Read Four and a Half Shades of Fantasy Page 26

Chapter 25

  Hidden Wishes

  The next day, Dean Carter informed the entire school during dinner that Headmaster Lanford had suffered a heart attack the previous night after a fall and had passed away. The dean wouldn’t go into details, but the look of shock on the faces of the students made Rae wish she could disappear. Only Julian, Devon and Molly knew the truth. At least, from her end of the story.

  So Lanford was dead. She didn’t care. She knew she should, but she really just wanted to forget. She needed something to help her do that, so she refocused on classes, and didn’t even mind when the dean took over class in the Oratory. His attitude had changed dramatically, making it easy to engage him as a teacher and Rae began to enjoy class again. Carter never focused on or brought any extra attention to her, and she appreciated it.

  The ten remaining weeks of the school year flew by. During one of the final dinners with the entire student body, Carter stood and walked to the podium. “I have a few announcements to make. First, I’d like to let everyone know I will not be returning as the dean of Guilder next year.” He paused, then grinned. “I’ll be returning as Headmaster. Someone needs to keep a good eye on you folks.” He waited till the students quieted. “Devon’s father, Randolph Wardell, will be the new dean of Guilder. All the professors are in full agreement he will do an excellent job.”

  Rae sat at a table a few rows away from Devon. She smiled and clapped with the other students.

  Devon seemed slightly embarrassed, but stood. “My dad’s pleased to have been offered the position.” He smirked. “And I’m happy to be graduating.”

  Students erupted in laughter throughout the room, everyone but her. Rae didn’t want to think about next year without Devon. Maybe, if he was gone, she’d get rid of the crush she had on him. But who was she going to talk to about her father? Or how frustrating her ink was? Or help her deal with all the baggage and crap that had come with Lanford’s actions? She blinked rapidly, forcing the sudden tears away, and tried to push back down the anxiety that had tried to rise up and overtake her.

  Carter clapped his hands for attention and everyone once again settled down. “I’d also like to mention Riley Johnson has been offered a job and is finishing the year at his current location.”

  Rae’s eyes flitted around the room. The students didn’t bat an eyelash with this news. Seniors must leave quite often before the end of the year, probably secret jobs from top secret tatù businesses. No one cares that Riley left or why. No one really knows what happened that night. Molly threw an arm over Rae’s shoulder and gave her a quick squeeze, without saying a word. Rae smiled at her friend. Someone did care. She wasn’t alone, and it was nice to be reminded of that every once in a while.

  A few days later, Dean Carter asked Devon and Rae to meet him in his new office in the Oratory building. Carter sat behind the desk, hands interlaced casually across his stomach in a distinctly relaxed posture that Rae had never seen him in before. He spoke first to Devon. “I’m hoping you’ll come back next year, as a paid employee of the college. I’d like you to continue helping Rae with tutoring and training with her abilities.”

  Devon’s and Rae’s mouths both dropped open.

  “One of the reasons is that you know the whole story. Rae will need someone to work with and she’s comfortable around you.” He straightened and rested his large hands on top of the desk. “We’ll offer you living accommodations, of course. There are two penthouse suites above the senior’s floor on Joist Hall. One would be yours. You won’t have to live by your father or answer to him – just to me.” He chuckled, like it was some kind of private joke. “You’ll be paid a very fair salary and any university correspondence courses you take will be paid for by the school.” Carter twiddled his thumbs and smiled pleasantly.

  Devon glanced at Rae and then took a few moments before answering. “I’d be honored to help as best I can.”

  Rae wanted to jump up and down. YES! However, the feeling was short-lived when Carter spoke again.

  “We’ve been working diligently, but haven’t been able to find out anything more about Lanford or your father’s connection to him.” He nodded at Devon, but looked at Rae. “Devon’s been caught up to speed completely with what happened the night of the dance. The laptop was unsalvageable. The Privy Council hasn’t found any records or anything else regarding this so-called HOC file. Hopefully, the two of you may be able to uncover some information next term.” He stared down his nose at the both of them.

  “What about the camera on the ceiling?” Rae asked. Maybe Devon and she could get some extra correspondence out of it during the summer months. And I’ll, of course, focus completely on Devon – I mean on learning.

  “It was wireless, connected to some kind of satellite we weren’t able to trace.” Carter leaned forward and shuffled a stack of papers against his desk. “If we learn any vital information over the summer, I’ll let you know. If you are able to recall anything between now and the start of the new school year, write it down and let me know. The Privy Council will continue to search for anything connected to your father.” He pointed to the door. “Now, get out of here and spend a bit of time with your friends before you fly back to New York for the summer. I’m here if you need me.”

  They walked down the hall and through the empty Oratory quietly together. Devon spoke once they got out into the sunshine. “I hope you don’t mind if I stay on next year.”

  “No, no, not at all,” she gushed. “I mean, I really appreciate you being willing to stay here. It won’t be too bad with your dad? Doesn’t he want you at Oxford or something?”

  Devon grinned, his adorable dimple popping through.

  “Nah, I’ll deal with him. It’ll give me some time to figure out what I want to do with my life.” He stopped talking but stared at her, as if he had something more to say.

  When the silence began to get awkward, Rae shifted her weight and glanced toward the playing fields full of students. “I should probably get back to Molls. She gets a bit paranoid now when she doesn’t know where I am.”

  “I have to ask Carter something, so I guess I’ll see you later?” He didn’t wait for her reply, but headed back toward the large Oratory doors. Just before disappearing, his hand shot out to keep the door open and his head popped around. “By the way, Rae.” His dimple flashed again, “Tell Molly she did a cool job on your hair. It totally suits you.” Then, he was gone, and Rae was left feeling vaguely let down.