Read FreeFormed Hybrids Page 9

  Chapter 9 “The Meeting”

  Bill woke up alone, he couldn’t remember what had happened. He lifted his head and looked around as it all slowly came back to him. He noticed the nasal inhaler of reen. He remembered taking a lot of it last night. He laid back and put his hand over his face, ashamed of what he’d done. He’d cheated on his wife, again. Another promise broken.

  How could I be so stupid?. As he lay in bed he kept thinking of a way out of this situation. I could tell them I got lost trying to find my way back. Hopefully no one would ask too many questions. Suddenly he remembered the meeting and bolted out of bed. Throwing on some clothes he dunked his head in the sink and brushed back his hair. Opening the door slowly and peeking out of the room, he breathed a sigh of relief at the empty hallway. He walked down the hall looking around, hoping he wouldn’t run into Tom or Steve.

  He went into the main room and the place was still full of people drinking and inhaling reen. Scratching the back of his head, he realized that he had no idea what time it was or how long he’d been asleep. As he looked around the room he realized he had no hangover. That’s strange, he thought. He went outside and had to cover his eyes at the artificial light. As his eyes adjusted, he gazed at the smooth dome covering the city.

  “Excuse me, but, is your name Bill?”

  Startled, Bill spun around. “Yeah, that’s me.”

  “They told me to give this to you.” The stranger handed him a metallic thin long stick about the size of a pencil.

  “What am I supposed to do with this?” Bill turned it around, it was completely smooth and light. It felt like metal but had the weight of a chop stick.

  “It’s for the transport.” The man pointed to a stairway leading down as if Bill should know what he was talking about. Before he could ask any more questions the man walked away and melted into the crowd.

  Bill headed for the stairs, he was in a hurry to get back. He could not remember where they said their rooms were. He emerged into the station and he looked around for signs or any kind of directions but found none. He noticed some people get into a car and give it a voice commands. He got into one of the many cars and looked for a place to put the stick. As he searched he inadvertently waved it near the front panel, which lit up.

  “Building 17B Sector 4” a female voice called out and the car began to move. Bill sat back and grinned, I sure hope Tom doest not ask me too many questions. After a short ride the car came to a stop. He got out and stood on the platform. This looks like where I started from. He headed up some stairs that led to what resembled a hotel lobby. It appeared to be where they originally met the guides. He breathed a sigh of relief and assumed he was back where he was supposed to be.

  Noticing a screen on the wall and walked over to it. He remembered how it lit up the panel of the transport so he waved the stick and a room number appeared, “12”. He smiled at his ingenuity. He walked around until he found room 12 and waved the stick and the door opened. Heading inside he froze when he saw the two girls that he had had sex with just hours before. They both sprung up running over giving him a hug.

  “We thought you weren’t going to make it,” one of the girls said as she embraced him.

  Oh no, Bill thought to himself.

  “We can’t wait to see what Earth looks like, we’re so excited,” she pulled away and walked back to the bed.

  Bill looked at them and saw they were actually packing what looked like bags, as if they were going on a trip. What the hell did I promise them last night? Bill thought to himself.

  The girls turned to each other and yelled, “Were going to Earth!”

  Bill could feel the blood rushing out of his head. He grabbed the wall as he fought for consciousness. How the hell am I going to get out of this?

  Tom and Sam made their way to the residents building finding Dr. Zanagar still awake, Tom introduced them to each other. They woke up Dr. Becker and Tom explained everything he’d learned.

  “The more we learn, the more questions I have.” Dr. Zanagar seemed more than a little annoyed.

  “Where are Bill and Steve?” Dr. Becker asked Tom. He froze for a second realizing that he had left them.

  “Ah, Bill is probably still at the club. I don’t know where Steve is.” Tom looked down completely embarrassed.

  “We can track them through the system. I’ll find them.” Sam seemed happy to be of help. He went to a large screen in the room and went to work.

  “I wonder why it’s so important for us to be involved?” Dr. Zanagar wondered out loud.

  “What do you mean ‘us’?” Dr. Becker inquired.

  “I mean, why Joe initiated contact with Earth?”

  “We need to get some answers. Sam will you come with us to the meeting tomorrow?”

  “Of course, I’d love to. Found them. Bill is in another holding building at the other end of the city, probably with those two girls.” Sam glanced over at the three of them and grinned. “Steve left with Alizia and it looks like they went back to her place.”

  Both Dr. Becker and Dr. Zanagar looked over at Tom.

  “What the hell were you guys doing there? We are not on vacation. This is a very serious matter.” Dr. Zanagar angrily demanded an answer.

  Tom looked down and he could feel his face turning red with embarrassment. “Sorry, I guess. Well, I.” Tom looked at them. “I guess the temptations were too hard to resist.” Tom felt ashamed that he let things get out of control.

  Later that morning Dr. Becker, Dr. Zanagar, Tom and Sam were brought into a large room with what looked like big computer screens all over the walls. Joe didn’t notice the group as they walked in, he was busy talking to Stan. The door slammed shut causing the both of them too looked over. They both did a double take when they saw Sam.

  Stan whispered to Joe, “Is that who I think it is?”

  Joe nodded letting out a big sigh.

  Stan looked down and shook his head and said quietly to Joe, “I knew we shouldn’t have let them roam around.”

  Stan walked forward to meet them, “A new friend of yours?” Stan extended his hand to Sam.

  “Hi, I’m Sam.” They shook hands and Stan smiled politely.

  “I’m a freeform just like you, one big happy family.” Sam tried to be as sarcastic as possible. “They banished me here. Just like the rest of us.”

  “Sorry about that.” Stan looked down a little ashamed of how all this has turned out. “We’re going to go to the homeworlds and talk to the council, things need to change.”

  Sam laughed at Stan shaking his head, “We tried that and look what it got us. Stuck on this shit hole.” Sam raised his arms and spun around as if directing his comments to the entire Outpost. “We’re not allowed to do anything here, but get high and numb our heads. That’s what the great revolution got us.” Sam sat down and looked away. “They will shit-can you guys too if you’re not careful.”

  Steve woke up holding Alizia in his arms. She was so lovely and holding her felt wonderful. Her smooth skin pressed against his. He lay there watching her sleep. He looked up and sighed remembering that damn meeting. He pondered about just not going but he knew he had to get there. He tried to slip out of bed quietly but she woke up.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I have to get to this important meeting, but I’ll come back, promise.”

  “Promise?” She sat up in the bed.

  “I promise I’ll come back. I really have to go.” He gave her a long kiss and he walked out the door.

  As she stared at the ceiling her mind began to wander. She hadn’t had a hit of reen all night. Trying to relax she began tossing and turning. Her thoughts betrayed her, he will never know if I just do a little. Reaching for the reen she took several hits and the familiar numbing warmth overtook her as she lay back. Sometime later she woke up and stumbled to the bathroom. She peered into the mirror not recognizing the person staring back. She threw the reen down and hung her head in shame.

at the meeting Steve walked in and apologized for being late.

  Dr. Becker looked over at him, “Had a good night I suppose?”

  Steve didn’t look ashamed. He looked over with an ear to ear grin. “I had a wonderful night actually, thanks for asking.”

  Dr. Becker rolled her eyes and sighed.

  Joe then got up and motioned for everyone to sit down.

  “I need to tell you more information before we go forward.” Joe directed his comments to the Earthlings.

  “You see, several times in the past, freeformed humans have tried to help the homeworlds. Groups of us have approached the ruling council trying to change things. You see, it’s no mystery that humanity has been stuck in a rut. It was only a matter of time before the machines would start breaking down and the energy sources dry up. People don’t like change, they resist it. Change happens only when it’s a matter of life and death.” Joe stood up clenching his fists. “Now it’s a matter of life and death. We know that a major energy source on one of the homeworlds has stopped working and no one knows how to fix it. Things are slowly getting worse. Now is the time for change.” Joe paused looking down, “I’ll be honest with you. In truth we’ve only had sporadic contact with the homeworlds for over a year. I myself haven’t been there for several years.”

  Dr. Becker interrupted Joe, “Why didn’t you tell us more about this place? These people are all high and sex crazed, they barely know what is going on. It’s disgusting.”

  Dr. Zanagar interjected, “How did this happen? What can we do that would help?” He threw his hands up in the air. “Should we send all these people to rehab?”.

  “These people are in pain and they need our help.” Steve spoke out sympathetically.

  Tom stood up looking directly at Joe. “What exactly are you expecting from us?”

  Joe looked over at Stan and got up. “We need to convince the council to integrate and accept all humans. The homeworlds needs to be home to any human, from anywhere. We need to show them what you are capable of, the good in humanity. We need to show that under the right conditions humans can grow and thrive, create and love. Under the right conditions humans can be good.”

  “Oh come on, that sounds like 1960’s hippie crap.” Tom replied sarcastically. “You know a lot of things don’t add up. It is hard for us to believe that a culture that has the ability of space travel, especially such long distances, would need help from a culture that can barely put people in orbit. You said that these homeworlds have been around since before Earth people were living in caves. I still don’t fully understand how we can help.”

  A long awkward silence filled the room. Joe rubbed is forehead feeling like he was losing the group, he took a deep breath. “You have seen the state of these people on this Outpost? This is what humanity has become.”

  “Look, why in the hell don’t you just take away all these drugs and mind altering devices? Force them to deal with reality and change will happen. Why in the hell do you need us?” Tom shook his head annoyed.

  Joe did not answer right away. He knew he would have a hard time getting through to them. He leaned back in his chair, “Look, you’re looking at things from your perspective. You’re seeing things based on your history and experience which is natural because you have nothing else for comparison. You have to step back and see the big picture, from all angles.” Tom was about to say something but Joe put his hand up and kept talking.

  “We all see things from a lens based on our past. That’s how we view or interpret the present, and how we judge the future. We all do it. The lens you’re viewing this situation through is one that’s based on Earths history. You have to step back and try to remove that lens. View this situation for what it is.” Joe paused, he saw that he might be getting through to some of them. “If we were to take away all the mind altering devices then these people would find something else. That’s not the problem. Their behavior is masking an underlying problem. They have no future, nothing to look forward to. They have no hope. We need to stop the genetic manipulation of humans and let them grow naturally, even with flaws, accept the good and the bad.” Joe paused for a moment trying to find the right words. “All humans should be freeformed. I know humans are capable of evil and selfishness, but I believe, humanity is basically good.”

  “Good? How about body farming?” Tom interjected.

  Joe winced as he let out a big sigh. He knew he had a lot of explaining to do.

  Bodyfarming, a black stain on humanity, the nightmare that Joe knew would be hard to explain. These strange machines that many thought were left by the creators could transfer the life force from one body to another. An immortality used by people on the homeworlds for fear of the unknown, death. This fear would drive them to commit such a shameful act, which had no excuse.

  “I won’t sugarcoat it, I’ll be blunt. Bodyfarming is basically killing an innocent person so you can live. I’ve done it more times than I remember and every time I promised it would be my last, but the fear of death overtook me. That’s why we need to change. Even if it means some of us will die. Death is natural and we must accept that. Bodyfarming has to be stopped. It’s happening to other colonies and innocent people are being killed so some high level people on the homeworlds can live.” Joe paused and got up from his chair. He realized every time he explained something, more questions would arise.

  “It’s complicated but, there’s something of a caste system on the homeworlds. The top people have access to this technology even though they don’t know how it works. None of us really understand how it works. The ruling council is supposed to govern the place but they only take advantage of it for personal gain. More and more the council is raping humanity, raping its very soul. As a former council member I myself took advantage of all these things. It took a long time but I’ve seen the error of my ways. When I tried to change things they banished me, dumping me on these Outposts until I ended up on Earth. Back on Earth after many years, I had an epiphany. We must grow or die. I know it seems crazy, but humanity must change. We shouldn’t see the future through the lens of our past. Humanity can be good.” Joe walked around the table and continued. “We need to get to the homeworlds and start the ball rolling. Perhaps some of you should go back to Earth and give your people an update. I won’t tell you what to say, be honest.”

  Joe turned to Stan, “Do you want to come?”

  Stan looked at Joe then slowly turned his head side to side letting out a big sigh. He knew what might happen back on the homeworlds. Joe seemed a little annoyed that his friend was losing faith.

  “Stan, come on man, I need you.” Joe pleaded.

  Stan looked at Joe, “I need to stay here so you can get back.”

  Joe understood what Stan meant. Someone needed to be at the Outpost to keep the wormhole open. Something like this had never happened before and the homeworlds might consider it mutiny. The council had not authorized contact with Earth and Joe knew he needed to get there quick to explain himself.

  Back on Earth things were starting to heat up. Security at JPL had increased. All sorts of tough looking armed guards had replaced the usual chubby rent-a-cops that waddled about. Dave knew getting a picture of the returned rover would almost be impossible, but he needed the money. Dave had wanted to do it himself but Jake needed to see it with his own eyes. Jake, an engineer turned reporter, knew the subtle differences between the rovers sent to Mars and the one here on Earth. Once he saw it he would know if the rumors were true.

  “Be cool and stop sweating, you’re going to give us away.” Jake angrily snapped at Dave who kept nervously wiping his forehead.

  “Here take this.” Jake handed Dave some pills.

  “What is it?” Dave’s heart raced, he was almost hyperventilating.

  “It’s Valium, it’ll calm you down.”

  Dave stared at the pills. His hand trembled as he popped it into his mouth. They were next in line, Dave had a death grip on the wheel.

  “Good morning.
” Dave nervously smiled at the guard to the entrance at JPL.

  Jake felt the blood rush out of his head, he glanced at his watch, 3:45pm.

  “We were just out for a late breakfast, I mean dinner, ahh, I mean a late lunch.” Dave laughed as the Valium starting to take effect.

  The guard peered down suspiciously at the two.

  “Sorry, we had a liquid lunch.” Jake leaned over and held up the fake ID. A car behind them honked their horn.

  “Alright, alright, go on though.” The guard waved them on, shaking his head.

  “Sorry.” Dave drove onto the compound.

  Jake looked straight ahead, realizing he shouldn’t have given Dave the Valium.

  “Next time let me do the talking.” Jake glared as Dave annoyed.

  They drove around to the back parking lot. The two had made it past the guard at the main gate but there was also a guard for each building entrance. They planned on getting into the back cargo bay, since it only had one guard. Jake took the lead.

  The two approached the bored looking guard. “How’s it going? Half way through the week.” Jake smiled as he showed the security officer his fake badge hoping he would not grab it. The guard stood up and held out his hand. Jake reluctantly gave him his badge.

  Dave stood motionless with a deer in the headlights face plastered on him.

  Jake grew worried as the guard studied his ID a little too long. If the guard swiped his card a different picture would show up and they would be caught.

  Dave gasped as the guard ran Jakes card through the scanner. They were busted. An alarm sounded and Dave started to back up.

  Jake glared wide eyed back at Dave, a panic rushed over him. What a stupid idea. What were they thinking?

  As the alarm sounded the guard stood up and looked into the cargo area of the building.

  “Fire alarm, everyone clear out the back,” yelled another guard running from the back of the cargo area. A group of people were walking briskly toward them. Jake and Dave melted into the group and they all gathered out in the parking lot making friendly conversation.

  “These alarms always happen.” Dave told Jake not believing their luck.

  After about 10 minutes the guards gave an all clear. Dave and Jake followed the crowd into the building.

  As the crowd disappeared into the building, the guard that had swiped Jake’s card looked confused as he stared at the picture of a blond woman. He scratched his head trying to recall when she had come through. He shrugged his shoulders and cleared the screen.

  The White House was dealing with a “leaked” picture of the returned Mars rover from JPL. The President stood at the podium in the press briefing room. Looking out at the reporters, he knew he would be bombarded with questions about the Mars rover.

  “Mr. President, did aliens bring back the rover from Mars?” Laughter filled the room.

  “No, of course not. Let me explain what’s going on.” He took a deep breath. “JPL was involved in a secret government project which I will not get into details about. Several more, besides the original three of these rovers were made for various reasons. A greedy engineer at JPL concocted this story because of his financial troubles and has fooled several reporters. We ignored it because we thought it would die down, but it’s taken on a life of its own. In the last week I’ve had several heads of state from all over the world calling and asking me about this.” The President paused as an amused rumbling filled the room. “Well, I am sorry to disappoint the UFO buffs out there. ET hasn’t phoned home. We’re all safe until the next election.”

  “What about this picture? How do you explain this?” Some reporter in the back held up a newspaper, the large bold headline claimed this picture was an actual rover returned from Mars.

  “Like I said, more than three of these rovers were made and the photo you’re looking at is one of those rovers.” The President just shrugged his shoulders.