Read Forever Young The Beginning Page 43


  The day came and Elsie was decked out fit for a wedding, with flowers everywhere and the crew dressed in their white tops and navy blue pants. All of the children of Barcelona House that were well enough to come did so. Eduardo Vasquez had once again bought all new outfits for the entire crew as he had done years before when his daughter was safely returned. He thought back to that time it is only fitting that two of the men who saved the two of them from an unspeakable horror marry them today. God has smiled on me and my family this day in spite of my folly.

  They had sailed the ship out of the harbor and the priest from Alandra’s family’s church performed the ceremony at sea with the four of them standing together. Armando had played his violin as the two brides walked down the aisle, one on each side of Eduardo. He had paid to have two wedding gowns made exactly alike for the two, being as Celita was as a daughter to him anyway. Little Rosita scattered rose petals in front of them as they walked to the aft deck where the priest, Tom, and Ian waited. Celita and Tom said their vows first, and then Ian and Alandra immediately after. As Ian kissed Alandra he thought I haven’t been this happy since I married Cosette. The children of Barcelona House cheered and applauded along with the crew.

  Armando played a lively Gaelic tune and the newlyweds danced most of the way back to the harbor. The celebration was at Barcelona House and all were invited except the ship watch being six men. Ian paid them handsomely for missing the festivities.

  At the celebration, Ian was asked by the children to do the Cossack Hopak dance. It seemed that it was their favorite. Sometime after he had performed the dance for the children, Ian and Alandra slipped away while some of the seamen were trying to learn the dance.

  Angus had told him that they could have the ship to themselves that evening. Ian had made provisions and preparations for the entire crew to stay at Barcelona House overnight, and the ship’s officers were to stay at the Vasquez estate. Ian rowed the two of them out to Elsie in the longboat at vampire speed. He let the six men on duty leave for the night, and they weren’t due back until noon the next day. Angus had given over his own cabin for them.

  Ian was sensitive to Alandra possibly being nervous, so he simply held her hand and walked the deck with her. They gazed at the stars and the big Barcelona moon overhead. He kissed her neck and nuzzled her gently as he stood behind her at the bow. “Lassie, we first kissed at the bow of Tico and I thought my heart might stop that day. Now here we are man and wife. I didn’t believe it could happen this way.”

  “I always hoped but that hope gradually died and my happiness with it, until you returned. I’ve never been as happy as now. Take me to our bed, and let me show you.” He kissed her deeply then, each of their tongues gently caressing the other. The fire of desire rose in both of them then. Ian scooped her up as she kissed him all about the face and neck as he carried her to the cabin. Ian could scarcely believe her fervor.

  He was quite tender and slow and after her discomfort passed a night of unrivaled splendor unfolded for them both. She wept freely after they had finished, and he held her even as his own eyes brimmed with tears of joy.

  After only two hours she awoke and they again made love. This time it was even more enjoyable for her and she was markedly more aggressive.

  The next morning Alandra stretched languorously and then cuddled close to Ian. She murmured “Shall we live the rest of our lives here aboard this ship, Ian?”

  “If so, I’ll live it happily as long as you’re here too.”

  “Mmmm; you do know how to say the right thing, love”

  “On the subject of where to live, I have a surprise for you, Senora McCloud.”

  “Mmmm; I like that title. If you say it one more time, I’ll show you how much I like it.”

  “Why Senora McCloud, whatever do you mean?” Very shortly she showed him exactly what she meant.

  Later he arose and kindled a small fire beneath the special copper tub he had bought and had delivered to the ship. He brought four buckets of water at vampire speed and poured it in. After preparing Alandra a breakfast of eggs and a small filet of beef with fresh squeezed orange juice, he went on deck and lowered the cargo net into the harbor. He stripped and dove in to have a bath. When he was through he came back on deck and dressed, having decided to give Alandra privacy for the sake of her becoming accustomed to being married.

  She emerged on deck some time later, dressed in black riding pantaloons and a loose fitting white blouse, her hair in a simple ponytail. “I have a complaint to register with the manager of this establishment, sir.”

  Smiling, he drew her to him and wrapped his arms about her “And what would that be, Senora McCloud?”

  “Mmmm; sir, don’t try to take advantage of me by using those magical words. I’ve learned just this morning of your trickery in that regard. I was bathing this morning and there was no one to scrub my back.”

  “I can assure you that will never happen again, Senora McCloud.”

  “Well, it had better not” she said as she tipped her head back and drew him down for a long kiss. When they separated she said “You mentioned a surprise?”

  “Aye; let’s go ashore and see what it is, shall we?”

  “Mmmm; I was ready to take another bath, but not alone.”

  “I almost wish I’d not arranged this surprise, but I’ll let you judge that.”

  Ian had arranged and paid for a stable boy to bring two horses to the dock and to wait. Soon they were riding toward the north and up into the hills. They came to a villa sitting on a rise that gave it a commanding view of the city and harbor. It had a driveway of some four hundred feet length. They rode up to the front portico and tied their mounts to the hitching post. Ian took a key from his pocket and unlocked the door. He turned to Alandra and swept her up and stepped over the threshold into the foyer. There he stood her and then kissed her. “Welcome home, Alandra.”

  “Ian, what…what is this?”

  “It’s our home, at least for the next month. I put money on it as a lease for one month and then I can buy it or return it to the owner. Do you like it?”

  “Oh Ian, I love it! I love the view! Oh, let’s look out in the back. Does it have a back yard?”

  “Why yes, it has a four hundred acre back yard.”

  Her hands flew up to her mouth “Oh! So big!”

  “The place where I lived most often in France is eight times this big and so is the house.” She turned to him wide-eyed “Why so big?”

  “The owners are vampires. They like their privacy. They’re the ones who helped me so much after I was infected.”

  “That would be Marie and…Henri?”

  “Yes. Let me show you the rest of the house first though.” Ian did so and then told her to change anything about it that she didn’t like.

  “I want to take you to Marie and Henri’s home.”

  “So we’ll go to France?”

  “Yes. I want you to meet them both. You’ll love them, Alandra. They’re such fine people. Oh, I forgot to tell you but Li Hong has crossed over. He’s a vampire too and is married. They live there too.”

  “Li is the one who was teaching you to fight?”

  “Yes. Mustafa and Cosette’s brother live there too.”

  “Mustafa lives there now? Are they…..?

  “No. They’re human, but may cross over when they’re grown. Children aren’t allowed to cross over.”


  “They’re too uninhibited. While we’re talking about this, I need to tell you that Rosita must never be allowed to eat after me. She must never take a bite from an apple after I have or any other thing. She must never drink from the same cup either.”

  “Why? You mean that she…could…”

  “Maybe. She might possibly be infected and then she would cross over, to become a child vampire. She’s going soon to live with her grandfather?”

  “That’s tru
e. She leaves this week.”

  They went riding then and soon were in the woods. There was a good sized river running through the place and there were eight different natural pools where it was either shady or sunny. A small waterfall of maybe ten feet height emptied into a deep pool area. Numerous places afforded stupendous views of the sea and the surrounding countryside.

  They talked then of having Angus and his officers stay at their new house a few days and of Ian building a place for some of the children to come play on special occasions.

  “I have to go away to Madrid on bank business. I’d like for you to come with me. Can Celita and Tom run the hospital while you’re gone?”

  ‘Yes. I’m going wherever you go. That is that. I remember what happened when we parted last time. No more of that for me!”

  “Alandra, I’m so happy! When we get done with that business, I’m taking you to Henri and Marie’s place. You’re going to love it. Then we’ll go and see Celeste sing and see my home in Scotland and my grandparents in the Netherlands. I’m going to take you to the Swiss Confederation in the wintertime and teach you how to skate on ice. We’ll go to Vienna too and maybe Prussia. Oh lass, we are going to see and do so much together. I can’t even tell you all that I want to show you!”

  “Then we’ll do it all love, and we’ll do it together.”

  Chapter 76

  “Marie, I’ve been working on our new identities. Did you find out anything about that property near Zurich?”

  ‘I did. It’s around three thousand six hundred acres more or less. The home and buildings are in mostly good condition. Do we know any more about the place in Luxembourg?”

  “No. I expect to hear by next week at the latest. I’ve found a good place in Lausanne too, on Lake Geneva. I heard about a place near Turin, in Italy. It was a big one though, some five thousand acres, both sides of the river too.”

  “Zurich might be best.”

  “Yes. Karl and I have done a preliminary sketch up of a new identity for us as the Laforges. We have done all of the outlines for the necessary property transfers. Some would be directly owned by this Laforge couple but over ninety percent would be anonymously held in our trust network. And by the way” he said with a wink “I hear that that Mrs. Laforge is a petite and ravishing brunette.”

  “Well sir, I hear that Mr. Laforge is a devastatingly handsome banker.” She walked to his chair and plopped into his lap, kissing him and tousling his hair.

  “He’s one lucky man, I can tell you that. Getting back to this other though, we have to consider the laws of the Swiss Confederation, and in particular the Zurich and Lausanne Cantons. We also have to take into account French, Spanish, Italian, and English laws. Oh yes, and the laws of the Duchy of Luxembourg and the southern and northern Netherlands. The outlines make it easier. Karl has been a big help here. We only have a few years though to make our move. Ian should be returning from Spain in the near future. I want his input on this move too.”

  “Do you think he’ll have success with the Rodriguez bank?”


  “I do too. If you give up your seat on the council, we won’t have to remain so close to France. Your region would be taken over by a newly appointed judge. We could go anywhere we want then.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  “I know that Ian would like to see America. I’ve seen something in his eyes when he talks of the place. He has meant so much to me, Henri. If we ever decide to expand into America, he’s the one to do it for us.”

  “Do you want to go there too?”

  “Mmmm, someday I want to go there with you. I think it’s too soon for us to go there. We aren’t accustomed to the kind of life that they live over there. Ian would love it there, no doubt. He’s unattached except for Alyssa now.”

  “Alyssa. Hmmm; aren’t we going to bring her over?”

  “Yes, if she wants it. Ian has told her a little bit, since she did recognize him as the one who rescued her. She could do it any time if she chooses. I have word that she has a young man who is more than just interested in her though.”

  “Speaking of Ian and being attached, don’t forget that the Spanish girl… Alandra is it? She lives in Barcelona, and you know how he loved her. And he’s still in Spain now.”

  “Oh, Henri, she’s long since married, especially in Spain.”

  “You’re probably right. Anyway getting back to this move and all…..”

  “I support you completely and I think your influence on the Council is good for Europe and for all of our kind as well. I haven’t changed in my feelings about that at all. I know that you get weary of the travel. But really, most of it is to do with the banking and not with Council business.”

  “That’s true.”

  “To cut the amount of time that you travel I think we should bring in both Louis and Mustafa. Both are bright and multilingual.”

  “They’re still a bit too young.”

  “Yes, you’d have to do it all with Ian and Li for a while yet, then they’d be old enough. We can bring both of them to cross over either before or after the move. They should be as valuable to us in banking as Ian has been. And don’t forget that your travel has been in large part due to getting the draft-sharing system working. Now that it’s working well, you won’t have the demands there like before either.”

  “How did I get such a smart and lovely wife?”

  “You were sooo lucky, were you not?”

  “Don’t I know it? Mmmm; the boys have gone fishing, the staff has gone for supplies, and here you are sitting on my lap.” He kissed her and soon it became a passionate kiss. He leaped to his feet and in one bound landed at the foot of the staircase carrying her. She shrieked ‘Henri!’ followed by laughter as still carrying her he bounded to the top of the staircase in one leap.


  Alandra and Ian had hosted Angus and the officers of Elsie at their home in the hills above Barcelona for some four days. They had said their goodbyes and had left for Madrid as soon as Angus and the rest of them had departed. Ian had promised that he and Alandra would come to Scotland.

  In Madrid, Ian had gone to El Banco de Rodriquez and had formally presented his proposal to the manager there. He now knew that the Rodriguez bank was founded by who would have been Alandra’s father in law had not their son Philippe’ been killed in the duel with Carlos. He would let the thing play out as it would and wouldn’t try to capitalize on that. So he and Alandra went sightseeing as would befit any wealthy young Spanish couple.

  Ian noticed that things were far more staid and formal in Madrid as compared to Barcelona. The city was larger and there were lots of sights to see. The second day Alandra suggested they hire a carriage and driver to show them all of the different buildings, offices, and other features, as well as homes of prominent people. They spent an enjoyable afternoon this way. Just before they were finished with their tour they turned into a fashionable and well-manicured part of the city. There was an imposing three story stone building which the driver announced was the home of the Chief Prosecutor for the Crown. Ian rolled his eyes to Alandra to see if she had caught that Carlos’ father lived there. She met his gaze and nodded.

  They spent one more day sightseeing and looking around at the surrounding countryside. Then they decided to go to the bank before leaving. The chief there told them that Senor Rodriquez himself was in Madrid and in his office at that very minute. Shortly Ian and Alandra were shown in to his office.

  Roberto looked up and his face split into a smile of joy when he saw Alandra. He rose immediately coming around his large desk, and formally kissed her hand saying “Alandra, how good it is to see you!” Then he looked toward Ian with his eyebrows raised. They were introduced. Extending his hand Rodriguez said “Senor McCloud, if you are this lovely lady’s husband, then I’m simply Roberto to you.”

  “If you are Roberto to me, I’m Ian to you.??

  “Then please be seated, Ian. I’ve gone over your proposal and now after meeting you I have no further questions. I want to do this partnership today. I was a merchant for many years and I know well how easy it is to buy and sell goods across borders if there is a reliable system of honoring drafts. If you’re ready, I’ll summon my officer with the necessary paperwork. We can sign both your copies for Banque de Lafayette and mine here and now. Please allow me to get the paperwork now.” He then left the room

  He was gone a bit when Alandra said “Ian, when you killed Carlos, did he truly know why he was being killed?” There was the sound of papers dropping to the floor behind them. Ian turned in a panic just in time to see Roberto standing frozen, staring at them. Alandra covered her mouth with both hands. He straightened and stepped back and looked around to be sure no one else had heard that and then closed his door and came around the desk with the papers.

  “My officer will be here shortly with the other copies. I heard what you said, Alandra. Is this true?’

  Alandra looked at Ian who nodded. “Yes, it’s true. Ian killed him in a duel. He humiliated him in front of several hundred people exactly where Philippe’ was killed.” Roberto looked at Ian and raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes.

  Ian nodded silently.

  “I wish I’d seen that. I wish that I could have said what I have thought these years since that murderer did his work.”

  “I got to tell him that Philippe’ had sent his regards.”

  He nodded in grim satisfaction. “Good then. He was reputed to be the finest swordsman in Spain.”

  “On that day, I was better.”

  “But why did you kill him?”

  “I was following Alandra when she went to the grave. She didn’t know I was in Barcelona. After she left, the caretaker at the cemetery told me how it happened. I knew then that I would see him pay for what he’d done to her.”

  ‘How is it that you were following Alandra?”

  Ian looked to Alandra then and she told Roberto the entire story of how they met. The officer with the papers had to wait outside a good while until she had finished. Roberto came around the desk then and taking Ian’s hands drew him to his feet and hugged him for a long time. With tears in his eyes, he said “I’m grateful, Ian. Alandra is as a daughter to us and now you’re as a son to us. We’re in your debt.”