Read Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 2

Chapter 2

  Standing before him was beyond what imagination could ever describe.

  The woman was exceedingly lofty, taller than any person he had ever met for she had the stature of an eight foot tall athletic woman of perfect proportions. She appeared in her mid twenties and wore no makeup to hide her unblemished features. But despite her impressive elevation she was curvaceous to flawlessness as her narrow waist flared to wide hips of a woman in her prime. Her breasts were average in proportioned size, but the symmetry was perfect. Her clothes were breathtaking as she wore gold threaded into a sports bra-like top that crossed her belly in an X and attached to golden pants that hugged her curves. She wore an elegant and classy pair of silvery high heels of four inches, but to her large size it would be compared on a much shorter woman as a pair of two inch heels or quite possibly one. But that is all that had a woman’s natural shape.

  Great metallic blue wings sprung from her bare back and each feather looked downy soft and Ethan couldn’t stop from imagining wanting to run his finger through them. The wings were tucked and lay flat down her whole length, adding a beautiful backdrop if one could take a picture. The curved joint apex of each wing was as higher than the very top of her head and the primary flight feathers stood just five inches from being drug along the ground. The woman’s hair was also startlingly metallic blue like her wings and short as her jaw line. Her shimmering hair framed a heart shaped face and looking at the roots proved that either she recently dyed it or it was completely natural. He felt it was the latter.

  Despite all of this, it was her face that drew him close and would forever hold him in awe. She was the epitome of true beauty and refined class. Full and generous ruby red lips were smirked like she held some private joke and just above them was a small nose that couldn’t work for anyone other than herself. High cheekbones and arched blue eyebrows added to her stunning form. Her skin was of creamy alabaster and even from the distance, he knew they would be like touching the finest silks. The luminous quality of healthy skin also revealed that she was covered in fine glitter as the sun blanketed her perfection. But like the wings and hair, Ethan understood the glints of millions of glitter was actually a natural quality of her skin.

  But it was her eyes that held him prisoner. They were like pure molten gold. Never had he seen in anyone’s eyes hold such luminous color. Her unique eyes twinkled with calm and subdued excitement at the same time. He felt drawn to her as his emotion surged in a way he never expected. If he had use of a heartbeat he knew it would be firing on all cylinders and racing like that of a horse getting chased by a pack of wolves.

  “Well, you goin’ to answer me, Darlin’ or stare blankly?” This time Ethan listened more closely to her sweet, dainty voice belonging to that of a southern belle. He never expected such a delicate sound to come from a woman of her stature. Her accent and quality belonged more on a woman of no more than four and a half to five feet.

  Shooting out of his mouth he said “Damn!”

  She blinked and tilted her head some, making her loose hair shift in an adorable way. “Never had that response from a soul before.” She smirked. “Probably because I’ve never seen a soul keep his form after dyin’. Why’d you say ‘Damn’ Mr. Volorum?”

  Ethan shook his head before craning his neck back. “Because I was wrong. Angels do exist and are more gorgeous than one would imagine.”

  “Thank you for the comment, it’s flatterin’.” He watched as her wings fluffed while her cheeks dimpled some. “But it is a mistake to refer to me as an angel, not like the religious myths humans have twisted. I am a Spirit Guide, a ferry to show the departed where they will find rest for the remainder of eternity. But this circumstance has never happened to me before. Your soul retains its form.”

  Before he could respond he looked around at all the people talking. “Ma’am, can people see or hear you talking to me?”

  She burst out laughing at his ignorance, unable to contain herself. Ethan though found her laugh as wonderful as her form, which she picked up clearly from his mind and was overcome with joy. “Do you think humans who could see me wouldn’t find anything alarmin’ in my appearance? Me, a woman taller than men, with wings and blue hair? I think not. I haven’t a physical form, like yourself. Watch.” She walked confidently through people who never even blinked. She returned with a smile. “See.”

  “But if we could walk through people, why aren’t we falling through the ground? I still feel the weight of gravity on my body.”

  “Ah, you are a thinker. Souls are usually so distraught they cannot think critically once their physical form loses energy, but to answer you, it is part of becomin’ one with the Spirit World. Some of the laws you know remain, some aren’t… Strange, I’ve never had this kind of conversation before with a soul.”

  “You said that before.” Ethan pointed out. “What does that mean?”

  “Your spirit’s form remains human, somethin’ I’ve never seen or heard of. Souls naturally appear like this.” She held out a hand and gently blew from her lips. White bluish light spilled from her mouth like smoke or fog and gathered in her palm. Ethan watched as the light gathered to form a ball and almost burned a cone straight up like some kind of medieval torch or fireball. But what captivated him more was her fond expression and happiness towards the soul. “This is a human soul from an elderly man who passed over into my care this mornin’, surrounded by his whole lovin’ family. He is to be taken to the Endless Garden for his life’s deeds earned him a place where he loved forests and mountains brimmin’ with life.” She then gently breathed the spirit back inside. “Within me are twenty thousand souls that I hold to take over, just this day. Six hundred are human. Mr. Volorum…

  “Ethan.” He corrected.

  “My apologies, I’m Kanade Cerulean,” she pronounced it as Ka-na-day. “a family name, not due to my wing color.” Kanade enjoyed the way he brightened to hear her name. “What I was attemptin’ to say is that souls have never appeared to me the way you do. I protect the souls by takin’ them into myself so the journey is safe. Human souls never talk to me coherently, animals can’t entirely and I’m unsure what to do with you.”

  “Are you going to suck me into you like that old man’s soul?” he shuttered by the thought and felt bumps rise all over.

  “I cannot.” She answered calmly. Before he could ask ‘Why?’ Kanade crossed her arms and continued “I tried when you were preoccupied with watchin’ your body being collected to be disposed of. You would not be taken.”

  “So what is next, Kanade? I doubt I can remain. Every movie and book turns out badly for souls who stay.” Ethan sat down on the bench he originally took to watch some good and sighed.

  Kanade joined him, sitting on her wings as if it not only didn’t hurt, but was natural. Her long legs crossed and she sat her head on her raised knees. The short bench for her allowed it to be possible. Golden eyes calmly stayed locked on him, but they didn’t unsettle him as others would feel. Deep down he wanted to stare into them forever.

  She studied him closely, taking every inch of him in. She didn’t say a word for a full minute while studying this unique situation and enjoying the way his mind worked through the situation and how he saw her. She knew she was beautiful, but his mind spoke of so much more. Ethan had exceedingly dark brown hair with auburn undertones, cut in a simple shortness and was very thick, enough to comb to the side. It was thick with natural waves. Long eyelashes that made women envy stayed momentarily closed. He was tall for a male and had some extra girth around the middle, but not so much to be seen as unsightly. Grey, almost pale white eyes turned on her and the way he looked at her made her breast feel warm. No male had ever made her feel so calm, not even the old ones of her kind. His face was clearly masculine and had a little fat that made him seem average to other men. Neither handsome or homely, but she could understand enough that his character was kindhearted and lacked any way to be deceitful. A rare old soul she hadn’t seen in a while from his age, not
counting his shape. Finally, Kanade, answered while keeping her head on her knees. “No, you cannot remain, but not for the reasons you see in human movies or books. Souls attract Chaos, demons. Demons devour souls and will likely eat yours or take you to a greater demon since your form is odd. Nevertheless, when they come, you will cease to exist once eaten. Don’t be mistaken by how I hold souls inside myself, I do not eat them. A demon destroys the soul and takes its power. Should your soul be different, they will enjoy it more than you. And you will be unable to outrun a demon, even a lesser one. Chaos would not treat you with any kindness or sympathy. But there is another issue...”

  “What now?” He said with calm fear that he didn’t let take control. “I die, demons will want to devour me because I can’t even die correctly… what’s next, you are going to say you’ll end me sooner before they get a chance?”

  “Quite an imagination you have, Ethan.” Kanade watched as when she said his name he seemed to find joy in the simple gesture and truly relaxed on the seat. “Firstly, you must know that I’m unable to do harm in any way. I haven’t the power. Demons cannot harm me, but nor can I touch them in anger. I won’t be able to stop them if they sneak up and take you from me.” She laughed as he looked fearfully over his shoulder. “Do not fear, I do not sense the taint of a denizen near us. For now, we may talk. Ethan, what I meant to explain before that brief outburst is you weren’t slated to die this day, it is why I didn’t show myself to you immediately.”

  His eyes grew at the statement. In a whisper, mostly to himself he asked “I wasn’t supposed to die?”

  “Afraid not.” Kanade sat up and flicked her wrist. A silver sheet of what looked like paper came into existence without any sound or grand effects. One moment it wasn’t there and the next it was. Kanade grabbed it on slender fingers. Clear, manicured fingernails glistened when sunlight found a hole in the leaves. She then began to read and he focused on her words rather than the dainty southern belle accent. “Ethan Volorum, currently aged thirty years, two months, four days. Born March ninth at eight pounds eight and a half ounces. Total height, six foot, two hundred and seven pounds currently. Scheduled death would be caused by heart failure at eighty three years. Alone. Never married or had children.” She glanced to gauge his reaction.

  “Well that royally sucks.” He huffed and looked across the street. “Well at least my sad life wasn’t fulfilled and found some meaning. At least Rachiel will see another tomorrow. I’m glad it’s me and not that innocent child who got hit.”

  “Aaactually…” She hesitated greatly and looked away too quickly.

  “Kanade… don’t tell me it was pointless too?” Ethan saw the answer before the angel, Spirit Guide or whatever replied. Kanade was too pensive.

  “I’m sorry, Ethan, but at the time you died you were actually supposed to tell Rachiel Flemmings to ‘Duck!’ not ‘Look out!’. That is why I wasn’t waitin’ on you immediately. Fate had determined Rachiel would have dropped to the ground like her favorite game and the truck would have went over her. The worst of the injuries sustained would have been one scraped knee, not two. She was small enough that the vehicle would easily go over her…” she blinked and held up a finger as she felt a nudge within her mind as something changed dramatically. She flicked her wrist out again and another sheet appeared. Ethan remained patient and allowed Kanade to read it. “Well I’ll be cow kicked by a mule! Fate has changed her life because of this moment. Rachiel was scheduled to die at twenty six from excessive drinking and run off the road to hit a tree, but now she will forever be changed and will die at twenty five in combat after joinin’ the navy.”

  “How is that better?” Ethan asked, feeling horrified. “Seems I shortened her life. Seems whatever I do turns out wrong.”

  “False assumption. Her death will save the lives of her navy team who will then go on to kill a terrorist organization savin’ thousands more from a chemical attack on a hospital.” The awe in Kanade’s voice made him feel better. “She will later become known as a national hero, sayin’ to most she befriends how her own guardian angel died to give her the chance to save others… Ethan, you’ve saved her future soul from the Lost Lands. That is a place where souls feel sick forever on whatever substance they died ingestin’.”

  “Really?” Hope filled his voice though he didn’t fully understand what she said.

  “Fate himself just changed her destiny from your selfless action.” Her molten gold eyes swam with tears that didn’t spill. “Mind if I can call you a friend? It would be an honor to befriend someone so selfless and genuine as to forever change a person’s outcome. Few humans disregard their own well being for a complete and total stranger.”

  Ethan felt truly uncomfortable under her straightforward personality and looked down. “Umm… I guess we can.”

  The winged beauty squealed like a schoolgirl and hugged him.

  Electricity shot between them. It was so sudden both pulled away and looked at each other with wide eyes. It didn’t hurt, but was foreign, unsettling and oddly exhilarating. Ethan didn’t know if it was being dead or that her breasts rubbed against him so wonderfully, for never in his life had anything felt like that. Kanade also felt it and looked down at her arms that tingled slightly and her breast warmed pleasantly to the point she blushed.

  Before either could speak of the experience Kanade’s head snapped up and in a fluid move, stood. Her wings shot out instinctively, prepared to take flight. Ethan was likewise on his feet and looking down the same street she was. Even standing in front of her, she towered behind by over two feet, easily looking at what he could not. “Kanade, why do you look so scared?”

  “Demons!” she hissed, her kind and beautiful features turned both fearful and angry. “I sense their bloodlust rushing this way. Hundreds of lesser demons. Goblins most likely. They come for you, Ethan. They smell your open and exposed soul. I cannot stay. I protect too many within. If they capture me, they can steal them. I won’t die, but twenty thousand souls will be forever lost.”

  “Then what the hell are you waiting for, Kanade?! Get out of here!” He turned around and smiled up at her, enjoying how she appeared one last time in her full angelic glory. “I’m unimportant compared to them. If the demons want me, I’ll do what I can so you escape. It was a short friendship, but thanks for meeting me. My life might be worth less than crap, but meeting you was worth it in the end.” Ethan turned around and squared off. He didn’t know where this courage came from, but he would do with it what he could.

  A great power startled Kanade as it against brushed hers. An ancient mind greater than all others spoke “Child, danger comes in force. You must fulfill your task for the many souls’ safety. Take Ethan by the hand and return to me. He is worthy to stand in my presence.”

  “But, My Lord, he is not within me. His form remains that of a man! How can I transport him safely?” She asked humbly, staring into the sky.

  Ethan glanced over his shoulder as she supposedly spoke to herself, but he didn’t know another spoke to her mind. “Fear not, Child, he will survive the crossing. You just do not understand what has happened. Be off before Chaos claims him!”

  “Understood.” Kanade felt the foreign power recede and looked down to a good and kind soul. “Ethan, take my hand! Hurry!”

  Not bothering to question her, he spun around and took her soft hand slightly larger than his own and they felt the electrical, tingling sensation return where they touched. Her finger’s curled around his tightly and neither would release. He watched as her wings lifted high, her knees bent and as she jumped her blue wings shimmered in the sunlight before slamming down. The power of her wings shot the two of them fifty feet skyward. She looked up into the sky as she powered her way ever higher.

  Ethan looked down and saw the emergency vehicles leaving the site of his physical death, but before things became too small to identify he noticed hundreds of dark hairy forms running at inhuman speeds not even a car could contend with. Then came the city of Orl
ando which led to seeing the whole Floridian state. Still Kanade ascended higher till the bright blue atmosphere turned to blackness of space.

  He eventually looked up at his hands gripping Kanade’s with all he could so he didn’t fall, but his fear vanished as he saw her smile down in his direction for a moment before looking up. Shoulders ached from his own weight, but she didn’t even seem fazed by carrying a passenger.

  It was a marvel to see her still flying straight up, but then he noticed a ball of silvery light in the sky that resembled a pulsating star. She flew right at it and didn’t slow. As they entered, Ethan was blinded as he felt his body feel itself get jerked painfully. Then he closed his eyes to darkness.

  Just as the gut wrenching pull came to an end Ethan heard her lovely voice. “It is over now, Darlin’. Open your eyes.” He felt her take her hand back.

  Wholeheartedly trusting her, he did and it made him gasp.

  Further than the eye could see was a lush forest of green grass swaying in the breeze with grand trees of lustrous ivory that held reddish golden leaves as if Fall were in season. A truly crystal clear lake gently lapped at the grassy bank and made sweet music with the placid wind. Rolling hills teemed with frolicking animals. A herd of horses were running for sheer enjoyment while deer were hopping with mirth. All around was a calm beauty. The sky was bluer than any Ethan had ever seen with a pair of suns high above the wisps of clouds. It was so hard to describe, Ethan couldn’t fully comprehend the depth because of his limited human mind.

  That wasn’t all as he saw thousands of Spirit Guides either lounging in intimate pairs in the grass, soaring on the winds, some under the shade of a tree reading or making music with instruments or their voices. His jaw continued to drop as he realized no two had the exact wing color and their hair matched. Like Kanade, each winged being was a giant at eight feet or taller, especially the men who were all no less than nine. But what really was awesome to see is some were playing with light at their fingertip and creating lines in the air which did things beyond belief.

  “Kanade, are they doing magic?” He pointed to a group over by the lake.

  She smiled down at him, seeing how quickly he can recover. What she found most endearing is his honest smile that was filled with intrigue. “You may call it magic. It is the simplest word to understand it. This is the Spirit World where all souls come to live. From the tiniest plants to the greatest of whales throughout the entire universe. Those are other Spirit Guides, my kin. Most stay comfortable, maintainin’ this realm’s order of peace. Those you see doing ‘magic’ as you called it are merely usin’their Spirit Energy to invoke their unique and individual talent to help the lost or in danger find their way. Some use the ancient runes to invoke an idea into existence, but all Spirit Energy is meant to benefit.” He looked up into her eyes and she felt pleasant and unsettled at the same time. Though she spoke as if nothing was wrong, her hand still tingled from his touch. “Ethan, a very important being wishes me to bring you in his presence, but first I must release the souls I contain.”

  “Then lead on, Kanade. I’ll follow you wherever you wish to take me… since I don’t really have a choice or have an idea where to go… Wait, an important person? God? Is that who you speak of? He exists?” Ethan asked quickly when her words sunk deeper into his mind.

  Here full ruby lips quirked again and he enjoyed how the two suns made her skin glitter even more than the last time on Earth. “Keep thinkin’ that.” She laughed as she hid it behind a hand. “No, the gods of human religion are wrong in almost every way. But there is a ruler of the Spirit World, Spirit King. He was the first life to be born from Chaos’ darkness.” She began walking slowly from her sculpted long legs would out distance Ethan’s effortlessly. He matched her pace, never looking from her unless it was to see what was ahead. What he didn’t notice were the other Spirit Guides realizing who walked with her. Fingers started pointing, drawing attention from everyone to Ethan. None had apparently seen a human spirit retain form either and it was the greatest spectacle of her kind recently. She felt a sense of pride and accomplishment that she was the one who got to be by his side. “Spirit King has but one son created from his own essence, Fate, as he has always been called. From Chaos’ darkness sprung Order’s light. But god or gods is nothing more than a figment of twisted truths human religion has used to control and poison the minds of naturally good humans. So your disbelief of god and angels is somewhat true. Those myths do not exist as believed. Religion is as useless as breasts on a boar.” That made them both laugh. “Fate is the one who wishes me to bring you. As soon as the souls go to their final rest we will meet him.”

  “Still, thanks for the clarification. I’m just glad you are my angel.”

  Kanade stopped too suddenly and Ethan hit the brakes to notice her expression hardened, wings stiff and her posture tense. Her golden eyes were narrowed and as she spoke he could feel the sting of each syllable. “I am not your angel. Watch what you say for you know nothing of my kind or culture. Friends are all we can be, nothin’ more. Never, ever, call me your angel or hint there is somethin’ more. Do not ever say it to another Spirit Guide unless you wish to be sent to the realm of Torment for two thousand years.”

  Ethan could see she was furious, but no other person was near enough to hear her though he noticed others gawking in his direction. “Kanade, forgive me for upsetting you. It wasn’t my intention. I don’t have a clue what brought on your anger, but it was an ignorant statement. Yes, you are more beautiful than any I’ve ever seen, but you need to cut me some slack. I’ve had one hell of a day if you haven’t forgotten? I lost my job, a girlfriend, a brother and died for nothing. And in context, you saved me from demons like an angel. It’s not even been an hour so tell me how I know what and what not to say? And what is so wrong saying my angel anyway? Is it bad or derogatory? A curse?”

  “I’m sorry, Ethan. I didn’t bean to snap your head off.” Kanade closed her eyes and sighed. But inside her head she couldn’t get out the comment he said of her being more beautiful than any. She knew she couldn’t fancy it, but it sounded so wonderful coming from him. He was too honest a person to lie. Ethan, why do you make me feel so? She asked herself privately. If only your words knew what they do to me. No, I cannot indulge in this. I need to find out what is wrong with me.

  Molten gold eyes reopened and first looked at her shoes in the firm grass before slowly meeting Ethan’s gaze. “I had no reason to jump to a conclusion so defensively. And I’m not angry. I’m worried for if an Enforcer heard and misunderstood, he would not care as he threw your soul into Torment. And I’m also sorry your day has been so sour. For a good person, it shouldn’t have happened.” She walked on.

  “Well, are you going to explain why what I said was so bad?” He inquired as he caught up. “And what is an Enforcer?”

  “An Enforcer” She began. “is the only ones of my kind that can intentionally harm another being of flesh or spirit. Enforcers wear a helmet of burning gold and hold a spear or sword of light. They protect Spirit World from the outside as well as within. Any infraction will incur their Just wrath. There are few Enforcers, but they have power equal to a great demon lord and will never stop till their judgment is completed. Only Spirit King controls them. They are unequalled in battle and have the power to kill a Spirit Guide or any other creature.”


  “Indeed we are.” Came a deep bass voice.

  Ethan and Kanade gasped and spun around. Behind was an Enforcer and he stood just as Kanade described. A full knights helmet covered his head and was aflame with power, but it did not hide two soul piercing violet eyes. The man stood ten feet tall and was ripped with so much muscle that not even a hint of fat touched his shirtless chest. White pants held a sheathed sword at his left hip, but in his left hand was an actual lance made of light with a height similar to the Enforcer. But not one scar or blemish marred the being. Without waiting for them to recover the Enforcer said “Fate wants Etha
n immediately after the souls are freed, Kanade. No more walking. He says it is important and time is wasting.” Enormous violet wings spread and the Enforcer jumped into the sky without another word.

  She recovered sooner by wrapping her arm around Ethan’s body and displayed great strength as she lifted him to hold at her side. She then immediately took to the air in haste, not wanting to tempt those to wait any longer if they sent an Enforcer.

  Trees, grass, adorable animals, lakes, hills and other Spirit Guides blurred below as Kanade flew.

  “If I wasn’t already a dead man I swear that guy would have made me wet myself.” Ethan said and she felt him shiver in her arm. She agreed with a nod while looking forward. “Let me take some of the burden off you.” He said and reached his right arm around her bare back, beneath her wondrous wings as she started to glide. He didn’t intend to feel her warm, silky back as he tried to make her flight easier or enjoy just how good she felt. He did feel more at ease holding her, but watched as the ground below them pass by so she didn’t see him blush.

  “I’m far stronger than I look. Your weight is nothing to me, like other souls I hold.” She said, but lied some for never had she carried another in this way before. Only mothers carried young in such a way, but the way she enjoyed his arm around her felt so right, but was forbidden. If not for the orders of the Enforcer, she would rather have enjoyed the walk and longer conversation with her human friend. The threat is all that kept her from reveling in Ethan’s touch.

  In another minute they came upon a place where it could be seen of other Spirit Guides flying in and out of a domed building made of the purest marble Ethan had ever seen. The building was more of a supersized stadium with over a hundred open entrances. Kanade aimed for a patch of soft grass and landed with such ease that he didn’t feel any jarring sensation. The grass crunched as his weight returned and he released his hold reluctantly. Others were so busy flying around and landing also that none looked at them, of course he seemed a child beside her. “Quickly, stay by me. If you get lost inside, run back to this spot and wait.”

  “I promise.”

  Fear of another Enforcer sitting on the very top of the stadium roof made Ethan jog to match Kanade’s lithe steps. They made it to the marble building, but now at a closer inspection showed gold veins running all over the structure. The Enforcer wasn’t looking their way, but it was clear he was the guardian. Once they passed the opening, he found the room echoing with conversation. He found himself in a room full of giants. If not for Kanade’s metallic blue coloring, he would have been instantly lost. Just to be sure he wasn’t, he grabbed the side of her wing. She immediately stopped and looked down to shake her head. With all the noise she couldn’t be heard. He released his hold and nodded with understanding.

  Touching was a no no.

  Deeper she moved and he tried keeping pace, but he found quickly that now that he was dead, he didn’t get winded. Cool! Ethan thought, but kept focus on her wings. He got smacked in the face by a green winged woman, but when she turned, whatever she felt was gone. The hard marble ground was oddly spotless especially since everyone walked in off the grass, but he realized that his guide’s high heels didn’t show any signs of walking on dirt or grass. In fact her shoes remained spotless. Must be a Spirit World thing. He guessed.

  It felt like a half hour passed as he followed her, sometimes she would glance back and find him weaving though the crowd and felt sorry. She eventually passed the thickest part of the crowd and strolled up to a desk where a Pixie sat. She was no more than four inches tall with the wings of a Matriarch butterfly and the body of a woman with green skin and purple eyes. She wore a breast strap and loincloth. The Pixie smiled and waved. In a crystal clear voice as if someone made of glass could sing the Pixie said “Kanade! Hello girlfriend! I was getting worried. You’re late. Did you run into trouble again?”

  “Good day, Floa. My day has never been so interestin’ before, but I do not have time to chat. I carry a little over twenty thousand. The first group goes to the Realm of Peace, second to Fields of Rest, third belong to Endless Gardens and the last batch go to Torment.”

  “Torment?” Floa’s face scrunched up like she smelled rotting eggs. “Let me guess, terrorists from Earth again?”

  “Nope, rapists and pedophiles from China. Two hundred and sixty eight of them. Eleven from America and two from Zimbabwe.” Kanade shivered and her feathers fluffed just thinking about it.

  “Two thousand years isn’t long enough for the likes of those humans.” Floa commented. Her wings fluttered as she flew up to an open space in the open heart of the room and slapped her hands together to open a space for the souls to cross to their reward.

  Ethan watched as the little person created a portal to a place where clouds and vast blue skies stretched endlessly and souls of all different sizes and colors danced around one another, seeming to enjoy themselves. The opening filled him with the feeling of release and contentment, a place where he could kick back and enjoy graphic novels and games for all eternity.

  He then looked closely as Kanade’s lovely eyes closed and was shocked when they opened were glowing an iridescent blue, lighter of color than her hair and wings. Her moistened ruby lips pursed some as she blew out a torrent of white/blue smoke, but as she blew, souls formed burning light blue balls and floated with clear sense of direction to their new home. Still she blew first one, then dozens then hundreds at the same time as more essence left her body. She did this for two entire minutes, not taking a breath as it seemed this world didn’t require that function.

  Blue light in her eyes returned to gold as the first release was another success. The last orb souls entered their new home and Floa closed the gateway to open a second.

  This window was filled with flowers and waterfalls in the distance. It was by far the most beautiful land he had ever seen before. This space made Ethan feel true comfort without a single dangerous threat. A place of beauty. It had been aptly named Fields of Rest. Kanade, like moments earlier, spilled out more souls which headed straight forward, bouncing up and down as if dangling from a string. Each made way for that place, earning it for a hard life of work.

  The third proved to be close to the second portal, but with much more trees and animals bouncing around with birds singing. That one was especially hard to not go to and spend eternity. Floa clapped her hands as the last spirit crossed.

  Torment was an experience worse than anything that had happened to him all day. The Torment entrance led to a place of heat so strong it made Ethan understand this place was a true Hell. Much was red and black, giving off pain, misery and torture. Screams from other souls filled the stadium room, making all conversations pause. Dread and wanting to flee the portal opening doused him, but the horror of it all gripped him still.

  When Kanade this time released the departed individuals, the newly formed souls seemed to realize just where they were headed and tried to turn tail and escape, but black chains shot out and encircled the balls as fast as Kanade released them. None escaped Torment. The chains drug the wicked souls in.

  But then Ethan screamed as the worst searing and intense pain in his life shot up his leg and was irresistible to block or overcome. It was a blood curdling scream that couldn’t be matched if ever he tried. There was an immense jerk which snapped his legs out from under him. His head made an impact with the ground so hard it would have cracked his skull and killed him if not for already being dead. But the impact made stars appear and being dazed made it easier for the dark chains of torture and pain to drag him under the desk.

  Fear the likes not even an Enforcer could deliver shot through Kanade, hearing his scream. Everything stopped for her as she saw him being grabbed. “NO!” she shrieked and vaulted over the long circular desk to grab him. She reached him about halfway to the opening and tried pulling him back. Her heels couldn’t find purchase on the slick floor as both were being pulled in now. Her wings began flapping with all they could. Realizing all she could
do is slow it down she yelled “Floa, close the gate. NOW!!!”

  The Pixie stared in complete shock at what was happening before her. She recognized the absolute terror of her friend and the futile struggle. The scream for help snapped her out of it. She clapped her hands, but nothing happened. “Kanade, it won’t close!” Her own scared voice rose to even those in the back. “The chain! It won’t close till it claims its target…”

  Up on top of the building the Enforcer heard the terrified screams and could effortlessly distinguish those from Torment. And the fear of losing someone important called to him for aid. He stood and felt the need for his assistance and drew upon his power to move instantly and reappear in the heart of the building. The room was entirely still from shock and screaming had him turn around. A Spirit Guide struggled in vain to pull another from Torment’s grasp. His powerful voice passed through his burning helmet. “What is this disturbance!”

  Kanade yelled when she saw him “Enforcer, cut the chains!”

  “I will not!” he responded as his anger made his helmet burn hotter.

  “Fate himself calls for this soul! He is not to be taken to Torment!” She yelled as she pulled with all she had and he could see her desperation. But then he heard the human man’s scream. The ancient warrior of Order could hear and feel that this one’s sins weren’t slated for Torment. He felt it was an unjust claim.

  Acting instantly, the Enforcer drew his sword and brought its brilliant light edge down with a mighty force that shook the entire building. Sparks flew as the severed chain was sucked back. “Close it before another comes to claim this soul!” he ordered.

  Floa clapped and instantly Torment’s opening, closed.

  Without the connection to Torment the chain that wrapped around Ethan’s ankles and legs went slack and disappeared like burned off fog. Kanade fell back, holding him to her chest and in her lap, her chest heaving from effort though it wasn’t necessary, but instinctive. Her hot tears of relief barely resisted spilling. But her relief wasn’t long.

  A strong hand grabbed her jaw painfully and pulled it up to stare into the eyes of an angry Enforcer. “Explain, Kanade. What is the meaning of this? Why have you brought a soul who Fate requires, in here?”

  “Take your hands off of her.” Ethan demanded coolly as a growl rumbled in his chest. He then quickly recovered and grabbed the Enforcer’s wrist when he could see the pain in her eyes. He stood and the old warrior glared at the human, but instead of fear, the human glared right back with the promise of danger written in his fixed grey eyes. The grip wasn’t painful as humans weren’t strong to begin with, but something in those grey eyes flickered for a moment as heat warmed the Enforcers wrist where he was held. The overly muscled Enforcer released his hold on the Spirit Guide and the moment he did, so did the human. “Thanks Kanade. You alright?”

  The warrior sheathed his sword and snapped his fingers for a light lance to reform in his hand as he stood tall and waited. Kanade looked between Ethan and the Enforcer to reply “More afraid for your sake, Ethan. I didn’t think bringin’ you here would be so dangerous. You recovered quickly.” She knelt and looked him over. “Good, your form hasn’t changed.” She then stood and bowed to the warrior. “And I thank you for savin’ him. I’ve forgotten only your blade can sever the chains. I hoped being behind the desk would protect him.”

  “Foolish child!” he billowed and the entire room cringed. “He should have waited outside! I’m surprised he didn’t willingly walk straight into the other realms of Spirit World. His willpower is impressive to resist, but Torment claims all nearby souls other than ours and only the Pixies can easily open the sealed realms. The chains do not distinguish. Kanade, there is a reason only the most vile souls are released last! It doesn’t differentiate like we can. We do this in a building for a reason, it protects all souls outside from Torment’s shackles. The desks are merely meant for the Pixies to flit around in open air so they have room to open the gateways… wait, what is that I feel?” he stepped closer and looked down upon her. “Open yourself!” she hesitated for just a moment, but none could resist one such as he. She allowed his power in. “So I see.” He stepped back and mumbled. “No wonder your fear reached out to me so strongly. This cannot be…”

  “Uh, Muscles, you’re mumbling.” The Enforcer jerked his head to Ethan’s calm form.

  “Kanade, speak to Fate of what you hide.” He ignored the human’s attempt at levity. “If I learn you did not, I will personally throw you in Torment myself. Leave my sight immediately, others need to release the souls. I will allow ten minutes to recover your wits and two to reach Lord Fate. Be gone.” Then he disappeared to return to lounging on the roof.

  Ethan looked at her shell-shocked expression and cleared his throat. It echoed throughout the room. “Come on… ah, Floa right?” he looked up at the tiny green woman with great sex appeal with colorful butterfly wings. She nodded. “Take a break, I think Kanade will need the help of a friend.”

  “Good idea, Human!” she flitted down to land on Kanade’s shoulder and tugged on her ear and spoke into it. “Girlfriend, we need to leave the sacred floor.”

  She snapped out of it when she felt the pleasant sensation of Ethan grabbing her hand and pulling her forward. She bent to crawl under the table while Ethan had to just bend in half and as they straightened, the crowd of Spirit Guides parted to make a clear path to the nearest exit. He didn’t hold her hand, but they did walk out side by side. The two of them looked down mostly as every eye watched them critically and the oppressive silence was worse than all the earlier noise.

  As soon as they stepped out onto the grass the chatter inside doubled to its previous level about it all. But before Kanade could say anything, Ethan stepped away and walked over to a tree all on his own and sat. Her emotions were at war, but she could not force herself to move and console him. She knew he wasn’t as calm as he projected himself, nor that she read his mind.

  “Girlfriend, what in Spirit World were you thinking!?” Kanade cringed as Floa beat her fists against her cheek, but lacked the strength for it to hurt. Pixies weren’t known for physical strength. Biting on the other hand. “Bringing an innocent soul for Torment to take. Bah, you should know better… Especially one with a body. How could you do that? Do you know what an honor it is to keep a whole body?”

  This prompted the question “Wait, you know why he isn’t like other spirits?”

  “You mean you don’t?” The Pixie asked in total seriousness and flapped her wings to hover in front of the Spirit Guide’s face. Kanade shook her head and her tiny friend let out a ringing laugh that was contagious. Despite what recently occurred the larger woman smiled. “Oh, Kanade, in my whole existence do I remember just two others like him.” She pointed to Ethan as he pulled up his pant legs to see if those agonizing chains left a mark, but nothing lingered other than the intense pain seared into his mind. She could see it in his eyes. “You need to go stand before ‘Him’” Floa quoted with her fingers as she learned from the human world. “and listen to what is said. You’ve cause more than enough trouble here and things need to settle. I don’t know what is going on, but it is important, more than your feelings for the human.”

  “But I…”

  Floa used both tiny hand to shut Kanade’s lips. “Don’t bother lying to me Kanade. Even if I didn’t know you before even your mamma and daddy hatched and became mated to have you and I didn’t just watch you grow up on Earth, you cannot lie to my kind. Your pumping so much power out I can taste it, literally. You know of what I speak!” That cute green face flew up and stared in one molten gold eye. “I first thought you were just in a hurry to meet one you fancied, but your reaction to that human a moment ago just sealed your life. No Spirit Guide would dare cross our desk for a soul. Not even you. The Enforce is correct, you need to speak with Fate.”

  “Why him and not my parents?” she asked, breathless.

  “My sweet little girl… oh don’t patronize me, I know what I said is
ironic.” Floa laughed when she realized the size of the pun. “Fate will explain and know how to handle such a delicate matter. He will help you understand. Not even I can give advice in this matter. Good, you’re looking better, go take the boy to ‘Him’ and learn his plan well. And if he allows it, find me and spill everything.” She nodded and Floa flew close to give a kiss on the cheek. “I love you, Girlfriend. Remember that always and if you ever scare me like that again I’ll poke you in the eye.”

  Kanade smiled and blew her friend a kiss who then flew back inside. She approached Ethan who stood when she was done and met her half way. “How ya feelin’?”

  “Just give it to me straight, are there any other dangers left? How much worse can my life get today? Seriously, I was nearly dragged to the embodiment of Hell for the next two thousand years. I’m barely holding onto my sanity by a thread, Kanade.” He answered truthfully.

  “I promise there is no more danger I’m aware of. We are goin’ straight to the head honcho. There, we’ll get answers. I ask you to trust me once more.”

  She didn’t expect him to chuckle. “Strangely enough I believe you, but what did that feathered hot head do to you that made you so uncomfortable?”

  “Ethan, I really would rather not speak of that particular experience. It was worse than containin’ the vile souls I delivered.”

  “Alright, it really isn’t any of my business now is it… Let’s go, Muscles is watching.” She looked up and saw what he did. The Enforcer aimed his lance to go immediately. The ten minutes were over.

  Hating the circumstances and misunderstanding, but wanting to touch him again she held him to her side as before, using some power to keep him safe and nearer. She took off, heading to where Fate waited. During the short flight he asked a reasonable question and she explained that Floa was a Pixie, masters of gateway travel.

  It was an amazing experience at how fast Kanade could fly, even gliding, Ethan felt. He held on tightly as before, but his attention focused ahead for he spotted the second building among what could only be a forest of gold. Gold leaf trees grew as far as the eye could see, but aside from the stadium he was almost snatched away to hell, this one was a palace of sparkling ice. It was shaped like a medieval castle, but the closer they got the more puny Ethan felt. But the scale was immense, making it larger than any mountain he had ever seen. This castle alone would make any Appalachian mountain seem a dwarf. He’d only seen the majestic mountains for family reunions, but Florida didn’t have mountains and he certainly wasn’t there.

  Nothing on Earth built by mortal hands could ever fathom such a creation.

  But as they glided directly to the castle he found it wasn’t made of glistening ice. It was made of glass or some form of crystal. Grand works of engineering must have went into it. He figured. But unlike the last building there weren’t any Spirit Guides flying anywhere near it. Enforcers though patrolled from up high where they were barely specks of sand in the atmosphere.

  Facing them was by far the largest entrance that he had ever witnessed. A small mountain could easily fit through it. Despite its beauty he figured it to be void of life as it was too beautiful to be real and could only be a painting.

  He was proven wrong.

  “Ethan, this is Spirit World’s palace.” He heard Kanade say reverently as she angled forward.

  She landed in another soft patch of grass about a mile away and he pointed forward when he noticed movement at the entrance. Thousands of humans walked around, at least he figured they were. “Hey Kanade, why is the palace so freaking big? Why don’t you fly us inside? There is plenty of room and I thought I was the only human walking with a body.”

  The Spirit Guide shook her head slowly. “In order of those questions… let’s see how to answer so you can understand… hmm… Well it is so large because when Spirit King takes a physical appearance, he is so large that the entrance will allow him in. I’ve never seen the great one, but that is what I’m told. The palace belongs to Fate, but is large should his father physically visit. As to flyin’inside, it is forbidden to all except Enforcers on duty. We must walk forth from here unless I’m told otherwise. We cannot ruin the sanctity of the palace or face severe punishment.” She set a quick pace which made him jog again. Her voice was too lovely to miss anything and if a jog was the price, he’d pay it. “And you’re mistaken, those are not human souls. They are Ogres, Fate’s aids and administrators of Order.”

  “Ogres, as in giant creatures who grind your bones into bread kind of Ogres?”

  She put a hand over her mouth to stifle a laugh. “Silly Ethan. Not all creatures are as they are portrayed. Not all is as they appear.” She smiled knowingly.

  Nothing more was said as they hurried and soon he found out what an Ogre is. They seemed men and women from distance, but up close they were human in height, but all had light blue skin and protruding from their forehead was a small spiral, ivory horn of about three to four inches in length. Men had shoulders almost double that of human width and wore simple pants while women sported flattering dresses and were fairly normal, not having large shoulders and torso. Most males had long silver hair braided down their back while females had black hair and left it loose. Like everyone else he’d seen so far in Spirit World, none had any excess girth. Ethan felt like a hippo around them though he was just husky. Men were all heavily muscled and women had fit yet sensual figures. The Ogres all seemed to be in a hurry, carrying stacks of paper, envelopes and all sorts of office materials.

  “I’m surprised you are taking all this so well.” She commented while the Ogres were too busy to stare at them.

  Again he shrugged. “Seeing is believing, Kanade. I cannot lie to myself… besides, I’m learning more today than I ever hoped. I always wished there was more to life and here I find demons, winged beauties, Pixies and now Ogres exist. I love D&D and always wished things were different. I’m kind of a nerd and seeing all this makes me feel like my childhood wasn’t entirely wasted. It feels like I’m on an adventure I dreamed of having. I might be having a horrible day, but the little things are worth it. Since we got a few minutes before we reach the palace, what other creatures are there?”

  She smiled beautifully and her gold eyes were back to being merry. “I would, but I get the feeling someone else would be more qualified to explain. If there is time and your questions aren’t fulfilled, I’ll do what I can. For now, you should run. I’m in trouble enough as it is and many don’t have great patience. I’ve monopolized you too long already. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be! You’re awesome. No one else had even reacted when I was grabbed. If anything I owe you twice. First from getting me from the demons and second from getting sucked in by chains that really hurt.” He shot her a smile before running as hard as he could. He didn’t like how his body moved in front of her, but there wasn’t a choice as he knew that no matter how much he too enjoyed her company, he wouldn’t put her in any more trouble.

  For Kanade, it was little more than an advanced jog to run beside him. She couldn’t help her eyes from wandering down to him and admiring his determination despite all that has occurred.

  Ogres started to notice them as they hurried, but since their own duties were more important, they didn’t pay attention for long. Besides, none would be allowed in except on official business.

  In another minute of flat out running they reached the entrance where they found an Ogre wearing glasses behind a desk. His blue skin shone almost as impeccably as his grander horn of eight inches. He stopped writing as two approached and the Spirit Guide spoke in a calm voice “This is Ethan Volorum, here to see Lord Fate.”

  “As, so this is he.” Came an inhumanly deep voice. Ethan saw that the Ogre had human like teeth, but the canines were slightly longer. Their eyes met and a kind fatherly smile appeared on the powerful Ogre’s blue lips. “Fate is awaiting your arrival. Remember to show respect to him and listen to all he says.” He looked up into the Guide’s pure gold eyes. “Ms. Kanade Cerul
ean, Fate grants permission to fly to his office immediately. His offer is time sensitive. The longer he waits the worse Ethan’s position becomes.”

  “You heard the man.” Ethan looked up and smiled, glad to get yet another chance to fly with her.

  “Thank you for permission, Head Administrator.” She bowed respectfully and received a warm smile from the shirtless Ogre. Feeling obliged, Ethan also bent in respect. “Ready?” she asked Ethan. He nodded.

  As she flew him through the crystal palace he was in awe of every facet of the journey. Lush velvet carpeting lay across an expansive hall miles wide and from flying one could see a diamond pattern of indigo and gold and it made him feel that the Spirit King would be one who inspired fear and awe if only he could see the carpet’s tasteful pattern. Even if they had walked like the thousands of Ogres, he wouldn’t have noticed the pattern that could be walked on. On the walls hung rich tapestry depicting lifelike scenes of ancient battles and majestic scenes. Some were of humans wielding lances and swords against fearsome monsters while there were other creatures he’d never seen before. One thing all the tapestries had in common were opposing sides of good and evil battling. Of all the creatures, he knew there was more than he would ever comprehend. Kanade though flew quickly as her task to hurry pushed her to reach the destination in a timely manner.

  Then one such giant hanging wall tapestry captured his full attention. There were five Enforcers circled around what could only be described as a demon of great and awesome power. This demon stood above even the awesome height of the angelic warriors with blazing helmets. He was a being wrapped in red and violet fire. Giant, bat-like red wings were fully outstretched from his back. His skin was of alabaster and hair as red as blood fell down his back in a long braid. A short beard matched the flowing crimson braid and if ever Ethan ever found a man with a beard handsome, that guy had it in spades. Instead of fingernails were curved claws like that of a tiger’s. Muscles were impossibly defined and made even the Enforcers look puny. But instead of feet, the demon had hooves like a goat and black pants. A set of horns twisted from his temples and bent back like a gazelle’s, but along the topside length were spikes meant to gore. The horns melded at the back and created a natural crown surrounded in crimson flames that didn’t obscure an unlined brow. But it was the face of the demon that was inspiring. He wasn’t gruesome. He was impossibly beautiful for a man. Thought the only disconcerting aspect were catlike eyes that were as crimson as his hair and were filled with cruel mirth.

  “I know your busy and all, Kanade, but who is that depicted? The demon.”

  Her golden eyes looked and he felt her shutter. “We speak not his name. Just know he is a powerful great demon lord, more powerful than can be measured by anyone. Be thankful he resides in demon world and cannot harm any on Earth or in Spirit World.”

  “Is he that bad?” The look she gave him was answer enough. Changing the subject he asked “I got the feeling you’ve never been here. That few ever have. Do you know where we are going?”

  Her wings flapped, beating against his back to go higher. “Of course I’ve been here before, all Spirit Guides do. As a child we learn about the palace’s importance and the vital function it serves. Without it, Chaos will run unchecked. Now hold me tightly, we’re going up.”

  Turning in the wind, Kanade angled to a vast hole create by a stairwell spiraling high into the building. She angled to the center and flapped hard, shooting straight up. The power of her wings left him speechless, but he held tight and above were the two suns that allowed light to fill the whole building. A minute later Ethan felt that if he were human he would have suffered hypoxia if not for his lifeless condition, but as she reached the top floor she flew straight down another hall with purpose.

  This expanse of crystal was almost as green as flawless emerald. The floor was carpeted a dark blue with silver trim and lined the entire way. Ahead, about three miles, stood a door only a giant could open. It was made of what looked like oak, just more grand than any tree could ever become. Kanade flew straight at it.

  Then she slowed down and landed several feet from the center and sat her passenger down. Kanade patted down her shimmering blue hair and fluffed her wings. She fixed her top while keeping her back to Ethan so he couldn’t see what she was doing and checked the crossing over her taut abdomen before straightening her snug gold pants. Lastly she checked her heels remained unmarked.

  Hint taken about meeting someone of great importance, Ethan tucked in his white shirt in his blue jeans and retied his shoes. When he stood Kanade knelt in front of him and ran her fingers through his hair. “The wind tussled you hair. Let me tame it some.” He held still, but then she realized she longed to do that in the short time they’d become friends that she couldn’t resist enjoying the sensation while doing as she said and correcting his appearance. “There, that will have to do.” And she stood again.

  Both took a deep breath and she knocked on the door.

  Ethan knew there wasn’t a single way to open such a set of doors. The logistics alone would be impossible for anything less than a being with the strength of an entire mountain would even budge it. Nothing man ever created could even open it a crack.

  A soft hum grew in the air and they watched as a thin white light made a line ten feet off the ground, horizontally, and dropped straight to the carpet after five feet. Then the natural joint of the gargantuan doors began to swing open on one side, but only where the line of light permitted.

  A smaller doorway opened soundlessly for even Kanade to walk in. She led the way and Ethan followed. They entered a room where a mountain could reside, but in the air floated soothing music in a language Ethan had never heard before, but whatever was being said was beautiful and the musical instrument could only be played by a harp. The room was warm with light and sparkled from giant gemstones, but as he looked at them he noticed billions upon billions of faces moving around soundlessly. But from such a distance and as the faces filled the walls of the room, not all could be distinguished. As he stared at the walls he began to notice the pictures weren’t still, but alive and moving like a TV of a person’s life. Ahead was a pair of huge chairs two monolithic beings could sit in, but were currently empty.

  “Hey Kanade, I think Fate isn’t here. Look, the giant seats are empty. No one other than us are in here.” He pointed as she too was in awe of the room.

  “Really? Actually, you two aren’t alone.”

  Spinning around came the entirely unexpected of anything ever assumed in Ethan’s entire life. A teenager stood leaning against the giant’s double door wearing a black business suit of the highest quality. He seemed entirely at ease as he looked at the two before him. He appeared like an All-American football player in middle school. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a complexion without acne emphasized his handsome outlook.

  Recovering quickly to the boy’s appearance Ethan said “Uh, sorry, Kid, I’m supposed to be here to meet Fate. He wants us for something important. Do you know where the big guy is?”

  The boy smirked.

  “Ethan!” Kanade hissed through her teeth in a hushing only he could hear and he turned to see her kneeling deeply in the carpet. Her golden eyes met his grey and she said quietly “That is Lord Fate. Kneel quickly before you bring dishonor to yourself and upset him.”

  “Oh shit!” Ethan yelped in surprise and bowed awkwardly before kneeling. “Uh, sorry kid… I… I mean Fate. I expected someone huge to fit in the chair or open the door. I’m sorry, for the assumption.”

  Fate smiled as the two looked down. “That is quite alright. You may both stand.” Both quickly obliged. Kanade barely looked his way as Ethan’s curiosity was too much to ignore. “Ethan, I rarely assume my true form for I do not like to step on my workers. It wouldn’t kill them, but it would hurt… a lot.” He snapped his fingers and suddenly there was an astounding mahogany desk with a high backed leather chair along with two more in front of it. It appeared out of nowhere. He pushed himself off the d
oor and gestured “Please, sit. You’ve certainly had an interesting day.” Fate took his seat in the leather and laid his long arms on top the desk.

  Hearing the underlying order, Kanade took the larger chair and Ethan the other.

  “Your confusion is only natural, for both of you, I imagine. I know, Ethan, you find a human with my looks hard to take seriously, but I am older than Earth itself. Try to keep an open mind.” Fate began.

  “I am pretty good in that department. I haven’t gone wacko yet. Seeing a kid who can fit presumably in that” He threw a thumb in the larger chairs direction. “isn’t as much a stretch as the past hour of my life.”

  The deceptively looking boy grinned. It was then that Ethan noticed this wasn’t a mere boy for Fate’s eyes lit with power and the way he carried himself wasn’t like the gangly uncertainty of youth. “That is quite possibly the greatest truth I’ve ever heard in all my years. Since I’m a busy man and there are things I need to get back to I will be straight with you and get to the point.”

  Leaning forward, Ethan said “I’m all ears.”

  “How would you like to live again?”