Read FreeFormed Hybrids Page 7

  Chapter 7 “Sam”

  Bill walked over to where Tom and Steve were watching the dancers. He looked around for their guide but couldn’t find him. The loud music made it almost impossible to hear each other.

  “I’m going to take a look around,” yelled Bill.

  “We should stick together,” Tom replied.

  Bill shrugged his shoulders and took a drink.

  On the surface this place looked like college students letting loose during spring break. Although the closer they looked the more different it became. There was no joy on their blank and emotionless faces. As if numbing some kind of internal pain. Many people were passed out, as others stared into the pental boxes.

  “Where’s the guide?” yelled Tom as he looked around.

  Steve noticed a group of people watching them. Several girls got up and started walking towards them. Steve got nervous but Bill had a big smile on his face.

  The girls walked up to them and said something they couldn’t make out. Steve tried to introduce himself but they were more interested in what they were wearing. Another girl walked up to them and they all started giggling while touching Bill’s clothes. Misjudging the powerful effect of the drink, Bill began flirting with the girls. Tom angrily looked at Bill who completely ignored him. Tom was about to physically grab Bill when the guide showed up.

  “I see you guys are enjoying your selves.” The guide raised his glass then took a swig. “We were told you are here to learn about us, so you might as well have a good time doing it.” He turned to the girls. “They are from the colony, why don’t you show them what we are all about?” He took another drink.

  “You are from the colony? Has contact been made officially?” Two of the girls looked back and forth at the group surprised. Steve and Tom did not know what to say but Bill seemed to be taking the lead.

  “Oh yeah, contact has started and,” before he could finish the two girls took Bill by the hand and led him into the crowded darkness, leaving Steve and Tom looking concerned.

  “Don’t worry. They just want to have sex with him.” The guide casually stated.

  Steve looked jealous so he got up and sheepishly tried to follow but gave up in the crowd.

  Tom sat there shaking his head, I better go after him. He got up but was startled by the bartender who jumped in front of him.

  “You don’t happen to have change for a dollar?” The bartender oddly held the bill in both hand between his fingers.

  Forgetting where he was, Tom instinctively reached into his pocket fumbling for change, his mind focused on Bill. Then it hit him, this guy want change for a US dollar? He stopped and stared wide eyed at the bartender.

  “It’s been a while since I have been to Earth, I can see the clothing style has gotten worse.” The bartender extended his hand. “My name is Sam, and you are?”

  “Tom, did you say you have been to Earth?” Tom shook his hand in bewilderment.

  “Yup, it used to be my home, but that’s a long story. Follow me, its best we talk in private.” Sam pointed to a door at the other end of the club. Tom was so caught up in talking with Sam that he forgot about Bill or Steve. They went into what looked like a storage room and sat down on some random boxes.

  “They usually bring Earth humans here at a much younger age. What’s your story?” Sam inquired.

  Tom was cautious. He did not know what to make of this guy. “Well, I am here to learn as much as I can about this culture.” Tom guardedly replied.

  “With all due respect, I am not an idiot. You are obviously from Earth.” Sam leaned forward.

  “How do you know that?” Tom snapped back.

  Sam could not help but laugh out loud. “I have been watching you guys since you got here. The look of shock on your faces at the decadent behavior was priceless.” Sam laughed slapping his knee. “For a second, I actually thought you were going to give me change for my dollar.”

  “So you just happen to carry a dollar around?” Tom inquired.

  “It reminds me of a former life that never was.” Sam reached into his pocket pulling out the dollar.

  Tom could tell that it brought back a lot of memories for him.

  “Alright, I am from Earth. I need to gather as much information as possible. Do you think you can help me?” Tom cut to the chase. He knew Sam could be a treasure trove of information.

  “I didn’t know they’d made official contact, how’s that going with the public?” Sam put the dollar back into his pocket.

  “Well, it’s still a secret. We’re still just trying to gather information. Were you born on Earth or just lived there?” asked Tom.

  “Originally, born and raised, until they ripped me away. I nearly went crazy when I found out the truth.” Sam leaned forward putting both hands on his knees.

  “What truth?” Tom folded his arms still a little suspicious.

  Sam mood became somber. “Well, it’s known as bodyfarming.” He paused for a moment looking down at the ground.


  “Yeah, one of the main reasons these colonies exist. You see, people are taken and used for their bodies. They can transfer their life’s energy from one person to another. Killing the host of course. It’s how they live forever. When they tried it on me for some reason it didn’t work. I guess they kept me around to see why I was immune from the procedure.” Sam paused and looked to the side. “It’s been over 10 years and I’m still stuck here. They won’t let me back on Earth,” Sam said almost in a whisper to himself.

  “Why won’t they let you back on Earth?”

  “I guess they’re afraid I’ll talk. But who the hell would believe me?” Sam asked as he stood up and raised his arms.

  Tom was beside himself in shock, he couldn’t believe it. “You mean they kill people so they can live in their bodies? Sounds like a bad horror movie.” Tom got up, rubbing his forehead.

  “Oh yeah, these people are obsessed with living forever. It’s strange, they get high all the time like they can’t deal with life but when it comes to death, they can’t deal with that either. So they steal a body and keep living.”

  “Does everyone do that?”

  “Most everyone, if they don’t die from drugs, which happens a lot. At least once a month someone does not wake up in this club. Then there’s the linies, they die on their own.” Sam pause for a moment. “I’m surprised that contact has been made.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Well, usually once contact has been made with a colony, then bodyfarming stops.”

  Bodyfarming, Tom thought. Jesus Christ, what the hell is going on? “Is there anything else you could tell me about these people?”

  “Take a look around, these people are sex and drug addicts. The only ones that can hold a conversation are the freeformed humans.”

  “Yeah, Joe explained all that.” Tom leaned against the wall.

  “Joe, that son of a bitch. He’s the one that won’t let me back on Earth,” Sam abruptly turned towards Tom.

  “You know Joe?” Tom quizzically looked at Sam.

  “Yeah, I know him.” Sam angrily nodded as he crossed his arms. “He probably won’t remember me though.” He stared back at Tom, there was an awkward silence.

  Tom got the sense this guy was telling the truth, he tried to ease the tension by sympathizing with him. “Well maybe you can go back now?”

  “Yea, I sure hope so,” Sam replied letting out a big sigh. He looked down at his feet as he kicked a small empty box across the room.

  Wanting to change the subject and gather as much information as possible, “So, what can you tell me about the homeworlds?” Tom asked.

  “I lived there for 5 years.” Sam replied sitting back down. “Well, there’s not much to tell, it’s pretty much the same as you see here. You know they’ve lost their ability to create. Most of them couldn’t even tell you where all the food and drugs come from. Machines provide everything for them.” Sam chuckled. “Even the freeformed
humans spend most of their time getting high or having sex. They’re probably worse because they understand what a sorry state humanity is in.”

  Tom listened intently as he sat back down.

  “It’s the machines and computers that provide everything. I mean everything. Light, food, drugs even clothing. Everything.” Sam looked at Tom wide eyed. “It took me awhile, but it finally sank in. I’ve come to the conclusion that nobody is really in control. I mean, I don’t know if anybody could even tell you where the machines came from. These Outposts are supposed to monitor the space around these so-called colonies, but slowly they’re being left unattended and neglected. Even the homeworlds are starting to breakdown. Humanity is slowly dying.”

  Tom sat silent for a while not knowing what to say.

  “You know, there is a ruling council that’s supposed to govern the place. At least that’s their intention but they really do nothing.” Sam continued. “After a while when I realized I’d probably never go back, I got gung-ho. I thought I could save humanity.” Sam laughed as he ran his hand through his hair. He stared off into the distance for a second, recalling how naive he was. “Yeah, I was going to be the next Jesus Christ. I tried to convince the council of the error of their ways. How we needed to start helping ourselves and free our minds of all these drugs. Well to make a long story short, they banished me and all my so-called privileges were taken away and no one would listen to me. They even thought I was dangerous and locked me up for a while. When I got out I became just like them for a while, high, lethargic, useless.” Sam sighed. “I meandered Outpost to Outpost, ended up here hoping to return to Earth. I wanted to see it one more time before I died.” Sam’s eyes started to water.

  “Maybe the time has come. Maybe now is the time for things to change.” Tom replied.

  “I think shit is going to hit the fan when the council hears about this.” Sam stood up. “I hope it works. I hope things really change, not just for me, but for all of humanity. I don’t mean to sound sappy but, this can’t be all that we are. There has to be more than this, right?” Sam let out a big sigh.

  “Tomorrow I want you to come with us and talk to Joe.”

  “Joe?” Sam laughed. “The council will probably lock him up like they did me, even though he was a member!” Sam paused for a second. “I would like to see the look on his face when I walk into the room. He probably doesn’t even know I’m here.”

  “Look, things are changing right now and you can be a part of it.” Tom stood up facing Sam. “Help us.” He held out his hand as if they were making a deal.

  Sam stared at Toms hand for a moment. He reached out and shook his hand.

  “Come on, let’s get the others.” Tom motioned to Sam as he walked out the room.

  Bill was having a good time. He had finished his drink and wanted more. He had underestimated the powerful effect the reen had. His inhibitions were completely suppressed and all he wanted was pleasure. The girls were using the reen in what looked like an asthma inhaler.

  “What are those?” Bill asked as the girls inhaled them through their noses.

  “Go ahead.” replied one of the girls.

  Bill hesitated for a moment but thought, What the hell. He grabbed the inhaler and inhaled deeply. An immediate calm filled his body, like being wrapped in a warm blanket. Not just physically but emotionally as well. It felt so good that his thoughts about the mission vanished and all he could think about was taking another hit. It suddenly made sense to be exactly where he was as the drug took over his mind. He lay back in the bed as the girl undressed him and the pleasuring began.

  Steve looked around, even I should be able to get laid in this place. He sat down trying to focus on the mission. But the pulsating music and all the beautiful woman reminded him of dance clubs on Earth. He had a hard time imagining the reality of the situation. I am on Pluto!, focus, remember why we’re here.

  “Hi. I hear you guys are from Earth.” Standing before him was a beautiful voluptuous woman, looking at him with bedroom eyes.

  “Uh, yeah.” He nervously replied as he wiped his sweating palms on his pants. “I am from Earth.” He leaned forward to stand up but quickly sat back, he didn’t know what to do.

  She laughed at his odd behavior. This guy was different, timid and shy, she liked that. “It has been awhile since I have had an Earthling.” She held out her hand enticing him.

  He did not know what to say or do. He tried to think of something clever, but as usual, at this point his tongue was tied. She grabbed his hands pulling him up and led him outside.

  “Where are we going?” Steve inquired as he obediently followed her.

  “Back to my place, I don’t like those rooms.” She looked back with a devious grin practically dragging him out of the place.

  “Well I, I mean I don’t know if I….” He could not let go of her hand, her attraction was magnetic.

  He looked back as they left the place knowing he should not leave the others, but her allure was too powerful. They silently walked outside and down a stairway to the underground transportation system. Knowing he’d get in big trouble but the temptation of her seductiveness overpowered his logic. Things like this never happened to him back on Earth, and besides he wanted to get in on the action.