Read Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 8

Chapter 7

  Dress kindly woke Ethan at the appointed two hours and grimaced. “Blake sure did a number, Handsome. Do you feel as bad as you look?”

  “That good huh?” Ethan croaked and moved over from Dress’s new space and gazed into the full length mirror. Never in his whole life could he remember looking so beaten up. In only a few hours bruises began setting in to color the skin that remained swollen. His lower lip had a nasty split crusted with dry blood. His right jaw and left temple had most of the goose egg quality and his left ear also bled slightly, but had since dried. He forced himself to remove his shirt and it revealed welts, early bruises and a few more minor cuts.

  “Ethan,” Dress said and watched the Elemental spin around to look at him. “While you slept Blake had me deliver special ointment to you. Best you take another shower before applying it to every wound and swelling. Right now it’s in the topmost drawer.”

  “A hot shower would be welcome.” Ethan said and walked over to Dress and retrieved a small ceramic container with a lid. He also grabbed fresh clothes with hair and body liquid soap and made a beeline for the bathroom.

  The shower was too short and barely eased discomfort. In the jar was a cool blue paste and Ethan dipped two fingers into it to apply a thin coat over his jaw. He fought the tender pain, but after twenty seconds the throbbing subsided and the mirror’s reflection showed the ointment’s color disappeared, leaving a barely visible, glossy coat behind. It had a cooling effect and his busted lip eased up just as quickly. In ten minutes every sore ache had numbed, but fatigued muscles were untouched.

  Soon Ethan returned to his room and began unpacking. After just two boxes he took off the wrist weights knowing he had broken his teacher’s order. Couldn’t be helped. Dress was all too eager to take every article of cloth and proved to be valuable company. For a gay closet, he was kind and a good listener, sometimes cracking a joke. Dress was the kind of person everyone could easily befriend. The being had many interests and was full of knowledge, but never once would he speak of another that wasn’t commonly known. Comics went straight to the shelves of stone and Dress explained the runes imbedded in the rock wall are protection that safely guard from outside powers and as he is the new owner of the room, only Ethan could retrieve the items. Ethan was glad his prized collections were safe, even from his own fire. He tried burning a worthless scrap of paper for a test and the runes didn’t allow even a spark to touch it.

  “Alright, it’s five, Ethan. Better get going.” Dress said.

  “Thanks again. You’re a good distraction. I nearly finished unpacking, but now that I’ve got a new TV and tablet, what do I do with my old ones? Do I just throw them away?”

  Dress’s knobs of blue eyes rolled. “Of course not! We never throw anything away. Everything is repurposed or recycled. Throw the electronics into me and I’ll give them to Tattoo or one of our electronic specialists. I’ll tell them you donated it, if you want? Is there anything you want to keep private on your computer?”

  “No, I mostly played online games or watched shows I missed… and thanks, I’ll take the offer.” Ethan brought the boxes containing the computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse and TV over to the golden face. Dress opened his doors to show a black void and accepted the heavy boxes set to be taken away.

  Ethan reapplied the wrist weights, grabbed the book from earlier and left. As he was heading for the stairs he heard a TV running in Celestia’s room and knew she was awake. He knew he didn’t have time to chat so he left.

  Twelve minutes before the castle resonated the sound for dinner, Ethan entered the main hall through the Ogre area since it was the shortest path from Celestia’s. Waiting as promised was Storm-shadow. They greeted shortly and took a seat. Ethan could see others looking at him and it was easy to see how badly he was beaten. Thankfully the ointment remained effective.

  “Why are the two of you sitting by yourselves, Lads?” Came a Scottish feminine voice.

  The two turned and Ethan said “Kira, right?”

  “Forgot me so soon? I’m hurt.” The sultry Witch slid in next to him. “And here I thought I made an impression after getting all dolled up.” Kira twirled a section of her long brown hair around her fingers absently. When she looked closer her eyebrows shot up. “Well aren’t you a pleasant sight.” She leaned in closer and lightly touched his swollen cheek, her ample bosom’s cleavage filled his vision before he had a chance to avert his eyes. This time though her new blue dress wasn’t so risqué. It covered more of her fair skin, but still left little to the imagination by how thin it was. “Naga work I’d guess?”

  “He looks the same to me. Dumber than a bent nail.” Ken commented.

  “How can you tell?” Ethan glared at the brown leather book. “You have no eyes?”

  “Bah!” Ken said and Ethan imagined the trapped soul inside was giving him the finger. “I don’t need eyes to see, asshole! I can see everything within twenty feet. So how do you feel with that knot on the back of your head?” Ken asked a little too kindly. The book poured it on thicker than frozen molasses.

  Kira went to check, but Ethan’s large hand caught hers and pulled it back, he was already uncomfortable physically and didn’t need to be smothered. “Thanks for worrying, Kira. My grandfather used to say if the first day is bad, wait till tomorrow. I expected Blake to be a hard teacher.”

  Kira pulled her hand back, but not before her soft fingers caressed his. “Be thankful you weren’t taught by one of the Amazons. You’d be in traction for days. Why are you wearing weights?” He explained. “Well don’t overdo it. If you want, I can make all your hurts go away?”

  “Between your thighs I’d wager.” Ken remarked in a offensive manner.

  Storm-shadow intervened. “Kira, Ethan is wearing tournikka ointment. And I do not permit any Caster to use magic on him. He is unfamiliar with the costs. High Witch Morgane should have spoken to all Casters.”

  “What am I missing this time?” Ethan asked.

  Suddenly Kira looked away under Storm-shadow’s glare. “I’m sorry. My leader did speak to us before the first meal. I forgot, Prince Storm-shadow… Ethan, I could have made a spell which would heal you in half the time, but it would render you asleep for three days.”

  “Oh… well, thanks for the offer, but I don’t think Celestia would be impressed if I took the easy way out or that Blake would only increase his methods if I skipped three days for just a little pain. Right now the ointment is a blessing and effective.”

  “It should be.” Kira smiled with dazzling teeth. “One Tournikka leaf goes for three thousand points and to make ointment would require no less than twenty.”

  Ethan sat stunned. “Really?” She nodded while glossing her lips with her tongue. “Storm-shadow, why did he give me something so expensive? I can’t pay him back and Tattoo said I couldn’t exchange my cash for points.”

  The stallion shook his mane. “Do not think on it. Blake and I are both over a thousand years and we have more points than we could ever spend in a human’s lifetime. So many demons have fallen beneath us we’ve lost count. Besides, Tournikka is the most effective natural healing concoction to exist. The blue leaves reduce swelling, clot blood, extract poisons and infection and the cool warmth promotes better localized circulation to heal all but the most grievous wounds. Blake gave it as a part of your training so you do not wear out and live in so much pain you cannot move.”

  “Do you know where he is so I can thank him?”

  “Busy.” Is all Storm-shadow said. “Wait till tomorrow or have Dress send the message or send a message from your new computer.”

  “So do you mind if we join you tonight?” Kira asked.

  “You may so long as you keep Ken quiet. I do not wish to listen to his ignorant comments.” The stallion stated.

  “Fine by me. At least you don’t need to listen to him all day long.”

  “Oh no, Lass. My words are wisdom itself without caring about a person’s feelings you big breasted whor…” Ken’s w
ords were cut off as Kira snapped her fingers and a green bubble surrounded the book.

  “Quiet at last.” Kira said with a sigh that nearly made her enormous breasts come flying out of the dress.

  “Why do you even put up with that? If Ken’s just a spell book and Witches use spells to revert to a younger age to have a sense of immortality, wouldn’t you have time to copy or even memorize the spells so you don’t need to listen to him?” Ethan asked while waiting for Cook to show up.

  “Family curse you could say.” She replied in a light Scottish accent. “I’m one of the youngest Witches even though my power surpasses even High Witch Morgane Le Fay, but I still have a lot to learn. Until my little sister comes of age and harnesses her energy, I’m stuck with Ken. He might be a right git, but only the women of my family can read the words within or if asked for a spell he can find an appropriate one. Ken is also spelled that anything in his pages cannot be duplicated and many of his pages have powerful and dangerous spells so only he protects them.” She sighed again. “Believe me, I’ve tried to copy his contents. Nobody likes him, but he has his uses. .. however few. Worse though, he’s mine till my sister come in need. He has magic that always keeps him in twenty feet of me too.”

  “Well that royally sucks.”

  “You have no idea.” Kira grabbed Ken’s strap and dropped him beneath the bench with a light smile. “So you figured a way to learn from Celestia?” she poked Ethan in the ribs and drew a gasp from him. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were hurt.”

  “Yep. All over to be precise.” He returned.

  “So… has anyone caught your eye? A good looking man like you shouldn’t find a willing woman hard to find around here.” Kira turned and put an elbow on the table and struck a sexy pose that was clear of inviting meaning.

  “I’m flattered, really Kira, but I know I’m barely average in looks. Besides, right now I need to focus because enough distractions fill me. Blake and Celestia take up most of my time.”

  Kira’s green eyes didn’t look convinced. “You really have no idea how good a man looks to a woman who works so hard and doesn’t complain. Humans especially make the best lovers in my opinion. I always had a thing for lumberjack looking men. I love wide shoulders too. Just grow a short beard. Your strong jaw line would do well with one. And don’t sell yourself short, you do have a humble charm that will have females flocking to you, especially since even Celestia took you in. And before you know it you’ll be so fit you can please several women at the…”

  “Please stop, Kira. I’m uncomfortable with this conversation.” His bruised cheeks reddened.

  Then Kira sat up straight and her eyes widened with realization. “You’re a virgin?” It wasn’t a question.

  “Thirty years old. Is there a problem?” He asked coolly and Kira knew she struck a nerve as the air grew suddenly warmer.

  “Not at all.” She recovered quickly before licking her lips again. “So are you celibate, taken a vow like monks? Or is it you’re waiting on your one true love?” Her eyes narrowed. “Don’t tell me you are some religious nutter?”

  Ethan shook his head. “No, I never believed in religion and as for my virginity I want to be with some who I felt was right. And the one I hoped to have a shot with is impossible to reach. I doubt I’ll ever feel the same way than when I was near her.”

  “I always liked a bit of a challenge. So who was this girl that earned the affections of a Fire Elemental?”

  “It hurts thinking about her. I cannot speak of it right now. I’m sorry for disappointing a lady so much.” Before she could further that line of conversation he changed it. “So Kira, how old are you really? I know it’s rude but I’m curious.”

  She smiled tightly, realizing what he had done. “I’m twenty three though my ma’s ninety four. And you are?”

  “Turned thirty, three months ago. So what kinds of things do Witches do?”

  “Mainly we research where to fight Chaos or act as support for our warriors. If demon numbers are too high for our fighters, we occupy the denizens with our spells or if we have time to focus and create we can bring down the enemy. I must say though that last night’s show with you melting that stone was impressive. I heard many of the Nymphs wanting to bear seedlings for you.”

  Ethan laughed. “One already proposed just that at noon.”

  Kira laughed too.

  Cook suddenly showed up and created them a large meal. Ethan praised the Wisp and she glowed. He also was impressed by just how much Kira ate. He’d never seen a girl put food away and not be uncomfortable. She noticed his gawking to admit “Not only is everyone fit to fight at any moment, Casters require the energy to do our spells.”

  Five minutes later Ethan got up. “Thank you both, but I’ve got to head out.”

  Whatever spell on Ken seemed to have worn off. “Don’t forget me, Fatass!”

  Ethan growled in a low rumble that a human couldn’t hear, looked on the ground and shot a spark of fire at the tome which made Ken yelp. Kira dropped her fork and stared at the book. “How did you do that?! He’s protected from fire and other offensive effects.”

  The Elemental shrugged. “Maybe the spells have worn off. I didn’t hurt him or singe it. But hey, if you want I’ll destroy it if he doesn’t behave.” Ken yelped and Kira stared openly. “You hear me Ken? All Kira has to do is give me the word and your prison will be destroyed. If you are more trouble than your worth you’re already dead right? What do you have to lose?”

  Kira squealed when the tome was silent and ran up to hug Ethan. “Thank you! No one ever had the power to do what you did. His soul is tied to the leather that was once his skin. If you burned just that he would be destroyed and sent to Spirit World, destined for Torment.”

  “Don’t even think about it, Utters! I don’t know how he did that, but he shouldn’t have.”

  “What did you call me? Do you want to be released? You know you got it good old fool. I’ve been touched by Torment’s chains. It’s more painful than can be described…” The book was silent so he went on. “And you’ve never been on the receiving end of a Fire Elemental’s power before. The protective spells on you might not resist my ability. For once you aren’t indestructible.”

  “I will have vengeance on you, Ethan. Somehow, someway you will feel my wrath.” Ken vowed.

  “He can’t do spells can he?”

  “No.” Kira stomped a heel into the binding of her book again. “The only thing that has a bite is his words. His soul is confined and feeds the spells protecting him. Finally, for the first time in my family’s history someone can shut him up.”

  “Glad to do it. I despise bigots. I’m off.” Kira waved goodbye while Storm-shadow snickered at the seething book who finally met a match. None in the house would stand in Ethan’s way if he destroyed him. Some might even cheer him on for everyone wanted Ken gone and sent on his merry way.

  Night fell quickly, but Ethan now had a neat new trick. He literally ignited a hand and could see whenever he wanted. No more relying on flashlights or worrying about stumbling in the dark should a light blow out or batteries die. Luckily the paths were direct and simple. Along the way to the forge and home he walked with a group of four Centaur warriors who all carried a pair of claymores along their horse half sides and a pair of curved sabers over their hairy, human half backs. The company was welcome and they appreciated his ability to use fire so they didn’t trip on a rock or sprain a hoof. Ethan doubted the Centaurs were half as clumsy as himself, but besides being uptight giants, none being shorter than nine feet from head to hoof, they were quite sociable. Two even hinted that if he ever got good in physical combat they would be willing to teach him their ways.

  Eventually though he found his new home and the downstairs was lit with flickering orange light. He walked straight to the door and opened it. “I’m back.”

  “So I see…” Celestia glowered and stopped when she looked closer. As he shut the thick metal door she approached and lifted his chin. ??
?Who did this!” she demanded.

  “Combat training.” He said under her penetrating gaze. “Today was my first real fight and I got my ass handed to me on a silver platter. Don’t be mad, Celestia. It’s my fault for not knowing how to even defend myself. I actually learned a lot.” Those green, predatory eyes didn’t seem impressed but she pulled her fingers and wing back. “It seems it’s my problem.”

  “Unless it affects your focus and my creations. You are my apprentice first and foremost, do not forget that. I cannot trust anyone to touch my creations till they are ready and if you are compromised for being injured it will only slow me down. What do you have to say for yourself?”

  “Besides that it is unfair to criticize me for holding it together this long, nothing. I’m not a damn child, Celestia, don’t treat me like one. I promise that I’ll do whatever you ask of me without complaint and if my work is affected then I’ll just have to slow down and get it right. I’ve been practicing so I can get better. Bear with me and I’ll try not to disappoint you. That is all I can say. No one is perfect, I won’t claim to be. Nor should you.”

  Celestia leaned back to look over him. “You pass.”

  “I what?” Ethan sat the book down on a stone table.

  “Pass. You didn’t pass blame for your condition. Instead you accepted it. Only a person who would do that can truly learn. As for being perfect, only a fool could claim themselves so. The only things that are close to perfection are my creations. Return to practicing on controlling your flames. Call me when you feel you are ready.” Celestia spun and her flaming talons clicked.

  Confused at the exchange, Ethan did as he was told, but first grabbed the book and ran it up to his room and hurried downstairs, but this time he had Dress make a pair of cotton earplugs that didn’t take but a second and fit well.

  An hour later Ethan spoke up. “Celestia!” her head spun completely around after the last hammer fall. “I think I got it.”

  She laid a hot, nearly complete cutlass down with the hammer and approached. “Very well, turn the gauge line in my direction so you cannot see it.” He spun the device around. “Eleven hundred.” She started. He ignited his hand and focused before setting it on the top. The three levels spun until it stopped. “Three thousand.” Ethan cranked the heat up. “Five more degrees.” Only the bottommost moved. “Drop six hundred.” The intensity of his fiery hand lessened. “Four thousand…. One thousand… Drop by three… Up two hundred…” Celestia continued the test for ten more minutes before saying “Well done. Your control is impressive. Now read…” she walked over to a shelf where some metal sat and withdrew a flat piece of etched metal. “this and memorize it.”

  He looked at it before saying “I cannot read this? It’s not runes… what language is this?”

  Celestia stopped and peered at him. “It is the language of the Phoenix. It has magic. Only great fire can unlock its secrets. Your bracelets cannot translate them for my kind share our written language to a rare few. Burn the back up to five thousand degrees and sustain it and then you will be able to read it.”

  He struggled with the blast of fire for it was difficult to sustain such an intensity, but soon the odd writing began melting. He was worried he was ruining it till the writing reformed into English letters and numbers. He read silently to himself, Lead - 327, Zink - 787, Aluminum - 1218. He looked up and asked “Aren’t these melting points for the metals you carry?” She nodded and cocked her head. Ethan grinned and sat the tablet down, killed his burning hand and stated “I was a whiz at this when I took chemistry in collage. Test me.”

  And that she did. Over the next minute he answered immediately. “Good, so my apprentice has the proper knowledge of something, but do you know what the metals do?”

  This confused him greatly. “What they do? I do not understand.”

  “What do you know of demons? Ever seen any?” She lowered herself as if to nest, but kept her head tall when she realized just how much knowledge he lacked.

  “I swatted a bird-size bug and met a Goblin up close, but managed to have it think I saw it as a dog. That’s the most I’ve came close to seeing.” He admitted.

  Celestia shook her head and clicked her beak. “There is a reason why I specialize in crafting weapons. All of my metals are mixed together in a very specific and purified ratio to broadly combat most demons. Shifters are vulnerable to silver, dragons are allergic to copper, Kelpies fear gold, Elves burn on iron, Sirens only feel pain from aluminum and I can keep going, but you get my meaning.” She lifted a wing to point with one finger. “Every blade and piece of armor all damage every demon ever to be faced. It won’t directly kill the demon, but it will slow them down and bloody hurt…”

  “Then how…”

  “I’m not finished.” She interrupted back. “What do you know of energy regarding Order and Chaos?”

  “I’ve heard Spirit Energy thrown around a few times.”

  “Your lack of knowledge is astonishing.” The huge fiery bird said directly, almost like an insult. “Not your fault really, the veil placed upon humans was quite powerful and has actually saved billions of lives. When you get to be my age you forget these things… and no, don’t even ask unless you want your eyes pecked out.” Ethan could hold back a smile which also made her hum. “Listen, Boy, there are two kinds of energy which cannot be bridged. All beings have one or the other. We of Order have Spirit Energy while the denizens of Chaos have Demon Energy. Humans have immense Spirit Energy. The two energies do not mix, especially when one of our warriors carry one of my weapons.

  “My creations act as a medium which focuses Spirit Energy so that the demon being faced will stay down and won’t regenerate. Nagai and Amazons rely heavily on blades to slay their enemy. Hand to hand kills more efficiently for them because they cannot mold their energy into an exterior weapon like a Witch or we fire throwers can. With one of my weapons in the hand of an expert they will be near invincible against every demon faced. They must kill the demon while holding the blade and when Demon Energy is touched by Spirit, if the mortal wound is grievous enough, the demon will die. The reason my swords and armor are so sought after and coveted is because my methods not only create a weapon that will last centuries, even without an Enchanter to add protective runes to immortalize it for the recipient, it delivers an internal spiritual attack second to nothing else. Billions of demons have fallen from my weapons. Not one other smith can boast half that effectiveness. Many centuries of trial and error on my part have honed the final products that leave my sight. Now they are harder than any manmade steel.

  “Just a simple knife I make is worth a billion points, but still I have a century’s waiting list for weapons that go for trillions. I never shirk quality for other lives depend on my name. Some of our warriors wait to hunt the more dangerous demons till they get their own weapon.”

  “But what of Nymphs and Centaurs who use archery? I saw a Goblin fall from an arrow once.” He admitted.

  “Again, Spirit Energy. Archers imbue their energy into the projectile to strike down their quarry. I do not craft arrows for if any went missing, the priceless projectile would be lost. Tipped sticks hold a fair amount to kill a demon well enough.”

  “What about guns? Surely a bullet would be more effective than a sword or bow.”

  Celestia again shook her head. “Bullets are useless. I’ve tried before, but not only does Spirit Energy not last long in any lifeless object, demons are all impervious to most manmade technology, all except bugs. You can shoot a hungry Goblin all day and not one will get through that horrid fur coat… That is the reason why swords, shields and arrows are still around. Even humans can feel deep down even a rusty sword is not only more beautiful than a gun, it is more effective and never needs to worry about ammunition. For others to dispatch a demon requires skill, cunning and close range to use their energy. You and I can just blink and demons will become ash because to produce fire requires tremendous Spirit Energy.

  “But, just as our
energy truly kills them, Demon Energy is just as deadly to us. Not only are we severely outnumbered, demons are everywhere and they are all deadly. They rarely hesitate and numbers can swarm like locusts.”

  “Quality verses quantity?” She nodded. “Okay, at least I’ve finally figured why most of the metal’s I’ve found odd have a dull gold color. Others metals are mixed inside.” Celestia dipped her beak again. “How about we work now that I know just how important you are to our fighters. Knowing lives are desperately in need of your creations I’ll shut up and work.”

  “Glad you finally understand the importance. Grab the Gladius you worked on yesterday and fold it thirty times more to make a hundred folds. But after the folding, wait for me to talk you through its exact final requirements. All creations are customized for only one individual.” She stood and returned to the Cutlass.

  Ethan hefted the short sword and began heating it white hot again while selecting a nearly identical hammer to Celestia’s off the wall. Thankfully the anvil was more than wide enough to work together and not be in each person’s way.

  They hammered together for hours and Ethan learned he needed to buy safety glasses because twice a spark of hot metal hit his cheek and it would only be a matter of time before a shard jumped into his eye. It was doubly more difficult hammering with an extra five pounds resisting on each wrist, but each downward strike was harder. When one arm grew painful, he alternated.

  When he finished and quenched the dull weapon again for the last time Celestia taught Ethan the exact measurements with a thread of notched wire. She told him how to stop just short after stretching as hammering would lengthen it to the exact centimeter she had memorized. Her words guided his numb and bleeding hands with each strike, teaching him where to look and heat at precise moments, at certain heats.

  Over the next four hours the sword began taking shape. Different tools were used to accurately define and smooth out all tool marks. He learned how to properly sharpen the sword most effectively with a special hand stone.

  “Well done, Boy. Heat it one last time to fifteen hundred and put my maker’s mark on the end and hook it on the rack to slowly cool. It doesn’t need to be quenched this time.”

  Ethan took a metal, stake-like tool and looked at what he assumed was a blunt tip, but it really held a Phoenix in flight. He placed it where the hilt would later be and with one blow, the mark was set. It soon hung to slowly cool. “What next?”

  The Phoenix said “Sweep the floor as you did for me last night and put it all in that bin. After it is full I collect all metal fragments and reuse them. Go refill the logs in the forge from outside and one bucket of coal. When you are done you may turn in for the rest of the night.”

  He spent the next hour transferring armfuls of heavy wood to a fireproof bin that sat near the closed door forge and refilled the coal. Celestia was busy working on another sword and Ethan swept up around her and put it in the trash bin.

  Afterwards he trudged upstairs, took a needed shower, applied more ointment to his raw palms, used the new tablet computer to locate the shopping icon and sent a request for safety-glasses, better earplugs and went directly to bed.

  Morning arrived all too early as Ethan felt the full effects of yesterday’s adventure. Stiff joints, tired and screaming muscles and aching wounds along with deep bruises. Dress watched and heard him groan with the pain racking his whole body, but he didn’t complain. He dressed, reapplied the weights and found his order came via Dress to deliver a spare set of safety-glasses at no expense. Thankfully Storm-shadow was waiting outside and was kind enough to give him a lift. Even in the dawn light the stallion could see two black eyes among the facial bruises on his partner.

  Breakfast went by in a fleeting breeze and afterwards he finished the book given by Tattoo before Blake exited his morning meditation and forced him to run barefoot around the castle again, earning more cuts and compared to yesterday, his time had extended no matter how hard he pushed. Blake though seemed at ease and the burn print on his shoulder had surprising new scales that had shed the old. Ethan’s body wouldn’t respond as it did before, but Blake didn’t say a word and those reptilian eyes gave very little away of what he was thinking.

  Afterwards was another grueling sparring session with the hard wooden staffs. Four new Gargoyles also stayed near as the Naga kept pushing Ethan’s rage to the surface and for once he didn’t resist letting it loose. The rage and repressed anger was a bittersweet release. The explosive rush numbed the pain and fortified him in a way he never knew. Blademaster Blake was in his element and enjoyed knocking down the unrefined human so he could learn not only more of himself, but also grow into a more confident individual. Pain and anguish was chipped away more and more with each taunt and strike. Blake knew the inner workings of the mind as well as the body. Each moment there came something new and he was in complete control. Ethan fought as hard as he could and some part of him restrained his anger enough to not rely on his flammable power. The Gargoyles tasked with keeping him under control was all the incentive needed for their resistance to fire made him not lose control or they would inflict more pain to knock him down than Blake ever could.

  After lunch he spent another hour and a half learning how to control himself through meditation and what made him who he is. Blake might be a Naga, but Ethan felt a friendship the likes he never had before with any other in him. Storm-shadow also would be there, he knew. Ethan, under Blake’s and Storm-shadow’s request, spoke of his life, interests, childhood and other mundane things. He learned that every fragment of his life wasn’t cohesive because his anger wasn’t released in a healthy way growing up. Now, as an adult with the singular most deadly ability, it needed to be corrected as soon as possible. The one true benefit Blake said he had was that the dam of anger he had built over the years was held in place by a calmness rarely seen in all but the most well trained meditations.

  Ethan was released till dinner in which time he went back to his apartment and finished unpacking, took a shower, applied more ointment and napped for two hours.

  Kira, Ken and Floa joined him and Storm-shadow for dinner. Ethan near choked at Floa when he finally met her in her larger form at five and a half feet and looked maybe eighteen years at the most. The green Pixie was truly beautiful like an Orion Slave-girl from Star Trek, but with huge monarch butterfly wings. Despite her new size, she was just as excited and cheerful, boasting how good it was to be alive again and how great sex was in a mortal form, hinting Odin was all too eager to help in that department. Kira was all too eager to laugh and joke, comparing notes, which pleased Floa. “For a human he sure has some stamina, doesn’t he?” The Pixie wasn’t at all abashed.

  Kira shook her head with a grin. “I had the pleasure only once, but his reputation in that department is well earned.”

  “The man’s a slut!” Ken said, exasperated.

  Floa grinned down at the book. “No, you were just a prude who no one wanted to touch, even when you were alive. Sex is fun!”

  “Especially when you’re not alone.” Kira added.

  “Child, I like you!” Floa laughed and patted the Witch on her back.

  “Ethan, between us, who would you rather help warm the bed with?” Kira said as she threw an arm around Floa’s evergreen shoulders. “Or for your first time would you rather have us both? I haven’t had a three way with a Pixie before, but I wouldn’t mind.”

  The Elemental’s bruised features reddened.

  “Child, he has eyes for only one.” Floa said, her smile dropping. “I’m flattered and if it were anyone other than Ethan you’d propose bedding, I’d be there, but…”

  Kira pulled her arm back and looked between the Pixie and man. “Oh really? So who is this woman I still don’t know of? Maybe she might be open-minded? Tell me Floa, who is she? Ethan still hasn’t told me.”

  Floa tilted her head and used a hand to pull forth her long black ringlets over her ample bosom covered with a blue silk wrap that matched her bikini bo
ttoms. “Kanade is my dearest girlfriend back on Spirit World. Ethan, why do you not speak of her?”

  “Because it hurts.” He dropped his fork. “I’ve lost my appetite. Bye.”

  “Oh, no you don’t!” Floa challenged as he started walking away and clapped her hands. He teleported back to his seated position. Floa’s violet eyes locked on his. “You’re not leaving my sight without an explanation.”

  “If he wishes to not speak of it, it is his business.” Storm-shadow challenged. “You will let him leave, Pixie, I he wills. We are old friends, Floa, what claim do you have to force my companion to do anything?”

  The Pixie kept her steely eyes on Ethan who finally broke the silence for he could see she didn’t care what happens as long as she got answers. “Fine, you want to know why? Because she told me I was nothing more than a responsibility, Floa. Yes, Kanade is amazing and breathtaking, but it can’t happen. I’m just a pitiful human wishing for something that cannot be. There is no use fanaticizing over someone who you cannot have. Do you get it yet, Kanade doesn’t want a human. I thought I’d never find someone like her in my life, but then each time I think of her I’m reminded of how she really feels. A Spirit Guide? What was I thinking. Is that what you wanted to hear or do you want to kick a man while he’s already down? May I leave now or are you going to bring me back?”

  Floa was speechless. Her lips were parted and the rest listening were dead silent. Finally she said “I think you’ve got the wrong impression. Kanade…”

  “I’m done. Don’t teleport me again Floa unless you want to have singed wings.” Ethan angrily grabbed his dishes and left.

  “Let him be!” Storm-shadow ordered when Kira went to stand and go after him. “He has had a difficult day and wants to be alone. You might not have heard it, but Ethan was serious about using his flames. Let him cool off and do not speak of this matter again. Am I clear?”

  “But Storm, he is assuming wrong.” Floa protested. “Kanade doesn’t think that way she…”

  “I do not care.” Storm-shadow interrupted. “Tomorrow you will apologize or I must request you sit elsewhere. As an old friend I understand why you did that, but his wounds go deeper than his body. Remember this, Floa, you illegally Translocated my companion without permission. Do it again and I’ll be forced to report you.”

  “Yes, Prince Storm-shadow.” Floa looked down in embarrassment before saying “I need to resolve the situation…”


  “Relax, I’m going to speak with Kanade. She needs to know how bad he is doing without her and what he just said needs correcting. And you cannot stop me!” The Pixie clapped her hands and vanished from sight.

  “Uh, I think I’ll also retire, Prince.” Kira said quietly and picked up the cackling ancestor trapped in a book.

  Ethan threw himself into his new life and immersed into the changes that came with it. The next morning Floa respectfully apologized for her actions and was forgiven and he too apologized for the threat and snapping at her. Kira was a bit more respectful now that she learned why he is so hesitant and kept her innuendoes to one per meal. From time to time other races shared a meal, wanting to learn about the Elemental, some even gave pointers for training.

  Then four days later Ethan felt from time to time as if someone followed him at a distance, but didn’t reveal themselves. It was disconcerting. Storm-shadow and Blake listened to him speak of it in private, but they attributed it to hyperawareness due to pain. He didn’t believe it, but he kept quiet from then on.

  Before Ethan knew it, over three weeks had passed.

  Daily training progressed and intensified more and more each day. Now Ethan’s morning run comprised of two circuits around the castle barefoot. Blisters grew and popped, but the first signs of calluses were starting to reveal themselves, especially on his hands. But it wasn’t till a full month had passed since his second life that the tougher skin was strong enough to stop bleeding on the tiniest rocks. Tired and aching muscles began adapting to the new routine and grew stronger. The best healthy food combined with rigorous exercise quickly transformed Ethan. Time spent learning from Celestia and using his hands to create weapons and armor had turned his arms into sinuous knots. Running speed steadily increased and Ethan could start to see his calves start to bulge rather than be smooth curves and quadriceps over his thighs had near doubled in size.

  Best of all his spare tire had found a flat. Ethan didn’t have a six-pack by any means, but he was solid. His overweight appearance melted off into healthy lean muscle. Even the slight fat beneath his chin had vanished completely.

  Blake’s lessons were brutal, but after a month of experience Ethan learned how to use a staff properly as well as how to release his anger in a healthy way without taunts. The Naga periodically would try to set him off, but the explosive rage found a way to be released when matched with his calm nature and became Ethan’s new trademark was a cold rage. Meditation played a huge part in finding that tenuous balance. After graduating from the staff, he learned how to use a wooden sword. The sword hurt much more and was much more difficult. Blake commented by just how quickly Ethan adapted even though he always ended up beat and bloody. Ethan didn’t know if it was true or not, but he did notice the exchanges getting faster now that he could take the pain better than before. Ethan also learned Blake’s tail was a powerful weapon too as not only could it be whipped to score a nasty slap, but was also sneaky and could wrap around an ankle to grasp and make him trip. Experience grew like the bruises and welts. And several days ago Kiroq congratulated Blake’s idea and knew Ethan wasn’t a ticking time bomb any longer and no longer required to staff more of his troops to watch over the Elemental.

  And as promised came the much anticipated seventh day, three times so far, in which Ethan was free from Blake’s wrath and harsh training regimen. Unfortunately those days weren’t as relaxing as he had wished and could lay in bed all day. Storm-shadow took up most of that time leading him around the grounds, getting to know more of each other and he got to meet other Pegesai. Ethan learned Storm-shadow was the firstborn son, of twins mind you, of Pegasus and his wife Pirrina, a truly pure white mare. Storm-shadow has over two hundred siblings and four older sisters. But in his sire’s stead, Storm-shadow leads and governs the herds. Mares run the herds in all but combat situations. And during those three free days Ethan learned how to properly ride during combat on his partner’s back. Storm-shadow’s ruby has two different saddles, the one Ethan is used to and a battle saddle which has extra straps that can be tied on his legs and hips which will keep him in the saddle, even should his mount flip upside down. It was dangerously disconcerting, but the leather held him secure. It was an amazing experience nonetheless.

  Confidence began to fill Ethan as he became more accustomed, but he retained a polite and humble manner, even on really bad days.

  Time spent with Celestia though was by far the most fruitful. She was a strict and precise teacher, but Ethan learned he had a knack for working metal which even surprised the Forgemaster. He could handle the tools longer and hit harder and with more precision than ever before. Working metal complimented his ability over fire and each use of it became effortless. He took many mental note for she would not allow him to write anything down. Celestia didn’t want her knowledge being written should someone with foul intentions learn her art and use it against Order. Even she couldn’t deny that his help did progress production.

  He learned how to mix molten metals with his bare hands after precisely weighing only a metal with the highest purity before pouring it in a cauldron protected from all but the greatest of all temperatures. Celestia had dozens of different metals all for her craft. If Ethan were a greedy man he would have been tempted because the Phoenix had close to a half of a ton alone in pure gold ingots. Just one armful would set him up for life, but their need against Kelpies was of more worth, especially to the Pegesai and Centaur herds who were natural enemies. Storm-shadow’s hooves in particular has a higher per
centage of gold for he was a Kelpie hunter before being bound. But every shard of metal had a purpose and use against Chaos.

  In one month together they produced four swords including the Gladius Ethan finished, once lance, two maces, a targe shield and a full set of plate armor for an Ogre appropriate owner. Those were easy to tell for the helmets had holes in the forehead where an Ogre’s horn could fit and no human or Naga had shoulders or a chest plate so wide. If it were her alone, maybe half would be created.

  Ethan was told by Celestia one day that an Enchantress now lived in the castle about three weeks ago and each finished item was his duty to safely deliver to her in the castle. The Enchantress, he learned, wasn’t a Witch at all, but a Spirit Guide that had a physical body. It seemed only Spirit Guides on the physical world could establish the more powerful runes on objects that no Witch or Wizard could ever implant. Ethan did as told, but each time he brought over a priceless object he could hear someone always go quiet behind a thick door that was never unlocked. He was curious as to who this new and valuable person was and meet them, but a sign saying ‘Leave it in the box.’ made him follow orders and carefully place the objects into a large wooden box. He had knocked and asked to meet the Enchantress, but no answer was returned. By the time he heard a hum, the box disappeared by some magic and seconds later it reappeared in its original place empty.

  But each time as he left the hall the Enchantress’s door secretly cracked open and a golden eye watched him leave before closing as silently as it opened.

  “Well done!” Blake congratulated at the end of another day’s sparring session. “This makes three days your face has come out uninjured. You’re almost pretty again. That bruise on your neck will be gone tomorrow with the ointment. Do you require a third jar?”

  Ethan gasped as he thrust the end of the shaft in the dirt and breathed slow and deep as he had been taught. “No, still have a half jar left.” He still felt as if he were still being watched, but had give up caring since no one seemed to believe him. “So when can I finally take off the weights…?”

  “I was just about to say they are no longer required.” Blake smiled while flexing his three large fingers and rolling a thumb. “You survived three whole days against what would be a skilled human. The weights were meant to slow you down, but this past month you’ve grown faster, fast enough the weights aren’t hindering you.”

  “Finally!” Ethan hollered and began loudly pulling on the Velcro with a ‘Skrrt, skrrt’ sound and dropping them. “Much better!” He rolled his shoulder to say “I feel so light now. Blake, can we have one more exchange so I can see how much of a difference they made?”

  The Naga considered it for a few seconds. “Sure, twenty strikes between us on alternating exchanges.”

  The Elemental lifted the wooden sword in a stance he had learned though watching and copying. The Naga also took a battle ready pose before lunging. The sword in Ethan’s hand flipped up as if it were a feather and deflected. He stepped forth from the deflection and swiped the round edge for Blake’s throat, but was in turn dodged. He recovered before leaving his side vulnerable to a counterattack. Blake tried using his tail, but without weighted ankles the grasp was negated by a sudden lift without compromising balance.

  Blow after blow for forty independent moves lasted eleven seconds. Ethan knew Blake held way back, but for once he didn’t get hit or gain a new injury. Blake, unsurprisingly, still hadn’t been touched in combat except that one time when his student lost control and laid his hands on him.

  “Oh sweet!” Ethan crowed. “Actual results!”

  Those watching laughed. “Quite so, Ethan, quite so.” Blake sat a proud hand on the human’s shoulder. “Go return the weights for others to use now before showering…” Blake suddenly looked up when Storm-shadow jumped to his hooves. The distress in his old friend put him on alert. “Storm, what is it?”

  He didn’t need to ask as a Nymph in the distance shouted in distress “MY SEEDLING! SOMEONE HELP! AN ELF STOLE MY DAUGHTER!!!”

  Silence blanketed the whole area before a horn was raised and blown. The distressed Nymph pointed to a small form in the distance fleeing. Two Pegesai were already in hot pursuit with four Gargoyles closing in. Even from so far away Ethan saw the speed of the Elf. It was faster than expected considering its size. The whole area around the lake roared in anger and took chase, but Ethan saw that the winged steeds and hearty Gargoyles didn’t attack straight away even though they had the advantage of flight.

  Instantly Ethan realized the actual problem and dropped everything to run for his friend. “Storm-shadow, fly me over quick! The Elf needs to be stopped before it reaches the wall and teleports.”

  Without asking any questions the stallion created the saddle which was quickly mounted and took off as fast as possible. The alarm stirred the grounds to action and many were charging. Down below the Nagai flew across the ground like lightning. Arms and legs used in unison. Behind them were the Centaurs. Ground forces wouldn’t make it in time.

  Up ahead of the Elf suddenly appeared Odin on the back of Pegasus himself with Gungnir aimed and glowing with a brilliant blue aura. The lance held position, but the Elf veered over some, running as fast as any Naga. The Elf stood just over three feet tall with a sickly yellow skin beneath a dirty fur coat in desperate need of repair. Pegasus’ massive body charged to block off the creature holding a baby Nymph to his chest before reaching the five story wall. The little girl bawled, but wasn’t strong enough to get away or even know what was happening. Fear and anger gave the Elf what he needed, another burst of speed.

  “He’s going to make it to the wall, but we can’t stop it without endangering the child!” Storm-shadow shouted in impotent rage as he shot through the air and outran the two earlier aerial steeds.

  Suddenly an image popped into Ethan’s head unexpectedly, information he did not know or consider to be possible. It hadn’t happened since he first found out his power was real. The image in his mind’s eye was that of his hand grasping a ball of flame. He thought internally while growling in anger as he could see the baby’s porcelain skin and green hair. Fine, I’ll give it a try, but kill only the Elf. Do not harm the baby or anyone else!

  Ethan gasped and the tingling in his hand became painful and the skin nearly looked like blood before an awesome ignition exploded above his open palm. A orb of fire the size of a softball came to life, but it looked like a compressed ball as the fire didn’t lick upwards. It was as if it was held in a sphere like Celestia’s feathers were in glass. The image in his mind prompted him on what to do.

  Fingers curled around the fireball as he cocked his arm back and roared as he threw it at the despicable demon.

  The ball shot past Storm-shadow before a trail of fire propelled it forward like a missile and flew faster and faster till it whistled like a mortar shell full of explosives were about to land.

  The Elf stopped when it heard the high pitched whistle despite its own terror and looked up to see an incoming weapon. Gnarled black teeth hissed before short legs blurred and took off running for the wall when the blazing projectile was expected to hit where he had left. Two feet from the ground the ball of fire changed direction and flew with a fifteen foot long jet stream of fire bent on annihilating the enemy. “What?!” it cried in surprise as the conjured fire continued pursuit. The child-snatching demon turned, but kept running. The fireball only grew more determined and rocketed for its target. The Elf ran back and forth and the fire followed its every move, getting faster and faster. Nothing alive could outrun a fireball that moved faster than a bullet and nothing would get in its way.

  Before the creature got to the wall, the ball of fire connected and entered it through the back as if it weren’t there.

  “Ethan?” Storm-shadow asked as the Elf stopped and looked confused.

  “It’s already over.” The Elemental said with growling confidence.

  The demon suddenly released a scream the likes of which were never heard before.
The agony made it drop the swaddling Nymph as it clawed at its smoking chest before a bright orange flash blinded everyone and as it ended there was nothing but a gray form of the desiccated Elf being blown away by the wind.

  First to arrive were Odin and Pegasus. The All Father jumped skillfully down as Gungnir’s glow faded back into the dull glow it always had after a sweep through the body made the form of ash scatter. He scooped up the naked baby Nymph with curly green hair to hear her bawling as Storm-shadow and Ethan landed. “Is she alright?!” the Elemental called as he jumped down and ran over.

  Odin sat his lone eye on the human flame thrower to ask “What was that, Lad? I’ve never seen fire do that. You were further than us, but we couldn’t risk killing it without hurting the child.” Pegasus snorted, but remained a silent giant.

  “Not sure what that was. I did though know my fire could deal with it without putting the baby in any greater danger, but my flames can’t reach beyond fifty feet in a stream. I’ve tried. All I do know is an image popped into my head and it immolated the Elf from the inside out. To me it looked like a missile.”

  Odin shook his head. “More like a Drone the military uses. It’ll be called a Drone from now on…” his eye turned as a horde descended upon them. “Prepare yourself, Lad.”

  Gargoyles arrived with Pegesai before Nagai reared back and snaked in on two legs with drawn sword. Odin roared “The child is safe! Search the grounds! I want to know how an Elf got on the grounds and where it’s been! In broad daylight at that. There may be more. Hunt the bastards down! Capture first, kill if you can’t. Go!”

  All the Nagai scattered with the Gargoyles. Pegasus ordered all young into the castle and the herds flew away, except Storm-shadow.

  Riding on the back of a large Centaur woman was the baby’s mother who jumped as soon as she could and dropped to her knees to cry in relief while holding the maybe year old girl to her breast. “Vina, my seedling!”

  “Odin, a word?” Ethan asked and the ancient Viking held up a finger before telling the advancing Centaur warriors to aid the others and then came over to the Elemental.

  “What is it, Lad?”

  “Why didn’t the Elf simply kill the baby and eat its soul? What was the point? It should have known it would die. I know you were about to throw your spear and hope for the best, likely killing the girl before it got away. It was slowed down with her in its arms. Was it some kind of hostage situation, the baby being used to leave when it was found?”

  “Don’t know, Lad. Possible, but more likely is it wanted to steal her, raise her to maturity and breed her dry before eventually killing her. She got lucky. If it had gotten past the barrier and Translocated, she would have been lost. And yes, I was about to hurl Gungnir. Her death now would have been seen as merciful… When I get better facts it is all assumption at the moment. Regardless, you stopped and killed it. I’ll see to it eight hundred points enter your account before supper.”

  Suddenly Ethan was tackled by the overwhelmed Nymph mother to the ground and she planted grateful kisses all over his face while saying ‘Thank you!’ over and over while crying openly. The baby was now in the hands of her worried Ogre father. The Ogre’s club laid by his hip.

  “Let the lad breathe, Woman.” Odin said with mirth before laughing at Ethan’s startled expression. “Take your family to the castle for safety.” The Nymph got up, gave Ethan another kiss on the cheek and hurried to her child and mate before running together for shelter.

  “Odin!” A Pixie suddenly appeared several feet in front of the head of the house. “Crait and his Nagai have found a hidden den where the Elf holed up since last night’s skirmish. He says he found it was trying to burrow, but the mother and child startled its work when they got too close. Crait says the Elf was alone and can’t smell another in the area.”

  “Take the four of us there immediately.” Odin ordered.

  “You got it!” The tiny Pixie said and clapped her hands.

  Ethan suddenly found himself transported with Storm-shadow, Odin and Pegasus to a thick grove of trees where a dozen Nagai were scouring the area with their noses to the ground or licking the air with forked tongues. The High Naga Champion Crait stood tall and powerful with three swords and two daggers sheathed to his person and waved them over.

  Crait hissed and pointed to a freshly dug hole. “The demon hid here during the night. How did it enter the grounds? The skirmish last night was easily dealt with and I heard the wall wasn’t breached?”

  Pegasus looked down a hole dug into the roots of a tree before snorting “The attack was weak. Only five demons attacked. The Elf must have had some magic which allowed it to enter unnoticed. Ethan destroyed the body so I cannot say with certainty without its corpse.”

  “Did he now?” Crait asked, focusing his reptilian eyes on the human. “Wish I was there to see our Elemental in battle. I look forward to the report.”

  “Crait, are you sure the demon was alone?” Pegasus asked with cold blue eyes while he fluffed great black wings.

  “So far. I smell no other demon taint to wet my swords gluttonous appetite.” The Naga leader rubbed his palms over the pommels of two belted swords.

  “Just to be safe I’ll order all children wait in the castle till morning. This breach is rare.” Odin decided grimly. “Finish investigating what you can Crait and submit your report. I must go speak with our Enchantress and Casters to figure out how an Elf went undetected all morning. The situation could have been much worse.” The Naga leader nodded his bony scaled head. “Ethan, you and Storm-shadow go eat lunch and go to your homes till dinner. Ethan, send me a report of your actions and what you did with the Drone via e-mail. That skill will come in handy, Lad. It must be researched, but later.”

  “But what should I say? I’ve never made a report like that.”

  “I will help.” Storm-shadow said.

  Star-bolt and Gra came riding in with news and purpose. The Amazon queen and Pegesai princess stopped to say “Odin,” Gra said loudly and gained attention from everyone. “my Amazons just found a second Elf in the northern orchids. We got her. She’s marked by Sheedan and has a rune branded to her forehead Morgane says is what hid her. She’s being taken to the dungeons as we speak, but besides the male elf, she said they were alone. The minor incident was just a diversion last night.”

  “Good work, Gra. Things are now making more sense. Only that whore could do this. Glad her kind is so bloody rare… Take me to her, the Elf, and make absolutely sure it isn’t lying.”

  The queen grinned and said “Morgane put a truth, paralysis and an agony pain rune on it. The Elf couldn’t lie even if it wanted.” She patted her companion’s strong neck.

  Odin quickly mounted Pegasus who followed quickly behind Star-bolt and took to the sky once out from beneath the tree canopy.

  “That will suffice.” Storm-shadow said as he laid beside Ethan on the giant bed in his room. Ethan sent the e-mail and closed the computer. He then fell back with a sigh while remembering how much attention he gained at lunch and barely got away without being trampled. Nymphs were most grateful and one was even bold enough to grab his groin and wanted to thank him intimately for saving the child. Storm-shadow explained that that particular Nymph was the baby’s aunt. It was embarrassing being groped, but others laughed. The woman though was serious about wanting him between her thighs and giving thanks in her own way.

  When he got home an hour ago with Storm-shadow he checked his account to find he got the extra points on top of his thousand from apprenticing under Celestia. He learned she spoke with one of Tattoo’s aids on a fair point income she regulated based on his performance and quality of work.

  “Storm, who is Sheedan?” Ethan asked as the name suddenly popped into his head while staring at the rotating fan. Storm-shadow only allows certain people to shorten his name and him being a companion is among that short list.

  “Sheedan is a demon lord, quite old and strong. She is an Agas. A seductive type demon who’s
power manipulates vision. Agas are rarer than a Phoenix, but killing them is tricky. Sheedan is their leader. She likes to present herself to humans as a voluptuous human female, bed them and eat so much of their emotions that her victims end up comatose forever. Odin hates her above any other demon for she used her powers on him and his regenerative power made him her slave for nearly a whole year before he could escape. She is a deadly adversary…”

  “Spill it.” Ethan said as he sat up and knew Storm-shadow enough now that the steed was holding something back.

  “Well, she bore a child with Odin and it was centuries before he found out. Odin was attacked by his own son who had been warped by Sheedan’s morals and in the end the father had to slay his own son. Since then Sheedan’s minions taunt Odin and he has been trying to locate her nest and end her once and for all. Sheedan also hates the veil as humans once worshiped her and she cannot kill them anymore for their souls or invoke the wrath of whoever her greater demon lord is who worked with the Spirit King to create the laws protecting the humans.”

  “But how did Odin get tricked? Couldn’t he see her? Is her power like the veil?” Ethan asked.

  “The spell was actually influence by the Agas’ ability to shift perception on humans so the supernatural seems less harmless and deadly to humanity. On the ground I probably look like a common horse or a large bird in the air. Naga will look like any human. Before you died you might have seen millions of demons without realizing it. But the veil over humans can be applied to anyone, even our esteemed leader. Odin was tricked and will stop at nothing to spit Sheedan’s head on the end of Gungnir for her crimes.”

  “So what does she really look like?”

  Storm-shadow shrugged with his wings. “Nobody knows. None who have seen her true form have lived. Not even Odin has seen her natural form and he was her prisoner for a year. Besides, I’m more worried about the Elves entering without detection. Sheedan has never sent her subordinates with such a skill. How it masked their presence and scent from the Gargoyles, Naga and my kind are baffling. I didn’t even smell the Elf till the Nymph raised the alarm after grabbing the foal.”

  “You think that once it touched the child whatever power hiding it wore off. A couple weeks ago Celestia told me how Spirit and Demon Energies don’t mix. Maybe the baby’s energy broke the Elf’s demon spells?” Ethan proposed.

  “That is… plausible.” Storm-shadow mulled it over.

  Then Ethan asked “Storm, this might seem a stupid question, but it’s been nagging me ever since Celestia told me about the two energies. How is it demons can eat souls of humans and others of Order to get stronger if their own Demon Energy cannot mix? And how do demons get stronger off souls? I’d think that everyone in Order would be much weaker if soul charged demons attacked us who do not get stronger by eating souls. The Elf today was fast, faster than any human and the Nagai would have been hard pressed to capture him…”

  “It seems whoever explained demons and souls hadn’t told you everything.” Dressor suddenly entered the conversation as he jumped his wooden body out of his hole in the wall. The filigree face and blue eyes looked upon them. “Oh, Hun, don’t look so skeptical.” Dress smiled. “It’s more of a misconception really. Demons are only as physically strong as their natural species can get, just like everyone else has a limit. Their powers are also limited to their kind, but through intense training they can, in a sense, power up. Age also determines power. Demons don’t really get stronger by eating souls. Think of it like a person on PCP or Angel Dust. Souls are like an irresistible drug for demons. They lose themselves and can never get high enough. Souls make it seem a demon is stronger, but in reality their weaknesses are just released. If a human on drugs exhibit enhanced strength and maniacal tendencies, you can imagine a demon going bat-crap crazy. Their limits remain the same, but their inhibitions are lowered. Demons full on souls need to be dealt with immediately or their inhibitions will bring the notice of humans. Those kinds of demons are who gain our attention and must be hunted down. As for mixing energies, a consumed spiritual soul that dies is what stimulates the demon. One life and their hooked forever.

  “Greater demons in particular are more dangerous. Think of it like this, Naga are strong swordsmen, Amazons, in terms of physical strength, are stronger. Above them are Centaur then Ogres. Their raw strength is nothing when faced with a Witch or a Specialist who can use their power externally to create something. Greater demons are like what High Wizard Merlin would be to a Naga. With just a flick of that crazy Wizard’s wrist the Naga could be picked up and thrown against the wall a hundred feet away or turned into a bug and squashed. Imagine this Sheedan as him and the Elf you killed today as a Naga. And it is no secret that that man stealing harlot enjoys souls on a daily basis.”

  “You sound a bit jealous.” Ethan remarked.

  Dress gave Ethan a forlorn look. “She hurt my dearest Odin. I want her gone more than anyone else. The only one allowed to screw with his mind is me… and maybe Floa. She’s fun to team up and tease too.”

  “I didn’t know you have a thing for Odin.”

  “Who wouldn’t?!” Dress laughed richly. “If I had a heart it would race. That man is manly perfection in the highest degree. I love making his clothes that show off that steamy physique.”

  “No wonder he’s normally half naked all the time!” Ethan remarked and the three laughed together. “Just don’t go altering my clothes the same way.”

  “And why not?” the golden face pouted. “You’ve put on a sexy amount of muscle in a short time, Ethan. Maybe I should expose more of that hairy chest. Real men have hairy chests. My boyfriend does. I like how you’ve let a short and trimmed beard grow in. Many females like it. Old world never looked so good on someone born in today’s society.”

  “Don’t even think about it!” Ethan fired back. “I grew it some so Floa and Kira would stop touching my face to hide the bruises from training. And you know I don’t like others seeing my body. If you start changing my attire I’ll burn off your lashes.”

  Dress looked aghast in a comical way. “You wouldn’t!”

  Ethan held up a finger on fire.

  “Love a man with a fiery personality… Oh fine! I promise.” Dress rolled his eyes and hopped back in his hole to watch TV that ran constantly so Dress wasn’t bored and slept whenever the resident was gone.

  “Thanks guys for clearing up my confusion.”

  “No problem.” Storm-shadow said.

  “Always here to help!” Dress said sweetly.

  “So Storm, want to go for a walk? Celestia won’t let me work till after supper.”

  “Why is that?” The stallion turned his head.

  “Because the metal is easier to work at night. I’ve found that to be true, but only in the finalizing of the object. Several projects really don’t need it, but I can guess her nocturnal habits are hard to break and having an apprentice is still new to her. I think that she might believe I may make a mistake and ruin something. She may be right, but who knows. At least I’m finally showing progress.”

  “Ethan, what I really want to do is learn more of that Drone you did today. I too have never seen such a skill. I think it would be good to practice using it. It was a lethal weapon.”

  “I don’t need reminding, but how do you propose we test it?”

  “Hold that thought.” Storm-shadow got up off the large bed and his hooves clopped loudly on the stone floor as he walked to stand before Dress and asked “Is Kira in your sight?”

  “She is in her bedroom working on another potion.” The living furniture responded after a moment. “Why?”

  Storm-shadow explained and then left with Ethan.

  “OOOh Kiraaa Love!”

  Kira lifted her head from a vial on the desk of her room and sat it down. “Yes, Dress?” She smiled.

  “Storm-shadow requests your help to aid Ethan in developing a new skill that just manifested. He’ll pay you a thousand points for your time if you’re busy.” Dre
ss said from his corner of her bedroom. Dress’ form was exactly same throughout all the Houses and the tens of thousands of rooms he watched over tirelessly.

  “Tell him I’d be glad to help and the points aren’t necessary.”

  “Sorry, Love, he and Ethan already left their room and Celestia will singe my surface if I yell. Her room is next to Ethan’s and you never want to wake a Phoenix, trust me. That ornery bird already burned down one of me once before it was mandatory that my wood be protected from harm.”

  “I don’t want to see that lardo’s ugly mug again.” Ken groaned.

  “He’s more handsome than you ever were!” Dress defended Ethan.

  “Oh go glue your doors shut, Woody! No one likes a Homo!”

  Dress glowered dangerously. “What was that, Traitor?”

  “Here, Dress! He deserves punishment for that remark.” Kira threw the book before the angry closet. Ken gasped as Dress grinned evilly.

  Dress made his inanimate body jump and one of the four heavy legs slammed on the book’s face. “OW! Damn it!” Ken howled, but Dress jumped up and down to cause as much pain as the tome deserved. Kira laughed at the strangeness someone else would see it as a gay closet kept jumping on a bigoted book. Neither could do any real harm to each other, but it was funny to watch. Dress eventually huffed “That makes me feel better. Thanks, Kira.”

  “Any time, Love.” She put on a pair of sexy heels from her huge collection and picked up Ken to put his strap over her shoulder. “So where am I to meet them?”

  “Archery grounds. The open space and nearby water of the lake would be ideal for Ethan in the event his flames do more damage than expected.” Dress smiled. “Take care of him, Sweetness.”

  “Oh how I wish he would let me. I swear his sexual tension grows by the day with him. I think I’m wearing him down. He’ll be awesome in the sack, I can feel it deep down.”

  “Oh you!” Dress laughed. “You can try and I’m quite surprised.”

  “By what?” She asked as she looked over her room full of potions and shoes.

  “Not since the day Ethan came in have you had any daytime visitors other than that handsome Ogre. Do you really like Ethan that much? It’s been a good month since you’ve brought anyone over and that has never happened since you turned eighteen.”

  “Well he is special. And most males can’t wait to follow me around after catching my scent. Ethan is like a quality chocolate. I want to savor him before gobbling him up.” Kira’s eyebrow jiggled. “See you soon, Dress.”

  “Bye, Girl!”

  Under the canopy of a tree Ethan spotted Kira’s tone body and sultry walk coming along the path. He and Storm-shadow jumped out on the trail. She wore a sexy silver dress and matching heels. How she walked without breaking an ankle Ethan didn’t know. She waved when she noticed them and said in her soft Scottish brogue “Hello Lads, warm day it is.”

  “Really?” Ethan scratched his head.

  “Yes, you just cannot feel heat like the rest of us anymore.” Storm-shadow said.

  “Oh, right. Sorry, I forget that a lot.” He blushed like usual.

  “So, what can I do for this mysterious training Dress spoke of?” Kira asked as Ken gagged in an annoying way.

  “Ethan has manifested a new power…”

  “Yeah, the Drone everyone’s talking about.” Her lipstick red lips smiled. “So what can I do?”

  The elemental asked “Can you make an object fly around really fast and dodge so the Drone can chase it. Odin wants to know more about it and its limits.”

  “Not a problem. I can do several levitation spells and movement. Would you prefer it’s done over the lake?” Kira said.

  “If you don’t mind.” Ethan kindly asked.

  Kira extended a hand and the tip of her finger began to glow a soft blue-green as she plucked four straw training dummies off the ground from over a hundred feet away. Some Centaurs and Nymph archers put down their bows and watched while an Ogre fishing on the dock realized what was about to happen and reeled in the line before getting back to shore.

  “I’m going to target the dummy that’s missing a head. Kira, this time just make the drone play keep away. Move the dummy as fast as you can and do whatever it takes to keep it from being destroyed.”

  “Whenever you’re ready, Ethan.” Kira lazily put a hand on her round hip while lowering three dummies with a gentle motion.

  Ethan walked forward to make sure no one would get hurt and recreated the Drone. Now that he knew it could be done the fireball came back to life, even if it was an uncomfortable creation as the tingling was intense and the bloody color of his hand didn’t seem healthy. He cocked his arm back and let loose.

  Kira lazily moved the dummy with her finger and her jaw dropped as the ball of fire rocketed after it. She changed direction and the projectile followed without pause. Every moment it got faster and faster in the chase. If the dummy jumped up into the sky, so too was it followed by a trail of fiery smoke. Kira focused harder, not wanting to fail and made the dummy fly faster and faster, dodging more and more quickly. No matter how swift she was, the Drone was faster.

  In a bright and soundless light the Drone connected. Only ash and smoke flitted down to the lake, drawn by gravity. Kira said in astonishment “Amazing. Ethan you have much control.”

  “Kira, once I threw the Drone it did all that on its own.” He corrected.

  Flabbergasted would be the best description on Kira’s face. “That cannot be. The Drone took on a life of its own? Every Caster alive cannot hope to make a spell work without setting and controlling conditions that take hours to clearly state. Do it again without looking to prove it attacks relentlessly once released.” In a minute another dummy was destroyed all while Ethan’s back was to it. “It’s true! After this I must tell Morgane Le Fay and other Casters… This must be another specialty of Elementals.” Ethan just shrugged and scratched his full, but short auburn beard. “What next?”

  “We all saw it’s destructive capabilities are great, but what if I accidently loose a Drone and realize it was a mistake.”

  “Understandable.” Storm-shadow said. “What good is a weapon without control. That weapon is much deadlier than an arrow and in a few moments became faster than a bullet. We need to know if it can be stopped.”

  Ethan conjured a third Drone and threw it, but Kira held the dummy aloft with her magic when Ethan found out one wouldn’t be created without a target to chase. As it fired Ethan learned he felt the immense power held within the ball and willed it to stop. The ball immediately halted as the tail of propelling fire stopped. “Good, I can control it if necessary.” He looked over his shoulder. “Kira, can you do a magical spell that can surround it, like if someone was surrounded in debris or hiding in a room or behind a wall?”

  She nodded and the green dot of magic on the tip of her finger turned pure blue and she began air-writing runes which created a square cube barrier of light around the straw dummy. It took a good minute to properly craft such a complex protective spell out over the water. When done her finger’s light returned to green. “I’m finished, Ethan.”

  The hovering ball of fire shot off like before, but the target held still. The blue barrier didn’t even slow it down and after the light subsided the barrier is all that remained.


  “Ethan,” Storm-shadow interrupted Kira. “Shoot a stream of fire at the magic.” He did just that and a stream of white hot and orange flames left his palm and bathed the cube. “Unlike the Drone, your fire didn’t pass through. Interesting.”

  “It did it to the Elf too.” Ethan remembered and spoke his mind. “It’s like the Drone passes through solid things and releases its energy inside the target. It stopped before dropping the child. I remember it looking around confused before flashing into ash.”

  “You’re right… We can test that too. Kira, take the last two dummies and put them back to back. Ethan, target the one behind, but go through the first as if it wer
e a hostage.”

  The growing crowd watched as moments later the Drone passed through the first, but the second became smoky ash. Up close, the first dummy didn’t have a mark where the ball passed through the chest.

  A half dozen more tests proved the Drone was highly effective, more so than any magic Kira could ward against or craft. Not even Ken could dispute such a weapon.

  At dinner they discussed it at length, listened to Odin from a nearby TV about what had been learned, and spoke of it some more. Before Ethan left to go work Merlin popped up out of nowhere and said to meet him after training. He wanted to see the Drone for himself. Likely to play with it like a kitten with yarn.

  Ethan stoked the fire in the forge after replacing a Centaur’s new set of shoes which were nearly done and hand mixed molten metal destined for a claymore in a bucket. When all was evenly mixed he pulled out a heavy mold blank and gently poured it in the recess beneath Celestia’s gaze. He poured slowly although it weighed over eighty pounds and his arms felt like they were about to fall off. She reminded “Be sure to pour from one end so gravity will fill every spot. Air bubbles, even at this stage will cause nothing but problems. The metal still has yet to absorb enough carbon from the wood to retain adequate strength.”

  “Yes, Ma’am.” He grunted and finished pouring every last drop into the mold.

  “When you’re finished, take the finished pike to the Enchantress and call it a night.”

  An hour and a half later Ethan safely arrived at the castle and took an elevator ride to the fifth story in the heart of the castle and stepped out on the barren hall and headed towards the Enchantress’s office. The large wooden box was still there, but for once Ethan was surprised to hear voices and as he got close he noticed the Enchantress’s door open. Immediately he distinguished Floa’s tinkling voice in a small form.

  Then he stopped cold as the other’s voice spoke back. It was familiar.

  Heart racing, Ethan moved like he was on strings and rounded on the door. His eyes widened completely as he gasped “Kanade?”