Read FreeFormed Hybrids Page 8

Chapter 8 “Alizia”

  Steve and the woman walked into the transportation system holding hands. They got into what looked like on oversized golf cart that had space for four people. Curious, Steve looked over the side but he could see no wheels, the cart just floated an inch above the ground. The slick shinny road looked polished similar to a bowling alley.

  She leaned forward and touched the front panel. “Sector 78, housing units” The car silently started to move on her voice command.

  Steve held on not knowing what to expect. As the vehicle gently moved forward Steve tried to make small talk. “So, ahhh what’s your name?”

  “Alizia” Her gentle smile, long flowing dark hair and big bright eyes were captivating.

  Steve found himself asking dumb questions. “Are, you from around here? What do you do for a living?” He cringed at the stupidity of the questions. He was never good at this.

  She looked over at him with a puzzled expression and laughed. “You’re not like the others” She turned her body towards him placing one leg up on the seat, her knee came to rest on Steve’s lap.

  “What do you mean not like the others?” Steve was paralyzed as he stared at her leg.

  “You seem so serious. Most people around here are all about the pleasure.” She lifted her other leg up and now both were resting across his lap.

  “Oh no not me, I just want to get to know you, that’s all.” Steve blushed as he looked over nervously at her.

  “You just want to get to know me? Really?” She replied sarcastically.

  “Yeah, really.” Steve wanted to get laid like most men, but when it came to relationships, he was old fashion. Deep down inside he really wanted to meet that someone special. He knew it sounded corny but that was the truth, even out here in this strange place. He had never had a one-night stand, he didn’t even know if he could do that. He wanted to talk and get to know her for a while, at least that’s what he hoped would happen. Of course, he wouldn’t stop any of her advances.

  “That’s sweet” She reached over and gently stroked his unruly hair. “You really must be form Earth.”

  The car raced silently along in the underground tunnel. Occasionally they would pass a broken down car, left abandoned on the side. The road would widen then narrow as they sped along. Finally the car slowed down and pulled into a station. A few people were milling about while others were passed out on the benches.

  As they started up the stairs, Steve started to speak, “I really hope we can,” he stopped mid-sentence. He couldn’t help but notice her brilliant white skintight pants, so thin he could see through them. Her body resembled that of an Olympic athlete. His thoughts drifted from “getting to know her” to “wanting to have her” and suddenly his mind raced with all sorts of sexual scenarios. Steve kept trying to remind himself, I am collecting information and getting to know the locals.

  “Did you say something?” Alizia turned her head around noticing Steve staring at her behind.

  Steve looked up at her not knowing how long he had been staring. “Oh, nothing.” He could feel his face blush. He looked around and noticed that everyone’s physique was also perfect, like fashion models. These people must have somehow engineered out all the flaws of nature, Steve thought to himself.

  They walked into a building and onto an elevator. “How much is the rent here?” As soon as Steve asked it, he realized how dumb the question was.

  She looked at him and laughed. “You say the strangest things.”

  They got out at the top floor and he followed her into her room. The entrance opened up into a large open space, he noticed it had the decor straight out of the 1970’s. A large window encompassed an entire wall which had a view of the entire city.

  “What do you call it?” Steve looked out the window.

  “Sadly it doesn’t have a name. Around here were all about pleasuring the senses and not worried about naming things.” She took him by the hand and led him to a large semi-circular couch. Pushing him down, she sat on his lap straddling him. Steve suddenly became very nervous.

  “What’s Earth like?” Alizia gently moved his face toward hers.

  “What do you mean?” Steve gazed into her eyes.

  She leaned forward kissing his cheek, “I’ve never been there, they won’t let me,” she whispered into his ear.

  “Why, won’t they let you?” Steve rubbed his cheek against hers.

  “I’m a freeformed human from the homeworlds, I grew up there.” She became very solemn. “I just did not fit in anywhere.” A tear ran down her face. I always wanted to go to one of the colonies. I envy you people. You live your lives and seem to have a purpose, a reason to live.” She turned back to Steve, “What’s it like, living on Earth?”

  “Well,” Steve didn’t know what to say, he felt sorry for her. He thought these people would be advanced, like something out of Star Trek. It slowly started to sink in that these people were in worse shape than a broken down third world country on Earth.

  He thought about her question for a second, “Earth is beautiful, some places would take your breath away. One summer I hiked through the mountains of Peru in South America. I was called the Inca Trail and we ended up in this place called Machu Picchu. The mountain trails were beautiful. I can’t wait to go back.” He paused for a moment. “Are there mountains on the homeworlds?”

  “Oh, yeah, the home worlds have many mountains and the terrain is just like Earth, but most freeformed humans aren’t allowed to roam around there anymore.”

  “Why?” Steve inquired.

  “Lately, the homeworlds have become more paranoid. A major power source stopped working and no one knows how to fix it. They don’t know what to do.” Alizia just shook her head. “I heard they even lost contact with some of the outer most colonies. The rumor is they might have been attacked.”

  “Attacked by whom?” Steve’s face grew concerned.

  “I don’t know, they don’t tell us anything. I only hear this from people who sometimes work in the main control station where all the communication happens.” Alizia leaned back shrugging her shoulders.

  Steve thought to himself, maybe that’s why they initiated contact with Earth, “Maybe it’s the same beings that destroyed that colony a long time ago?” Steve wondered aloud, curious if she knew anything about that.

  “How’d you know about that?” Alizia stared at Steve in dismay.

  “The person who first made contact with us, his name is Joe, do you know him?”

  Alizia nodded as she brushed back a strain of hair.

  “He told us a brief history about the Creators and how these other humanoids attacked a colony. That’s why they made Earth. How much do you know about that?”

  Alizia looked down and began to cry.

  Steve gently hugged her trying to console her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ask you a bunch of questions.”

  “No, it’s not that,” Alizia leaned back wiping away her tears. “I gave up caring a long time ago. The Creators, other humanoids. I haven’t thought about those things for a long time.” She looked at Steve, “I used to be involved in a group that once tried to change things. We even tried to convince the ruling council that as humans we needed to free our minds, develop naturally and change. We needed to learn and explore the universe around us.” She turned her head and stared off into the distance.

  “We were deemed dangerous and banished. Only a select few of us freeformed humans are even allowed near the homeworlds anymore. They think human emotions left unchecked will turn to evil.” She paused for a second. “Does it matter who or what created us? I mean, what difference does it make? What matters is what happens now. It’s what we make with what we’ve got. That’s what we should focus on.”

  Steve looked at her surprised by her insight. Such wisdom she had. “You’re right,” Steve smiled. “That’s a good way to look at things.” Steve caressed her hand.

  “Well, no one here really cares. Humanity is withering away, like
a dead flower that was once beautiful. Now it’s become dry, ugly, and dying.” Alizia paused as the reality of the situation weighed upon her. She didn’t want to feel this way anymore. She looked around and leaned over to grab her reen inhaler.

  “No.” Steve grabbed her hand.

  “I can’t. I can’t stand this feeling.”

  “But it is a false feeling, it is not real.” Steve pleaded.

  “I would rather feel a fake happiness than real pain” Alizia cried.

  “To be human means to deal with the pain of reality. The sorrow, despair, all of it. Once you learn how to deal with that. Joy, happiness and fulfillment is so much better.” Steve held her close to him as he gazed into her eyes.

  She stared back for a moment and dropped the reen. The two embraced in a deep long kiss as the thoughts of the outside world vanished. The comfort and warmth of each other’s bodies filled their beings as they merged into one.