Read Four and a Half Shades of Fantasy Page 25

Chapter 24

  Why Me?

  Rae stood in the middle of the reception room. Strangers bustled around, whispering and pointing to the closed door, and then to her. Someone had called 999 and an ambulance was en route. Riley been hovering nervously by her side for a while. She wasn’t sure how she got there, but she ended up in front of the leaded windows. Resting her forehead against the cool glass, she stared out.

  “Rae,” Riley said, politely keeping his distance for once.

  “I’m sorry I had to be such a jerk before. It’s just… It’s just that I really want this job. I had to prove to Carter and… well, you know.”

  She glanced at him from the corner of her eye. “I know what? That you betrayed me? That you lied to get me here, where I almost died? That Lanford worked for my father? That he planned this whole stinkin’ thing and wanted me here to finish some stupid file my dad started?” She paused when Riley’s eyes grew as big as his open mouth. He obviously knew nothing either. She should care that she’d just given him information, considering she hadn’t really decided for herself which side he was on, but then again… She shrugged and turned back to the window. “Whatever. Thanks for getting help, but it doesn’t erase the rest. You’re gone after this year and I hope I never have to see your stupid face again.”

  “For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” Riley reached out and touched the blanket on her shoulder. “Not everything was an act.”

  He dropped his arm and straightened when the door to the prison tower room opened. Carter stepped through, spoke quietly to the paramedics and then came over to the window.

  “That’ll be all for now, Riley,” he said. “Pack your stuff from the dorms and one of the drivers will take you to the training center.”

  Rae watched several professors and students crowd into a small area of the parking lot. Molly, Maria, Haley, Julian, Andy and Devon were down there waiting. All my friends… “How’s Lanford?”

  “He’s in bad shape. Seems you had a slip of luck.” He paused before speaking quietly, “Lanford cracked his head, and it looks like he’s broken his neck.”

  Good. A twinge of guilt settled in Rae’s stomach, but she quickly squelched it. He’s the monster, I do not have to feel sorry for him. “Can we get out of here?” She felt trapped inside the reception room and wanted to get outside where her friends were.

  “Of course.” Carter pointed to two chairs in the corner.

  “But first, we need to talk.”

  Rae glanced longingly at the window to her friends below, but realized she had a few questions for two-faced Carter. She’d seen enough psycho-ness for one night, and she intended to get to the bottom of it. She led the way to the chairs and dropped into one.

  “I guess I owe you an apology… and an explanation.” Carter smiled, actually smiled and he didn’t seem so old when he did it. “I work for the Privy Council and they wanted me here. I didn’t want to come.”

  Rae scoffed, unable to hold it back. “Yeah, that was a bit obvious. You’re pretty miserable.” The words slipped out before she realized.

  Carter scratched the back of his head, looking sheepish, which weirded Rae out even more. “I deserve that. I didn’t want to have you girls here. It was Lanford’s idea and I seemed to be the only one who didn’t trust him. He wanted you, not the other girls, but you, here, away from your family so he could swoop down to protect you and have you trust him.”

  Rae stared at the hem of her Tinkerbelle dress as the guilt she’d been denying rushed out of its hidden place and filled her up. “I did trust him. He was, or at least, he seemed to be sincere and genuinely concerned about me.” Slow tears started dripping from her eyes.

  “He needed to find out your ink. I knew that’s what he was after, but I had no proof and it drove me mad. I finally had to resort to asking Riley for help. He’s a candidate for joining the academy.” Seeing the confused look on Rae’s face, he added, “It’s an intense training group of tatùs. Riley was more than eager to prove himself.” Carter shook his head. “It drove me bonkers having to hang out with all you kids when I should be out in the field. I’m a man of action, not subterfuge. I’m terrible at having to wait. And having to watch you and wait for Lanford to reveal himself as the bad guy would make anyone cross. I’m sorry for giving you such a hard time. It’s not your fault.” Rae had a hard time picturing him as some British version of a G.I. Joe, but she figured maybe it was different with tatùs. He patted her knee. “You’re a lot like your mom, you know? She had the same spunk, that inner fire which makes people want to be around you.”

  Rae’s head felt as if it were spinning. Now he knew her mother? She had a million questions she wanted to ask him, but not tonight. “Will I have to leave the school now?” “No. Now I think this is the safest place for you.”

  He didn’t even hesitate when he replied. Rae let out a sigh of relief. She didn’t want to go. “Are… are you coming back next year?”

  Carter stood and crossed him arms over his chest. A small smile played on his face. “It seems Guilder is going to be in need of a new headmaster. Which is something I might be interested in. Especially when Rae Kerrigan has another year left and, as much as I hate to admit it, Guilder needs you girls here. It’s good for everyone.” He offered her his arm. “Shall we?”

  They headed toward the stairs, moving aside to let the paramedics rush by. Alone on the staircase, Carter spoke again. “I’m sorry again about Lanford. I had no idea he was in league with your father.” He shook his head. “Everything checked out. He’d been here ten years and nothing showed otherwise to mistrust him. It was only a gut feeling I had. I couldn’t use my ink on him until tonight. Then I saw everything.”

  “It’s not your fault, sir,” Rae said woodenly. It came out an automatic response, with no feeling behind it. The truth was, Rae didn’t know who was at fault and who wasn’t. At the moment, all she knew was that she wanted to get out of the towers and never come back.

  Carter sighed. “I’ve disappointed you and, most of all, I’ve disappointed your mother. I promised her a long time ago I’d keep you safe.”

  For a weird moment, Rae felt older than sixteen, her guilt, suspicion and hurt got pushed aside. “You can’t protect me, and you can’t undo the past. Lanford would’ve found a way to get to me one way or another. He said he’d been planning this for years.”

  Carter paused on the stairs. “Can I ask you a question?” He waited until she turned to face him. “How’d you get out of those shackles tonight?”

  “M-my tatù.” She felt like the wings were fluttering on her back, encouraging her to tell the truth. It was an odd sensation and caught her completely off-guard. “I-It’s the same as my father’s. But different. More.” She didn’t know how to explain it.

  “Did you make the ice?”

  Rae nodded, her mind picturing the prison room. If her tatù wanted her to tell Carter that much, then…what about the rest? “Sir, have you ever heard of something called ‘H-O-C’ or a hoc file?”

  He shook his head slowly. “I’ve never heard of it.”

  “It’s something my father and Lanford created.” She went

  on to explain about the video in the laptop and what little detail the headmaster had provided, knowing in her heart that she needed to pass this information on to him.

  “Interesting.” The dean ran his fingers along his chin. “I’ve spent a lot of time working on your father’s jobs and experiments. Most of his interests and agendas were very secretive. Only those close to him knew, and even then, it was always very little or bits and pieces, no one but Simon had the complete picture. I’ve…the Privy Council has spent years trying to find those who’ve worked for or with your father.”

  “I, uh, kinda fried the computer and there was a camera in there. I don’t know how much it recorded…” Rae couldn’t help but feel proud of the admission even knowing she may have destroyed vital clues.

  “We’ll see what we can salvage from the laptop and we’ll ch
eck into the camera, too.” Carter flashed a quick smile. “Your friends are waiting outside for you.” He opened the door.

  “Thanks.” She looked at the dean, who beckoned her forward a few more steps.

  “May I suggest we try and keep most of this quiet? You know which friends you can trust. The rest will know the truth soon enough. Or at least, what needs to be told.”

  “Yeah, I think I know what you mean.” She started toward her friends. She glanced back. “Th-thanks…” But Carter had disappeared, “Sir,” she whispered to the closed door. Maybe having him back next year might not be a bad thing.

  As she turned to the parking lot, Molly came running, tears coursing down her cheeks. She enclosed Rae in a tight hug. “I can’t believe it! You’re okay! I’d have been a total mess. I’d have electrocuted everything inside, burned everything down and probably fried myself in the process.” While she babbled on, Rae stared over her friend’s shoulder and spotted Devon standing by Julian’s car. She wanted to run and wrap her arms around him.

  She never got a chance. Soon, everyone stood around her hugging, some crying and laughing, all at the same time.

  “Rae, your outfit’s ruined.” Molly exclaimed as Rae threw the blanket onto the back of Julian’s car.

  “It’s all right. I don’t have any intension of ever wearing it again.”

  “Hey, watch the car.” Julian’s lips twitched.

  She gave him the bird and laughed at the surprised look on his face.

  “Uh… Rae?” Haley stood a few feet back from everyone else.

  Rae’s guard instantly came up. “What?”

  “I’m, uh, I’m sorry I was kind of a bitch to you.” Haley stuffed her hands into the oversized men’s tux jacket she wore. “You know, the trying to hit you with the darts, the note in Professor Stockheed’s class…all of it.”

  Molly leaned in front of Rae and pointed a finger at Haley, little sparks flying from it. “You’re just apologizing ‘cause you don’t want to get screwed over by Rae’s tatù.”

  Haley turned red and opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, Maria elbowed her. She glared at Molly, then Maria. “Look, I said I was sorry. I won’t pester you anymore.”

  “How about we head back to Aumbry House?” Julian said, “I’ve had a vision Madame Elpis isn’t going to mind if we all crash in the Game Room tonight.”

  Rae grabbed his hand. Your vision turned out to be spot-on. Everything you drew was about tonight. I was the one who didn’t look closely enough at it. I won’t make that mistake again, I promise. The eye had been the dean watching over and protecting her. She understood it now. She watched his eyes grow large, obviously shocked at hearing her voice in his own head and then he nodded in understanding. She let go and rubbed her hands along her arms. The cool night air made her shiver.

  “I’m giving Rae a lift,” Julian said. “You all can walk back.”

  Devon came over and hugged her tight. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”

  Devon’s warmth seeped into her core. He felt so good and everything suddenly didn’t seem so awful. He slowly, almost reluctantly, pulled away.

  Before she could react, Julian wrapped the blanket back around her and gently pushed her toward the passenger seat. “Race you back to the dorms, Dev.”

  He drove off to the student parking lot, leaving Devon behind.