Read Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 3

Chapter 3

  “Uh, come again?” Ethan replied.

  Kanade gasped as she heard the offer and stared with an open mouth.

  Fate leaned back in his chair for some added comfort and he propped his elbows on the armrest. “I do not believe I stuttered. I’m offering you another mortal life.”

  “Alright, now I’m completely lost. Fate, can you explain more clearly what you want. I’m not sure I want to die again if that is what you’re getting at.”

  “I guess your ignorance is to be expected. At least I know the plan still works. Very well, I shall explain.” Fate placed a hand over his sternum where a classic black tie draped beneath his jacket. “I am in a bit of a conundrum as of late. I’m unsure all of what young Kanade here has explained,” he then gestured in her breathtaking direction as she remained stunned. “but if I repeat anything, do not interrupt me till I’m finished.

  “Since the moment my father, Spirit King, sprung from the womb of Chaos, there has been a great and endless conflict. Chaos feeds on life, but destroys it. My father chose to instill Order and a way to protect the universe from being utterly consumed in darkness. Spirit World was made to save the souls of the dead and use the power of souls to keep life flourishing. The power of a soul from an ant holds the strength of a nuclear reactor, I guess would be an analogy you can understand.” He saw the human accept it with a nod. “So long as a soul survives their power continues life on the material world indefinitely. But for demon world, souls that are consumed feed the individual demon’s own hunger for more power and prestige.

  “When my father made me, I took on the task of guiding…”

  “Sorry to interrupt, but it’s been bothering me ever since Kanade told me about destiny, what about free will? Is that all an illusion? Do you dictate how a person will live and they have no choice except to play this little game?”

  The calm outburst only made Fate smile and Kanade shifted uncomfortably. “You were tasked to die in fifty three years, but here you sit before me, no?” This time Fate laughed at Ethan’s open expression. “I will get back to what you speak of quite soon… When I was born, I knew my calling and do what I can. As Fate, I give each individual a path with which to follow, for I am a being of Order. My task is to maintain a person’s destiny so they reach Spirit World properly.

  “Denizens of Chaos though have no reason to conform and my power cannot foresee anything they are likely to do. We of Order are forever at war with Chaos for we are two sides of the same coin. We build and maintain. They rot and destroy. Humans call it good against evil or light verses darkness. It all means the same, but Order and Chaos is a more apt description of our sides and beliefs.

  “When a mortal body dies, and their spirit is released, those like Kanade and other Spirit Guides fly all over Earth and other soul rich worlds and suck up their immortal soul before any demons can consume them. Most demons feed off a living creature’s emotions, but should they see a soul, it is fair game. And I know all about your problem in the dome earlier so I needn’t the explanation. This is where I can answer your question.” Fate promised. “Yes, I draft every individual’s life from the moment of conception, from humans, all the way down to the tiniest microscopic organisms. All living things have a soul, but plants are easier to draft. Humans are by far the most complex, but the power of their soul is stronger than any other. The life force of one human is like a sun to the speck of dust is for an ant.

  “Spirit Guides collect each soul that I’ve given them orders to collect. They must be quick, as they are. Things die all the time and only their kind can safely carry an innumerable amount of souls. But I have them take turns so they do not overextend themselves and make a mistake where a demon can capture them and eat the souls by torture. Since only Enforcers can fight, Spirit Guides cannot harm a demon and are released to go claim more spirits.

  “This is why I make a person’s destiny, so my Spirit Guides can get to each soul as swiftly as possible. I merely create a guideline for each person. Humans are all born good and pure, but in time and with each new experience they change. Some for better or worse. What the person does is influenced constantly by my evolving estimation. Yes, human’s have free will, but routine and habit are hard to break. Each experience defines that person and shapes them. The stronger the experience, the more powerful the soul becomes. But because free will remains, the evils of Chaos’ influence corrupts the soul. Because there is choice, if the individual chooses a darker path, their final destination as a soul is selected. The worse souls go directly to Torment on average of two millennia, some earn more time some less depending on my mood or my father’s. There are more realms for a soul to earn a place forever than you can imagine, but Spirit Guides consume a specific list and release in larger numbers so the specific souls that are grouped, all go to the same place. They usually take in souls tasked for three or four specific realms. It simplifies things and they don’t need to worry which goes where, when they return here. But souls I’ve tasked with more vile destinies can change. In fact I welcome it, but demons can sense those of the darker destinations and stay close to make sure they remain corrupted.” Fate ran his fingers through his blonde hair. “I will not bore you with all the complexities as time remains short.

  “I try to get as many humans to old age as I can because their life experiences make their soul’s power greater, but to continue making the human soul as powerful as I can, bad things must happen. Order is all about balance. That is why there are good and bad days for everyone. It is same for people.”

  “Must suck a sour lemon to be the one to determine such things.”

  “Indeed. I’m glad you can see that.” Fate sighed deeply. “It is a thankless job, but is better than the alternative, allowing Chaos free reign… Back to what I was explaining… Demons are all over the mortal worlds, always hungry to destroy, feed and get stronger. They blur my path to push it to a better tomorrow. My powers to determine who lives and dies is difficult to deviate from, but you completely went off course today.”

  “I did? How?” He asked with concern.

  “You took all I estimated of your life’s experiences and patterns and threw it all away without realizing it. It is by far the rarest probability to break the path I set for you. Today with Rachiel, you were supposed to be frightened and locked in place, something opposite of your background. You would have went home, sold all your belongings and later become a recluse up in the Alaskan Klondike for the remainder of your days. Such a change to my plan in any human happens only two or three times a year, but” Fate held up a finger “to die so unexpectedly without a nearby demon’s influence is even rarer. When you died there wasn’t a demon for over five miles. Your death went beyond expectation and is so atypical that in all of human history, there have been sixty two who became like yourself. Out of the trillions upon trillions of human souls, only sixty two have done as you.

  “Because of your severely unexpected death, you retain form of your original body.” He stated directly. “Kanade is too young to realize such importance of a soul like yours. It was why she couldn’t bring you into herself. She listened to me and brought you here because even the demons were caught unaware of your death… It is a misconception, Kanade, that souls must be inside you. When I entered your mind I could feel your indecision. Souls can travel safely to Spirit World, but you cannot hold so many in your hand is why you were taught to inhale them.”

  “Oh.” She blushed when he knew what was likely coming next.

  “Now here is where my offer for new life comes in.” Ethan leaned forward. “As you’ve seen in the news, bad things are getting steadily worse in the mortal realm. School shootings, famine, war over useless religions, power hungry officials oppressing keeping the lower classes from being equal. Mothers drowning their own babies, abusive parents, unsolved murders, rampant drug use… I could go on but I bet you can guess where I’m leading this conversation.”

  Ethan closed his eyes slowly and then opened them.
“Let me get this straight, you say you embody Order and Chaos is destruction?” Fate nodded. “Bad things happen, but you are insinuating that demons are behind the most horrific problems back home?” Another patient nod came. “And if the world is so bad and getting worse… does that mean Chaos is growing?”

  “Exactly.” Fate stated with certainty. “Order is losing the battle bit by bit on Earth. There is no way to win decisively. Both Order and Chaos are too powerful for such notions to be decided, Ethan. Too much Order is just as bad as it is for Chaos. Nothing grows if not for Chaos’ function for change. Change is inevitable. Chaos doesn’t care though, as the name implies, but a cataclysm is bound to happen if something isn’t done soon.

  “What you’ve never seen is the war on the mortal realm between the denizens of Chaos and the integrity of Order.”

  “You want to enlist me?” Ethan asked as the explanation on how bad things are started making sense.

  Fate slapped his hands against the desk, making his two guests jump. He smiled. “That’s it exactly! I need more within the mortal ream’s Order to hold Chaos at bay. I have many warriors, but compared to Chaos’ numbers… well we’re barely keeping things afloat.”

  “But why me? Surely you can bring the dead back if you offer me the same choice. I’m not a fighter.”

  “In that you are mistaken.” Fate cleared in seriousness, his blue eyes held grey. “You went against my plan for you without a demon’s involvement. It proves you are more dangerous than any Enforcer or warrior of Order. You, my dear boy, are unpredictable.”

  “Lord Fate, you tread on Chaos’ corruption. To send Ethan back as you say is against all we of Order represent.” Kanade couldn’t contain her thoughts and when she was done and realized what she said she slapped her hands over her mouth. “Sorry, forgive my outburst.”

  “Kanade,” Fate spoke softly and sounded odd that such words of wisdom came from the mouth of a being in the form of a teen. “in any other situation I would agree. But my proposal isn’t heresy. Chaos knows my warriors on the mortal world too well. I need someone who can be just as unpredictable as they are if we are to have any chance. There is a saying I feel is prudent, one quite common. To make an omelet you need to first break the eggs. I need someone raw and messy to make something good benefit the continuation of all life.” He looked to Ethan. “I need an answer. I need to have it so I can make you an exact copy of your body before it rots. I need it in five minutes or it will be too late.”

  “Seriously? Five minutes!?” The soul barely controlled his anger. “My life in the past few hours has been freaking impossible. You should know what I went though if you’ve been watching. Why would I want to go back? I’ve got nothing there. I’m already dead! Why should I accept? More misery and pain. Who would say yes?”

  “Seems I missed the point apparently and Kanade failed to mention it…” Ethan’s eyes narrowed between both figures. “Your path would have sent you to Nothingness. Purgatory if you will. You would have given up on others because they gave up on you. Your reward was to float alone in an endless void. The only company would have been your thoughts when you would have died and will eventually go mad.” Fate stood up and walked around the desk to lean against its front to drive the point home. “As it stands, should you refuse my offer, you will be taken directly to Nothingness and thrown in. You would never see your departed family or ancestors. You would forever be alone.”

  Horrified even beyond getting drug into Torment he turned to Kanade and asked in a whisper “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  The words stung like actual blows and she flinched before looking down to her fidgeting hands. In a small voice she said “I knew, but when I found out what you did for Rachiel… well, I wanted you to know you found a friend at the last moment in me… in Nothingness. It is a cruel realm of solitude, worse than Torment. At least after a sentence of two thousand or so years you get judged to either return to pain or found your soul learned its lesson and released to another realm. Once in Nothingness, only the Spirit King has the power to pull you out…”

  “And my father has done that only twice since he became.” Fate finished.

  Head in his hands, this news was painful and he barely held on. In a humble voice he couldn’t look at her, but he said “That is more kindness than I’ve had in a long time, Kanade. Thank you, Friend.” From the corner of his eye he saw her wipe a tear before it could fall, but he looked to Fate. “I’ll do it. If I can avoid being alone for eternity, I’ll be your newest pawn.”

  The ancient entity smiled. “Again, you do not understand my generosity, Ethan. What I’m going to do is relinquish my control over your entire life.” Kanade gasped so loudly that it echoed seconds later from the giant room. “When I give you your body, your next death will be determined by your deeds from here on. My influence will be taken away. You will not be my pawn anymore.”

  “I’m sure one day I’ll understand. But if my time is ticking away, what do I need to do?”

  Fate pulled a beautiful blue rose out of thin air. Even Ethan knew a blue rose was a myth, but he could see it. “This is the Blue Rose of Truth. When you take this, it will imprint on your very soul. It will be the catalyst necessary to create your new body back on Earth.”

  “Why not fix the old one?” Ethan stood, mesmerized by the flower.

  “Because not only was the damage too severe, I need to know what kind of latent power our body has so you aren’t just easy pickings for some random denizen.” In his other hand appeared a clear crystal ball. “This will tell me and the rose just what power you are compatible with. Since your spiritual power didn’t manifest in your first life, activating the wrong ability would kill you. Simply place your hand on top.”

  Doing as instructed, Ethan tentatively touched the cool ball and watched as it began to glow and grow warm. With a flash that dimmed there flickered a cheery flame burning within. Not understanding the reason but enjoying how it felt to see something he understood for once, he looked up and froze.

  Shocked could not compare to the look Fate gave the orb with a burning flame in its heart. Kanade was just as dumbfounded as her entire expression was easy to figure out. Then just as suddenly the ancient teen laughed, frightening the other two occupants in the room. “Oh, this is entirely unexpected. We got an Elemental on our hands. Quickly, touch the rose before it can’t use your corpse to rebuild.”

  Ethan picked up the rose and felt power come from it. It started to glow a lighter blue and his skin felt as if being touched. He could feel tendrils caressing his skin but couldn’t see anything and his clothes didn’t move either. When the foreign power fully encased every inch there was discomfort, but not pain as heat soaked deeper and deeper. The rose took a fully detailed analysis of his whole spirit, saving his heart for last. Then the feeling pulled away, getting sucked back into the blue rose.

  Getting what it needed, the rose simply disappeared.

  “What now?” He asked after noticing Fate returned to his desk and the crystal ball had likewise vanished.

  “Now you wait for twenty four hours back on Earth. Do not fear, I will create a protective area that will hide your soul’s scent.” He then magically pulled out a golden egg, similar to a chicken. “You will take this and not let go. When it begins to vibrate it will return you to your body. If you lose it you die and get a one way ticket to Nothingness.”

  As Ethan reached for it Kanade felt renewed fear, but she was silenced with a cold blue stare. She knew it wasn’t her place to say a word about what Ethan now held, but she felt Fate’s power bind her from speaking of the danger contained with the egg.

  The human didn’t even notice the tense exchange going on while looking closely at the golden egg. When he had seen enough he stuffed it in a pocket. “Wait, it won’t break will it?”

  “Not unless certain objectives are met will it hatch. Keep it in your pocket.”

  “Oh, right, what was that look for and about being an Elemental?”

/>   “Well, I’ll let Kanade explain about Spirit Energy and what it can do. But I believe Kanade needs to speak to me privately. Just wait outside for her. It was an interesting meeting, Ethan, and you’ve made my day. Farewell.”

  “Uh, thanks for the second chance.” He bowed again and moved over to the door that started opening again. Before he left he saw Kanade smile softly and gave him a wink. New purpose filled him as he stepped out and watched the door shut.

  “You will not breathe a word of what you know about what he holds, Kanade.”

  “But sir, you just set him up to fail.” She finally spoke when Fate’s power receded from her.

  Fate leveled his gaze and she could not hold it. “I have my reasons and will let my plan be revealed when the time is right. Only then. All I do is for the good of Order, Child.”

  “But you are deceiving Ethan. That egg will…”

  “SILENCE!” Fate demanded and she shook frightfully. When she didn’t move or meet his gaze he threaded his fingers together atop the desk. In a calmer tone he asked “And just what is your interest in that soul? Your actions are peculiar today, ever since you were called to get his soul. Kanade, you are one of the most promising Spirit Guides I’ve ever seen. A powerful caster in your own right. Your power is great and your abilities in magic are highly impressive, even among other Ceruleans. Your parents are proud and you do your tasks without upsetting or abusing Order. But then I get word you bring Ethan into the dome and risk your own being to keep him from Torment and require an Enforcer to cut the chains. Never has a Spirit Guide stepped into the sacred circle. There have been accidents where a soul was accidently brought to a wrong realm and the Enforcer corrected the mistake. I didn’t foresee any of this. Tell me directly.”

  An uncomfortable minute passed as Fate felt her trying to grasp how to begin answering. “Sir, I do not understand what is wrong with me either. Floa says she can taste my power after we stepped out. Lord Fate, I feel trapped like a horse in a cat carrier surrounded by wolves. I find my emotions at war in a way that cannot be explained ever since I first hugged Ethan on Earth. The Enforcer seemed to know something when he entered his power in me. And each time Ethan touches me, even barely brushin’ against my wings, I feel all tingly like another’s power is touchin’, but unlike usual powers who make me feel violated, his touch is well… pleasant.” Kanade began to flush and fan her face with her hand. Still she could not look at him.

  In a kind, fatherly tone Fate said “Kanade, look at me, child.” Slowly her bright red face lifted and her glittering skin seemed to shimmer even more. She was clearly unsettled from everything. “Few know this, but if you give me permission I can alter my power to feel more like your own. I will make it easier and less violating to tell you what is happening and give instruction. Your recent actions need answers to ease many others who think Chaos has touched you.”

  “You have my consent.” She hastily said, needing answers more than anyone.

  A new power mingled with hers and didn’t feel so alien. It was gentle and more controlled than any she ever felt before. The time it took was short and she watched Fate first seem calm then instantly his eyes bulged before he threw his head back and laughed. His voice echoed loudly thousands of times as he struggled to contain himself. He held his sides, but Kanade was growing concerned and moved to stand behind the chair he had created for her. The strangeness was disconcerting and Fate’s power could destroy her with a thought and his laughter almost hurt her ears. Whatever it was he found was hysterical. Finally he wiped tears of mirth from his eyes and said “I’m going to be looking forward to what is to come.

  “Kanade, the reason you’re so absolutely confused is quite understandable and natural. It explains why you tried to save him and he faced an Enforcer for touching you and stood his ground even though he could have been destroyed… oh this changes everything. I think I made the right choice after all.” Fate shook from some unspoken joke.

  “Sir?” She timidly asked.

  Fate recovered and realized he had yet explained. He stood and walked around the desk. He snapped his fingers and the desk and chairs disappeared. He walked straight up to her and grew in height till they looked at each other eye to eye and took her hands in his own. In a deeper man’s voice Fate said “Kanade, if he had wings and power those born of Spirit World do, your confusion would be easier to understand, celebrated even. Ask yourself why your power has changed so that even a Pixie can taste it.” He smiled while his blue eyes shone with unquestionable and absolute power. “I do not know how this has happened for never has it occurred between a human, but Ethan is your soul mate.”

  Power from Fate kept her from collapsing. Her eyes widened while her lips parted. “He’s mine? But how can…”

  “I haven’t a clue. Somehow this escaped my notice. I’m not omnipotent like my father says, but for something like this to escape my observation is odd. A Spirit Guide and a human has never occurred before. I cannot see how this will end since I promised Ethan that his life will be written as he sees and it appears I’ll need to do the same for you too. From this point on, you must figure out how to proceed. You will only have one mate for the remainder of your existence and it seems he is yours. He is your angel, Child. Of this I am certain.”

  “But he I…” she was baffled by such a revelation.

  “Figure it out for yourself, that is my final judgment. But he is going to return to Earth. You are not permitted to speak of the egg and if he survives you will need to make a great choice. Him or remain as you are.” He then kissed both of her cheeks. “Leave me now and let me know your decision later. Just think of me and I’ll be listening.”

  Bursting in a brilliant flash of light, Kanade found herself alone, but the mountainous room hummed with Fate’s power at work. Without his hold she dropped to her knees and wept.

  What seemed a half hour later, Ethan looked up when there came the magical lines shooting through the mountainous door that opened merely a section. Out came Kanade with puffy, red rimmed eyes. He stood up quickly and returned the egg he had been playing with for entertainment to his pocket. “Was it that bad? What did he do?”

  Startled to hear his voice, she looked down into those calm grey eyes and soaked him in. So this is my mate? She asked herself. As soon as she asked she knew it was true as she felt better and mentally kicked herself for crying for so long. Yes, I do not know anyone who could be better. He is so kind and little I could just eat him up. Kanade suddenly couldn’t help laughing at her pun, realizing what it was like for Floa and her sexual appetites. She knelt before him and placed her hands delicately on his wide shoulders. “All is well now, Ethan. My questions have been answered, but give me time to sort through them before asking. I’m to take you back to Earth now.”

  “Oh, alright. It’s not really my place to butt in. New friendships are easy to screw up and as you probably read on that silver paper I do that too often. But can I ask some questions before you go to drop me off.”

  “Don’t assume so much, Ethan.” She smiled so beautifully he expected his heart to start hammering. No heart left to pump blood. “I’m going to be by your side the whole time till you are called to get your new body back. I’ve wasted enough time, come over so we may leave.” She spread her wide wings.

  He grinned and she found it endearing he could do so despite all that happened. “I’m beginning to like flying with you.”

  “As do I enjoy the company.” She pulled him close and took off. Kanade made her decision the moment he touched her. She knew where her heart now belonged and in her mind she heard “Very well, Child.”

  It took longer to fly out, but Kanade this time spoke of the huge tapestries of the great hall and of the most famous battles between Chaos and Order, but Ethan didn’t question her skipping of the great red demon who appeared a king in his own right. She didn’t spend long as she had to fly straight out, but the speed she left using was slower. Ethan really didn’t pay attention to the stories a
s he enjoyed her soft words and how great she felt against him.

  As soon as she left the giant crystal palace he asked “Uh, Kanade, is it just me or is it still noon? The two suns are still overhead.”

  She laughed. “Spirit World is always alight. And those aren’t suns, they are just a fragment of the Spirit King’s power. All the stars in the universe are part of him.”

  “I thought stars were just giant balls of dust and gas.”

  “That is what he is, in the material aspect. The warmth you feel is his power as he feeds and protects your world, like he does for the whole universe. I could explain all I know of the Spirit King for ten years and it still wouldn’t be enough to be comprehended in words… now hold on, were going back to the mortal realm.”

  He held tight as she shot straight up into the sky and flew directly for the nearest portal to Earth. There was a painful wrenching feel again, but then it was over.

  The aerial scene changed immediately from one of vast fields of grass, trees, clear lakes and one giant castle made of crystal and into a very familiar city that was dark as night settled in and streetlights and other buildings were all on. It wasn’t of space. Must have used a different portal. His hearing picked up honking from the I-4 interstate was gridlocked… again.

  “Back to Orlando, huh?” he asked as she landed to the street he was run over on. “Why on earth would I need to come back here?”

  She eased him down with a wry smile. “It was fitting really, we met here after all.” Kanade looked at the darkness. “Fate chose this place for you to stay till your physical body is finished and you live again. This whole area within a half mile is magically protected from demons. So long as they do not drive down this street and see us, we will be safe and them oblivious. I would sense them before they get close so we are safe.”

  “Hold on, demons drive?” He asked as he watched her sit on the bench that they first used together, he even saw his coffee mug in the grass where he lost it in the moment.

  Kanade held up a finger and spoke like she read from a book. “To affect the material world one must first be material.” She giggled at his expression and patted the bench beside her. He came casually over and sat at the other end to stare into the pools of gold. Ethan got the sense she found peace over something troubling her. “I’ve only heard stories of Fate bestowin’ a second mortal life, but here I am explainin’ though I’m clearly unqualified. But I’ll do my best.”

  “You seem to be doing pretty good so far.” Her cheeks reddened at his words. “Well after I was dismissed from the room I had time to think about all that was said. I went over and over it, but things are nagging at me.”

  She crossed her arms beneath her breasts and tilted her head adorably. In this lighting her blue hair was almost a shining indigo under the streetlamp and tree. “Well while we wait I’ll do what I can to answer your questions.”

  “Well Fate said something about a plan after his first offer to return my life. What is this plan?”

  “Good first question.” She giggled and he wondered why she seemed so relaxed and figured it must have been a good, long talk with Fate. “Well it has to deal with why you’ve never seen any kind of demon.”

  “Kind? As in more than the redheaded winged dude you are afraid to speak about.”

  “Weren’t you listenin’ to what I was saying through the palace?”

  “Uh, I was a bit distracted.” He admitted.

  “How so?” She guessed it was how good it felt touching.

  “It’s a bit personal, Kanade. I’m not ready to speak of it… uh back to my question?”

  “Oh… Well that I can understand then. When you’re ready, I’d like to hear what it is you too hide.” She smiled. “Back to the plan Lord Fate hinted of… well the clearest way I can explain is that both Chaos and Order made a truce about five hundred years ago.”

  “A truce? The sides agreed on something? I thought that was impossible.”

  “I wouldn’t know. It was long before my time. My parents haven’t spoken of it, but they were crucial to the creation of rules both sides abide by. All I know is that there was a huge battle between our two sides that threatened humanity, a plague ran rampant and it was decided a permanent veil be created to hide ourselves from human eyes. Demons didn’t want to lose their favorite food and Order wants to save souls, humans in particular because they have more power than any other mortal livin’ bein’ in the entire universe.

  “The sides decided on a great law none will break for it is permanent. For Chaos, the greater demon lords are forbidden from intentionally killing humans and stealin’ their still living souls, but the tricky demons can suggest suicide or murder through influence. Order created a spell that all supernatural physical beings and powers cannot be seen correctly by human eyes or any objects they create. But to fit in, both sides sometimes use human technology to move about to keep appearances. As in cars.

  “You will soon learn just how amazin’ your world is when it’s fully opened up tomorrow.

  “This leads to kinds of beings. You see me, thought me angel and you’ve seen Floa… Well many mythical beings are real.”

  “Really, wait, when I return to my body will I not see anything again?”

  Kanade shook her head. “No, your sight will be uncovered. Things will be as they really are in your new body, along with your power over the flame, but hold your questions, you’re pullin’ me down a different fox trail. I promise to return to it.” He nodded. “Well demons are just a broad definition. There are dragons, Elves, Kelpie, Necromancers, Goblins and so on. Greater demons have greater power and influence over lesser and demon lords are greater still.” Her tone became serious. “If you see one of them, run. You would not be a match for a good while against one of them. There are dozens more demons I could name, but that can wait. To an veiled human though they will seem just like any other person or animal and be easily forgotten.

  “Order also enlists the aid of creatures born with souls from Pixies to Pegesai and Nagai to Gargoyles and wizards… and sometimes there are humans with supernatural abilities able to harness their Spirit Energy for something specific. As you will be the pinnacle of what we call Specialists.

  “But unlike the kinds of creatures, it seems only humans can be more easily swayed to fight for either side.”

  Ethan grinned. “Good thing I’m a nerd. I played D&D a lot and can’t wait to meet some of these beings. Now I’m getting excited about this new life. Are vampires real? Werewolves?”

  “Humans have twisted most myths, but vampires are just another name for a demon, but they do not suck blood. They suck energy and souls, hence the mythical name. If they have a mortal body, they eat food, but require emotion from living creatures and inhale that desire. There are a demonic few animal shifters, but most tend to stick to Chaos since their animal instincts are feral. And no, it is a genetic trait, not bitten or transmitted.” She explained. “We have all night to talk of the creatures you’ll soon be meetin’. Now I want to talk about you being an Elemental.”

  “So do I. I’m going to be able to use fire right!?” she nodded. “Cool!” Kanade laughed aloud and Ethan joined her. “So why were you two so stunned earlier?”

  “In all seriousness, it was unexpected.”


  “Because human spiritual powers vary greatly and are determined usually by personality. You could have been able to summon daggers, see in the dark, grow plants rapidly, find fish blindfolded, smell with the acuity of a dog, enhanced strength or even use blood as a weapon, but then its revealed you’re an Elemental and not just any Elemental at that. You’re a fire thrower.” Kanade didn’t want to resist taking his hands and acted. He enjoyed the connection. “When I saw you were compatible with fire I was deeply impressed. You’re personality is the opposite of past human Fire Elementals.” Her southern drawl was do endearing he couldn’t resist smiling back. “Even Fate didn’t see that outcome. Fire Elementals are sooo rare in human
s it is one in a billion shot, but since humans cannot see the supernatural anymore, few can reach their potential and unlock their skill. Usually those have a temperament akin to great rage and enjoy destruction. Not someone of a mild temperament. Fewer still are sensitive to Spirit Energy.

  “What was frightenin’ me is that fire is also known as a high class demon’s specialty. You’re potential can save lives, Ethan.”

  “So fire against fire? Is that why Fate laughed?”

  “Somethin’ like that.” She replied cryptically. “But this means you will potentially be a powerful influence for us. One human Elemental is worth more than a thousand sword wieldin’ Nagai. And to my knowledge, Order’s last human Fire Elemental was King Solomon. So you are greatly important and have much potential.” Her enthusiasm was energized, even her wings were excited.

  Ethan’s jaw dropped with that bomb of information. “So he was real?” she nodded, enjoying his reactions. “He was the only one? How many others?”

  “No, Order has had two Fire Elementals, to my knowledge of history, but like I said before, human Fire Elementals have, no pun intended, hot headed and destructive personalities and usually join Chaos’ ranks.”

  “So how will I do it? Will I be like the Human Torch from the Fantastic Four and yell Flame On! to use fire? Will I be able to fly?”

  Kanade realized she still held his hands and reluctantly let go to laugh at his mounting excitement. “I do not believe I know what you are speaking of. Can you explain?” He was all too eager to explain the comic book reference and the character who was altered in a solar storm and all he could do with his powers. He then said he’d show her the books when he gets his body and can bring her to his apartment. “We’ll see.” She said and so wanted to speak her mind, but she couldn’t resist an order. “But from what I remember as a child on my father’s lap, no Fire Elementals cannot fly. Only Spirit Guides and upper demons can fly. Wings are a necessity.”

  “Well, may I ask a personal question?” He asked bashfully.

  “Anythin’.” She allowed.

  “I know it’s rude to ask a lady this, but how old are you? I get the feeling Spirit Guides are immortal so… well…”

  “Oh Ethan,” She let out a lilting laugh that made his insides warm. “yes Spirit Guides are immortal like any spirit being, but in terms of age, I’m exceptionally young. I’m actually only twenty nine.”

  “Really? You seem so mature yet look so… well. You know…”

  “Tell me.” She tilted his chin up with one slender finger and looked longingly into his eyes. “I want to hear what you mean.”

  His Adams-apple bobbed while swallowing before saying “Beautiful. You look no more than twenty five, but all the other female and male Spirit Guides were all in their physical prime and I didn’t see any old people… I was curious.”

  Her blue eyebrow quirked at the mention of other ‘females’ and it raised her ire. “And how did I compare to the other women? Would you have chosen another to be your guide, given the option.”

  His answer came quick and flat. “Not a chance. Those others couldn’t hold a candle to you.”

  This reaction solidified her choice for it made her feel sure he wanted her too. She could see it in his eyes before he realized what he said and looked away shyly. As a reward she said “Mighty kind of you.” and leaned forward to gently press her full ruby red lips to his forehead. Heat grew instantly between them and then she pulled away, unable to bring herself to do more as another monitored her every action.

  “Thanks.” Ethan mumbled and looked down at the grass and tried to pick up his coffee mug, but his fingers passed through the physical object, unable to interact with it. He grumbled.

  Sensing his hesitation to continue the best conversation of her existence Kanade asked “I do not know where you will go when you get your body back, but would you like to hear of the beings you’ll likely come across in Order?”

  “Yes! I mean… Please!” he allowed and sat an inch closer and listened to all she had to say and impart to what is likely to occur when his life is returned.

  The night passed in a blur and being dead did have some advantages. Neither had felt the need to eat, drink, use the restroom or stretch their legs. When sunrise lifted off the eastern horizon he noticed he wasn’t remotely tired, but he learned so much from his incredible companion. The world he thought he knew of was wrong on so many levels and he’d just thrown himself into a conflict he knew nothing about. Kanade was a great teacher, explaining about the hundreds of creatures he’d fight beside or against and usually he felt nauseous at her descriptions. Sometimes he thought she was exaggerating folklore, but deep down it seemed all the myths he knew, and many he didn’t, all had the basis of truth.

  Once, in the bright morning sunlight, Kanade pointed to the sky where Ethan noticed a silver winged Spirit Guide sucking up a soul from a building. But as the soul was taken he noticed a dirty white dot rapidly climbing the building, but before it got near the Spirit Guide, who flew off, it suddenly dropped as an arrow protruded from it neck by a person standing on the roof of another building. “Wait, what just happened?”

  “One of my brethren saved a soul before that Goblin could climb the buildin’. One of our warriors just killed it since it so stupidly exposed itself. Filthy creatures.” She sneered in an adorable way.

  “But what would have a human had seen? Even from here I saw blood splatter.” Ethan asked.

  “If I had to guess, it probably seemed a large bird hitting the window. Don’t worry, the Goblin won’t leave a corpse and the arrow will likewise vanish.” She shrugged.

  “But who, or should I ask what, was that? I’ve never seen someone that good with a bow and arrow and shoot from such a distance.” He watched the other Spirit Guide shoot off like a bullet and disappear. “And were you attacked like that before?”

  Her molten golden eyes grew distant as she watched the city coming alive. “I’ve been attacked each and every day for the past eleven years I’ve ferried the dead, but only once in my first year was I split open and released my souls to a band of Succubai. Sixteen strong Succubai held me down and devoured three thousand souls. Since, I’ve not been caught again. I learned my lesson… As for the archer, it was likely a either a Centaur or an upset Nymph away from her tree. Both beings are renowned for their unparalleled archery prowess. And before you ask, I know humans rarely carry swords and bows anymore, but the spell which hides the supernatural from humans also hides our weapons… so long as they are properly enchanted.”

  “Actually I was about to ask what happened the time you got caught… if you don’t mind me prying.” He placed one hand atop hers for comfort and she didn’t acknowledge the touch as her mind was somewhere else, but she did seem to hear it.

  “Seven months after my eighteenth year and I became a true Spirit Guide to ferry souls to Spirit World. I was cocky for I was fast and too sure of my abilities. One mornin’ in Russia I was acting brash and darin’ while taking in the soul of a squirrel when I noticed a lone succubus saunterin’ down the street and I decided to taunt her. I couldn’t harm her because my powers do not have that quality and I knew I could always stay out of reach, but my mistake was guessin’ she was alone. Five others were hidin’ in a tree with ten more camouflaged and they threw a net over me when I got too close. They staked the net in the ground and stabbed a dagger into my stomach to rip me open. The pain forced me to release the souls to those waitin’ harpies who gobbled them up like chicken on corn. When they took them all they released me since they weren’t able to take my soul too. I learned my lesson that day and never want to see it again. All those souls were eaten. Eternity robbed.”

  She rubbed her flawless stomach and Ethan said “But I don’t see a scar and how did they hold you down let alone stab you? You said those creatures are flesh and blood.”

  She finally looked at him and saw his concern. “Just as Order has enchanted weapons, so does Chaos… and as for the wound, as
soon as the knife was removed and it’s power gone, my form repaired itself.”

  Silence was short lived between them as movement drew Ethan’s attention to across the street where three individuals came outside an apartment and walked down a concrete path. “Hey, it’s them!” He stated as young Rachiel, her mother and father approached the road wearing all black. He knew it would be odd if the family could see across the street and see the dead man who pushed their daughter out of the way sitting beside an eight foot tall woman with blue wings and hair and wore gold pants and a top resembling a bikini. Glittering alabaster skin would be the least of their astonishment if they could see, but Ethan knew this magic Kanade spoke of that hid the supernatural from humans was quite powerful.

  The family though carried flowers while Rachiel held a cross that she had clearly made and decorated. “Let’s go hear what they have to say!” Kanade suddenly stood and walked across the street. Ethan followed as his curiosity was piqued. The family moved up to a lamppost and placed the items against it and then looked at the fresh tire marks that had started all this. “Go ahead, Sweetie, tell him.” The mother said and held her daughter’s hand.

  Rachiel said to the cross more than anything “Thank you mister for saving me. When I get to heaven I hope to get to say thanks to you for saving me.” Then the little girl began to cry earnestly and turned around to her mother for comfort.

  “No need to wish, Kid. I heard you!” He yelled, making Kanade jump and flap her wings indignity before laughing as Ethan began to dance around and through the family yelling “I’m right here! Boo!” he forced his face through the mother’s chest and tried to scare the girl, but didn’t get a reaction.

  Kanade was doubled over as she laughed too hard. “Stop, I can’t take it anymore!” She dropped to her knees as her eyes began tear up.

  The jokester grinned and patted her wing saying “That was fun.” She just shook her head. The family remained silent for another ten minutes it prayer, said their thanks and left to finish out the reminder of their days.

  Back on the bench Ethan fished out the gold egg and watched as how the light played off its surface. Kanade too gazed at it but was locked in place. Its surface had warmed up over the hours, but hadn’t started vibrating as Fate explained.

  When the sun hung high overhead at about the noon hour Ethan knew the twenty four hour waiting period would be coming soon to an end, he would get his body back and start his new life working for Order in some way.

  Some pedestrian gave a shout and pointed suddenly.

  Thick black smoke began billowing high. Ethan stood, putting the egg away and stepped into the street for a clearer look to stop and get locked in place. Flames started pouring from the second floor and consume the apartment.

  Jenny’s apartment! Even a bystander with limited knowledge of fires could see it was deadly. Windows on upper floors opened and people screamed inside who were trapped. No fire escapes were built outside and by the amount of smoke rising and choking all six floors, no one could flee once trapped. Except by jumping from a window to their death. Off in the far distance one could hear the siren of the fire department, but Orlando hadn’t had rain in nearly two months and the apartment was made of old wood that flames greedily ate and grew. In seconds the fire started rising to the third floor as people screamed.

  “The fire trucks are too far away!” Ethan yelled in impotent desperation to do something and turned to Kanade. “People are going to burn alive in there. Can’t we do something? Like call someone who can at least slow the fire till help arrives? Someone from the Houses? A Witch? In two minutes the whole apartment will be engulfed. In half that people will burn.”

  Kanade looked between him and the building on fire and heard the screams for help. Then she felt held in place as Fate’s power spoke to her mind. “Now tell him what his options are, Child. Speak for me.”

  “Ethan,” Kanade said sadly and shook her head. “I cannot do anythin’. But you can.”

  “Really?” He asked hurriedly. “Then tell me quick! What can I do?”

  She pointed to the round bulge in his pocket. “The egg. It has been feeding on your Spirit Energy given off by your soul and has the power to quell the flames, but if you throw it onto the fire you can kiss your second chance at life goodbye and be forced to return to Spirit World and sent into Nothingness forever.”

  His hope died and as his shoulders slumped. “Whaaat?”

  Kanade nodded and looked up at the smoke, unable to stop herself from saying “Jenny Pakster and Billy Volorum are in there. Despite what they did to you, would you relinquish your second chance at life and watch as I take their souls to Spirit World too…” then she looked down too see him already gone and running to the fire. “What?” she asked herself while watching him go as fast as his legs could carry him. “Interesting!” she heard Fate’s comment.

  Not needing some lengthy explanation as the fire every second grew, Ethan rounded a corner and right through people unable to get close as the radiant heat of the flames were too hot to get close and be forced to watch helplessly. Being a disembodied soul, Ethan didn’t feel the heat and got in close to find a broken window on the second floor. He pulled out the egg, kissed it goodbye and threw it with all he had. The gold glinted farewell and disappeared inside.

  Seconds went by and nothing happened.

  Then when the egg felt a condition of selflessness come to be it cracked and released power which blew out the majority of the flames. There was quite a few embers glowing, but Ethan stared openmouthed as the people recovered and brought out running gardening hoses to start spraying now that there was a chance to actually do something.

  Over the commotion someone said “That was strange, the fire going out like that. What do you think happened?”

  “Maybe the sprinkler system finally kicked in, but that explosion that really could be felt might have been a fire extinguisher exploding. I hear they can do that.” Another guessed and the group seemed to agree with it. It was the veil at work supplying an idea so nothing seemed supernatural.

  Residents of the building began running out, most choking from smoke inhalation. Ethan sighed as he found Jenny and Billy come out and about that time is when the fire department came rolling in to take care of business.

  Knowing it was all over now, Ethan turned around to see Kanade standing with her arms crossed. “Sorry, I couldn’t think of all those people getting burned alive over my own selfish sake. Even them. That kind of luck isn’t something I’d wish on anyone, even them. And if given the choice again, I’d do it. Sorry, Kanade, I guess I just ruined my chances. Best take me back now.”

  “That will not be necessary.” Came a youthful voice from behind. Kanade stared openmouthed and Ethan turned to find Fate standing there still wearing his black tailored suit. “Follow me, both of you. It’s too noisy here.” He turned around and started walking straight through people and buildings.

  Not wanting to be left behind, they quickly followed. Ethan seemed to find it disconcerting to walk through a wall, but he didn’t mention it.

  Soon the guide of the universe stopped in a vacant alleyway far from the hustle and bustle of the now extinguished building. Ethan and Kanade stood awkwardly in his presence and waited for him to speak. The wait wasn’t long. “Ethan, you passed.”

  “Uh, a little context would really help out, Fate.”

  The ancient being in a boy’s youthful appearance was willing to supply it. “For starters, Kanade isn’t going to take you to Spirit World and watch you be sent to Nothingness.”

  “But I thought the egg was a one shot deal?” He asked in confusion to both.

  Fate shook his head. “The whole fire incident was your test of true character. I watched you though Kanade when she told you how the egg could save those humans from the fire at the cost of your new life as a mortal, but when you realized others were in peril and in danger you took off running and selflessly threw away your one chance at redemption for others
you do not know and for two who scorned you so deeply. The egg had fed enough off your Spirit Energy to vanquish the blaze I set up.”

  “You? This was all a test?” he asked as if he couldn’t believe it. “You would have killed innocent people as a test for me?” When Fate nodded Ethan couldn’t stop himself from taking a swing. Such callous manner and toying with lives was wrong on too many levels. He connected with Fate’s jaw, but then yelped as if he just punched a brick wall. Fate’s cool expression remained undaunted as Ethan hopped up and down, cursing so loudly that Kanade blushed. When the momentary pain and throbbing subsided he growled “How can you be so cruel?! Toying with lives isn’t some fucking game!”

  “Be silent, Child, I never play games! Everything I do has greater meaning than your limited intellect can comprehend.” Fate said evenly, but the weight of his words were unmistakable. “Now that I see you have a backbone to punch me you can hear me out. And listen good.” Ethan flexed his fingers, but was silent. “I tested you for good reason. Out of the sixty two who have retained form in death, only nine were worthy of a second life. The first two were power hungry and betrayed Order because their character was weak and self serving. They caused great damage and I learned my lesson. And none turned out to be an Elemental like you. If I had given you a body and you turned on us, your powers would be worse than anything you can imagine. After the first two were killed off I created Spirit Eggs to test for those that were truly worthy of a second life.”

  “Why do I got the feeling that was no ordinary egg?”

  “Because it is not. Ethan, what do you think happened to the fifty one other souls who failed?... Time’s up. The answer is the egg hatched and a spirit beast ate them whole and were destroyed in a way far worse than a demon could do to a soul.” Ethan stared blankly in shock. “Yes, if you had stood by and watched others die, you would he been eaten. Instead, without hesitation you again leapt to save another, falsely believing you had given up your last chance for redemption. Due to your reaction to save others in selflessness has earned you my trust.”

  “Is that why you were so quiet when I held the egg?” He asked Kanade who looked away. “And you didn’t warn me? You would have just watched as that egg hatched and ate me?”

  She looked at him crossly. “No, I too would have been devoured, no matter which choice you took. Do you think so little of me? I wouldn’t have left your side for moment.”

  Ashamed at his assumption, Ethan looked down and struggled as his emotion fought one another. “Sorry.”

  “So long as we are in open disclosure, Kanade wanted to tell you all this sooner, to prepare you, but I ordered her to not speak of the egg’s purpose.” Fate announced. “Also, she truly would have been destroyed with you. She decided it before you left my palace. If you fault her, I’m the real one to blame.”

  “Oh, I can easily tell who’s responsible.” Ethan replied dryly. He then turned to the winged goddess. “But why would you willingly be destroyed with me?”

  She met his gaze. “Because I wouldn’t allow somethin’ so cruel to happen to you alone. I wouldn’t abandon you. It is my responsibility…”

  As soon as the words left her mouth his expression tightened. Responsibility? He thought internally. Is that how I am to you, a burden? Kanade’s eyes widened as she read him without intention and she mentally kicked herself again when she realized how cruel it sounded.

  To Fate, Ethan asked to proceed and not think of his newfound pain “So how much longer must I wait? And how do I return to my body?”

  The deceptive teen simply snapped his fingers and suddenly Ethan was looking at a mirror image himself beside the boy. He was dressed in a similar white shirt, jeans and shoes he currently wore. The only differences were the body’s eyes were closed and cast a shadow beneath the sun. “The Blue Rose of Truth finished recreating your new body by using the material from your corpse. Everything is exactly as it was except that now you’ll be able to pierce the veil placed on normal humans and will be capable of utilizing your new powers quite soon. Ethan come over and stand with your back to the front of your body.”

  Following instructions he moved and did as directed. Fate then pushed him forcibly in the chest.

  Arms flailing and losing balance, Ethan toppled backwards and landed hard on his backside. Pain shot up his spine from the jarring impact on his tailbone. “Ow, what was that for?” And then he stopped as the pain didn’t vanish right away.

  Smoke permeated the air while the unforgiving Florida sun made the ground hot and warmed the skin in an uncomfortable way. But the heat wasn’t as unbearable as he remembered and chalked it up to shock of being dead for a day. A warm breeze carried humidity so thick it made sweating more prominent and tacky. Looking down, Ethan waved his left arm over the ground to see a cast shadow. The nearby wall became the first test and the solid surface resisted his touch. Next he found a pulse. A smile broke out as he could feel, breathe, smell and manipulate solid objects again. “I’m back!”

  Smiling in front of them were two figures, but he tilted his head in confusion. “Uh, why do you two have a shimmer around your bodies? It wasn’t like that before.”

  “You’re mortal again, not spirit.” Fate returned. “This is how those without a mortal body look. I must return. Ethan, go home and pack your belongings. I’ve scheduled you to be taken at eight thirty six in the morning. Be done by then and good luck.” He received an acknowledging nod. “And as for you Kanade, it shall take another week. In the meantime I expect you to continue your duty.” With that said, Fate vanished in a short burst of white light.

  Getting up was just as usual. Ethan learned and felt as normal as ever. He brushed off his backside and looked up at her. Despite the heartache of how she saw him Ethan couldn’t resist smiling. “Don’t worry, I won’t ask what that was about. Seemed another personal matter you don’t want to discuss… Well I guess this is farewell?”

  “For now.” Kanade replied, returning a pleasant smile of her own.

  “Oh, duh!” he smacked his head. “I’ll die again since I’m human. Just be sure that when I do, you take me. I don’t want another Spirit Guide.” He held out a hand to offer to be shook.

  Unable to verbally respond and struggling to not burst into tears or tell him everything, she went to reach forward and her hand passed through his. She wasn’t ready to not feel his electrifying touch again and his reaction seemed similar. It felt wrong to be separated like this and not be able to part without touching. Swallowing her emotions Kanade said “Be well,” took to the sky and said “My Angel. Do not die before I’m ready.”

  Ethan stared up, not hearing her parting words as she disappeared too fast.

  “Mister? Who ya talkin’ to?” He spun around to see a greasy mechanic throwing stacked crates behind his shop and had seen him talking to no one else.

  “Sorry, but I’m trying out a new Bluetooth receiver in different locations to see how it works. It is just like a clear hearing aid now. It was expensive, but so far, everything works. Again, sorry for bothering you.” Ethan quickly lied and the response would be believable. He hoped.

  “Oh, alright then.” And the mechanic went back inside, closing and locking the door behind him.

  Ethan sighed and checked his pockets to find them empty. No cash meant only one option, walk eight miles to the apartment.

  “Figures… at least it will give me time to think.” He said quietly to himself and decided to avoid both the fire and the place he first died in the unlikely event Rachiel or someone else would notice a dead man walking again. That thought made him smile and he started for home.