Read Forever Yours Page 6

  “My brother,” Sarah said. “His name is Leonardo. Leo.”

  Valerie looked at Sarah bright-eyed and then back at the photo. “Well, he doesn’t look anything like you or your dad, but he’s an altogether different kind of hot. And, Jesus, look at the tattoos. Talk about panty-wetting sexy.” She turned to Sarah again. “He’s like . . . intimidating but in a hot way.”

  Sarah could see why Valerie would think so. Since she was always going on about her weakness for guys with big physiques, of course she’d think Leonardo was hot. The tattoos only added to his already daunting appearance. The photo was taken lakeside, and he wore swim trunks and a tank that showed off the many tattoos on his muscled arms, shoulders, and chest. There was even one on his neck. There were a lot of people his age all around including many bikini-clad girls. It looked like a spring break type of photo. He was holding a beer, and the big friendly smile and baseball cap gave the otherwise tough-guy exterior a softer feel. His eyes weren’t green like hers. They were dark brown and Valerie was right. He looked nothing like Sarah or her father. But she was also right about something else. Despite his tough appearance, he was good-looking. His jaw was perfectly chiseled, and the gleam in his eyes said he knew he was hot.

  “Okay, you have to take me with you when you meet him,” Valerie said, still staring at the photo, smiling big.

  Sara turned to her with a disapproving glare. “I’ve already told you. You and Alex can insist you’re not exclusive until you’re blue in the faces. Both of you are equally and ridiculously, I might add, obvious about how pissed you get when hearing about the other one possibly hooking up with someone else. I will not take you with me to meet my brother.” Sarah closed out the photo and her laptop. “How awkward would that be if you two actually hit it off?”

  Valerie frowned as Sarah grabbed her purse and they headed out. “Speaking of,” Valerie said as they walked out the door, “Alex is doing one of his disappearing acts right now. I haven’t heard from him in almost a week, have you?”

  Sarah told her about having worked the same shift with him at the restaurant the last few days and how Angel told her that not only was football practice getting pretty grueling but the finals for the extra classes Alex had taken over the summer were all sneaking up on him at once. So Valerie wouldn’t feel so bad that he’d been too busy to call her. She left out the part about him also getting his own place soon. Valerie hadn’t mentioned it, and Sarah wasn’t about to get in the middle of this. Too many times already she’d inadvertently let something slip about Alex that she assumed Valerie knew, and Alex would end up in the doghouse. Not that he didn’t deserve it if he was going to be lying or purposely keeping things from Valerie, but Sarah hated that you-ratted-me-out-again look she’d get from him each time it happened. She figured it was just a matter of time before Valerie found out anyway. Angel said his brother got his own apartment because it was cheaper than paying for hotel rooms and there was no way he was bringing all his conquests home. Not only was it disrespectful but their mother would kill him if she knew just how many he had.

  That last part was added by Angel and was his own personal assumption, not an actual quote from Alex. But if Sarah had to speculate, based on all the things Valerie told her and how often she was certain he was with other girls, it was likely true. She’d keep it zipped for now about him getting a bachelor pad soon.

  “It’s just as well, I guess. I really need to just move on and let things go with him,” Valerie said as they got in her car. “I’m this close to feeling ready to take the state exam. Once I have my real estate license, I’ll likely be meeting a lot of men in the business. I don’t need Alex coming around threatening any of them like he does now when the mood strikes him to resurface from oblivion.” She turned to Sarah. “You do know this year they play Hawaii in Hawaii, right?”

  Sarah scrolled through her unread text emails on her phone and shrugged, not sure what that meant. “So?”

  “I’m just saying they’ll be there all weekend.” Sarah glanced up at her in time to catch Valerie roll her eyes. “Alex already bragged about it. Do you remember who cheers there?”

  It took Sarah a moment and then she remembered—Dana, Angel’s only “thorn in his ass” after meeting and becoming exclusive with Sarah back in high school, the same girl who’d nearly caused a riot at her prom when Sarah and Angel had won prom queen and king. Dana and her minions had all protested, making a huge scene and basically ruining the moment for Sarah. Then afterwards, Angel had still found it in his heart to give the pathetic bitch a moment to explain that she’d had nothing to do with it. It was infuriating, especially since by that time Sarah knew what he’d previously made out to be nothing but a few hookups with Dana had actually been a lot more.

  Sarah had been so relieved when she’d heard Dana bragging about getting into Hawaii State and how she’d leave once she graduated and never look back. Good riddance had been both Valerie and Sarah’s reaction the day they overheard her.

  Glancing back at her phone, Sarah shrugged again. “It’s been over two years. I’m sure she’s moved on.”

  Valerie laughed. “I doubt anyone would want to deal with her annoying ass.”

  Refusing to give into what Valerie was insinuating, that, like her, Sarah should be worried about what they might do on their weekend there, Sarah dropped her phone in her purse and turned to her cousin. “Regardless,” she said careful how she phrased this because she didn’t want to sound catty. “Until he gives me reason not to trust him, I’m not gonna start worrying about something like that.”

  It was the truth. Unfortunately, Valerie had lots of reasons to think Alex might be going to Hawaii or anywhere else to live it up and hook up with as many girls as he could. There had been two full seasons of Angel leaving for his away games without her, and he’d never given her reason to think he might do something while away. Sarah trusted him completely.

  “Well, I’m not saying this to make you paranoid. I’m just giving you a heads up.” Valerie glanced at her then back on the road. “I didn’t say anything last year because I didn’t want to give her the pleasure of doing what I was sure she was trying to do—piss you off. I also knew you’d been at the game since it was here and you were with him the whole time after. But somehow she and I have mutual friends on Facebook, and one of them got tagged on some photos Dana posted after last year’s game against SD. In them, she managed to take photos of herself with players and band members from SD we went to high school with. Among them, Angel and even Alex made her stupid wall. She posted so many I didn’t think it was a big deal. So I guess when the schedule came up for this year’s season she reposted the photos, only not all of them. The caption read something stupid like ‘I can hardly wait to hang out with my friends from SD at this year’s game.’”

  Valerie turned into the Starbucks parking lot, and Sarah had to wonder if this is why Valerie had called her out of the blue. She turned to Sarah as she parked and turned the car off. “This time there were only a handful of photos, and, of course, the one she took with Angel was one of them. I guess she didn’t want to look like the big slut she is, because she only posted one guy. The other two were girls in the band.”

  Other two.

  So it wasn’t even a handful. There were three people Dana was announcing she was looking forward to reuniting with in Hawaii—two girlfriends and Angel.

  Valerie’s news about Dana had also come with a warning. As she always had back in high school, Valerie insisted Sarah not sweat Dana for even a moment. “I was just giving you a heads up so you’re not blindsided or anything in case you hear something, but don’t go arguing with Angel over something that wench posted on her Facebook page. Obviously, she hasn’t matured at all and is still trying to push buttons. Don’t give her the pleasure.”

  Taking Valerie’s advice, Sarah decided she wouldn’t give it another thought. After Valerie dropped her off, she re-read the email from her dad, and when her mom got home, she confirmed the
younger photo of him was definitely him.

  “Wow,” Luna said, staring at the photo of what he currently looked like. “Those are definitely the eyes I remember. Time has been a friend to him, I’ll give him that much. I expected him to look even older since he was six years older than I was and you’d think all that time in jail would’ve aged him faster. But, yeah”—Luna nodded—“that’s him.”

  Sarah turned to her mom, her insides getting a little more excited as this began to feel like the real deal. She chewed the corner of her lip, wondering if she should mention that she and her brother were almost the same age, but she figured it was just a matter of time before her mother found out, so she may as well just tell her.

  Glancing back at the monitor, she clicked on the photo of him. “This is Leonardo,” she said, “my brother. He’s nineteen.”

  Luna half-frowned then smiled. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” She leaned over to get a better look. “Your dad had a lot of tattoos too.” She murmured, staring at the photo. “He’s good-looking.” She shrugged. “I guess I’m more surprised he only had one other kid, but I suppose that had a lot to do with him being locked up for so long.”

  Sarah was relieved her mom seemed more annoyed than hurt. Sydney called just after her mom left the room. She’d sent him the photos before she’d left with Valerie. His first words when she answered were “That’s him all right.”

  More excitement bubbled inside her. “You sure?”

  “Yep, that’s the guy. What did your mom say?”

  “Well, she said he looks different. Obviously, it’s been twenty years.” She got up and headed to her bed. “She expected him to look different, but she was surprised how well he’s aged.” She plopped down on her bed and lay back. “He is six years older than she is, and he really doesn’t look it, but she said those are definitely his eyes and she’s ninety-nine percent sure that’s him.”

  “So what now?”

  “I don’t know. He sent me my brother’s contact information and said he really is anxious to meet me, so I guess I’ll write him next. All I know so far is he’s my age and goes to school in Phoenix.”

  “I’d still be careful.”

  “Of course,” she said, sitting up. “Whatever happens I’ll take baby steps and be cautious. It just . . .” She chewed on her pinky. “I guess it hasn’t sunk in yet. I have more family than just my mom and her sister’s family.”

  “Yeah, that’s pretty crazy. Just remember, Lynni. Don’t go into this expecting too much. The novelty of meeting a long lost relative may wear off for both of them once they meet with you, and you all can lose touch again.”

  “I know,” Sarah said, secretly hoping he was wrong. “I’m going into this expecting nothing. This way I won’t be disappointed.”

  They spoke for a little longer until Angel showed up to pick her up. After telling him about the email and new information she had, Sarah brought the photos up on her phone.

  Angel examined them as they stopped at a red light. “So we know for sure this is your dad, but this Leo guy is still not a sure thing.”

  Nodding, Sarah thought about how she’d never even considered the possibility that he wouldn’t be. Since this was her dad and he was telling her this was his son, she just assumed it was true. Why would he lie? But she knew Angel. She also knew he’d always thought her to be far too trusting, so she wouldn’t admit that she felt certain this was her brother.

  “My dad—” She caught herself because it felt weird. “Uh, Omar sent me Leonardo’s contact information so I can email him or call him and feel him out as well. Omar says Leonardo’s pretty anxious to meet me.”

  Angel glanced at her as the light turned green, and he handed her the phone back. “That’s cool. Did you email him yet?”

  “Not yet.”

  They turned onto Angel’s street. They’d be hanging out at his place for the evening. “Just remember, babe. Don’t share too much about yourself with him until we’re sure this is all legit.”

  He must’ve seen the look of disappointment on her face that he still wasn’t nearly as excited about this as she was. As soon as they pulled in his driveway and he turned off the car, he reached for her hand before she could get out, and she looked up at him. “C’mere,” he whispered, leaning into her and kissing her softly. “It’s probably all good.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “I don’t mean to rain on your parade or anything, but you know me. When it comes to you or anyone I care about, I trust no one. This dude’s anxious to get to know you and be part of your life.” He raised a brow, smirking playfully. “His ass better be your brother.”

  Sarah smiled, remembering Valerie’s reaction to Leonardo’s photo but dared not mention it. She knew Angel was just playing and trying to make up for his skepticism and lack of enthusiasm about this. But she also knew he wasn’t kidding about trusting no one. Somehow she didn’t think mentioning that Valerie thought her brother was hot—a guy who may or may not actually be her brother and one she’d soon be communicating with maybe even skyping or talking on the phone with—was a good idea.

  They went inside and out into the backyard where Angel’s brothers and Romero were already hanging by the pool table. Sofie and Eric stood behind the bar area as she giggled and whispered something into Eric’s ear. Sarah could only imagine what that girl must be saying to him.

  Sofie looked up just as they reached the pool table. “Did you hear back from your dad yet?” she asked.

  Sarah nodded, noticing how she had both Alex and Sal’s attention too. Angel hadn’t mentioned telling them about it, so she wasn’t sure if they knew. Sarah had told Sofie about it days ago.

  “So what happened?” Sofie asked all bright-eyed.

  Sarah sat across the bar on a stool and started telling her about it. She waited until both Eric and Angel had walked away to take their turn at the pool table before pulling out her phone and showing her the photos. Sofie immediately agreed the resemblance between her and her dad was spooky. Then she showed her the photo of Leonardo. “Holy shit,” Sofie whispered, taking the phone from Sarah for a closer look. “Well, hello.”

  Glancing back at the guys, Sarah was relieved none had noticed. All three brothers were busy laughing at whatever Romero was telling them, and Eric was completely engrossed in making his shot. “This is your brother?” Sofie asked, her words still hushed, then glanced up at Eric and smiled sweetly.

  Eric smiled back none the wiser as he turned to watch Angel take his shot.

  “So it seems,” Sarah said. “I haven’t talked or heard from him yet, but I got his info. I’ll probably email him this weekend.”

  “How exciting,” Sofie said, handing the phone back to Sarah then leaned in and whispered. “Leonardo is hot,” she said, staring at the photo some more. “A little scary-looking but . . . damn!”

  Sarah smiled but made no comment. She glanced down at the photo of Leonardo again and had to agree. He was pretty hunky, and even though she’d just found out a week ago that she even had a brother, it still felt a little icky to be thinking of her brother that way.

  Both Sal and Alex left, saying there was somewhere they each had to be, and Romero suggested they all go to Andolini’s to grab some pizza. At first, Angel protested that, with it being a Friday night, Andolini’s would be too packed, but he was outvoted and they headed out.

  Since Valerie had asked Sarah earlier to let her know if they’d be hanging out anywhere without Alex to let her know, Sarah texted her. She smiled when Valerie texted back a while later that she and her friend were already there and she’d try and save them seats.

  As they walked in the Italian restaurant, Sarah immediately recognized the girl Valerie was sitting with. It was her friend Monica, who lived a few houses away from Val. Who she didn’t recognize was the guy standing near their table, obviously flirting with them. She was glad now Alex wasn’t with them. She wasn’t joking earlier when she told Valerie she and Alex were ridiculous. Though both pretended to be okay w
ith their open relationship the way it was, neither was any good about hiding their annoyance when hearing about or seeing the other with someone else. In Alex’s case, the few times Valerie had told her about him seeing her with someone else, things had nearly gotten violent.

  “Who’s that douche?” Romero asked the moment he spotted the guy with Valerie.

  Sarah tensed immediately. She’d forgotten that though Alex wasn’t there Romero being there might be worse. These guys had each other’s backs, and Romero knew better than anyone that while Alex and Valerie were not a couple he would not be thrilled about this douche hitting on her. Romero started toward them with an evil smirk, and Sarah squeezed Angel’s hand.

  “Be cool,” Angel warned.

  Romero turned to him with an even bigger smirk. “You know me.”

  “Well, shit,” Eric said as they all followed through the crowd behind Romero.

  “Hey, Val, you save me a seat?” Romero asked, pointing at the seats next to Valerie.

  The playful smile Valerie had been wearing up until she saw Romero fell flat. “Yes,” she said. “Sarah texted me, saying you guys were on your way.”

  The guy standing next to Valerie wasn’t smiling anymore, but he wasn’t leaving either. He was typical for Valerie’s taste: tall, well-built, and rugged. The only difference from the guys Valerie usually dated was he was blond.

  “Who’s your friend?” Romero asked, straddling the seat next to Valerie.

  “Here we go,” Angel muttered as he pulled the chair out for Sarah.

  “I’m Tex, who are you?” the guy said with a bit of an attitude.

  “Tex?” Romero grinned, and Sarah could see in his eyes Tex’s attitude amused him. “Rhymes with Alex, huh, Val?” Romero glanced back at Valerie with a wink then turned back to Tex. “I’m Romero, Alex’s friend.”

  Tex stared at Romero for a moment before asking the inevitable. “Who’s Alex?”

  “Alex is—”

  “Someone I haven’t heard from in over a week,” Valerie said, interrupting Romero with a glare. “Someone who’s probably out on a date as we speak.”