Read Fractured Page 6

  Sam’s eyes narrowed slightly, but she allowed the subject change. “I do. He’s never said anything, but I think he found it hard to see you with Dean. He can be jealous when it comes to you. So when he finds out you used to date Marco, he’ll want to see him dead even more than he already does. It really is best if he hears the truth from us.”

  “Let’s be honest,” began Jared, “if the situation was reversed, what would you do to Butch’s Maker?”

  My back teeth locked. “The question is: what wouldn’t I do?”

  A slow smile surfaced on Sam’s face. “I like that answer.”

  Well, it was true.

  “I actually doubt Marco will start any shit,” said Sam. “The reunion will be awkward, though. Still, we can deal with ‘awkward.’ And if Marco does act like a tit, you can take him. And I can watch, smiling with glee the entire time.”

  “She’s not kidding, by the way,” Jared told me.

  I smiled. “I didn’t for one second think that she was.”


  A few hours before dawn, I was sitting across the kitchen table from Sam after receiving a telepathic summons from Jared. “Imani’s been here,” I noted, picking up her scent.

  “We need to talk to you about her,” Sam replied simply.

  Everything in me froze. I flicked my gaze from Sam to Jared to Sebastian; they all looked equally serious. “What about Imani?”

  Sinking into her seat, Sam said, “After she told us about her past, I had a little chat with Mona and Cedric. I wanted to know more about Marco. According to them, he’s a cunning, intelligent, smooth-talking predator who’s so cold he’s dead inside. Still, he doesn’t go around Turning unwilling humans.” Sam leaned forward. “But something made him do that to Imani. Until her, he was happy without the responsibilities of running his own line; he was happy owing loyalty to only his Sire and his nest. She changed that somehow.”

  “She’s his first-born?”

  Sam nodded. “She doesn’t believe that he cared for her, even though they were a couple while she was human—which is something you’re best knowing upfront.”

  Oh, fucking were they?

  “Stop growling and listen. She also doesn’t believe that he tried tracking her after she fled. She’s right about that. And that’s just bloody weird. If nothing else, he should see her as a possession that he lost. He appears to be just ignoring her existence. Does that make sense to you?”

  No, it didn’t. I knew Sam well enough to know… “You have a theory.”

  “Imani was a drifter for years. She had a lot of people tracking her, all intent on using her for her gift. She’s a slippery little thing, and she’s smart and resourceful. But would that really have been enough to evade all those vampires?”

  I narrowed my eyes. “You think Marco protected her somehow.”

  “Tracking is my specialty,” said Sebastian, leaning against the kitchen counter. “But it was no easy thing for me to find Paige and Imani. It was as though someone was wiping away their trail.”

  I frowned. “Why Turn her, abandon her, let her flee, and protect her from afar?”

  “Guilt?” offered Sebastian. “Perhaps he felt badly for wronging her.”

  “By all accounts,” said Sam, “Marco isn’t the regretful type.”

  A thought occurred to me. “Is it possible that Paige is working for him? That he appointed her to protect Imani?”

  “No,” replied Sam. “I think Imani reminds Paige of her sister, but that’s another story.”

  Jared took the seat beside his mate. “Maybe it wasn’t Marco that was erasing her trail. Maybe it was Lazarus.”

  Her brows lifted. “That sounds much more likely.”

  It did, but there was no knowing anything for sure. There were too many unanswered questions here. “All I want to know is if Imani will be in danger at Lazarus’ home. If the answer is yes, she doesn’t go.”

  Sebastian spoke. “If Marco meant her any harm, he would have put a bounty on her head when she fled. He never did. Instead, he let her be—may even have protected her.”

  Still… “That’s not to say that seeing her won’t anger him enough to hurt her now. It would be better not to risk it.”

  Sam cast me an impatient glance. “Butch, she’s a member of the fucking legion. She’s been trained to handle and protect herself, she knows a dozen ways to end someone, and she’ll have back-up. We don’t have a valid reason for forcing her not to go.”

  “Being careful with her life isn’t a valid reason?”

  “There’s being careful, and there’s ignoring her ability to look after herself. It would insult and hurt her to refuse her request to come along. You wouldn’t expect any of the others to do that in such a situation.”

  Jared nodded. “It might be good for her to face the asshole that stole her life.”

  Good for her? “Like Coach pointed out, he’ll be pissed at Imani.”

  “And we’ll be there to make sure he doesn’t try to act on it,” said Sam. “Honestly though, I sincerely doubt he will. He’s allegedly very intelligent. That alone should stop him from attacking a member of the legion.”

  But we couldn’t know that for sure. And that lack of certainty didn’t sit well with me. If I couldn’t be confident that she was safe, I wouldn’t function. Maybe I could convince her to stay behind, maybe if I just talked to her—

  “Don’t, Butch.” Sam, apparently having guessed my intentions, shook her head. “It would insult her, and I really don’t think you want to do that. Protecting her means also protecting her feelings.”

  Yes, it did, but I wanted to keep her safe. I didn’t want to take any chances with her life. “She’s important,” I bit out.

  Sam’s face softened. “I know she’s important to you. I don’t pretend to know what you feel for her, but I know it’s strong and intense. That doesn’t mean you get to interfere in her decisions. If you had claimed her as yours when you had the chance, she’d have made compromises. I repeat, compromises. Not have given you your own way. And although I don’t like to interfere in people’s personal lives—”

  Jared snorted.

  “—I will say now that you were a dumb dick not to claim her. She’d have taken you as you are, Butch. That’s a special thing. But in return, you’d have had to take her how she is.”

  I’d take her any way I could get her, and I would claim her, but that was between me and Imani. “While we’re at Lazarus’ home, I’m with her every second. She doesn’t leave my side.”

  “She won’t be leaving your side because you’re there as her shield in case Marco tries to harm her. You have to promise me right now that you won’t lunge at him unprovoked. I know this situation will be bloody hard for you—being around Jared’s Maker was a pain in my arse.” Which was partly why Sam had killed her. “But it will be even harder for Imani. Put her feelings before your own.”

  “Fine,” I clipped. But I almost hoped that Marco did something to provoke me just so that I’d have the perfect excuse to kill the fucker.



  Prisons could be very beautiful.

  After Marco dumped me on Lazarus, this had been my prison for ten whole months. I hadn’t exactly begrudged Lazarus for keeping me here until I was in control of my bloodlust, and it wasn’t like I’d had any other place to go. Although he’d never harmed me or done anything but make me feel welcome, the feeling of being trapped hadn’t been one I’d enjoyed.

  Concealed in the shadows of a nearby forest, Max said, “Wow. This place is fucking amazing.”

  It really was. With its tall walls, high towers, and thick turrets, the medieval dark-stoned fortress was a sight to behold. Lazarus had long ago claimed the castle that was comfortably situated on a moated island. Many had tried to penetrate and steal it; all had died in the process. The castle wasn’t just astounding, it was a military piece of art.

  “A gilded cage is still a cage,” said Ava. She was right.

  With the exception of the guards at the arched gates, the castle always looked deserted. Jared had teleported us to the forest as opposed to the bridge, as he had wanted to first get a feel for the place.

  Paige asked in a low voice, “Is it hard to be back here?”

  I’d thought it might be, but it oddly wasn’t. Maybe it was because I wasn’t a prisoner this time round. Or maybe it was because I wasn’t alone. “I’ll be fine.”

  As Sam and Jared talked quietly, Butch came to my side and said, “Stick close to me. I don’t trust Marco around you. I need to know, to see, you’re safe.”

  I looked into eyes glittering with protectiveness. Before I could respond, Paige was speaking.

  “I’m her partner, so just why would she stick with you?”

  Butch was suddenly face to face with Paige. “I can protect her better than you, and we both know it. So that’s what I’m gonna do. Don’t get in my way.”

  I was about to tell them both to stand down when Sam spoke. “Butch, I’ve said this before, but I’m going to say it again. I know this Marco thing will be awkward as shit, but don’t attack him unprovoked. If he acts like a dick, you can growl and snarl and whatever. But don’t lose control. Be smart.” When Butch didn’t argue, Sam nodded her approval. “All right, let’s get moving.”

  She and Jared left the shadows first. The rest of us walked in pairs behind them. The vampires guarding the bridge recognised the mated couple immediately and, appropriately deferential, waved us all through the gates. Jared teleported us straight to the entrance of the castle, startling the guards there. They parted like the red sea, a mixture of awe and fear in their expressions. Yeah, well, everyone knew that Sam and Jared were crazy.

  Stepping through the archway, once again surrounded by all that gothic elegance and the scent of lavender, I should have been transported into the past. I should have been hit by the feelings of helplessness, despair, and confusion that had haunted me here when my human life was so callously stolen from me. There was none of that at all…as if those feelings had all belonged to someone else. Maybe they had. I was a different person now. Stronger. Harder. No longer lost and afraid of what I was.

  I recognised the vampire rushing toward us as Pierce, who closely served Lazarus. He’d been good to me; a sort of uncle-figure who had taught me a lot about the history of vampirekind and what it meant to be a Keja. The image of elegance, he bowed to Sam and Jared. “You do Lazarus a great honour in visiting his home.” I knew Sam would be grinding her teeth—she hated the bowing-thing.

  Pierce peered around them, spotted me, and beamed. “Imani!” Moving to me, he took my hand and kissed it. Beside me, Butch stiffened. “You look radiant. Lazarus and Annalise are thrilled that you agreed to come. Let me say, on behalf of all our nest, we’re very proud of you for earning a place in the legion.”

  I squeezed his hand. “Thanks, Pierce.”

  He gave Butch—who was standing intimately close—a brief, assessing look. “Who is this?”

  “Butch, a member of the Grand High Pair’s personal squad. The male vampires behind me, Max and Salem, are also part of the squad. Paige and Ava are part of mine.”

  “Ah.” Pierce nodded at them. “In that case, it is a pleasure to meet you all. Now, allow me to personally escort you to the Grand Hall. Lazarus is waiting inside.” Pierce’s smile faltered slightly. “I feel I should warn you, Imani…Marco is here.”

  “Should we expect trouble?” Sam’s tone said there had better be no trouble.

  Frowning deeply, Pierce shook his head. “Marco would never harm her.”

  “He harmed her when he Turned her without her consent,” Butch growled.

  Pierce flushed. “Aside from that, I mean.” He cleared his throat. “Please come this way.”

  As we followed Pierce through the castle, I noticed that it hadn’t changed at all since I was last here. The walls were still adorned with beautiful paintings, portraits of past battles, and intricate tapestries. Artefacts, statues, and armoury still lined the hallways.

  Entering the Grand Hall, I sucked in a breath. It was heaving with people. I wondered if the news of my visit had travelled through the nest and everyone was eager to see how Marco reacted to my presence. It was probably the most action they’d had in a while.

  At a subtle signal from Jared, the four vampires behind me paired up and began to circulate the room. Of course, I knew what Paige, Max, Ava, and Salem were doing: scoping out the large space and searching for potential threats.

  Butch and I remained with Sam and Jared as they moved through the crowd. It was only a matter of moments before there was a gasp and a whispered, ‘There’s Marco’s Imani.’ My back teeth locked. I hated being called that, but it was what many viewed me as—Marco’s possession. I delved into my bag of tricks and pulled out my nonchalant air. That was what I’d need to get through tonight.

  Butch said quietly, “Remember, stick close to me.”

  I did, ignoring the stares and whispers. Soon enough, people came to greet me and pepper me with questions. I was polite but vague, doing my best to hide my discomfort. I was glad to see one particular female Keja, though. Eleanor was Turned roughly the same time as me, so we’d experienced a lot of the early struggles together.

  With a warm smile, Eleanor kissed my cheek and gave me a one-armed hug. “My God, I can’t believe it’s you! Annalise did say you were coming, but I never imagined you would return to this place.”

  “It’s good to see you. I love this dress.” The sleek, silver garment suited the brunette perfectly.

  She tilted her head as she studied me. “You look the same, yet different. I can’t explain it. And who are these vampires with you?” Her face went slack as she took in Sam and Jared. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry I didn’t greet you immediately. I was just so distracted by the sight of Imani.”

  Jared held up a hand. “No offence was taken.” She looked so relieved, I was surprised she didn’t collapse.

  “This is Butch, he’s a member of the legion,” I told her.

  Eleanor did a slight curtsey. “It’s wonderful to meet you.”

  Feeling eyes on me, I glanced to my right. “Eleanor, who’s that blonde glaring at me like I’ve pissed in her shoes?”

  Leaning close, Eleanor snickered. “That’s Tait. Marco’s second-born.”

  “Ah, so because I left him, she gets the first-born treatment.”

  “Yes. She’s been sulking since she heard you were coming. Have you seen him yet?”

  “Not yet.”

  She patted my arm. “Don’t worry about him. The reunion might be a little tense, but that’s only to be expected.”

  Catching a ‘let’s go’ look from Sam, I smiled at Eleanor and said, “It was great seeing you. Take care.”

  Butch and I once again followed Sam and Jared through the large space. Several times we were stopped by awe-struck people who wanted to meet the pair. It was as we neared the rear of the hall that I caught a glimpse of Marco, surrounded by several vampires, his gun-metal grey eyes cold and predatory. As always, he looked both relaxed and coiled to strike at the same time.

  “He’s leaning against the wall up ahead,” I whispered to Butch. “Tall. Blond hair. Dark suit.”

  Butch barely glanced his way, but I knew that—in that small moment—he would have absorbed every single detail. “He’ll know you’re here. He’s probably been waiting for you to get close.”

  I nodded. Hell, Marco probably knew exactly where I was at that very moment. He never missed anything. And no doubt several people had ran to him with news of my arrival. I sent a telepathic warning to Jared, who would no doubt telepathically share the news with Sam and the others. It was best for everyone to be on their guard.

  Pointedly ignoring Marco’s presence, I kept my gaze firmly ahead as we passed his little group. None of them paid me any attention, though they briefly nodded at Sam and Jared. Hmm. Maybe Marco didn’t actually care that—

  “Well, well,
well, the prodigal first-born returns.” It surprised me that there wasn’t a bitter edge to Marco’s words.

  Slowly turning, I forced a smile for my Sire, ex-boyfriend, and bad memory. His own smile was oddly warm and, if I wasn’t mistaken, a little amused. Something was funny? “Marco,” I greeted simply, conscious that a heavy silence had fallen and we were the focus of my entire nest’s attention.

  His eyes raked over me, though not in a sleazy way. “Looking good, sweetheart.”

  I didn’t like his tone…because it was affectionate, and that made no sense. But then, Marco was a very good actor. As a human, I hadn’t sensed the coldness behind that seriously good-looking exterior. And I’d paid for that mistake.

  He flicked a look at the vampires with me and asked, “Aren’t you going to introduce me, Imani?”

  “I don’t think I need to introduce Sam and Jared. This is Butch. Guys, this is Marco.” As he raised an expectant brow, I reluctantly added, “My Sire.”

  Marco inclined his head their way, not breaking eye contact with me. “Part of the legion now, hmm, Imani? Good for you.”

  Well, if he could fake courtesy, I could do the same. “Thanks.”

  He looked at Sam. “You made a good decision when you recruited Imani.”

  Sam didn’t seem to know what to make of him. “I did,” she agreed.

  Marco’s gaze slid back to me. “Come have a talk with me; tell me what you’ve been doing all these years.” It was more of a gentle demand than a request.

  For some reason, I got the sudden and inexplicable feeling that he already knew what I’d been doing. But that couldn’t be possible. “Maybe later.” Or maybe fucking never.

  His eyes flared ever so briefly, but it was enough for me to note the anger he was doing an excellent job of hiding. “Surely you can spare your own Sire a little of your time.”

  “As I said, maybe later.”

  A blonde slinked her way into his group and leaned into him, placing a possessive hand on his chest as she looked at me. “Who is she, Marco?” The knowing glint in her eyes told me she knew exactly who I was but was trying to communicate that I had little significance.