Read Fractured Page 7

  He didn’t look at her as he replied, “Juliet, this is my Imani.”

  I gritted my teeth at Marco’s use of the word ‘my’. Butch went stiff as a board. Juliet…she just switched her full attention to Marco, and I got the feeling that I actually was completely insignificant to her. She was fully secure in her place in his life.

  “Are you sure you won’t stay and talk with me?” There was a silky menace to Marco’s words, and I knew he’d be thoroughly pissed if I once again refused.

  Just then, Tait appeared and curled into his other side, equally possessive as Juliet. The display was pitiful. Honestly, the way they stroked his chest and nuzzled his neck…all that was missing was someone fanning him with leaves while they fed him grapes.

  “I’ll leave you and the Playboy Bunnies to it,” I said with a smile. Someone snickered. I wasn’t sure whether it was that snicker, my refusal to stay with him, the hand Butch then possessively slayed on my back, or the fact that I’d insulted his consorts, but a low growl rumbled out of Marco. Just like that, I had Max, Paige, Ava, and Salem behind me.

  Huffing, Juliet soothingly rubbed his chest. “Be calm, Marco. You don’t need to be upset on my behalf, but I appreciate you being so protective.”

  Glaring at me, Tait sneered, “You might be technically Marco’s first-born, but I’m the one who’s been supporting him. I’m the one who’s always at his side. I’m the one who does everything expected of a first-born.”

  This was supposed to affect me? I shrugged one shoulder. “Good for you, and good for him.”

  “You think you’re so special, don’t you? Well, you’re wrong.”

  “So hostile.” Seriously, her hatred of me was so thick, I could almost touch it. “You don’t even know me.”

  Another sneer. “I don’t need to know you. I’ve heard enough to know you’re a complete bitch.”

  Wait, Marco had stolen my human life and then abandoned me…but I was the bad guy? This girl was wacked.

  Butch tensed beside me as she took a small step closer. I placed my hand on his thigh to hold him back. I could deal with her, no problem.

  “I’ve been waiting a long time to give you a piece of my mind.”

  “Can you afford to give me a piece?” I quipped.

  Tait flicked a hand at me. “See, a complete bitch.”

  “It’s a tough job, and quite often thankless. But I’m thinking it’s still a better job than being a second-born playing at being a first-born.”

  Her fangs descended. “Such bravado coming from someone who ran away to play human because they couldn’t handle their new life. Pitiful.”

  I rolled my eyes. “If I throw a stick, will you leave?”

  “You’re the one who doesn’t belong here. You ran from your nest, you deserted them, and you can’t simply reappear and expect to be welcomed. That’s the issue here.”

  “That’s not the real issue. But the issue isn’t actually even the real issue. It’s your issue with the issue that’s the true issue, don’t you think?”

  Eyes blazing, she bared her teeth. “I’m not someone you should toy with.”

  “Does that mean you’re done now?”

  “Done? I haven’t even started with you.”

  “That’s too bad, because I’m a little preoccupied right now. But you could try consulting my middle finger if you like.”

  In a millisecond, she was directly in front of me and her hand was wrapped around my throat. She was unnaturally fast for a Keja. She was also gonna freaking pay for that.

  My movements swift and smooth, I grabbed her wrist, snapped it back, punched her in the throat, and swept out my foot. Flat on her back, she gaped up at me in what appeared to be utter shock. That made me frown. “What do you think I do for the legion? Take notes?”

  Her eyes tightened around the edges, and she tensed as if readying herself to lunge. But then Marco slowly came forward, his expression hard and his mouth set into a harsh line. I braced myself for an attack from him.

  Her cheeks crimson, Tait stood upright. “Marco, you don’t need to interfere. Really. She and I will duel this out.”

  Sounded good to me.

  Gently, Marco skimmed his fingers over her face. “You don’t like your mother, do you, Tait?” The female blinked, her brow creasing. “As a matter of fact, you hate her,” he went on. “You’ve rambled on countless times about what a bitch she is. But let’s say that someone else insulted your mother. You wouldn’t like that, would you? No. Because we can insult what’s ours but we don’t like others doing it, do we? And that’s the situation I find myself in with Imani. I can be angry with her, but I really don’t like anyone else being angry with her. And I really, really don’t like anyone wrapping their hand around her throat. So consider yourself lucky that she put you on your ass, because I’d have done much worse if the punishment was mine.”

  Okay, well that was definitely not what I’d expected him to say.


  Based on the facts that Sam had given me, there were a dozen things I’d expected to happen at this little reunion.

  I’d anticipated that Marco would be pissed with Imani. I’d anticipated that he wouldn’t go the night without speaking to her. And I’d anticipated that he would switch on the charisma to hide his anger. What I hadn’t anticipated was that Marco’s cold eyes would light up like a Christmas tree when they landed on Imani.

  The guy might be somewhat sociopathic, but he wasn’t as dead inside as people believed. Something in him responded to Imani. His affectionate tone wasn’t false. His possessiveness was more than that of a Sire. He was genuinely proud of her for being recruited by Sam and Jared. And he was truly enraged with his second-born. So maybe Sam was right and he’d protected Imani from afar all these years.

  Marco jerked his head at Tait, and she scurried from the hall. He then turned to Imani, and his features smoothed out into a much calmer expression. “You okay, sweetheart?”

  That ‘sweetheart’ shit was getting on my nerves.

  Imani gave a careless shrug. “No harm done.”

  “Which is the only reason why she’s conscious,” he said. I believed him. Tait would have been on Shit Street if she’d wounded Imani.

  “You should ensure your vampire understands there will be dire consequences if she touches Imani again,” Sam told him, wisps of energy slithering along her skin, which was a clear sign she was pissed. “Imani won’t be so gentle with her next time.”

  “Nor will I,” said Marco. His eyes sliced to me. “You’re standing very close to my Imani, but you didn’t help her. You just stood back while she was attacked.”

  I inwardly snorted. “Imani doesn’t need me to swat at annoying little flies for her. And if you thought differently, you really don’t know her at all.”

  Jaw hardening, Marco took a step toward me, only to come to a complete halt when a tall vampire with a very old vibe about him appeared. Marco gave the vampire a deferential nod, so I had to assume it was Lazarus.

  “I almost hope Tait misbehaves again just so I can see more of Imani in action,” said the new vampire.

  Imani smiled brightly at him. “Well if it isn’t Zorro. How are you doing?” The guy really did look like Antonio Banderas in that movie, minus the mask.

  Eyes gleaming, he replied, “I’m quite well, thank you. It has been too long since you were last here. But I will not scold you for that as I am too pleased to see you.” No one could miss the genuine and rather paternal affection that he had for her.

  Leading us all away from Marco, he inclined his head at Sam and Jared. “Good evening, I am Lazarus. It is an honour to have you here.”

  Imani introduced him to me and the rest of our squads, and we all exchanged brief greetings.

  “I’m sorry about the reception you received from Tait, Imani.” Lazarus sighed. “I had hoped things would go much more smoothly.”

  Imani shrugged. “It could have been worse.”

  It could have been fucking b

  “I expect she feels threatened by your presence,” said Lazarus. “The reality is that Tait may behave as his first-born, but she wasn’t the catalyst that led to him beginning his own line.”

  Sam nodded. “Seeing Imani is forcing her to face that reality.”

  “Precisely.” Lazarus put a hand on Imani’s shoulder. “Despite that you left and severed your bond, Marco never disowned you. He still acknowledges you as not only one of his vampires but as his first-born.”

  Imani’s nose wrinkled. “I don’t get that.”

  Lazarus opened his mouth to speak again, but then a female voice loudly crooned, “My beautiful Imani.”

  “Annalise,” Imani said to the shapely woman who cradled her face like it was made of fine bone China.

  “I have missed you so.” Annalise gave Sam and Jared a gracious smile. “I’m sure you have been told this several times already, but we are incredibly pleased to have you here.” She lowered her voice. “I heard about Tait’s behaviour, Imani. I apologise on her behalf. She had no right to touch you.”

  “Imani handled it quite well,” said Lazarus, clearly proud. “Tait was on the floor before anyone had the chance to intervene.”

  If I was honest, watching Imani take down that bitch so easily had been damn hot.

  “Good. Still, Marco should have more control over his vampires.” Annalise huffed in his direction. “Have you seen him with his two consorts? The three of them fancy themselves to be a couple.”

  A chuckle burst out of Imani, and I had to stifle a smile. Annalise talked as though it was some big scandal. Hell, Jared had three consorts before Sam came along. Clearly Annalise was a little old-fashioned.

  Imani was wrong, Jared told me telepathically as Imani introduced Annalise to me and the other squad members. Marco feels something for her. I think he really has been protecting her.

  Nodding at Annalise in greeting, I replied to Jared, I agree. I didn’t want to be thankful to Marco for anything. But if that shithead had played a part in keeping her alive all these years, I was grateful to him. I still wanted to slit his throat.

  We thought he’d be dramatically pissed because she escaped his hold. He’s angry, but he’s not as angry as what he should be.

  That was something else I agreed with.

  Sam and I have been discussing it. Obviously he meant telepathically. Her theory is that Marco’s never felt like Imani escaped him. He wasn’t just watching over her to protect her, he was keeping tabs on her; he’s always known where she was, what she was doing, and who she was doing it with. In that sense, he remained linked to her in his own way.

  I stilled. Knowledge is power. Being so aware of every aspect of her life made him feel like he had some control over her.

  Exactly. I think he might have even believed Imani would come back to come when she was ready; that she just needed time to adjust and cool down. She stayed away for many years, but when life is eternal, years don’t seem very long.

  It would explain why he never renounced her. He’d been waiting for her to return and claim the position that was rightfully hers. He probably sees her time in the legion as her spreading her wings and having some fun before she takes up the mantle.

  Yep. He hasn’t took his eyes from her since she walked away. You should be careful.

  Everything in me bristled. I’m not afraid of that fucker.

  I know you’re not, and I don’t expect you to be. But he’s clearly obsessed with her. He’s noticed your possessiveness and he doesn’t like it. In a duel, you could take him. But I don’t think he’d challenge you. I think he’d attack you from afar before you had the chance to defend yourself.

  He could try.

  And I’d kill him if he did.



  Lazarus and Annalise escorted us all to an empty parlour. With its old portraits, antique furniture, and the painted ceiling, it was even grander than the parlours at Antonio’s half of the mansion at The Hollow.

  No sooner were we all seated than Lazarus turned to me with a troubled expression and said, “I feel I should warn you to be careful of Marco. He is one of my most loyal vampires. He serves me well. But he can act rashly. I will warn him to steer clear of you. But Imani is his first-born and he believes this gives him rights that no one else should have. As such, I would advise you to keep your wits about you. If he comes for you, you will not sense him until it is too late.”

  Rather than assuring him I could take Marco, I just inclined my head.

  “Tell us what you know about dragon shifters, Lazarus,” said Sam.

  “They are a fascinating species. Strong. Fierce. Dangerous. Ferociously protective of their own. In their dragon form, they are even stronger and their outer coat of armour comes in various colours. Some look rather exotic, others quite medieval.

  “They can shift shape as easily as they can walk, but they cannot maintain their dragon form if they are weak. When they die, their bodies return to their human shape. In their dragon form, the majority have the ability to breathe scalding heat, smoke, and fire. But there are some that can breathe air so cold it encases their target in ice.”

  Imani raised her brows as she said dryly, “Charming.”

  “They live in droves, each of which is ruled by an Alpha. Unlike many species, they do not war amongst each other and they have no hierarchy of power. They simply exist. I admire that about them.”

  Jared crossed his legs at his ankles, looking deceptively relaxed. “I heard they don’t like vampirekind much.”

  “That is true,” confirmed Lazarus. “Once it was discovered that their blood had healing properties, people were convinced it could somehow cure vampirism. Those driven to find a cure often kidnapped the shifters and kept them prisoner while they used their blood. Some vampires, however—much like myself—found nonviolent ways of obtaining dragon blood. I pay a high price for donations. Dragon shifters have a weakness for gold and jewels.”

  Sam’s brow furrowed. “Why would you want their blood?”

  “To use for my trials,” he replied. “Annalise and I were Turned without our consent. I have dedicated most of my vampiric life to finding a cure. Unfortunately, my attempts have so far been unsuccessful, but I have not lost hope.”

  “Do you do these trials on yourself?” asked Jared.

  “No. It is not difficult to find volunteers, despite that some of the serums we developed have proven fatal. Many are so miserable with this life that they would rather be dead than be a vampire. The majority of the time, the serums have no effect whatsoever, even with dragon shifter blood.”

  I cocked my head. “Given how much they hate us, I’m surprised they’d sell their blood to you.”

  Lazarus looked at me. “As I said, they have a weakness for gold and jewels and pretty things. They like to accumulate valuable possessions. They hire out their services in other ways, too. For instance, they’re often used as mercenary groups.”

  I stilled. “Mercenary groups?”

  “A single dragon can wipe out a small town in a matter of minutes. You can imagine what an entire drove could do.”

  I exchanged looks with each of The Hollow’s vampires; by their grim expressions, they were all thinking the same as me: It was possible that someone intended to hire a drove of dragon shifters to destroy The Hollow.

  Sam spoke to Lazarus. “You’re on good terms with the local drove?”

  Lazarus hesitated. “‘Good terms’ is not the phrase that I would use. We have a treaty. The drove does not cross into our territory, and we do not cross into theirs.”

  “We need to meet with the local drove,” Jared told him. “Can you set that up?”

  “I very much doubt that they would agree to that.”

  “It’s important,” said Jared.

  Lazarus shook his head. “I’m sorry, they would do me no favours.”

  Annalise pursed her lips. “They might agree if…”

  “If, what?”
prodded Sam.

  “If Marco were to ask,” Annalise finished. “The Alpha is quite cordial with him. There is a mutual respect there.”

  “After what he did to Imani, I won’t ask that prick for anything,” snarled Jared, taking the words right out of my mouth.

  “I swear, I won’t see it as a betrayal if you ask for his assistance,” vowed Imani.

  My jaw hardened. “Imani, he—”

  “This is bigger than me, Butch,” she said. “He might not agree to help—he likes to play games too much. But there’s no harm in Sam and Jared asking him.”

  The Grand High Pair fell silent, and I guessed they were discussing the matter telepathically. Their expressions gave nothing away.

  Finally, Sam said to Lazarus, “Call Marco in here.” The Master Vampire nodded at Annalise, who then left the room.

  I gave Sam a ‘You have to be fucking kidding me’ look, at which point she studied Imani’s face carefully.

  “You sure you’re okay with this?” Sam asked her.

  “I’m sure.” She looked as positive as she sounded.

  Minutes later, Marco entered the room. His eyes immediately sought out Imani, and his face softened. “Hello again, sweetheart.”

  Fucker. I wanted to slide my arm around her shoulders and make a possessive statement that he couldn’t miss, but it would no doubt piss her off. So I did nothing; I kept my expression blank, unwilling to let Marco see just how much his very existence got to me.

  “Marco,” began Lazarus, “the Grand High Pair needs to meet with the local dragon drove. Can you arrange that?”

  “We don’t mean the shifters any harm,” Jared quickly added. “We just have some questions.” When Marco didn’t speak, Jared pushed, “Can you do it?”

  “The drove tolerates me well enough,” said Marco. “But they would not be inclined to meet with you or your mate. You’re the most powerful vampires alive; they would feel threatened by your presence. You can’t really blame them for that. If the situation were reversed, you would be just as wary.”