Read Forgotten, Saved, Loved Page 8

  "Comrade? Comrade, you ok?" Alex asks, waving her hand in front of my face.

  "Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I just can't wait to get out of here," I say exhausted. It's true; a white room with no excitement in it can get annoying. I just wanna be free, like I've been wanting to be for the past three years.

  "Well, Doctor Aileen says that you're improving with your physical abilities and that you should be out of here soon," Alex says with a soft smile, making me smile in return.

  As if on cue, Doctor Aileen walks in through the door, scribbling something down on her clipboard. She looks up and smiles at us both before heading over to me.

  "How are you feeling today, Comrade? Any pains, headaches, newly discovered injuries?" she questions. I shake my head. I actually feel perfectly fine; the only thing I don't feel is my wolf.

  "Ok then, I'll just do some tests and then we'll see what happens,” she tells me with a smile.

  Alex excuses herself from the room, silently walking out the door. She hates seeing tests be done on me, it seems to get under her skin.

  Doctor Aileen wraps the tests up within an hour, quickly scribbling down on her clipboard what she recorded.

  She excuses herself from the room, but before she closes the door, I see her turn to Alex with a serious face.

  I wait patiently, knowing the news can't be that bad. If anything, it'll be good news. I don't really know what can be worse than being cooped up in a tiny room with no form of entertainment. I honestly don't...

  A few long minutes later, Alex walks back into the room. I stare at her face, easily reading her emotions. By the way her wide eyes, mouth slightly ajar, and the way her movements are stiff, she's in shock.

  As soon as she's in arm’s length from me, I grip her hand, sending sparks shooting through the both of us. She looks down at me, her stormy eyes looking like they can't believe what they just heard. "Alex, what did Doctor Aileen say?" I ask softly, drawing small circles on the back of her hand with my thumb.

  "She- I- you- I mean..." she mumbles before taking a deep breath and looking at me in the eye. "You're being released."

  I blink at her, released? Does that mean... A full blown smile comes to my face and I feel a new hope starting to grow within me. Seeing my reaction, Alex smiles hesitantly and grips my hand.

  "This is great news! When can I leave?" I ask eagerly. Alex chuckles and shakes her head at my reaction.

  "You can leave right now if you want. Doctor Aileen says that your health is in tip top shape, your muscles may need a bit more working and that everything seems to be in order. You're free to go," Alex says while beaming at me with a toothy smile.

  Not even twenty minutes later, I'm finally walking out of the medic room. Doctor Aileen smiles at me, I smile back. She's helped me a lot over the past three weeks and I can't be more grateful than I am now, in this moment.

  Alex grips my hand in hers, looking nervous herself. I gently lift my hand to her cheek and turn her to face me. I place a soft kiss on her forehead, telling her everything's gonna be alright.

  I grip the handle and take a deep breath. Finally... I push the door open and the first thing to grace my eyes is sunlight. I grin and pull Alex along with me, heading straight to the backyard. I feel like a little kid at Christmas, I'm that excited.

  "Comrade! Slow down! I don't want you to hurt yourself," Alex scolds me. I stop and turn to her, wrapping my arms around her waist for the very first time. Sparks go straight through me and I can tell by her face that Alex can feel the same thing.

  "It sounds like you're scolding your child than talking to your mate. Have you forgotten that I'm the older one in this equation?" I whisper in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

  I grin, pulling my head away to look at her face. Her eyes are closed and she seems to be taking deep breaths through her nose and letting them out through her mouth, letting her mesmerizing scent wash over me.

  "Sorry,” she mutters, still in a daze. I grin wider as her stormy eyes open, revealing the submission she felt the need to show me.

  Not wasting another second, I drag her the rest of the way to the backyard, bursting through the door. Birds are chirping, the wind is blowing, the pack children are running around playing, and the sun's light is raining down.

  I let go of Alex's hand and make my way to the middle of the backyard. I lay down on the grass, my face up to the sun. I close my eyes and sigh contently. This is what I've missed. Just being able to lay in the sun with no worries in my mind… is the best thing.

  Alex comes to sit next to me, placing my head in her lap. She runs her fingers through my hair, making a shiver run down my spine from the feeling it gives me.

  "Comrade, I-" Alex begins, but is cut off as a child launches herself at her. She falls sideways, causing my head to fall from her lap and to the ground.

  I hear Alex groan and quickly look up to see what caused her pain. On top of her, is a little girl that I can never forget. White hair and a small frame is all I can see from here, but it's all I need to see in order to know that it’s Clarissa.

  "Geez, Clarissa, can you launch yourself any harder?" Alex grumbles as she pushes herself up, Clarissa sliding into her lap.

  Clarissa giggles and shakes her head, her long white hair dangling with the movement. I sigh and stand up, walking to stand behind Alex and place my hands on her shoulders.

  Clarissa looks up at me and her little cheeks flush bright red. I chuckle at her; she's so much like Celina. How did I not see this when Celina brought the triplets to see me?

  "Clarissa!" a voice booms, traveling through the yard and making Clarissa's giggles cease. She looks up to Alex with wide eyes and quickly scurries off her lap, she goes to hide behind my legs.

  I look up to see Axel storming across the yard, not looking very happy. I keep my face neutral when his eyes lock onto me.

  "Comrade?" he questions confused, walking up to me. "I didn't know you got released."

  "That's because I only got released about fifteen minutes ago," I reply with a halfhearted smile. He nods at me. He looks down at Alex and grunts. She rolls her eyes at him. I look between the two, sensing some tension. I wonder what Alex did to get under Axel's skin?

  "Um, am I missing something?" I mutter to them, but get no response. Alex glares up at Axel, her eyes like knives. Axel growls at the challenge, sticking his chest out and showing his dominance over her.

  "Stand down, Alex! You can't beat me,” he growls lowly at her. I feel a growl bubbling up in my chest. No one threatens my mate. Before I can retaliate though, Alex beats me to it with a new determination in her voice."I know I can't beat you, but I know someone who can break you."

  Axel growls at the threat while Alex just stands up and walks behind me. I'm frozen in shock over what's occurring. She's threatening her alpha and seems to be taking her chance at a fight with him. Is she crazy? I haven't even done that since I've met Axel.

  A giggle soon fills the air as Alex emerges with Clarissa sitting effortlessly on her hip. I feel my heart melt at the sight. Alex will make an amazing mother when we have pups. Hopefully, that will be soon.

  Axel looks down at his youngest and only daughter, his eyes softening. I feel my own eyes soften as I stare down at her. She's certainly a gem to behold, making everyone who sees her fall in love with her instantly.

  "Daddy!" Clarissa exclaims, jumping from Alex's arms to Axel's. I stare at the little girl in shock, that's the first word I've ever heard her say, she only giggles or stays silent around me.

  "Clarissa, were you hiding from me?" Axel asks cheekily. Clarissa giggles in his arms and shakes her head. "Told ya she'd break ya," Alex says with a triumphant grin while Axel just grumbles something about females. Alex laughs at him as he walks away, leaving us alone once again.

  I turn to her in slight disbelief and awe. This girl, this beautiful and amazing girl, just stood up to her alpha and used his own daughter against him. She's certainly something... It's gonna keep me busy to mak
e sure she stays in line.

  "What was that?" I question with wide eyes. She just shrugs and grins at me. I roll my eyes at her and wrap an arm around her waist.

  "I want you to meet some people,” she tells me then starts dragging me back inside the pack house. I grin at our connected hands, feeling sparks all over my body. I can get used to this.

  She stops outside a door on the second floor. She smiles a bit nervously at me before knocking and screaming, "Oi! Open this door, you crazy people!"

  Before I can fathom, the door opens and she's dragged inside, the door being shut and locked instantly after. I just stand there, slightly confused, looking at the door that my mate just disappeared into.

  Two excited squeals are suddenly heard and the door is quickly unlocked as a firm hand locks around my wrist and hauls me inside. I stumble slightly, but quickly regain my balance.

  "Careful! I don't want him to break,” a voice mutters that I can only describe as my mate’s. I turn my head to glare playfully at her as she attaches herself to my arm.

  "Please! Look at these arms! We couldn't break him no matter how hard we tried!" a foreign voice exclaims. I look up to see two girls, one blonde haired and one brown haired. They both have brown eyes, just different shades, and the one with the brown hair is definitely taller than the other one.

  "Comrade, I would like you to meet Ally and Taylor. Ally and Taylor, meet Comrade," Alex quickly says, getting the introductions over and done with. I quickly discover that Taylor's the blonde one and Ally's the other one since Alex points them out.

  Ally and Taylor's eyes widen, looking between Alex and myself. I stare back at them with a blank face, making Alex slap my arm lightly. "You mean the Comrade that..." Taylor trails off after getting a look from Alex. An awkward silence suddenly fills the room, making Alex's two friends shuffle on their feet.

  "So, uh..." Ally starts, but never finishes. She looks at Alex unsurely while Alex just shrugs and looks down.

  "I'm leaving," I grunt, my mood quickly changing because of the atmosphere. I don't bother to see how the three girls react. I just push the door open and shut it with a little too much force.

  I head to the room I once inhabited before the war, needing some me time. As soon as I walk in, I notice that nothing's changed. My bed is still unmade, some lone clothes are still on the floor and my desk is still piled with work I never completed from school.

  I sigh as I go and collapse on my bed, feeling a sense of familiarity wash over me. It's nice to be back in my own bed.

  I flip over and look up at my plain white ceiling, thinking of nothing. I don't want to think of anything really. Thinking means pain, pain means hurt and hurt means more pain. I don't want to go down that road for the hundredth time. That's exactly what will happen if I think about what just happened back with Alex.

  A soft knock at the door makes me slightly lift my head from the pillows. I don't answer, not really wanting to see anyone. The person knocks again, then a third time, then a fourth.

  "Oh for the love of the Goddess, go away!" I snap at the door. The knocking stops, the room going silent. I sigh and lay back down, happy to finally be alone.

  The faint sound of someone leaning against the door and sliding down to the floor makes a heavy sigh leave my lips. I don't let that distract me though, so I close my eyes and just listen to the nothingness.

  "I'm sorry,” a gentle voice says. My eyes snap open when I realise it's my mate. I slowly stand up and lean against the door, sliding down to the floor just like she did.

  "I didn't think they'd react to you like that, I just... I don't know. They were part of the group that came and rescued you, you know? They helped and I just thought they'd be happy to meet you, but then they reacted like that and I didn't know what to say or do and my mind just went blank and I'm so sorry,” she rambles on.

  I stay silent, not really knowing what to say. How her friends reacted, it really got to me. They seemed so unsure and didn't know what to say, like they were walking on eggshells. Is that how everyone's gonna react to me now, knowing that I've gone through something no one wants to experience? I don't think I can handle that.

  "Well, dinner's in an hour or two. You're having dinner with the Alpha, Luna and their kids, so be nice,” she says jokingly. I laugh through my nose at that, a small smile appearing on my face.

  I hear her get up and walk away, leaving me alone. I drop my head into my hands and run them through my hair. My life is different and I hate it. I want things to go back to normal, the way they were before I was taken. That's not possible though because it has happened and there's no changing the past.



  I drag myself out of my room, really not wanting to go to this dinner. I've seen Celina, Axel, and the triplets, so why do I need to have dinner with them? Geez, I sound like a whiny teenage girl. I grimace at the thought.

  I make my way to the dining room, right on time. Celina sees me walk in and smiles, her eyes shining with happiness. Her smile takes away some of my reluctance, but not all.

  Axel notices Celina smiling at me and sends me a curt nod. Now that he knows I'm fine and dandy, that's probably the best I'll get out of him. Axel and I were on good terms three years ago, we got along. I guess that's changed now.

  "Comrade, take a seat. Dinner should be ready in a second," Celina tells me, her smile still in place. I turn to her confused. Doesn't she usually cook?

  "Don't you usually cook?" I question, deciding to voice my thoughts. Celina always cooks, no matter what the occasion.

  "I didn't want to be traveling between the kitchen and here because I want to spend time with you. So, I got one of our best cooks to cook us her famous lasagna," Celina says with a grin.

  I blink. If Celina claims that this person is one of their best cooks, I'll take her word for it. Celina doesn't give out compliments for cooking very often.

  The smell of lasagna suddenly wafts through my nose. I close my eyes at the smell of real food. Yes, I got real food in the medic room, but nothing to this extent.

  "Alpha, Luna,” a voice I instantly recognise says, as she places down two plates of lasagna in front of Celina and Axel.

  "Thank you, Alex," Celina says with a smile. I stare at Alex as she places a plate down in front of me, hoping to catch her eye.

  She looks into my eyes for a split second, sending me a wink. I chuckle as she leaves, catching the attention of Celina. She gives me a knowing look as a half-smile graces her face.

  Alex walks back in with three more plates of lasagna, these of a smaller portion.

  "Now then, which one of you is my knight in shining armor? Always ready to save the day?" Alex asks with a grin. Celina giggles while Axel just rolls his eyes.

  I look to the three triplets to see Dylan shoot his hand up at the same time as Jett. The two boys look at each other and glare. Alex chuckles while putting a plate down in front of Dylan.

  "Told ya so!" Dylan yells playfully at his older brother, sticking his tongue out. I let a ghost of a smile appear on my face, watching as Jett grumbles under his breath.

  "Don't worry, Jett, you're the charmer. You'll have girls swooning at your feet in a few years," Alex says with a wink, causing Jett to puff out his chest. He's so much like Axel, always taking the glory and power.

  She places the plate in front of Jett. He gets ready to tuck in before Celina sends him a look. He pouts and crosses his arms over his chest. For a moment, I forget that he's named after me and just stare at the three-year-old boy. The moment is short lived when I remember that they only named him after me because they thought I was dead.

  "Last, but definitely not least, the princess that everyone loves," Alex says, placing a plate down in front of Clarissa. She looks up at Alex with a smile and giggles. The funny thing is, Clarissa is a Princess.

  Alex bends down to whisper something in her ear, causing a wide smile to appear on Clarissa's face and for her to erupt into a fit of giggles.

  "Enjoy your dinner, everyone,” Alex says with a large grin before walking out of the room, leaving us to ourselves.

  "I swear, I worry about that girl sometimes," Celina mutters under her breath. I chuckle, totally agreeing with her.

  "Mummy? Can we start now?" Clarissa asks in her sweet and innocent voice I've heard only twice.

  Celina smiles and nods, gazing at her daughter with adoration. I'm gonna have that one day, with Alex. We're going to have the most wonderful pups and nothing's gonna keep us from it.

  "So, Comrade. You doing ok?" Axel asks, shoving a forkful of lasagna into his mouth. I copy his movement, almost moaning as the taste explodes in my mouth. Goddess, this is good.

  "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I question after swallowing. Axel shakes his head, his lips rolling into his mouth.

  "He's worried about you, Comrade," Celina informs me with a sad smile. "Although, he won't admit it. I'm worried about you too, so are you really ok?"

  I grip my fork tighter, trying to control the anger that's bubbling to the surface. They're looking at me differently, like I'm a totally different person. That may be true, but they don't have to rub it in.

  "I'm fine," I grit out through clenched teeth. I quickly take another bite of the food, not wanting to answer any more questions.

  Silence falls over the table after that, no one willing to break it. Celina has a frown on her face, looking like she's thinking something over. Axel just sits back on his chair, already finished his food.

  I look at the triplets only to see that Jett and Dylan are having an eating contest, stuffing as much food in their mouths as possible. Clarissa just continues to eat her food in peace, eating just like her mother.

  I look back to Jett, something on my mind. With Jett being the next alpha, he should have a name that represents strength and power. The name 'Jett' certainly catches your attention, the same with Knight. Comrade though? Not so much.

  "Why'd you name him after me?" I suddenly question. Celina blinks, escaping her thoughts while Axel stiffens next to me.