over her mouth as she doubled over and began to laugh all over again.

  My God but she is beautiful, and what a blessed man am I! He saw Angus shaking his head and laughing. Ian walked over to him and said “I’ve wanted to beat him at that for years and I wasn’t passing up the chance today.”

  “Aye laddie he did crow every time he beat you all of those years. ‘Twas a sweet sight at that.” About then both Alandra and Armando joined them, laughing as hard as they both could. Armando said “Ian, aren’t you the devious one now, and what a sight that was! I’ll never tell him he was arm wrestling with a vampire if you don’t!” The four of them erupted with laughter anew at their private joke.