Read Forgemaster (Book 1 in the Spirit Guide Saga) Page 9

Chapter 8

  Lounging in a Spirit Guide size and approved sofa Kanade had her knee propped up with Floa sitting on it at no more than four inches tall. Her long black hair in disarray while her butterfly wings fluttered every time they laughed. Kanade lay on her wings with a pillow propping her head up. Her eyes went to the door and widened as she heard an intake of breath followed by her name from a voice she didn’t expect so early. She had been so preoccupied in the entertaining exploits of the Pixie that she didn’t sense his approach.

  As soon as golden eyes met gray she gasped as well and sat up instantly. “Ethan!” she shouted as Floa recovered instantly in midair and fluttered to the back of the sofa and lightly sat down on tiny feet. “What are you doing here? You’re too early…” She couldn’t help looking over his sooty body covered in drying sweat from working. In his large hand was a long pike. Beneath long sleeves she saw muscles growing by the day and that he had grown a thick, but trim beard. But as his smoky musk entered her room she breathed it in and her heart flipped before racing.

  Kanade felt naked under his roving gaze as he took in her blue jean short shorts and backless red t-shirt. Her large blue wings quivered as her long, naked legs gathered at the floor and she stood, her glittering skin sparkled as the ceiling and wall lights in her room played off her skin like thousands of tiny diamonds on alabaster flesh. Her molten gold eyes remained wide and her naturally metallic blue eyebrows nearly got lost in her bangs. Her silky blue hair remained short, framing her face and lining her soft angular jaw.

  His grip on the sharp pike tightened as his words spilled out without a mental filter. “What is going on?! Kanade, why don’t you have that shimmer around you anymore? What are you doing here? You’re the Enchantress?” He accused and watched her barely flinch. “I thought I’d never see you till my life ended again…”

  “You’re not supposed to be here.” Kanade hastily said.

  Ethan recoiled as if he were slapped. His openly astonished expression melted remorsefully as memories of last time coupled with these fresh words reminded him of his foolishness. In a dead neutral tone he said “Won’t happen again.” He felt like throwing the pike down, but he knew Celestia would peck him in the head again for dropping another weapon. He flipped the pike and laid it against Dress as the blue eyed closet looked sad.

  Ethan then grabbed the door handle and shut the door.

  “You better go after him, Kanade.” Floa fluttered over and slapped the giantess on the cheek. Kanade’s breaking heart at what she just did made tears start flowing into her eyes. “Kiss and make up! You’ve not spoken to him since you got here and I’ve kept your secret long enough and let me tell you it was stupid.”

  “What have I done?” Kanade’s voice quivered. “His thoughts… empty…”

  “You screwed up in a royal way.” Floa stated directly, floating before Kanade’s left golden eye. “We all say stupid things, but you know he thinks you don’t care for him. If you don’t clear things up you can’t repair the damage. Go after him before he does something stupid!”

  “But you just saw that look he gave me.” Kanade choked as the tears spilled down her cheeks. “He hates me and won’t want to talk. Nothing I’ll say will reach him.”

  “Then don’t say anything!” Floa sighed and Kanade could see the Pixie was angry by how her wings flapped. “Men are all the same! Get a hold of him and don’t let go. If he’s you’re soul mate and you do actually like him then fucking do something about it!”

  “She’s right, Sweetness.” Dress said from his secure spot. “Get after him. I’ve never seen two more made for each other and I’m the sixth oldest living soul in the mortal world.”

  “You have to the count of three to go after him before I Translocate you. One!” Floa spread her hands straight out. “Two!” The green hands moved together halfway. “Thr…”

  Kanade acted through blurry vision, moving through the threatening Pixie who flew out of the way. She yanked the door wide open and jumped into the hall, but Ethan was gone. Kanade’s powers spread out in a wave at just a thought before sensing Ethan already on the ground floor and running down the empty Ogre hall. The Spirit Guide could feel the Elemental’s anguish and his thoughts of self loathing tore her heart apart. Her tears became rivers as she realized just how hurt he was and immediately pulled her power back and found herself collapsed in the hall with Floa biting her ear.

  “Finally.” Floa said with genuine concern in her voice and expression as Kanade reacted. “What just happened, Girlfriend? You suddenly yelped and fell down.”

  “It’s Ethan.” Kanade quivered. “He’s in so much pain. Agony. I’ve never felt the like before…”

  “Only you can make him feel better. Where is he?” Kanade pointed at an angle at the ground. “Better fly then. It’ll be quicker.” Without any more warning Kanade gasped when the Pixie clapped and was sent through space instantly.

  Out of instinct, Kanade’s large blue wings snapped out and she recovered midair above the castle. It took her a moment to reorient her position, but when she did, she knew what needed to be done.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Ethan’s mind roared as he ran unmolested through the long hall made for Ogres. Beside the one he met at the elevator, the hall was empty. Thankfully for it being past two in the morning, none were out. Why am I so broken up over her? Because she’s so beautiful? Probably. Why do her words cut so deep? No other woman has made me feel so pathetic. She looked so great. Awe, Ethan, snap out of it! She doesn’t want you and never has. It’s just a coincidence or some cruel trick Fate thought up for the punch. It worked, Bastard! Kanade’s job is twofold, screw with me and help this place. Bah, Stop thinking of her Ethan. Stop thinking! He chastised himself. She doesn’t care about you!

  All the exercise left him winded as he reached the open gate. The hard run made him sweat and expel the energy the meeting filled him with. As he crossed the smaller Ogre drawbridge he ignited his hand for light in the darkness. His chest hurt like an elephant sat on it and the gasping from the run only made the sensation worse. He hated himself for how he felt for her and looked at the ground as he made for the path home.

  His hearing picked up the sound of large wings beating and he assumed it was from a Pegesai until it got too close for comfort and he looked up to see the darkness turn blue.

  Kanade swooped it and wrapped her arms around Ethan’s torso and drew his wide back to her chest, used a little power to hold him to her and flapped her wings for some altitude. She felt a twinge of fear as a growl ripped from his breast, a sound she never heard from him. It was anger, feral and deadly. She never knew a human could make such a deadly sound. “Ethan, it’s me darlin’.”

  The sound of her silky southern belle accent washed over him like a bucket of cold water. His growl ended and his struggle ceased. Unable to see, he did hear her sigh and the pressure he felt on him lessened along with all his inner loathing. He enjoyed the cool feel of her slender arms around him, but being blind wasn’t fun. His arm moved forward and ignited as he strained his neck to look at her.

  “I see you’re getting’ used to your power.”

  “What is it you want, Kanade?” He said and no matter how much he wanted to scorn her, he didn’t have it in him to make such a breathtaking being feel bad.

  “To clear up a misunderstandin’. Are you willin’ to listen?”

  “Why are you crying?” He noticed the wetness on her cheeks and her puffy eyes.

  “Because your thoughts hurt me. I do not hate you or see you as a burden.” Her words were softer than silk and sweeter than honey.

  “You don’t?” he asked in disbelief. “Wait, my thoughts? You can hear my thoughts? Telepathy?”

  She nodded while biting her full, naturally ruby red bottom lip. “I’m sorry. I usually do not send my power so far. A person’s mind is a sanctuary and I didn’t mean to intrude, but in my haste to find where you went it sort of happened. Won’t happen again… Promise.”

?Since you are in complete control right now and can drop me to my death, I’ll listen. Where are you taking me?”

  “To your home with Celestia. We’ll be there in moments. I think we need a moment to collect our thoughts. You can bathe. You usually do that when you get home after you bring me items to spell.”

  “It’s you! You’re the watcher!” He accused and felt a change as Kanade’s wings flapped and they went from horizontal to vertical. Ethan fell and tripped on the roof as her arms released him. He jumped up quickly and reapplied fire to his hands to see Kanade’s cheeks blushing and her arms crossed over her flat stomach. She had guilty written all over her. “Wait, you just touched me… How? You couldn’t last time.”

  Her golden gaze bashfully hid behind fluttering eyelashes as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind an ear. “It took time to make a body I could inhabit, Ethan. I’m now as flesh and blood as you. It’s been eleven years since I was corporeal. At eighteen I left the Nineteenth House in Alabama to become a Spirit Guide in full… Go, I will wait here.”

  Ethan realized he stood on the roof of the two story building and could hear Celestia below still hammering away. He remembered the access hatch just outside his bedroom door that was locked from the inside. “Uh, how can I get down.” Kanade simply snapped her fingers and in the darkness he noticed a metallic blue spark appear with the sound that matched the color of her hair and wings. Dully he could hear the lock open and fall to the ground and watched as the eight foot tall woman smiled mischievously. “I know I’m a bit ripe, but you can wait in my room. It might be a bit more comfortable.”

  Kanade shook her head while thinking, If I did that we might become one. Instead she reasonably said “Not a good idea. Dress will hear and add comments. Up here we have privacy.” Before her real thoughts of what she wanted to do could redden her cheeks further she turned around, grateful for the night’s darkness and human blindness. She walked to the small battlement of the large building and put her hands on the cool stone and leaned forward. She realized what she wore and looked over her shoulder to feel flattered as Ethan ogled her firm posterior, framed by her wings. He realized embarrassingly what he was doing and looked away. Ethan found the hatch and lifted it with a squeak and began climbing down a series of steps cut into stone.

  Immediately a pair of glowing green eyes were upon him. Celestia stood in the hall, holding the lock Kanade removed. Her fiery appearance looked agitated. “What is the meaning of this and how did you come down from the roof. None other than a…”

  “My fault, Celestia.” Kanade’s head poked down through the open hatch.

  The Forgemaster cocked her head questioningly. “Enchantress Kanade? Now it makes since. Only an Enchanter or I could have unlocked this. What did Ethan do to Magantin?”

  “Magantin?” Kanade inquired.

  “The Pike I sent. Did it get damaged? Where is it?”

  Kanade’s golden gaze understood. “All is well. Magantin is safely locked in my room and waitin’ for me. I’m sorry for the disturbance, Forgemaster Celestia. I didn’t mean to disturb you. Ethan and I have personal business to discuss and is why I landed in the roof. I forget your kind’s hearing is second only to an Elf’s.”

  Celestia was mad and it showed in her body’s fire growing. “As you should be. If you have business with my apprentice, enter silently through the front. I heard this fall and wasn’t done working. Another disturbance like this again and I’ll ban you from my home. Understand?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  Celestia dropped the lock in Ethan’s hand. “Lock up when you’re done. Any more disturbances will result in punishment.” The large Phoenix vowed and turned around to proceed downstairs and get back to work. Already Kanade’s head no longer poked down and Ethan shrugged to open his bedroom door.

  Dress immediately said “You sure got here quick! Where’s your girlfriend?”

  Ethan flushed, but said “She’s not my girlfriend.” One of Dress’ gold eyebrows shot up as if to say otherwise. “Kanade’s on the roof. I need a shower. Can you pick my best clothes? Man, I don’t want to look a slob.”

  “Give me a moment to think, Handsome.” Dress’ eyes closed.

  It was a record setting shower for Ethan. He toweled off, brushed his teeth and combed his hair before finding his personal fashion designer had spit out a pair of blue jeans, a red shirt and fresh boxers. In a minute he was dressed and left the room hearing “Good luuuck.”

  Up on the roof Ethan found Kanade had piled up a stack of wood and the Elemental gasped. “Please tell me you didn’t pick those from the side of the building?”

  “I thought we could talk in front of a fire? Is something wrong?”

  Her innocent question had him nodding. “Better put it back. Those logs are from thousand year old oak that has cured for a year after being cut. Nymph royalty gift Celestia with wood for her work and she’ll use no other and the coal is made from aged dragon bones. The carbon in the ancient wood adds strength to her metal and the coal grants flexibility or rigidness depending on how much is used. If she catches you taking from her supply you’ll be in for a world of hurt.” The sincerity in his voice made her realize how important the supplies are. “Making fire is effortless for me and I produce no smoke that will choke you.”

  “Thank you for the warning.” Kanade touched the logs with a finger and wrote something with a green spark and then the wood floated over the wall and was put back in its original place.

  Ethan, barefoot like her, moved to prop his back against his chimney that led to a fireplace in his room. Kanade’s wings surrounded her and she seemed as uncomfortable as he was and the time apart didn’t seem to help organize thoughts. To break the silence he held out his hand and created the bright Drone, selecting a cricket as the target, but instead of letting it loose he had the contained fireball hold position between them.

  “That is the Drone Floa told me about I take it?” he nodded. Kanade’s eyes widened. “Ethan, there is tremendous power within. It is an ethereal weapon that once finds a host, becomes a corporeal firebomb!”

  “Don’t worry.” He eased her mind. “My friend Kira helped me learn about it. Until I connect my mind with it and let it loose, the grasshopper I selected will be unharmed. When I reconnect, I’ll absorb it back into myself…” he stopped as she smiled and her wings lost their tension. “Sorry about my actions earlier. They weren’t fair. Actually the first thing I wanted to say when we met again was to say thank you.”

  “For what?”

  He held out the pair of gold bracelets firmly bound to his wrists. “These. They were a big help for me not making myself look even more ignorant about all this than usual. You saved me a lot of trouble.”

  “I’m glad you like them. Do you like gold? When I made the translators I forgot to ask.”

  “Personally silver would be my first choice.” He grinned.

  “Then let me see them.” She held out her hands and he didn’t resist taking them to feel her touch. She felt the sores and roughness his hands had recently endured and what she enjoyed most was a warm tingling sensation from where they touched. He didn’t jerk as her gold eyes began to glow entirely blue like when he remembered her expelling souls. She blew out on the material and Ethan watched as the seamless bands grew thousands of tiny runes in intricate lines before changing color from gold to white-gold. As her glowing blue eyes returned to a natural gold she asked “Better?”

  “Much!” he laughed and reluctantly drew his hands back to watch as the runes disappeared again. “So why two bracelets?”

  “Because any language I’ve learned ever spoken or written, even demon, is translated to you from the left band while the right returns to whoever is listenin’. You didn’t grow up learnin’ every language like I and others of Order do. I knew you needed these so you didn’t need to rely on anyone else. Understandin’ is important and I didn’t want you to die if you didn’t know how to commune properly…” She went quiet.

p; “Kanade, what are you doing here? With a body?” He found the nerve to ask.

  “Because” She looked down and chose her words more carefully than before. “I wanted to watch over you and be nearer. And no, Lord Fate didn’t send me to punish you. It hurt me that you thought I want to bring you pain. I never wanted to give such an impression. Again, I’m sorry, for intrudin’, but I needed to say that. Do you remember the last moments we spent with Lord Fate?” He nodded and she saw his fingers ball into a fist. “He said it would be another week for me. He had an Ogre construct a new livin’ body for me to reside in and without my original to be recreated from, it was made from scratch.

  “I made the decision to be by you and so long as you have a physical form, so will I. Until this body is killed I cannot leave it or return to Spirit World.”

  “Why would you do that? Aren’t you giving up all your friends? Your family?”

  Kanade nodded. “Only Floa was my dear friend, but the Cerulean family, my parents included, understand my choice. For a reason, do I need one to be near you? Do you resent me or wish me to go?”

  He shook his head and hands instantly. “No, please stay. I… uh… missed you.” Ethan spoke the last part barely above a whisper.

  “My choice wasn’t difficult. So far I’ve completely enjoyed my new role as Enchantress of the First House. Everyone seems to be friendly.”

  “How long?”

  The vague question was easily understood and Kanade looked at the hovering ball between them flickering in random ways. “Three weeks exactly when it’s nine in the morning. Odin and the Casters were all too eager to get an experienced Enchanter here. Normally a young Spirit Guide comes to one of the Houses to apply the runes they study from the moment of hatchin’. They leave usually at eighteen to fully begin saving souls and bringin’ them to Spirit World. It’s been six months since this House has had a proper Enchanter. Because Spirit Guides cannot die easily and are immortal, our birthrate is slow. Mostly an egg is laid by the mother once a century and only when a Spirit Guide finds their soul mate can they even conceive. For proof I can tell you my parents have been one for five centuries and I am their only offspring… When I offered my services, the First House eagerly allowed me in.

  “I enchant only the most prized items.” She smiled shyly. “And every delivery you made from Celestia I spelled to last so long as the owner does.”

  “You’ve been here three whole weeks? Why didn’t you reveal yourself, Kanade? You have been the one always watching me haven’t you?”

  She nodded and her sweet tone was regretful. “I am. You have no idea how badly I wanted to and every day has been harder than the last. Floa was my release as she spoke of you. It made me both happy and sad. I’ve watched you struggle each day and demonstrated great courage to not give up. I so wanted to tend your wounds, but I couldn’t.”

  “Why did you hide from me? Friends don’t stalk.”

  She laughed lightly. “I suppose I was stalkin’… Ethan, I didn’t want to distract ya. When I wasn’t focused on work my focus… shifted. Odin agreed when he learned I was the Spirit Guide who ferried you over and back. And each day you became more determined and gained confidence though pain and hard work. I maintained my distance so you could grow into the warrior sittin’ before me. And today when Odin told me how you slew an Elf and saved a baby… I was so proud.” She crooned and saw him adjust his body uncomfortably with such praises. “I fixed the barrier against Sheedan’s minions if you were wonderin’.”

  “Good to know, but couldn’t you just read my mind?”

  “I told you it was an accident. I try hard not to.” She sighed and realized he was teasing as he gave her a crooked grin. “Brat.”

  “Hey! I got to get my digs it when I can.” He laughed and she wasn’t far behind. “So why was your door open? Usually it’s locked.”

  “Floa.” She sighed and shivered, remembering how bad Ethan felt not so long ago. It was all her fault. “I was wrong earlier. It not that your delivery was early, but I was late. Floa usually leaves by midnight, but she was so caught up over your heroism and that I had her retell all her daughter told her and… she likes to talk.”

  “If that isn’t an understatement I don’t know what is.” They laughed.

  Kanade continued. “We were so engrossed on how you did the impossible and saved the baby that my focus on her didn’t let me sense your approach till you already found us with my door open.”

  “So what now? Are you going to keep avoiding me or are you going to transfer to a different House?” He had to ask.

  “Since it’s already too late to stay hidden, no. Actually I was workin’ up courage to surprise you in the next few days when the news of your act settled. I’m not goin’ anywhere if possible.”

  “Thank goodness. I would seriously think I really was a repellent to the opposite sex.” Kanade smiled, but even after a shower his smoky scent was welcome to her. “So Floa’s known this whole time? What’s been said?”

  “My girlfriend has known since the day you two threatened each other. Floa returned to Spirit World to chastise me for what I said and learned of my new body being made. She decided it was enough that I was tryin’ to make amends and am back here.” She pointed to the ground. “She kept my secret from you and your friends… until now I mean. Before tonight Floa would fill me in on all I missed. She was my little spy, pun intended.” They shared a laugh. “I learned more of you through her, your likes and dislikes. Dress wasn’t helpful in that area. Last week she even caught me lookin’ into your room from the window after you dropped a kite shield for me to protect. I liked watchin’ you sleep.” Kanade admitted bashfully. “She even told me how many times all the females, this Kira included, propositioned you to roll around in the hay…”

  “Whoa, where did that come from?” He said.

  Kanade’s cheeks flushed fully as she mentally kicked herself. “Sorry about that. Never mind.”

  “No.” Ethan decided when he heard her tone. “You sound jealous. Why?”

  “If I am, what would you do about it? Would you leave this Kira and the other females?” Her neutral, non reveling eyes leveled on him.

  “For starters I’d be happy you feel that way, but no. I won’t leave my friends. You wouldn’t like me if I just moved from friend to friend and we both know you aren’t the vindictive type. Yes, I’ll admit, Kira, many Nymphs, an Ogre woman and even a female Naga have all tried, but to me they are good friends. I think of them like you do with Floa.”

  “But Floa doesn’t wish to mate with me. Not all the time anymore thankfully.” She pointed out. “If you had a choice, who would you be with.”

  Before the mental filter could stop him, out came “You!” and immediately following he slapped a hand over his mouth.

  Kanade beamed, more delighted than ever in her whole life. “That eases my mind” tremendously. She thought the last word. “And I feel the same.”

  Ethan sat in misery till her words fully sank in. “Really?” she nervously bit her lips and nodded in an agonizingly slow way. “But isn’t that against the rules?”

  “Whose rules?” She cocked her head in an adorable way. “I’m not sure you’ve noticed, but datin’ another species isn’t frowned upon. Human morals and culture don’t hold sway here.” She then put her heart out on the line. “You you think I’m unsightly? Do you not like tall women with wings and blue hair?”

  Ethan gulped loudly enough for Kanade to hear and feel a bit of thrill. “You’re the most beautiful being I’ve ever seen. Actually I cannot look at anyone as I do you. No one has ever made me feel so… comfortable to be around. I’ve dated, but no girl has ever made me feel so… there is no word in any language which can describe it… Kanade, with all your powers, can you feel what I do?” She nodded slowly. “Then do it.”

  “Are you certain?” he nodded and she let her power reach him and her eyes widened. She immediately began fanning her face in an adorable way and pulled back. She had g
ot her answer and then some. “Well I do declare!” she kept fanning with her large yet dainty hand. “You do find me more than pleasin’.”

  “So now you know how I feel about you…” his eyes downturned.

  Kanade snapped her wrist and suddenly Ethan found himself magically jerked through the hovering Drone and into her embrace. Her lips were freshly glossed with her tongue a moment before meeting his. The Drone died out as Ethan kissed her back with a possessive passion for her, finding what he so longed to have. Kanade’s fingers wound through his thick head of hair and she released her feelings physically. She tasted sweeter than any sugar and to make him go deeper in that moment was her natural fragrant cinnamon scent. Her luscious lips parted invitingly and Ethan gladly probed as if they had kissed forever. It felt so right and natural, especially when she wanted to wrap her tongue with his. His large hands wound gently around her slender neck with a bit of a possessive quality she enjoyed and he could feel the hammering of her pulse and his felt the same. Then she giggled.

  They pulled back and her hand scratched his beard. “Your beard tickled me.”

  “It’ll be gone by morning.”

  “No, keep it.” Kanade pulled him closer and kissed his lips again. “You look better with this short beard. My dream man always had one and you certainly look good. I like the scruff. I wondered why shorts beards were my fancy. I don’t like long though.”

  In the darkness he could barely see her outline so he lit a thumb like a candle. “Then I’ll keep it. Kanade, sorry if I was rough.”

  “Nonsense! I was rather enjoyin’ it.” She laughed lightly and pushed him back so she could sit on his lap like she so craved and enclosed them both in her wings. He liked it and so did she. It was an intimate embrace. “I’ve never been kissed like that before. Not one Spirit Guide or Enforcer made me feel so powerful… wanted and loved.”

  “So you’ve had lovers?” Ethan asked in spite of what he knew. “Never mind, its none of my business. Someone of your beauty…”

  “Shhh…” Kanade bumped he head against his and put a finger over his lips. “Now that I know we are certain, you can know what few do. Ethan, I am unmated and untried. Like you, I’ve never lain with another. That is a rule in Spirit World. A woman of my kind mates only with their soul mate, their angel. We do not sleep around for we can only hold passion for one. My kind kiss to exchange energy in hopes we find our angel. Finding our angel is the greatest search of our lives. The unmated go around kissin’ in the hopes they find their one, when spells to search out their destiny fail. Some can search for centuries, even millennia in the greatest life-quest. Often a mate might not even be born in the time their love is. I expected to wait decades and centuries, until you came.” Ethan sat stunned which made her smile and gave him another quick kiss. “When you called me your angel a month ago I didn’t realize it straight away, for I never heard of a Spirit Guide and a human union. It caught me off guard and I’m sorry for my outburst. Floa was the first to say she tasted my power flowin’ and the Enforcer, who cut Torment’s chain from you, felt inside of me, but Fate was who clearly determined you are mine. My Angel. My soul mate. My future husband.”

  “I… I…”

  “Let me finish, Ethan.” She whispered in his ear and he shivered in pleasure. “You have a bad habit of assumin’ things and always get in trouble, but I find it endearin’. Will you listen?”

  “Yes.” He choked out, but pulled her closer.

  “After I returned to Spirit World my parents and family were shocked to say the least at this unexpected revelation, but it was our family matriarch, my ancestral grandmother and eldest Cerulean, who was Fate’s sixth Spirit Guide creation, silenced my house. Megann is her name, but she told of a secret none in our clan knew… we all assumed her angel was like any other Spirit Guide, but lost him in some mysterious way. We learned otherwise for my ancestral father is a Thunderbird. Yes, I said is. He is like the Phoenix, but is shrouded in lightning and lives in the Congo, in Africa and they are responsible for lightnin’ in storms all over the world. Thunderbirds are immensely powerful, but aren’t aligned to either side. They are a primal force. He is still alive and my ancestor and he remain together and reunite every decade since he is king and has little time to spare, like Megann.

  “So… Megann told me not to worry about the family. I won’t be shunned as I had greatly feared, but I couldn’t hide the fact because my power had begun flowin’ like all Spirit Guides who have found their other. My parents knew immediately. Megann knows what I’m goin’ through. In all of our history only four, me now included, have an angel not of Spirit Guide stock.

  “This explains our connection to each other and why we do not look at the other sex anymore and feel any desire in that way. I felt the truth of this the moment I felt how you truly feel about me. When we kissed I knew immediately you are my angel. Even I can taste my own power now. It has a light tangy flavor. I know this is a lot to take in, Ethan, but…”

  “No butts. We sit on them, not worry if they still remain when we look away.” This confused her to no end. “Kanade, I’ll be the first to admit that what you said isn’t an easy pill to swallow, but like I said before, you feel natural to be near and I never knew a kiss could be so wonderful. Almost like your smell.”

  “Wait!” she sat up and her wings embracing them parted slightly. “What do I smell like to you?”

  “Cinnamon, why?”

  She squealed in delight and planted another kiss on his lips. “Ethan, only my angel can smell me. If I work up a sweat in my physical body I’ll stink, but only my angel can smell my natural scent… I like your scent too. I think though it’s because you’re human. I still like your smoky scent, like oak and hickory. It reminds me campin’ trips in Alabama with Floa and two of her daughters who were dear friends.” She proved how much she liked his scent by sniffing his neck and planting another soft kiss.

  “So what’s next, Kanade? Where do we go from here.”

  She smiled. “We still know each other so little, Ethan. I’ll be leavin’ soon because I need to enchant the pike or else Celestia will chew my head off… or should I say peck?” he held up two fingers and rubbed the back of his head, eliciting an infectious, dainty laugh from her. “It is custom to learn of your angel before committin’ the final bond of bodies which will make us married in my culture. Right now you have much to think on and to consider, but now you know how I truly feel. I cannot show you through my abilities, but I can assure you that what you feel for me… I too share.” She placed a hand over his firm chest. “But if I learn you are not learnin’ from your teachers because I’m a distraction, we will be at arm’s length. And if you’re good I can promise more time together.”

  “That’s your incentive?” He asked dubiously.

  She grinned before nuzzling his neck affectionately and whispering is a voice that could melt frozen butter in Antarctica “Do I need anythin’ else?”

  “Guess not.” In one even motion Ethan slid his arms under her long, tone and silky smooth legs and another just below her firm wing muscles, just below where they sprout from the shoulder blades, and lifted. She gasped and he said “Don’t think I could’ve done this a month ago. I could barely lift a hundred fifty. Do you know your weight?”

  “Yes.” And she struggled, but he sat her down on her bare feet. Kanade gave a cross look down at him. “And as a lady its rude to ask such a thing.” Inside though she was flabbergasted for her combined weight with her wings was nearly three hundred and thirty pounds.

  He grinned. “My grandmother used to say the same, but my grandfather always said it’s better to get a answer than assume the woman you want to be with isn’t more than what you think. And we all know how bad my assumptions tend to get me in trouble.”

  The winged beauty stepped closer and bent over to say “Your grandmother was wiser.” and laughed. “Good night, Ethan.”

  “Night… Oh wait!” she stopped and turned back around. “Where do you wa
nt to meet?”

  She tucked a strand of hair behind an ear. “Breakfast of course. My body requires food now. I want to meet your friends and now that the cat’s out of the bag I don’t want to hide from you anymore.” Her wings had a black quality as they expanded and she shot into the air with a ‘whoosh’ heading for her room with a lighter heart and something to greatly look forward to.

  Ethan remained out on the roof for a few more minutes before heading down. He grabbed the lock and locked the roof hatch so Celestia didn’t get madder.

  As he entered his bedroom Dress immediately turned himself. “Tell. Me. Everything.” The cabinet demanded. Ethan was too excited not to go into every detail and told the spirit how happy he was. “I knew it! I just knew it! Out of everyone, Kanade wants to speak about you all the blasted time. It makes sense now why you haven’t been rutting with every willing female. You’re each other’s angel! Ha, now the babies will start coming. I love babies. It’s a sure thing now. Spirit Guides can’t bond with someone shooting blanks.”

  “Whoa! Nobody said anything about kids. All we did was kiss!”

  “Give it time.” Dress said ominously. “Doubt you’ll get much sleep, Handsome, till you get it all out of your system…” Dress rolled his eyes. “Kanade’s says to tell you to get in bed and have pleasant dreams.”

  “Tell her I will… Oh, and what does she say about me?”

  “Done!” Then the blue eyes focused. “And you know I don’t share personal information. Not even with her and she bloody tries nearly every hour on the hour. I keep all confidences private. Now get to bed before I tell her you’re hesitating… You can talk from bed and she’ll never know.” Dress added mischievously with a wink.

  After another hour, the rush of the moment subsided and the day’s work caught up. Ethan fell asleep with dreams of Kanade again, but this time they were more loving and the impression of her lips lingered, even in the dreams.

  Dress didn’t even need to wake Ethan this morning. It might have been only two hours of sleep, but it was the best he’d had all month. He jumped out of bed in the nude without a care, much to Dressor’s delight and humor. Ethan took another shower, one more thorough and he also trimmed his beard more evenly, shaving a bit around his throat. He brushed his hair and teeth and wrapped a towel around his middle before exiting to find Dress had set out a brown sleeved shirt that was thin and cool to the touch and would breathe well, a pair of sweats, new boxers he ordered yesterday for the first time with his points and ankle socks. “You want me to wear this? What will Kanade think?”

  The furniture rolled his eyes. “Plaaa-ease! She won’t care how your dressed if you start slacking off with Blake. Not only will he not tolerate it, she won’t. These clothes are what you usually train in. Better get going.”

  Ethan realized the truth of the words and put on the clothes, tucked in his shirt and tied his new boots on. They fit great and they, plus the boxers, cost him twenty three points total. So far it was a well spent exchange. The steel toed boots would be great for three times already in the shop he dropped the heavy hammer, nearly breaking several toes in the process.

  Early morning air filled Ethan’s lungs as he stepped out and his mind had never felt so clear. It remained quite bright, but dawn light was just as happy as he as he forged ahead down the old worn path. His mind couldn’t stop going over what occurred hours ago and realizing he now had the woman beyond even his own vivid imagination. He felt revitalized and filled with purpose. Each step brought him one step closer to the castle and to the one who actually liked him.

  It took near an hour to reach the castle and the morning chime sounded just as he located his table.

  Several minutes passed before Storm-shadow arrived and took his seat beside his companion. Immediately he noticed an obvious difference. “Ethan, what has occurred? Normal mornings you are too tired to sit up, but you are wide awake. Did you sleep at all or have a cup of coffee already?”

  Ethan couldn’t hide his grin. “Nope. I did get two hours, but no coffee yet. Actually I had a bit of a surprise last night.”

  “Oh?” The stallion smiled from Ethan’s bright energy. “Do tell.”

  “Have you met the new Enchantress yet?” He asked first.

  “I have not had the pleasure to do so yet.” Storm-shadow honestly said.

  “She and Kanade are one and the same.”

  The stallion prince was quiet as he contemplated before his dark eyes widened. “Wait… Kanade, you’ve not said that name often… not since you and Floa had that confrontation… I wondered, but didn’t wish to pry into an affair that upset you. Has the situation been rectified?”

  “I’d say so, Storm.” Ethan grinned cheerfully. “Do you know much about Spirit Guide courtship?”

  “The subject is familiar…” Then Storm-shadow’s eyes widened as things began falling in place. The Pegasai whinnied a hearty laugh, stomping a hoof on the floor loudly enough that a few heads turned. “Truly? You and a Spirit Guide are soul mates?”

  “She told me last night.” Ethan then asked in a hushed tone. “Storm, could it be a trick?”

  “No.” came a definitive answer. “Her kind cannot lie, just as they cannot harm. They can omit information or not answer, but if they tell you directly, there is no doubt. Did she tell you that you are her angel?”

  “She did.”

  “Then it completely explains why you aren’t like other biped males mounting every female who allows it. Your souls are locked together. I’m glad for you…”

  “I hear a but coming.” Ethan interrupted.

  “But” Storm-shadow chuckled and fluffed his wings playfully. “if she becomes a distraction it will only hinder you and the need for you is great… And do not make a fool of yourself and prance around like an untried colt to impress your filly. Disaster will befall fools.” The wisdom in that wasn’t lost.

  “Got it. She said the same thing.”

  “I did.” Came a chiming voice which had them turning.

  Kanade had silently landed behind their table while their attention was on each other. Her presence drew all nearby attention as she didn’t have the fuzzy shroud the other Spirit Guides there had. Her corporeal and solid form had everyone realizing she was the Enchantress. Her wings shimmered almost as much as her faint glittery skin in the hall lighting.

  Kanade smiled brightly and she wasn’t alone as Floa sat on her collarbone, like it was a sofa. The Pixie commented “I’m so glad you kids kissed and made up. Now I don’t have to hear you both complaining and sulking around… Ethan, you were better at hiding it.”

  “Floa!” Kanade gasped. “Don’t embarrass me.”

  “How long again have you known me, Girlfriend?” The Pixie tinkled a tiny laugh. “I’m not going to change. I’d be no fun if I did.” Kanade groaned.

  “Fair morning, Enchantress. I am Storm-shadow.” The steed stood and turned around. “It is a pleasure.”

  “Kanade, please.” She lightly corrected and looked slightly down into those critical eyes. “Floa has told me much of Ethan’s companion. I hope he has behaved and brought honor to your union?”

  “He still has much to learn, but his progress is steady. Will you be sharing a meal with us?”

  “If it isn’t an imposition?”

  “Ugh, stop the formalities. They are so boring!” Floa half screamed and demanded as she jumped of Kanade’s bare collarbone with the flourish of an acrobat and flitted down to the ground where she clapped her hands and in an instant grew to five and a half feet tall. Her sharp white teeth were revealed in a grin. “Come and sit. I want to hear all about last night’s rendezvous. I’ve been itching for the scoop all night. Seeing how you both didn’t arrive together I’m guessing last night wasn’t steamy.” She got her answer as both of then flushed.

  “Hello? Did I miss something?” Kira’s voice chimed in as she sauntered closer in an azure, strapless dress with matching heels. Her long brown hair was loose and tumbled down both her bac
k and front in a way that still accentuated her bombshell figure and large bust. As always she was done up perfectly with makeup that highlighted her pouty lips, sharp cheekbones and large light green eyes.

  “Great, another half dressed harlot. In my day a woman barely showed their ankles!” Ken commented, but went ignored.

  “Ah, you must be Kira Penbrooke.” The Enchantress bent lower and offered her hand, hiding her jealousy. Kanade instantly disliked this short Witch who took provocatively clothed to the very limit. Kanade hated how this was the woman who had been constantly trying to bring Ethan into a naked embrace. Now that she finally got a close look she found her jealously was understated for this female was of perfect figure and immensely beautiful. Still, these foul thoughts were hid as she said “I’m Kanade Cerulean the First House’s new Enchantress. It’s a pleasure.”

  Kira immediately recognized the name and her eyes darted from the giantess to the Elemental and noticed he seemed more relaxed and spirited, even meeting her gaze. He never looked so well and handsome at this hour and knew deep down that her territory had been violated. The Witch absently took the hand, noticing Kanade’s bare long legs that stopped at a pair of short jean shorts that hugged round hips. Her top was a backless white shirt that would be a dress on Kira and was made of delicate lace over a light green slip top. Her breasts seemed below average on such a tall body, but were larger than Kira’s double D’s. The wings were as perfect as her hair, sharing the same color. And Kira instantly resented Kanade for she didn’t wear even a hint of makeup because it wasn’t required. Kanade hadn’t one outward flaw. The two of them instantly despised one another and all could see the tension except the oblivious Ethan and most every other male watching. What was worse was the delicate, dainty southern belle accent that didn’t match such a tall woman. Kira smiled pleasantly though her green eyed monster reared its ugly head. “A pleasure, Kanade. Is there a reason the infamous Enchantress to graces us this morning? You come to also see the man who singlehandedly took down and Elf and saved a baby?”

  Ken laughed, but then disappeared with a clap from Floa and stomped on his surface as she often does. She realized the book was about to make matters worse, and giving a little pain saved the nearby area. Floa didn’t say it, but every Pixie in the vicinity could taste the rise in magic and were ready to flee. “None of your remarks!” She stomped her bare heel on it.

  The change, thanks to Floa’s actions, lowered the magic along with hostility between the two women.

  “I didn’t know my view was bad enough to be infamous.” Kanade straightened, glancing at Ethan who seemed oblivious. Men didn’t see things as women. “What have I done that was so bad?”

  Kira shook her head. “Poor choice of words on my part. Few have seen you is all. Many Casters want to speak with you, but you are either gone or locked in your room. My mother and cousins really wish to learn some new runes from an experienced Enchantress and are jealous. Now that I’ve got you, can you…”

  “I’m sorry.” Kanade quickly held up her hands. “Many runes I use would kill mortals. The Spirit Energy required is immense and would break another species’ soul.”

  “Can’t you just copy runes? I see them everywhere.”

  Both Kanade and Kira looked at his puzzled expression. The Witch said “Just because runes can be seen doesn’t mean they can be duplicated. One rune could mean to lift a droplet of water while the same one for a different intent could petrify a mouse or make boils grow. It is the intent a Caster needs to understand to recreate a spell. Those like me can make a ball of light about the size of a beach ball, but her kind can make a skyscraper of light… and many of us do not believe we’ll die if we try their runes.”

  “Believe it, Kira Penbrooke.” Heads turned toward an ancient pair. High Wizard and Witch Merlin and Morgane Le Fay walked hand in hand. Morgane looked lovely in a lavender flowing dress that showed off her youthful bosom and shoulders while flowing red hair and deep green eyes took them in. She had an air of ancient nobility about her. Merlin meanwhile looked as crazed as usual, his brown hair wild as his hazel eyes darted around like a kid with ADD who just had rock-candy and a liter of soda and chugged. The Wizard’s excitement seemed tempered only by his wife’s touch and serene energy. Morgane continued to say “I know the truth for both my mother and sister learned runes beyond their limit and fractured their souls. Few know, but Thor had to put them down so they could be taken to Spirit World to be repaired. I’ve seen the horror of a fractured soul and even after a four hundred years, my communion with them is still difficult. It took two centuries before they remembered my name and even now they are still being healed. If the Enchantress says no about runes, she has a reason.”

  “Mr. Inferno!” Merlin shouted as if he just spotted Ethan standing beside Storm-shadow. “Just who I was looking for!” The Wizard moved quickly in a button-down vest and brown leather pants, not even realizing his wife’s declaration and the silence it caused for twenty feet while everyone living there came in for breakfast. Kira sighed for breath as her leader shifted her green eyes to her husband’s back. Merlin excitedly asked “I’d like to examine the Drone Odin told me about last night. We spoke in passing, but you didn’t answer. I also heard a Witch helped test some of its limits. Which Witch was it?”

  “Me, High Wizard.” Kira said meekly and the crowd began dispersing under Storm-shadow’s penetrating stare.

  “What’s your name again?” the crazed Wizard spun around in a smooth motion, showing deceptive strength in his lanky body. She gave her name and he looked blankly.

  “Don’t mind him.” Morgane said when Kira looked hurt at the reaction. “Merlin isn’t good with names, especially when he gets like this.”

  “How can you tell the difference?” Ethan chuckled and Morgane gave him a small smile.

  “Centuries of being a devoted wife. Be thankful you weren’t around during Disco. Merlin wore some of the most outlandish material…”

  “So can I see it! The Drone, I want to study it.” Merlin’s eyes retuned to Ethan’s and were both hilarious and a bit madman frightening.

  Kanade stepped forward and placed a hand on the Wizards shoulder. He looked up as she said “The Drone in an ethereal combination of spiritual energy and fire. It attacks its target through all physical matter unimpeded. Even if a demon changed to a spirit form the Drone would still be capable of attacking. It is the second most lethal fire ability a Fire Elemental can create. Nothin’ can hide from it once released and gets faster the longer its hunting. Only an enchanter’s magic or that of greater dragons and upper class demons have a hope of blockin’ or resistin’, dependin’ by how much energy is contained in the sphere. It’s limits are only as great as the individual. It can only target objects and cannot just come out by command without said target fixed in the user’s mind. Once the target is reached the energy is instantly released. That is the capabilities of the Drone.”

  “You sucked the fun out of months of experimenting!” He accused and a split second later he smiled and said “Thank you! Saved me some time you did!”

  “Come, Love.” Morgane said and held out a hand. Merlin half bounced over, took it and they walked away without another word.

  Floa giggled while her foot kept grinding into Ken who was both in pain and cursing. “Interesting pair they make. Merlin hasn’t changed. You handled him like a pro. You were listening to my stories, Girlfriend. You hit every one of his intellectual questions and satisfied them. Good work.”

  “Kanade,” Ethan began and watched as Kira moved to sit down so she could go over what just happened. Her own mind needed sorting and got like this sometimes when she was working out a solution. “where did all that information come from? Did your powers sense all that last night?”

  She shook her head, but before she could answer Cook started popping up all over the place. “We better take our seats.”

  They sat together, Floa to Ethan’s left and Kanade to the right. Beside the Pixie sat Ki
ra and then Storm-shadow. Cook’s eye widened as her mouth-less voice said “Kanade, well this is a surprise.” at the same time she was also in front of Ethan asking “What’ll it be, Hon?”

  “Yes, I’m intendin’ to eat with everyone else startin’ today.” Kanade surprised Ethan as beneath the table she wound her hand with his as if it were the most natural thing in her life, like breathing. He too held her hand possessively. “May I have a dozen eggs, bowl of grits, four ham steaks, crispy bacon and a pitcher of orange juice with pulp.”

  “Coming right up.” Cook dropped to a large plate and a second later was breakfast.

  “Hungry?” Ethan asked with a grin.

  “Girl has to eat.” She returned with mirth dancing in her eyes.

  “Alright then… Cook, same order for me, but give me the usual portions.”

  “Pastry?” the floating eyes looked between them.

  “None for me.” He said as she added “Me either.” In a moment his meal looked like hers, only smaller with four eggs, two ham steaks, half her bowl’s size with similar crispy bacon. She bid farewell and vanished.

  Then Ethan went for the fork and stopped as he realized he held Kanade’s hand. She too looked at the intimate threading of their hands with surprise before both smiled. Knowing he’s right handed, she let go, but instantly missed the connection. To busy herself she began to eat with gusto, but with proper table manners. Ethan ate much the same and realized she had also been raised well at mealtimes. Halfway through her meal Ethan finished and made sure his hand claimed hers. She smiled in gratification and finished in three more minutes.

  Afterwards she returned to the earlier question. “No, my senses only told me how powerful the Drone is.” His attention, as well as everyone at the table turned to listen. “I learned of a Fire Elemental’s powers from another Guide who once watched over King Solomon himself. I prepared myself as thoroughly as possible.”

  “For what?” Kira asked.

  Kanade knew it was underhanded, but couldn’t stop herself. She had to let this other woman know her place. “To be with my angel.”

  Kira choked as she chose that moment to take a drink and a passing Pixie ran headfirst into a pillar, also overhearing the declaration. The powerful Witch recovered with Floa patting her back and looked between them and noticed their hands for a moment when the Pixie leaned back to make sure all was well. “You cannot be serious? Spirit Guides never…”

  “Fate himself clarified it for me.” That finalized it and Kanade enjoyed her opponent’s newfound discomfort and contempt. Her tone was so casual Ethan again didn’t notice. “As I was sayin’, I learned of your predecessor’s techniques over fire. You call it a Drone, he called it a Chaser. It is a nearly unstoppable weapon and can strike flesh as well as spirit.”

  Ethan accepted she knew what she spoke of and now that he also knew she cannot lie, sold it. “I remember you said it’s the second most lethal weapon, what’s the first?”

  His angel shook her head, making her natural blue hair sway with the motion. “Nope, not goin’ to happen. You are goin’ to have to learn it on your own. Let’s just say it’ll make your drone look like a Pomeranian to a Great Dane.”

  “That’s quite an ominous picture your painting, Girlfriend.” Floa licked the nectar from her lips. Nectar being the only food a Pixie eats. “If a Drone can attack through anything, this other skill must be indeed impressive.”

  “Saw the memory myself.” She boasted. “I’ve never seen a rival survive it. It’s the reason King Solomon died naturally and survived against a whole demon army alone. Just his name sent demons away with their tails between their legs.”

  “Those that have a tail.” Floa corrected and got a laugh for it.

  “So, Kanade, where have you been? Why haven’t you been helping Ethan? I thought mated Guides were practically inseparable.”

  This time Ethan heard the underlying hostility in Kira’s tone and spoke first. “She had her reasons.” His tone was calm and he struggled not to growl when the snide comment was directed at his favorite person. “If our positions were reversed, I likely would have done similarly. It did have an effect. I lost some weight, grew slightly stronger and could focus on my masters. Kanade also wanted me to be sure I thanked you for helping me out. She actually won’t say it, but she is also grateful you filled me in on things I didn’t know in regards to casters and what runes to keep well away from.”

  He felt Kanade flinch imperceptivity and her grip on his hand tightened painfully. Floa rolled her eyes at his stupidity and Storm-shadow was a silent watcher. Kira though was flabbergasted. “Really?” She asked the Enchantress.

  Kanade felt Ethan squeeze her hand and knew it was meant as reassurance. Mentally she tried to deny his attempt at trying to make them friends, but deep down there was truth. When she realized he was right Kanade grudgingly responded. “Yes, it’s true. You have my thanks for takin’ care of him when I couldn’t. You have a big heart and I know Ethan isn’t the easiest person to get through to. His mind is quick and he so easily assumes and makes mistakes. I’m glad he has you to call a friend. I hope one day we too can understand one another.”

  “You kids are too tame!” Ken added. “Where’s the blood? The hatred? The jealousy? The catfights in mud!”

  “Shut up you!” Floa stomped and grew a satisfied smile at causing pain.

  “Kira, aren’t you afraid she’ll hurt your book?” Kanade asked.

  The Witch smiled. “Not slightly. He deserves it and won’t change. I think he has a pain fetish. Floa likes to hurt him almost as much as I do.” Then she added as the Pixie giggled. “Only Ethan has ever really caused damage to the bigot. Ethan’s threats are the only things that shut him up.”

  A moment later Storm-shadow’s ruby caught Kanade’s eye. “I sense power from the gem. What can it do?”

  “Just five things. Two create a different saddle for Ethan. One silences any sounds I might make, allows me to breathe underwater and the final protects me from fire. Many Pegesai have similar protection.” The prince explained. “The first saddle is for casual flights, but the second is for combat. He adapts well and so far he has a strong stomach. Many bipeds retch from heights, but he enjoys flying with me. My choice for a rider being an Elemental was correct. He is a sturdy individual.”

  “I too have found he doesn’t fear heights.” Kanade commented.

  “Heights aren’t the problem. It the ground you need to worry about.” Ethan said and enjoyed how her soft thumb stroked his hand. He never wanted to let go. He too knew she was the one for his heart had never quickened for any woman at just a simple smile so powerfully before.

  “If only you wouldn’t fear water.” Kira said.

  This was news to his angel. “You have an aversion to water? Why?”

  “Don’t really want to talk about it right now.” He said in a low tone.

  None pushed it further.

  “So, Kanade, what happened last night? I’m guessing he didn’t know a thing about you till after dinner. From the tension you two still have, you obviously didn’t ride him like there was no tomorrow.” Kira not too subtly said with a wink and laughed as the pair week beet red.

  “Uh… No, we still know so little of each other.” Came the Enchantress’s quiet answer before grabbing her drink and taking a much needed gulp of the citrusy liquid.

  “Ah the innocence of untried youth.” Floa giggled. “I still remember my first mate. He was a handsome Gargoyle who knocked me up the first try and he gave me two beautiful daughters. He was tender as far as Gargoyles go.

  “Geeze, Floa how many kids do you have?” Ethan asked.

  “Seven hundred and ninety four with another on the way.” She proudly crooned even though she looked eighteen at most and had a firm figure. Ethan’s eyes could only bulge as his tongue refused to work.

  “You’re pregnant!” Kanade asked in surprise.

  “Yep.” Floa rubbed her taut belly and grinned brightly. “Found out whe
n I woke up in bed with Odin this morning. His seed fertilized my field again. This will be our eleventh together. My power is slightly off and after a hundred babies you just know when you get pregnant. Odin is also happy. In a few weeks I’ll lay our cocoon and wait till it emerges.”

  Kanade nearly glowed as she got up to pick her friend up and give a hug. “Congratulations.” Floa simply giggled.

  From then on everyone was more focused on the Pixie’s new life that took root in her womb and she enjoyed all the attention.

  When it was ten minutes till eight they all put away their dishes. Kira had been quietly plotting something, but Ethan didn’t say anything when he caught her calculating eyes on him. He smiled in a friendly way and she forced it back to not seem rude. But then she told the group “I’ve got to head out. A few matters need my attention that cannot wait. See you lads tomorrow.”

  “Nice meeting you Kira.”

  “Same to you, Kanade.” The Witch said tersely, picked up her annoying tome and sauntered away.

  “I also need to go. My daughters and sons need to know another sibling is on the way.” Floa clapped and returned to her natural size and flew off.

  Outside, Blake was just coming out of his meditation when they arrived. “So rumors are true.” The Naga said as he strapped his blades to his body.

  “Which one?” Storm-shadow asked.

  Blake’s eyes took the three of them in. “The Enchantress and Ethan are mates.”

  “Words spreads fast around here huh?” Ethan said with a sigh.

  “That and I can see how more relaxed you are with her so near.” Blake stepped forward and cocked his head. “Only soul mates bring out such a reaction… Female, why are you here? Ethan will not focus. Even I cannot focus with my soul mate near.”

  “Hello, I’m Kanade, Blademaster Blake. I know this is unorthodox, but I have a feelin’ Ethan will surprise us all.”

  “How so?” His earthy scales shone almost as much as her glittering skin.

  “Ethan didn’t have much of an incentive before and all warriors need somethin’ to strive for. Since Nagai do not train multiple students so a healthy rivalry can push them further and faster in this art, Ethan has promised to do better than before.”

  “Should he not?” Blake’s claws clicked on the black katana sheath.

  “I won’t get any opportunities to spend time with her.”

  The Naga warrior hissed a laugh and slapped his knee. “Such is the way of females. Even my own mate won’t let me in our room if I do not exceed her expectations. Very well, you may oversee his training and I expect you to uphold this offer should his focus diminish even slightly from his usual effort.”

  Kanade tilted her head in acceptance.

  “Then to commemorate a change, Ethan, remove your shoes and begin running alone. If I catch you, the Enchantress leaves immediately. I suggest you begin.”

  Immediately he removed his boots and socks without even a chance to stretch. His bare feet became a blur as he charged down the path he’d run for weeks on. Without the weights on his arms and legs he noticed an immediate increase in overall speed. Hearing how Kanade truly wanted him and thought fondly on his behalf by wanting him to be better prepared had removed weight from his heart, making it soar. And wanting to show her the results of all he had endured made him fly across the ground, each step sending dry dirt up behind. Threat of failing and not being near her pushed him to limits he didn’t know. He didn’t even notice his breathing change till he reached the north side of the castle. Usually he would already be gulping down air, but he controlled his breathing as was taught.

  Around the third corner was when he saw Blake’s pearly white underbelly and broad chest. The determined glint in his slit eyes were set to capture him. Not today! Ethan thought and stared ahead on the path, adrenaline adding an extra jolt as a growl of determination ripped from his chest.

  Blake saw the change in Ethan’s stride go from a trained human’s run into something more lithe and graceful which put on a tremendous burst of speed. He had intentionally chosen a pace to give chase, but the level of focus that overcame his student was vastly impressive. Blake felt his own blood begin to stir as his student made the challenge finally worth something and his own scaly feet became faster. The Naga wanted to see just how far he could push this man now that he found the proper incentive. And as his ear holes picked up Ethan’s now familiar growl, Blake hissed while grinning. His tail whipped with excitement.

  Blake watched as they passed the front to find Kanade and Storm-shadow watching them. Storm-shadow’s jaw hung as both he and Blake realized Ethan had never been so quick. And Ethan’s focus was so great on not being captured that he didn’t even realize he passed Kanade for his pace didn’t slow. As the Naga passed the pair, he shrugged and said “Kanade, you are welcome to make him show this level of effort any day. I thought he was determined before! Who knew you were his muse!” and his words didn’t reach the runner.

  Storm-shadow looked into the Enchantress’s eyes to say “Normally Ethan by now would need a moment to recover. Kanade, is it just me or does Ethan resemble the proper running technique the Olympic bipeds use?”

  “I saw it too. He’s tirin’ quickly, but his run is ideal. Blake is an excellent teacher. Let’s fly and see how much longer he can last.”

  “No.” The stallion said. “This is Blake’s method. If Ethan looked over his shoulder and sees us fly and falters, his efforts will be futile. Even for humans, the level of focus won’t last long.”

  On the northern side of the castle again all Ethan’s energy was spent. His second wind gone a half mile ago. The difficult run accumulated and angry muscles demanded him stop. Unable to resist another step his knees buckled, but managed to fall off the path and into dry grass. His chest rose and fell rapidly and sweat poured from every pore and stung his eyes.

  The shadow of Blake covered his head and even the Naga had begun to breathe heavily. “These results are better than I expected. Now that I know it can be done, you will put in more effort each day. You seem the type that can show off to a mate and do better because of it. Many choke, but you thrive. When you can stand, we will continue.”

  His breathing was so heavy he couldn’t respond. Ethan took a minute and a half before rising and took off at a jog. He couldn’t return to the earlier stride, but he forced himself to continue.

  It took twenty more minutes to spot them and as Ethan could see her welcoming smile his legs gave out again. Worry flashed across her features and she couldn’t resist gliding to him. “Ethan?” she tilted his head up.

  “Water.” He asked hoarsely.

  Blake quickly found his bag and pulled out two bottles of water. He tossed one and Kanade caught it before handing it over. Ethan unscrewed the metal cap and gulped the tepid water greedily. It felt good going down and he had gotten used to the warm water. Cold water wasn’t good on an overheated system. When it was empty he smiled and fell flat on his back. “For some reason that actually felt good.” His angel laughed and stood.

  “Endorphins and adrenaline.” Blake said as he too finished his drink. “Besides sex and battle, exercise is addictive. It keeps you healthy and fit, but too much isn’t good… Now we spar before your body gets stiff.”

  Ethan grunted, but recovered enough to stand.

  It wasn’t too long later that Ethan and Blake stood in the sand pit with wooden swords. Kanade, Storm-shadow and several new spectators watched from outside the sand eagerly. Some wanted to watch the most recent celebrity and hero in action.

  As soon as Ethan took a stance Blake began his attack. Ethan blocked the strike and kicked sand from his boots, but the Naga countered with a three knuckle punch with a fist and bones larger than any human. Ethan couldn’t avoid the punch entirely, but by leaning back it reduced the trauma. Wood smacked furiously together and Ethan still wasn’t anywhere near adept to avoid the master. The exchange lasted seconds and each attack left one new point of pain on the Elemental.
Thankfully his face came out unscathed.

  With Kanade watching, Ethan wanted to show he wasn’t nearly as pathetic as he was when they first parted. It narrowed his focus and fed it to push his own limits further and further. Pain didn’t hurt half as bad. Ethan growled and roared, much to the crowd’s amusement, but he was in control of all faculties except that odd habit. The crowd clapped and cheered both on, especially when a skillful move was executed. Still, not one strike, landed cleanly on the master. Blake still held back and everyone knew it, but Ethan’s determination made him recognized as a quick learner. No two consecutive moves were ever unleashed without being blocked.

  For two and a half hours they battled, neither relenting. Ethan learned rapidly without explanation. Blake had been right, experience was key to learning, as was pain. And with Kanade there, his skills leapt while his body tired.

  In a surprising final move, Ethan dodged the troublesome tail, stepped on it and brought down the wood sword with both hands. Blake was a fraction too slow and with his tail captured he was caught off balance and watched as the sword was bought down on his foot. There was a loud ‘twack!’ before the Naga felt pain and gasped before pulling away and jerking his tail back.

  Then came the noon chime. Everyone was stunned into silence, none more so than Ethan. And the knowledge of what occurred sunk in. “Blake, I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” The Naga favored the sore foot slightly. “If it were a real sword I would have lost the foot for a week. The move was well timed. There might be hope for you after all. Shower, eat and return for meditation.” Blake limped away and put the wooden sword in its training stand.

  Storm-shadow was stoked, Ethan figured as the stallion nearly pranced. “Wondrous move! Few can land such a blow, Ethan. Well done, My Friend.”

  Kanade was so proud of the accomplishment, hating every time he was hit, but proud nonetheless. She smiled and it was all he needed. She laughed as he opened his arms saying “Where’s my reward?”

  “You’re all sweaty and covered in dirt, Ethan! And it stinks. Maybe after you hit the showers.” She said it, but she found herself drawn to how good he did smell to her. She squeaked when he ran at her and leapt with a flap of her wings to land on the pavilion roof. Out of arm’s reach.

  The crowd laughed at the entertainment and horror on her face.

  “I see how it is.” Ethan chuckled. “Don’t you like dirty boys?”

  “Just go wash off or you can forget about the reward!”

  “Fine fine.” He walked over to the shower stalls and let the water clean him off.

  As he dripped out of the stall his coloring reddened and all the water steamed off, a trick he learned last week that dried instantly. Kanade waited near there, brushed his hair with her fingers and smiled tenderly. “As promised.” She bent down and gave him a well deserved kiss. It was quick, but greatly enjoyed. “I’m proud of how far you’ve come. Watchin’ from a distance wasn’t at all the same. People are seein’ now what I’ve known since first we met.”

  “And that would be?”

  “A good man worthy to be near for he is destined for greatness.” She claimed his hand. “Come, let us go eat.”

  The three of them walked back to enjoy some lunch. Storm-shadow, along the way, gave tips and comments that were welcome in regards to all the attacks he had watched closely.

  After lunch they spent another hour and a half meditating, but this time Kanade joined in, wanting to learn the art of mental discipline herself. For once Ethan felt at peace and achieved a proper state of mind with her very presence.

  “Enough for today.” Blake said and left without another word as he always had.

  “Ethan, Kanade, I too must depart.” Storm-shadow spoke as the pair stood. “Star-bolt and I will be leaving for the remainder of the day…”

  “Date-night again?” Ethan asked.

  “It is Thursday.” Storm-shadow confirmed. “It’s our only day together that Queen Gra and her Amazons aren’t taking all the mares on patrol. You should be safe without me for a few hours.” And then he winked before trotting off.

  “What would you like to do for the next four hours?” Ethan asked.

  “Spend quality time with you of course. Care to do that in my room?” Kanade hoped for a positive answer.

  “I’d love to. You’re my girl after all.”

  “That I am.” Kanade smiled so brightly her cheeks hurt. “Flying will be quicker. Or would you rather walk.”

  “What do you think?”

  “That you want to embrace me as much as I do and cop a feel.” She knew it was true as she said it.

  “Bingo!” He wrapped his sore right arm around her back just as her left gripped him. They knelt together and jumped as her wings flapped downward and took off straight up.

  The rush of wind felt good as her cinnamon scent surrounded him. In moments she cleared the castle’s roof and glided forward over the nursery of trees and baby Nymphs that hadn’t sprouted yet. A dozen Centaur and Ogre patrolled relentlessly around the roof, vigilant protectors of the young along with all Nymph mothers who watched over their seeds. Kanade made sure the flight was slow towards the lone, large tower in the heart of the Castle.

  Eventually she angled towards the tower’s fifth of six tower floors which all had grand balconies used for landing and serve as a strategic defense should danger come from the sky. She flew to her balcony on the north side and effortlessly landed.

  More runes framed a large iron door even a Centaur could walk through sideways. It was shut, but as he pulled his arm back Kanade stepped forward and laid a hand on a specific rune that looked similar to a starburst with a spiraling line in its heart. The moment she touched it the rune flashed blue and the door swung outwards on silent hinges. She returned and intentionally claimed Ethan’s hands with a giddy bounce to her step. “I’ve never had a boyfriend, but this is my room.”

  Inside Ethan vaguely remembered it from yesterday. Like his own room, this one was spacious with a fifteen foot ceiling and plenty of room to hold a party up to about fifty people without feeling crowded. On one wall held an sixty inch HD TV with a DVR and DVD hooked up. Shelves surrounded the TV and were filled with hundreds and hundreds of movies. In front of the TV was the supersized sofa with a fifteen foot long arrangement and was four and a half to five feet deep and made of a rusty color leather. In the corner was her bed, one large enough for her to stretch out and was just as large as his. It was covered in a lavender bed sheet with six large pillows at its head. On the nightstand was a thick book with a glass of water and beside it was a fireplace, not currently in use. Beside the door, in a corner at an angle, was Dress grinning from ear to ear. He broke the silence. “Well isn’t this romantic. Flying in through the air, holding one another. Hmmm,” The cabinet hummed. “young love.”

  Kanade had forgotten about him and flushed. “Dress, we wish for total privacy till supper.”

  “Very well, Spoilsport.” Dress said with a wink and his large golden face and eyes faded completely away. The knobs were now ivory white and mahogany wood grains looked proper.

  “Wow, how did you do that?!” Ethan asked, shocked. “Could Dress always do that, leave I mean?”

  Kanade gave him an ‘Are you serious?’ look. “Did you not know that you can ask or order him for total privacy?” He shook his head. “Well now you know. Though Dress doesn’t sleep, he can inhabit closets and leave so long as you give him a timeframe on when to return. He will respect a person’s privacy, but if away you will be unable to retrieve a new wardrobe without goin’ to another resident’s room and speak to him there.”

  “Seems I’m going to need to have a chat with him. He neglected that bit of information. Good to know. Now I can sleep more easily.”

  “Do you find it difficult to sleep?” Kanade asked as she led him to the couch and together they got comfortable.

  The leather was soft and felt great on his sore body. “I do because I prefer to sleep in the nude. Hav
ing a gay closet who doesn’t sleep and likes watching TV all night long is a difficult roommate to have. Dress likes to tease, but he has a good heart… and I hate to admit it, but the man sure knows how to make stylish clothes.”

  “That he does. He made me a new bra and panties this mornin’ and picked out this shirt and shorts.” When she realized what she said her cheeks reddened.

  Ethan grinned. “I know. Red lace. It surprised me.”

  “Oh, this is embarrassin’.” Her wings shook and her blue hair tried bashfully covering her features.

  “Don’t be. When you bent over and I saw the classy thong. I liked it. Personally, I didn’t expect Spirit Guides to wear something so sexy.”

  “Dress did say he knew you’d like it if you found out. And I’m a woman, why wouldn’t I want to warm the blood of my angel.”

  Ethan laughed. “Isn’t that a bit dangerous? I’m a Fire Elemental after all. Didn’t your parents tell you not to play with fire?”

  “Perhaps I didn’t listen. Can’t help that my angel can’t take the heat.”

  One of his dark auburn eyebrows raised. “I’m immune to fire, Beautiful. I can take anything you can throw my way.”

  “We’ll see soon enough.” Her molten gold eyes twinkled as her rosy cheeks darkened more. She even felt her nipples hardening and tried shifting topic. “Ethan, you seem to have recovered from last night’s revelation… I… I want to hear how you are takin’ it…”

  He took her slightly trembling hands in his. Now that they were close and alone Kanade noticed Ethan’s eyes weren’t entirely grey, he had several rusty specks hidden inside. He then gave her another smile that reached his eyes. “Kanade, all you told me last night wasn’t too hard to deny. I felt an instant connection, but now I can understand why I’ve reacted this way. I’ve dreamt of you every time my eyes closed. Never has any girl done that. Your eyes. Your lips. Your smile. Your soft spoken voice and accent. I remember it all. When we touched you felt right.

  “I was torn up inside and threw myself into my work after you left. I hated how my fantasies involved a woman who I could never have. An actual angel, in my mind, and a human couldn’t be together. It was impossible, but still I yearned. Before you I would admire a woman’s body like every other guy, searching for one who would love me totally. When I got here I was bombarded by women who wanted me, but I couldn’t respond to their attentions as I would have. I now know my heart was already given away. Deep down I knew you were all I would want, will ever want. I told others I was flattered, but always said no.

  “And then last night… well… was a surprise. You called me your husband, Kanade, in your culture, are we actually married?”

  Slowly, she nodded while chewing her bottom lip. “Yes. The moment we kissed and I could taste my own power, we were wed down to our very souls. But till we are truly joined my desires are manageable. I am your wife, soul mate, lover, best friend, confidant, mother of your future children and angel. I cannot lie about this. For my kind to find their soul mate there is no lavish ceremony, weddin’ in front of family and friends. Nothin’ can break the bond we share forever, not even time. When we kissed was all the ceremony needed.”

  “Are you ok with all of this? I mean, I’m just a human…”

  “Ethan, do not think that way. Do not think I want another.” She leaned forward and kissed him slowly. When she pulled back she said. “I’ve never told anyone this, no one.” She said clearly. “But I’ve always known my soul mate wasn’t Spirit Guide or Enforcer. My dreams were of a faceless, but beautiful bearded man cloaked in red. No Guide or Enforcer has body hair except on their head or eyebrows and wouldn’t ever wear red unless they were born with such colorin’. Celestial beings usually wear gold and only mortals would wear red. And now that I see you here, I know my dreams were right. Furthermore, now that I have a mortal body and a beatin’ heart again, I can feel much more deeply. Ethan you are what I want and need. So long as we live, I have no regrets. I’m truly happy.”

  “Prove it.”

  “Kiss me.” She whispered and felt his hands wrap around her waist and his lips tenderly pressed against hers. Her wings instinctively and intimately surrounded them together. Her hands wove through his hair and pulled him closer. She felt her head begin to swim and noticed he was pushing her back. She went willingly, not wanting to resist. She enjoyed how he took control and how tender he was at the same time. She submitted to his power, unable to resist her angel’s love for her. They found each other and wouldn’t be separated. He kissed her and his hand went to her breast. She gasped and arched her back. He went to pull away, but she said “Don’t. Here.” and took his hand in hers and pushed it under her shirt and bra so she could feel him touch her bare breast. “Do you like them?” She shivered in pleasure as he caressed her nipple and was delighted as he rumbled a growl deep in his chest. She then kissed him again, enjoying how great he could make her feel. “Ethan, if we don’t stop” she gasped again. “we won’t leave my room at all.”

  “Sorry.” He took his hand out from under her shirt and she realized her own hands were under his as well, enjoying the feel of his firm, hairy chest, coarse yet soft and erotic.

  Her cocooning wings opened as he propped on her side, pinning a wing down, but she enjoyed how his body molded with hers. “Don’t be.” She stroked his hair out of his eyes and along his jaw. “That was amazin’ and beautiful. I’ve never felt so womanly and loved. I truly wish to have you in me, My Angel, but our duties are more important at this time than personal pleasure. Very soon though I want that experience. I’m glad you are not the pressurin’ type.”

  “You’re worth it.” Is all he needed to say.

  She turned on her side and enveloped him in her wings. He stroked them and all were softer than velvet and she warned “Ethan, don’t do that if you don’t want me to sleep. Stroking my wings will do that. They are very sensitive. And I do not wish to be in a compromisin’, vulnerable state with a man who wants me so badly.” She giggled and wrapped her arms around him. “Not that I’d mind too much.”

  “I wouldn’t…”

  “I know.” She got more comfortable after giving another kiss she couldn’t get enough of. She was already addicted. “Ethan, I want to know more about you. Tell me your history.”

  “Couldn’t you just flick your wrist or snap your fingers and read my life?”

  Kanade shook her head. “Not anymore. When I took mortal form I lost many abilities my spirit form is capable of. I’m no longer a Spirit Guide. I’m an Enchantress. I can no longer suck in souls for safe keepin’ or read Fate’s plan, but now I can feel my emotions more deeply, touch objects without magic, feel sensations a spirit cannot, feel my heart beatin’, have fatigue, need to eat… and be with you again. Ethan I want to learn about my angel’s life from him, not read it.”

  “So you’ve given up a lot huh?”

  “No, I’ve gained more.” He had to smile at that answer.

  “Alright, but I want to know more about you too.” She nodded eagerly. “Well thirty years ago my mom had me through a cesarean section, because she was already a quadriplegic due to a car accident when she was a teen. I weighed eight pound, eight and a half ounces. I was her first. My brother Billy came a year after, but six weeks after my brother was born my dad just took off on my mom.” His tone turned bitter. “My grandparents took care of my mom and us till I got big enough to help out. When I was thirteen I was curious about tracking my dad down, but found he died in a hiking accident with a new wife he had cheated with on my Mom, ten years prior. Can’t say he didn’t deserve it, but I never told my mom, she still loved him and didn’t know the real reason he left her, but still suspected. My mom hated being a quad, but she was the strongest person I ever knew. She was always so quiet and even tempered, which I emulated because I was always so angry and hot headed as a kid. I never got into a fight before, but I always had anger issues. For my mom though, I hid it like she did the pain of her hard life…”
br />   “What’s a quad?” Kanade asked softly.

  “Short for quadriplegic. My mom was paralyzed entirely from the chest down. She was able to breathe under her own power, but only her left arm worked enough to drive her chair and she could manage to hold a fork or spoon to feed herself.” He explained. “She was beautiful, had auburn hair like me and sterling silver eyes. Billy’s black hair he got from my grandfather.

  “I grew up helping my mom while Billy became distant and in high school started doing drugs and drinking, partying like crazy and snidely blaming me and our mother for his own shortcomings.

  “I graduated with honors and went to Florida State University to later receive my Masters in business with a minor in art while my grandparents looked after mom and Billy went somewhere.

  “Then five years ago I lost my mom. I was driving us down I-4 from her book club meeting one night when a drunk fell asleep behind a wheel. Before I could react he ran us off the road. We hit the ditch at seventy five miles an hour and careened straight for the trees. It all happened so fast, but we crashed into a tree.” Ethan swallowed as the memory returned, but didn’t stop. “I awoke in the hospital with only a concussion and a cut on the cheek from a shard of glass, but my mom wasn’t so lucky. A tree branch pierced the windshield and pierced her heart. Doctors said that she didn’t feel anything, especially with the paralysis. Since then I’ve never driven and will never drive a car again.”

  “I’m sorry Ethan, but you can know with certainty that your mother’s soul is in the Endless Gardens with your grandparents. I do know that much. I’ve spoken with them. Your relatives have vibrant spirits.”

  “Really?” He drew back and sat up.

  Kanade also sat properly and fixed her top. “Yes. The three of them are all proud of you. I had to meet future my husband’s family and I can tell you they love me already and they wish us the very best, especially Lori, your mother. As for Daniel, your father, Lori’s spirit was stronger than his and his actions brought him to the Isle of Regret with that woman who was also married to another at the time.”

  Ethan deflated. “I’m glad they are together and he got what was deserved. Thank you for that, Kanade, but you said you didn’t know my past.”

  “You’re welcome and I wasn’t lyin’. Lori and you grandparents spoke fondly of you and wanted to know of me, but I made it clear they were to say nothin’ of your life. They didn’t. Now it’s my turn.” Kanade took his hand and threaded her baby soft fingers with his. “Twenty nine Earth years ago…”

  “Earth years?”

  “Oh Ethan…” Kanade laughed. “Earth isn’t the only mortal world that has life. Other worlds, millions of them, have strange and wondrous beings even beyond your imagination. Many are neutral, like humans and Thunderbirds. Do you really think Nagai or Centaur originate from Earth? Think again. They have their own worlds.” She enjoyed his expression and wide eyes. “When I say Earth years, different planets have different calendars. Time is the same, but is counted differently. Only Demon and Spirit World are a realm with endless space.

  “Back to what I was sayin’, twenty nine Earth years ago I hatched from my egg. The Cerulean family is the third largest of all Spirit Guide clans. Mated pairs decide which family they wish to belong to. My family consists of ten thousand eight hundred and four… which now includes you. My ancestral grandmother already counts you as my mate of the family.”

  “Since I’m not a winged spiritual being that already has a family you mean?”

  “Good, you do understand.” He loved making her smile. “After I hatched my maturity is much like every other human female except I stopped aging at twenty one and I don’t menstruate.”

  “Glad to hear it.” Ethan joked and received a slight slap on the arm.

  “Behave you!” She laughed in a musical way. “We’ll have time to banter later.” Kanade shook, trying not to continue laughing. “After I hatched my parents rejoiced. At three I began learnin’ runes and how to fly unaided. At nine I learned all children needed to pick a world in which help’s Order. I chose the one in Alabama because I liked how all the girls talked and became an Enchantress. I loved helpin’ out and makin’ things last longer. My powers grew steadily till my eighteenth year in which I was strong enough to protect and deliver souls to Spirit World.” She then pointed to her movie collection. “I know your hobby is in comics and games, but my favorites are the old classics. Slapstick mostly, like the Three Stooges or the Addams Family. Black and white only for those. I’m also a sap for romance movies.” Ethan groaned. “Sorry, you’re stuck with a real woman. If you are my man you’ll learn to love it… Especially if you want a piece of this.” She gestured to herself.

  “Kanade, it’s not just a piece I want. I want all of you. If that means suffering through a few movies, I can handle it. You just better be prepared for what I’ll do…” Then his eyes widened as he realized a detail he missed. “Uh, I know this is wrong on so many levels, but I need to know… Is… a… do we combine like other couples. It’s not like you lay eggs like a salmon and I have to uh…”

  The Enchantress laughed out loud. “No, did you not just hear me say I’m just like every other woman? Ethan, we will be together like any other couple, in every way. My part A will take in your part B. I’ve got a vagina. The only difference is that one day I will lay a single white egg larger than an ostrich’s from our union. It will be a long time before that occurs most likely. The benefit of layin’ a precious egg is all the practice I’m looking forward to.”

  “Then will it be like it is between the female races like Nymphs and Pixies who daughters stay like mothers, but sons reflect their father? Oh and would it have a mortal or spirit form?”

  “Our future children will take after me without doubt for my matriarch’s children all took after her regardless to sex rather than the Thunderbird king. If I have this physical body when I lay, our offspring will have a physical body. Similarly would occur without. My more dominant genes will determine a winged child. Are you disappointed?”

  “Not at all. Just knowing any child of ours is a result of my feelings for you. They will be beautiful.”

  “Stop. I told you I’m a sap for romance.” Tears began stinging her eyes, but hadn’t spilt. “Keep this up and I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  “Okay… then would you like to watch a movie? If we don’t I can guarantee it will only get harder. You felt how I did yesterday about you. It stronger now and if I don’t have a distraction soon my libido will find a release with you.”

  “Same here. Now I understand why my parents can’t keep their hands of each other… the drive to mate is stronger every passin’ moment. Already I want to tear your clothes off… You’re right. I too need a distraction, badly.” Kanade stood quickly and walked over to her collection on the wall. “No. Romance will only make things worse.” She mumbled to herself. “No. No… Ah, this will work. Bewitched sound good?”

  “Kind of ironic don’t you think? A woman able to cast spells while her love interest is mortal.” He grinned. “All we need is Merlin to dress in drag and play the crazed aunt.”

  Hand instantly over her mouth, Kanade laughed. “Never thought of it like that…” She giggled again as she imaged the odd wizard cross-dressing. “Yes or no?”

  “Sure. Haven’t seen an episode since I was a little kid.”

  She popped out the first disc in the slot in the TV’s side and sauntered back. Ethan already had the remote in hand and selected the pilot episode by the time she sat. He then took her hand as she sat with her thigh up against his. For comfort he leaned forward so her wing could spread, but then she wrapped the downy feathers around him. Then the movie began.

  After the first half hour ended Kanade went to ask him something, but stopped when she saw his eyes closed and head on her shoulder, but his grip on her remained. Secretly she lifted his shirt as she had just remembered the punishment he endured and swallowed a lump. Most of his torso was discolored wi
th bruises, new and old. He had been pushing himself so hard she worried if it was too much, but was so proud of the man that belonged only to her. She gently covered him and kissed his head. “Sleep well, My Angel. I’ll not let you go ever again.”

  He woke up for dinner and Kanade wasn’t mad he fell asleep. Only Floa joined them for dinner and then he had to go work. Kanade also had her own duties.

  Celestia was quiet, but saw Ethan became more energetic and worked harder than before. That night he couldn’t go visit Kanade for no weapons were ready. Dress informed she was already asleep. He stayed the night.

  In the morning everyone chatted together. Ethan ran a quarter mile more than the previous day, but for the combat lesson he didn’t get a repeat performance by landing a blow.

  As another time of meditation ended and Blake was on his way out Kira and a much younger version of her approached. “Lads, this is my little sister Minna.” The girl looked maybe eight.

  “Hello!” the bright green eyed child Witch looked at all of them. Minna looked up at the winged lady. “Enchantress Kanade, may I talk with you?”

  “Of course, Darlin’.” Kanade knelt. “What about?”

  “Spirit World and magic.” Minna adorably said in a black and green dress.

  “Of course you can.” The Enchantress willingly allowed.

  Meanwhile Kira secretly began casting subtle runes that shifted perception and blocked sound. When it was crafted and properly maintained Kira looked to Ethan, watching their interaction. “Ethan, could I borrow you for a moment? I need help carrying a few things.”

  “Sure. Be right back Kanade.” He said but didn’t get acknowledged.

  Kira headed across the drawbridge with the Elemental beside her and pulled out a vial from her sleeve. She looked at him and said “I’ve got a potion for you?”

  “Really?” He asked. “What for?”

  Quick thinking had her say “So you can safely touch my things. I don’t want to hurt you any more than the beatings you receive daily.” She held out the clear vial.

  “Thanks.” He took the mouthful trustingly. Immediately as it hit his stomach there was a moment of disorientation. “Kir…” He stopped and blinked. “Kanade? Where’d Kira go?”

  “Oh, Kira had to take Minna to her mother, but she told me what needs done.” Kanade’s image said and sounded just like her, but in reality was Kira herself. She smiled winningly and led Ethan to her bedroom.

  He followed, unable to differentiate.