Read Forgotten, Saved, Loved Page 9

  "Why don't you kids go and play for a bit, we'll call you when desert's ready," Axel mutters to the triplets. In less than five seconds, all three triplets are out the door, even Clarissa.

  "Why'd you name him after me?" I ask again, not changing my expressionless tone.

  "Comrade..." Celina starts, but trails off. She doesn't know what to say to me and that just makes this even harder.

  I look at Axel. "What about you? Are you gonna tell me why?" I ask again, a bit more aggressively. Axel growls at me in warning, reminding me he's still my alpha.

  "I think this is Celina's story to tell. She decided to name Jett after you," Axel grumbles, looking pissed off at my disrespect. I look at Celina expectantly.

  "After the battle, when you went to chase after that wolf, Axel called for you," Celina starts with a far off look in her eye. "When you didn't come the first time, he called again. You still didn't come. I panicked and ran, I ran to go find you, but you were already gone. I-I found the wolf you killed, but I couldn't find you."

  She takes a deep breath, tears brimming her eyes. I don't know what I'm feeling at the moment, I feel... empty. I just want to know why they felt the need to name their eldest son after me. It's just doesn't make sense to me.

  "When we gave the triplets names, we didn't give Jett a middle name because I'd already given my parents’ names to Dylan and Clarissa. We just left it at Jett Knight," Celina continues on, but stops.

  "You still haven't answered my question," I push. Axel growls at me, but Celina places a hand on his chest to reassure him.

  "Comrade, when you disappeared, I couldn't bear to not have you in my life. You were my first friend here, you led me to Axel, you opened up your life to me, you became my guardian, and you gained my trust. We named Jett after you because we didn't want to forget you, we didn't want you to be out of our lives forever. It was a way of holding onto you without really losing you," Celina says sincerely with tears falling down her cheeks. Axel brings her to his chest, stroking her hair and muttering words in her ear to help calm her down.

  A way of not losing me? Did they think they were gonna lose me? Forever? I close my eyes at the thought; they will never lose me.

  "You won’t lose me, Snow. Not in a million years," I whisper, using the old nickname I gave her. Celina's head snaps up, her eyes wide.

  "I'm so sorry, Comrade,” she blabbers, throat hoarse from the crying. She launches herself out of her chair and brings me into a bone-crushing hug. I chuckle and hug her back, more gently though.

  Celina pulls back and goes back to Axel, being engulfed in his arms. He spares me a look that says, 'you finally understand', to which I nod at.

  "I have more questions, but I think that's for another day," I tell them with a sigh. Celina wipes the tears away while Axel nods.

  Alex chooses to walk back in at that moment with deserts set on her arms. She takes one look at Celina though and forgets about the deserts, putting them on the table, and rushes to her side.

  "Luna, are you ok?" she asks in a gentle voice, placing a hand on her shoulder.

  Celina looks at Alex with a wobbly smile and nods, telling her she's alright. Alex smiles back, going back to handing out the deserts.

  "Alex, do you mind getting the triplets?" Axel asks, eyeing the chocolate mud cake in front of him.

  "Of course, Alpha," Alex says with a fake enthusiastic smile. Axel rolls his eyes, ignoring the disrespect he seems to always get from her.

  "Triplets! Dessert!" Alex yells, not moving from her spot as her voice travels through the pack house.

  Axel growls while Celina giggles. I just roll my eyes at her. She's so weird; she never ceases to surprise me. I'm guessing that Axel actually meant for Alex to go and get them, not yell for them to come.

  "I could've done that," Axel grumbles to her. Alex just shrugs innocently with a wide smile.

  The triplets come rushing in, not bothering to wait before they tuck in. Alex chuckles before walking out of the room, my eyes unashamedly watching her hips sway, if you know what I mean.

  For the rest of the dinner, the triplets babble on and on about their day. I smile at them, finally getting used to them and accepting what Celina's told me.

  I still have questions though, like why it took so long to come and get me. What was so important that they had to wait three years, three years, before they came to rescue me? It may sound like I'm being selfish, but I just want to know. I just want to know why!

  Axel starts to get more comfortable around me throughout the dinner, like it used to be. It can never be the same though. In the back of my head, I will always remember what's happened to me and nothing can change that.

  After I helped Alex wash up the dishes, splashing water on her every now and again, I start to make my way up to my room with Alex's hand in mine.

  We walk in silence, not really wanting or needing to discuss anything. It's just nice to walk through these halls without a worry, my mate’s hand in mine and a smile on my face.

  Alex suddenly stops outside a door, looking like she really doesn't want to go. I guess this is her room... Well, not anymore.

  "This is my stop,” she mumbles, looking at the door with annoyance. I don't say anything as I continue pulling her along until we're outside the door of my room.

  "No, this is your stop. You sleep with me now," I say with a grin. A full blown smile overtakes Alex's face, her eyes shining with mischief.

  I open the door, revealing my plain room. I tug on Alex's hand as I pull her towards the bed. I sit down on the edge and pull Alex to me, making her straddle me.

  "You know what I've wanted to do ever since I saw you?" I mutter, looking into her stormy eyes. She bites her lip, my eyes zeroing in on the movement.

  "What do you want?" she breathes, leaning her face closer to mine. I feel my jeans getting tighter and internally groan. Damn this girl and her effect on me!

  Not answering her, I plant my lips on hers. She instantly reacts, melting herself into the kiss. Her lips are soft and delicate, making the kiss sweet and pleasurable.

  She moans softly when I lick her bottom lip, asking for entrance. I keep my hands firmly planted on Alex's hips as I dive my tongue in her mouth, groaning at the feel of it.

  The kiss doesn't escalate from there. It's full of the love we don't know we have for each other, the passion we want to share and the trust we both have given. It's slow and soft, the perfect first kiss to share between mates.

  I pull back after a while, opening my eyes to look at Alex. Her mouth's still slightly open and her eyes are still closed. I cup her cheek with my hand, gently stroking my thumb over her lips. She opens her eyes to stare at me, a new sparkle in them.

  "A kiss, that's what I've wanted," I tell her quietly with a smile. She smiles back at me, the sparkle in her eye twinkling.

  "So, what now?" she questions, leaning her head on my chest. I weave my hand into her hair and lightly massage her scalp. She groans in satisfaction, making me grin slightly.

  "Now, we sleep," I mutter as I pull her down with me onto the bed. I tuck her under the covers as her eyes start to droop.

  "G’night, Alex," I whisper in her ear, placing a kiss on her temple. She mumbles something unintelligible before her light snoring is heard throughout the room.

  I sigh as I slowly get out of bed and head to my wardrobe. I strip down and pull on some boxers. I grab one of my shirts and head back out to where Alex is sleeping.

  I gingerly peel the covers off her and slip her top off. Honest to Goddess I try not to look, but they're just there! I sneak a peek when the shirt’s about to cover them and almost groan.

  Ignoring what I just saw, I let the shirt drop down to mid-thigh before taking her jeans off. I don't think Alex will appreciate this in the morning, but at least she's comfy for now.

  I quietly get back into bed with her, pulling her back up against my chest. I lazily rest my arm over her waist and kiss the back of her neck. She hums a little, making me smi
rk. Oh Alex, what am I going to do with you?



  I wake up and instantly bring Alex's body closer to mine. She mumbles in her sleep, turning over so her head is against my chest. I chuckle the slightest bit at her sleeping form. She looks like a baby, sweet and peaceful.

  I brush some of her blonde hair away from her face and place a light kiss on her forehead. She stirs a bit before opening her beautiful stormy eyes and gazing up at me. She smiles slightly, her eyes still filled with sleep.

  "Morning,” she mumbles, burying her head closer to my chest. I smile slightly while softly stroking her hair.

  "Good morning, my little mate," I whisper in her ear. She shivers and releases a shaky breath. I smirk at the power I have over her, but who can blame me? After not having power over anything for three years, having a little can make a guy happy.

  "Why do you call me that? Can't you just call me Alex?" she questions, her cool breath hitting my chest. I close my eyes and massage her scalp, earning myself a groan.

  "Where's the fun in that?" I question in a cheeky voice. I hear her chuckle, the sound being muffled by my chest.

  We stay like that for a few minutes, just enjoying the peace and quiet. It's nice just being able to relax and not worry about anything. For three years, that's all I've done -- worry. I was worried about when Celina was coming for me, I was worried about when I would get my next meal, I was worried about Kate and what would happen if she was found out, I worried about-

  My thought cuts off at the mention of Kate, my whole body stiffening. Kate... Did she get out? Is she safe? Where is she? Is she even alive? I need to find her.

  No longer paying attention to Alex, I quickly get out of the bed and pull on a loose pair of jeans and the first shirt I can find. I quickly dress and head for the door, but a hand on my shoulder stops me.

  "Comrade, listen to me. What's wrong? What's going through that thick skull of yours?" Alex questions me, coming into my line of sight.

  I stare at her emotionlessly, making her slightly cringe. She places a hand on my cheek, but I step out of her embrace. I don't pay attention to the hurt that crosses her face. If I wasn't so focused on Alex, maybe I would've been worrying about Kate a lot sooner. How could I just let her fly over my head? She's the only thing that kept me sane while I was with Damon and I forgot about her. How stupid can I be?

  "No, Alex," I say in a tone that says to not mess with me. Alex looks at me, studying me for a moment. I look into her stormy eyes and see them harden, her lips forming a straight line.

  "Fine!” she says before walking out of my room and slamming the door behind her.

  I sigh and rub my face, getting rid of the sleep that still sits there. I can't deal with this right now. I need to know about Kate.

  I exit the room and make my way to the kitchen. I don't know what's happened to Kate or if she's even alive, but the one person who will know is Axel. So, I intend to ask him.

  Entering the kitchen, I see him sitting with Callum, just chatting quietly. As soon as Callum catches sight of me though, his body becomes rigid. I don't pay any mind to him as I approach Axel.

  "Axel, was there a girl when you found me?" I ask, getting straight to the point. Axel growls lowly at me.

  "You may be Celina's friend, Comrade, but I am still your alpha and I want respect,” he growls at me. I clench my teeth, not really caring at this moment in time. Kate's the only thing on my mind.

  "That's nice, Axel, but I'm asking a question. Was there a girl when you rescued me? She's got dark brown hair and looks to be about 13. Was she there?" I question in a rush, my voice coming out slightly panicked.

  Axel stares at me in anger and curiosity while Callum's eyes go distant. I stare at the two of them, silently hoping that Kate is safe and alive. She needs to be, she has to be.

  "Was she the girl that Ally found? The one slumped on a tree?" Callum suddenly questions, recognition dawning on his face.

  Axel ponders for a moment as I anxiously watch him come to a conclusion. He nods while mumbling something about how bruised she was.

  "Kate!" I whisper and bolt out of the room, ignoring a confused Axel and Callum. If they found her that means that she'll be in the medic station. Kate, please be alright, please.

  I burst through the door, startling Doctor Aileen and the patient she's attending to. She sets her eyes on me and frowns, the teenager she's attending to squirms in her seat.

  "Comrade? What are you doing here?" she questions with a confused look on her face. I don't answer her question as I stalk up to her.

  "That girl that Ally found, where is she?" I seethe, not really wanting to deal with anything other than seeing Kate safe and sound.

  "Comrade, you're not allowed to-" Doctor Aileen begins, but I cut her off with a growl.

  "Don't you give me that crap. Let me see that girl or so help me, I will find her myself," I tell her menacingly, my breathing labored.

  Doctor Aileen looks at me for a moment before excusing herself from the patient she's attending to. She starts walking down a hall to the right and I instantly follow her. She stops outside a door and jerks her head to it, before going back to her patient.

  I stand outside the door, guilt eating away at me. I should've come sooner, I should've asked about her the very moment I woke up. She should've been the first thing on my mind, but she wasn't. I will never forgive myself for that.

  I firmly grip the doorknob and twist it, opening the plain white door. The room's dark, the windows closed and the lights off. I hesitantly close the door behind me, letting my eyes adjust to the darkness. Once they do, the shape of a bed enters my vision.

  I hold my breath as I move over to it and take a seat in the chair next to the bed. The shape of a body lying still on the bed is as clear as day to my eyes.

  My eyes become glassy as the familiar sight of waist length dark brown hair enters my vision. Kate.

  I slowly get up from the chair and walk over to the window. I gingerly open the blinds the tiniest bit, to let some light in. I turn back around and look at Kate, really look at her.

  Her face is covered in bruises, along with her arms, legs, and chest. I always found it cruel how Damon could make a bruise last for weeks on end, before it slowly disappearing. Apparently he liked to use that method on Kate.

  I slowly walk towards the bed and brush away some of her hair, revealing more bruises on her forehead.

  I sigh and drop back into the chair, leaning my elbows on my knees and burying my face in my hands. Why Kate? Why did this have to happen to Kate? She's so pure, innocent, and she's been through so much. She's lost her parents, and now, the parents she thought loved her. Why Kate?

  "I'm so sorry, Kate," I whisper, a single tear escaping my eye. "I'm so sorry."

  I sit there for hours just staring at her, willing her to wake up and beam her beautiful smile at me. Hoping that she'll crack some joke or even scold me. I'll even deal with seeing tears in her eyes for me snapping at her if I can just see her hazel eyes again. I just want her to wake up.

  My head snaps up at the sound of the door opening. I don't recognise the person for a moment before I place her as one of Alex's friends, Ally I think.

  She closes the door behind her, obviously not noticing me. As soon as she lifts her head up though, she jumps in fright and draws in a sharp intake of breath.

  "Holy shit! Do not do that to a girl!" she exclaims, placing a hand to her heart. I just stare at her for a moment longer before looking back at Kate.

  "Um, are you supposed to be in here?" Ally questions nervously, fidgeting a bit with the pen in her hands. I don't answer her. I just keep staring at Kate. She has to wake up...

  "Do you know her?" she suddenly asks, taking fast steps towards the bed. I growl at her when she gets too close for comfort. She immediately freezes and looks at me cautiously.

  "Yes, I know her," I grunt, looking back down to Kate's still body. Ally takes the last few steps to the bed cauti
ously and places a hand to Kate's forehead.

  "Why isn't she awake yet?" I question quietly, my voice hardly having any sound to it. Ally looks at me for a moment, her head tilting to the side.

  "She was beaten pretty bad,” she mutters, looking down at Kate. "I'm surprised she even survived. If I hadn't found her though, I don't think she would've."

  She smiles slightly down at Kate, adoration glowing in her eyes. I also look down at her and close my eyes, imagining what she looked like before Damon got a hold of her.

  "Kate, her name's Kate," I tell Ally, not opening my eyes. Kate's smile, laugh, and purity shines in my mind, reminding me of what she used to be like.

  Ally stays silent at my confession. I open my eyes to see her gazing down at Kate with a confused expression.

  "Why would anyone ever do this to an innocent child?" she asks, letting the question linger.

  "Cause he has a sick mind!" I say with venom, before walking out of the room and medic station, heading straight for the living room.

  It's empty when I enter, so I plop down onto the single seat and let my mind wonder. Damon's a sick man with a sick mind, and has a sick way of doing things. He's a monster and he needs to be rid of.

  He's hurt so many people in his lifetime. He's hurt Celina, his pack, me, and now Kate. He's hurt all the people he killed during the war, and he hasn't even batted an eyelash. He acts on impulse, never thinking of the right way to handle things. Damon is a bastard and he will die in my hands. No one else will be ripped apart because of him, I swear on my life.

  "Comrade?" a voice asks from the doorway, sounding a little hesitant. I blink, coming out of my thoughts. I look to the doorway of the living room to see Celina standing there with a tired looking Clarissa in her arms.

  "Celina," I say, standing to my feet. She shakes her head at me, so I sit back down on the single seat.

  She sets Clarissa down on the floor, giving her a small hug.

  "Why don't you go ask daddy to put you to bed? Mummy needs to talk to uncle Comrade," Celina murmurs to her daughter. Clarissa yawns, nods her head and walks away. I smile slightly at the sight of her rubbing her eyes.