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  What readers are saying about KAREN KINGSBURY’S books

  “Karen has done it again. Every one of her books is just a constant reminder of why God’s love for us is unfailing and eternal. I am totally hooked on this series. Each book in the series is better than the last, and Found is no exception. Keep those tissues handy—you will need them.”


  “I buy all of Karen’s books. I liked Found and the other Firstborn books. I loved the Baxter family, and it’s nice to see them in this series also. Karen is one of my favorite authors! I can’t wait to read the next one!”


  “Karen Kingsbury’s books have made me see things in ways that I had never thought about before. I have to force myself to put them down and come up for air!”


  “I love, love, love this series. I find that your books have helped me become a better wife, mother, and daughter!”


  “I love all of Karen Kingsbury’s books. As with the previous books, I could not put this one down—read it in two days. While they all touch my heart, the beautiful brokenness of Dayne Matthews and his search for significance and love really got to me this time. Read this one! It was wonderful.”


  “As always, Karen Kingsbury is captivating in her writing. Couldn’t wait to get this book and read it in its entirety the first day I received it.”


  “Karen has done it again! Another wonderful read. I have not ever read through one of her books without crying, laughing, and thinking about my life choices. Once you pick up this book, it is nearly impossible to put it down.”


  “A friend recommended this series to me and so far I am loving it! I can’t wait to finish all the books in it. It is nice to have something to read that doesn’t have all the garbage in it as so many books do these days.”


  “Another EXCELLENT read, definitely one you don’t want to miss in the series. Karen is an incredible author that keeps you turning the pages. ENJOY!”


  “I can’t get enough of Karen Kingsbury! This whole series is so real to our life right now and presents the joys, struggles, successes, and failures that all Christian families face.”


  “I have missed the Baxter saga! [Found] was salve for a thirsty soul. I was on the edge of my chair. I read it practically nonstop but hated it, as I always do, when I reached the last page.”


  “I absolutely loved this book! I was able to connect with the characters because I also am adopted. I laughed and cried at the same time! Karen keeps you into the book from cover to cover, page to page.”


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  Visit Karen Kingsbury’s Web site and learn more about her Life-Changing Fiction at

  TYNDALE and Tyndale’s quill logo are registered trademarks of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.

  BAXTER FAMILY DRAMA is a trademark of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.


  Copyright © 2006 by Karen Kingsbury. All rights reserved.

  Logo illustration copyright © 2003 by David Henderson. All rights reserved.

  Cover photograph of man copyright © by Sabine Fritsch/Stock4B/Getty. All rights reserved.

  Cover photograph of trees copyright © by Nadiia Gerbish/Shutterstock. All rights reserved.

  Cover photograph of floor copyright © by Viachasiau Kraskouski/Shutterstock. All rights reserved.

  Author photograph copyright © 2008 by Dan Davis Photography at All rights reserved.

  Cover designed by Jennifer Ghionzoli

  Interior designed by Alyssa Force

  Edited by Lorie Popp

  Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version,® NIV.® Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

  Published in association with the literary agency of Alive Communications, Inc., 7680 Goddard Street, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product

  of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons living or dead is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of either the author or the publisher.

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Kingsbury, Karen.

  Found / Karen Kingsbury.

  p. cm.

  ISBN 978-0-8423-8745-3 (pbk. : alk. paper)

  I. Title.

  PS3561.I4873F68 2006

  813′.54—dc22 2006014552

  Repackage first published in 2011 under ISBN 978-1-4143-4978-7.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  A Word from Karen Kingsbury

  Discussion Questions

  To Donald, my Prince Charming

  In this season of life, with you working as full-time teacher here at home

  for our boys, I am maybe more proud of you than ever. I am amazed

  at the way you blend love and laughter, tenderness and tough standards

  to bring out the best in our boys. Don’t for a minute think that your role

  in all this is somehow smaller. You have the greatest responsibility of all.

  Not only with our children but in praying for me as I write and speak

  and go about this crazy, fun job God has given me. I couldn’t do it without

  you. Thanks for loving me, for being my best friend, and for finding

  “date moments” amid even the most maniacal or mundane times.

  My favorite times are with you by my side. I love you always, forever.

  To Kelsey, my precious daughter

  You are sixteen, pushing seventeen, and sometimes I find myself barely able

  to exhale. The ride is so fast at this point that I can only try not to blink

  so I won’t miss a minute of it. Like the most beautiful springtime flower,

  I see you growing and unfolding, becoming interested in current events and formulating godly viewpoints that are yours alone. The same is true in dance, where you are simply breathtaking onstage. I believe in you, honey.

  Keep your eyes on Jesus, and the path will be easy to follow.

  Don’t ever stop dancing. I love you.

  To Tyler, my beautiful song

  Can it be that you are thirteen and, yes, taller than me? Just yesterday people would call and confuse you with Kelsey. Now they confuse you with your dad—in more ways than one. You are on the bridge, dear son, making the transition between Neverland and Tomorrowland and becoming a strong, godly young man in the process. Keep giving Jesus your very best, and

  always remember t
hat you’re in a battle. In today’s world, Ty, you need

  His armor every day, every minute. Don’t forget . . . when you’re up

  there onstage, no matter how bright the lights, I’ll be watching from

  the front row, cheering you on. I love you.

  To Sean, my wonder boy

  Your sweet nature continues to be a bright light in our home. It seems

  a lifetime ago that we first brought you—our precious son—home from Haiti. It’s been my great joy to watch you grow and develop this past year, learning more about reading and writing and, of course, animals. You’re a walking encyclopedia of animal facts, and that, too, brings a smile to my face. Your hugs are something I look forward to, Sean. Keep close to Jesus. I love you.

  To Josh, my tender tough guy

  You continue to excel at everything you do, but my favorite time is late at night when I poke my head into your room and see that—once again—your nose is buried in your Bible. You really get it, Josh. That by being

  strong in Christ, first and foremost, you’ll be strong at everything else.

  Keep winning for Him, dear son. You make me so proud. I love you.

  To EJ, my chosen one

  You amaze me, Emmanuel Jean! You have become a different little boy while attending your daddy’s home school. In every possible area you have

  improved. I see you standing straighter and taller, articulating more,

  making eye contact, and feeling confident and proud. I know that Jesus

  is leading the way and that you are excited to learn the plans He has for you. But for you, this year will always stand out as a turning point.

  Congratulations, honey! I love you.

  To Austin, my miracle child

  Can my little boy be eight years old? I love that you still wake up every now and then and scurry down the hall to our room so you can sleep in the middle. But most of all I love your tender heart. Just last week you looked at me and said, “Mommy, you’re so pretty.” Talk about making my day! Then you were at a basketball game with us, and you sat on Daddy’s knee and hooked your arms around his neck and said, “You’re my best friend, Daddy. Thanks for loving me.” Wow . . . it’s so wonderful to see a reflection of my own heart in you, my littlest son. I thank God for your health, precious boy. I love you.

  And to God Almighty, the Author of life,

  who has—for now—blessed me with these.


  This book couldn’t have come together without the help of many people. First, a special thanks to my friends at Tyndale, who have believed in this series and worked with me to get this book to my readers sooner than any of us dreamed possible. Thank you!

  Thanks to my amazing agent, Rick Christian, president of Alive Communications. I am amazed more as every day passes at your sincere integrity, your brilliant talent, and your commitment to the Lord and to getting my Life-Changing Fiction out to all the world. You are a strong man of God, Rick. You care for my career as if you were personally responsible for the souls God touches through these books. Thank you for looking out for my personal time—the hours I have with my husband and kids most of all. I couldn’t do this without you.

  As always, this book wouldn’t be possible without the help of my husband and kids, who will eat tuna sandwiches and quesadillas and bring me plates of baked chicken and vegetables when I need the brainpower to write past midnight. Thanks for understanding the sometimes-crazy life I lead and for always being my greatest support.

  Thanks to my mother and assistant, Anne Kingsbury, for her great sensitivity and love for my readers. You are a reflection of my own heart, Mom, or maybe I’m a reflection of yours. Either way we are a great team, and I appreciate you more than you know. I’m grateful also for my dad, Ted Kingsbury, who is and always has been my greatest encourager. I remember when I was a little girl, Dad, and you would say, “One day, honey, everyone will read your books and know what a wonderful writer you are.” Thank you for believing in me long before anyone else ever did. Thanks also to my sisters Tricia and Susan, who help out with my business when the workload is too large to see around. I appreciate you!

  Thanks to Olga Kalachik, whose hard work allows me to operate a significant part of my business from my home. The personal touches you bring to my ministry are precious to me, priceless to me. Thank you with all my heart.

  And thanks to my friends and family who continue to surround me with love and prayer and support. I could list you by name, but you know who you are. Thank you for believing in me and for seeing who I really am. A true friend stands by through the changing seasons of life and cheers you on not for your successes but for staying true to what matters most. You are the ones who know me that way, and I’m grateful for every one of you.

  Of course, the greatest thanks goes to God Almighty, the most wonderful Author of all—the Author of life. The gift is Yours. I pray I might have the incredible opportunity and responsibility to use it for You all the days of my life.

  The story was more than any reporter could resist.

  A knife-wielding stalker with the delusional belief that she was married to the famous actor Dayne Matthews. The accusation that the same crazy woman had jumped from the dark shadows of Paradise Cove in an attempted murder of an associate of Dayne’s. The rescue of that associate by Dayne, the photos that showed him and an unknown woman kissing on the beach earlier that night, and the fact that no one had ever been able to identify her.

  Never mind that it was just a deposition. A crew of news vans and photographers surrounded the entrance to the Los Angeles Superior Court this January morning, hoping for a glimpse of the star they couldn’t get enough of. Desperate for details beyond what they already knew.

  Dayne Matthews sat in the backseat of the rented black Suburban. His attorney, Joe Morris, was driving. They were the only people in the vehicle, and from their position at a stoplight in front of the courthouse, they could see everything. Newscasters and print guys and tabloid photogs scurrying about the scene, searching for the best angle, the fewest shadows, plugging in wires and adjusting lenses as they waited for him to appear.

  “They’re out in full force.” Joe turned the SUV into the parking lot.

  “They love a good story.” Today’s newspaper lay on the seat beside Dayne, and he picked it up. His publicist had spoken with the media and put quite a spin on the facts. The article read: Dayne Matthews and his unnamed associate will appear in court this morning to give depositions in the case against stalker Margie Madden.

  Dayne chuckled to himself. Katy was coming into court half an hour after him, and she was hardly a mere associate—though that’s what the media and the police had believed about Katy since the beginning. An “associate” helping him scout out a location for an upcoming film. Since Katy was an unknown and since they didn’t need to release her name until the trial, no one had to know that she was an actress or that she’d turned down the lead role in Dream On or that she lived in Bloomington, Indiana. The tabloids had a picture of him kissing an unknown woman earlier that evening on the beach, and he had explained that she was an actress who preferred to stay anonymous. The media had never put the two stories together.

  “Let’s go.” His attorney exhaled hard as he put the vehicle in park. “It’ll take a while to get through the throng.”

  Dayne unbuckled his seat belt and slid toward the door of the Suburban. The explanation he’d given to the press and the police had holes big enough to drive a train through, but none of it was a lie, not really. Katy was his associate, in the sense that she’d associated with him in a work setting for a time. And the police didn’t care about the tabloid photos of him kissing some woman on the beach. He wasn’t on trial after all.

  Margie Madden was.

  The explanation bought them time. That way Katy could stay out of the limelight as long as possible. By the time the press heard actual testimony and realized her name, and that she’d been thinking about the role in Dream
On, the movie would already be released and Katy would be only a small aspect of the story.

  Dayne and Joe walked close together, their pace fast and clipped. Joe had flown out from New York City to be here, even though his presence wasn’t really necessary. The prosecuting attorney would handle the deposition, and normally witnesses needed no other representation. But Dayne’s situation was different. His public persona was at stake any time he did or said anything involving the law. His attorney even planned to have someone out here from the New York office at Dayne’s side every moment during the trial.

  They were a hundred feet from the courthouse when the swarm of media caught wind of Dayne’s arrival. In a rush they pivoted and aimed their cameras. A few nicely dressed newscasters stepped in front of the others, large booming microphones in their hands. The bigger the network, the more likely they were to use his last name.

  “Mr. Matthews.” A heavily made-up blonde stepped into his path. “Is it true you want the judge in this case to make an example of Margie Madden, and is it true—?”

  “No comment.” Joe took hold of Dayne’s elbow and straight-armed a path through the crowd. “Excuse us.”

  “Dayne.” It was a photographer shouting from a few layers back in the crowd. “Tell us about the associate. Where is she? Isn’t she supposed to be—?”

  “She’s already here.” Joe’s answer was loud enough for most of them to hear. It was part of the plan, that he would discourage the press from sticking around and waiting for Katy.

  The photographer raised his hand and shouted again, “Does she still work with Dayne and in what capacity, since we don’t have a name on her and—”

  “No comment.” Joe kept up his pace. He pulled Dayne along, leaving no room for responses. Dayne sort of liked the help. Maybe if he had Joe around more often, the paparazzi would leave him alone. He stifled a grin at the thought.

  The crowd parted easily, and Dayne did his best to look straight ahead, his expression serious. The press would have their requisite photos and footage—Dayne Matthews, Hollywood star, coming to court to give testimony on the crazy stalker who tried to kill his associate. None of them really expected more than that.