Read From Darkness Page 15

  15: Rising Above, Falling Below

  Jeremy walked into work and despite the urge to head straight for his office and avoid eye contact; he made an emphasis to look each employee he passed in the eye and start up some conversations. He had been under review by the FBI for the last two weeks and was therefore not allowed to come in to work or leave his home without prior request. It had been a long two weeks and he had been reduced to reading about all the rumors flying around until his wife saw the depression setting in and cancelled their newspaper and stole the cable modem to the computer. He had been a little irritated, but finally saw the wisdom in the move. The rest of the time had gone better as he and his family got out all the dusty old board games that had not been touched for years. The FBI finally finished their investigation and the next day they were gone with few words, mostly informing him he could resume his normal life. Normal was hardly how he would describe it. Although his co-workers talked to him, he could tell that the rumors and gossip had settled in a little. He had those who backed him up one hundred percent, but he knew it was only a matter of time before they too were overwhelmed. He already knew one of the candidates for mayor hated him, and the other guy had never said much in passing. He didn’t see himself holding onto his position.

  Jeremy finally reached his office and sat down, staring at the desk that was emptier than he expected. His temporary replacement already was settling in, yet another sign of things to come. He sighed. He had spent the last week wondering how in the world Robert Drake had helped him in any of this. He had said his life and family could be in danger, yet here he was anyway, with his job, reputation, and possibly career on the line, and that didn’t help his family much either. He found this the hardest pill to swallow as he had no choice in the end but to trust God and know that He knew what was best. He had heard the rumors about Robert and the death of Trent Frennur and he still didn’t know what to believe about it. He hated the Asphyxiated Press, but he found himself wondering if they were right, about Robert anyway. Robert was struggling when he came here and it never seemed to let up, but then there was something about him that didn’t quite add up to insanity. He sighed again and looked around his office and was startled by a man sitting in the corner.

  “Sorry to startle you Mr. Butler, but I came in early to avoid as much notice as possible and your office presented as best a place as any. I meant to alert you when you came in, but you appeared deep in thought and I have made it a practice to not disturb anyone as such, it keeps you from reaching your conclusion and only prolongs the internal argument.”

  “I understand, I think, how can I help you?”

  “I’m here on behalf of the FBI with a proposition, an offer. As such I will not be giving out my name at the moment, but I think it will suffice to show you this.”

  He handed Jeremy a letter which he read.

  “You wish to offer me a job in the FBI?”

  “Yes Mr. Butler. As I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors, Trent Frennur was indeed alive, no longer thanks to Robert Drake, and the man behind the certain controlling Trent, in a way, was Guy Branding. He was one of the former guards who replaced Bart Gatchet as head of the operation up there and after its closing helped Frennur escape and set up a place for him to continue his killing, for both their pleasure, disturbing though that may be. Frennur has been limited to illegal immigrants until recently, which I’m sure you make the connection. Guy has now been removed so to speak and has left an opening, and considering how you have handled yourself here, we have determined you to be our best man.”

  “Even with all the rumors going around?”

  “Come Mr. Bulter, we know how these things start. We know in fact that the next possible mayor is planning to use you as a scapegoat, despite our debriefing to him along with the current mayor, and we know that you have done everything possible to figure the theft out, but you were bested at the higher level. We are offering those resources to you now. We both know that your job here is coming to an end, and despite all evidence to the contrary, the damage of gossip has been sewn, you won’t be too welcome here any longer. We offer a new start. And if this will help any, you made the right decision to trust Robert. Though I myself doubted Robert as well, after reviewing everything he has uncovered, I have to say he performed admirably, though all his actions are not justified completely. As for you and your family, seeing how Guy was attempting to kill Robert last night and remove anything that would reveal his plans, we are sure he would have come after you next.”

  Jeremy’s mind came to rest at last. God certainly had a way of reassuring you that He did have all things in His hands.

  “I will have to ask my family, but I believe their response will be as mine is, which is to accept your offer and make a new start.”

  “That is as I expected. Good, you may give them the same information I have given you, but remember that in the future you will have to guard was passes your mouth while at home.”

  “I understand. May I inquire what has happened to Robert Drake?”

  “He has been removed from his position, but we hate to let go of his talent, so we have moved him to a desk job where his analysis will still be to his advantage. He will be under your supervision.”

  “Glad to hear he is doing well.”

  “He is getting along, but I believe he still has a long road ahead. You may respond using the phone number provided, we look forward to having your services.”

  “Thank you.”

  The man left and Jeremy was left with more thoughts than before, though ones less oppressing. He was going to go straight home and get this moving, he wanted nothing left of this job as was required and was ready to move on. He knew some would miss him, but they would support him as well. His replacement would have no objections, of that he was sure.

  Jeremy left work early and went home to tell his family the news. His wife found the news agreeable and even though the kids liked their school and friends, they too were starting to feel the hatred growing towards their family. After a long discussion they all decided it was for the best and the call was made accepting the position. The next day Jeremy put in his two weeks’ notice and started planning for the move.

  Two hectic weeks later they somehow found themselves in Virginia sitting on the beach enjoying a little vacation. In those two weeks they managed to sell their old home, buy a new one, get all the paperwork done for the new job, and get the kids set up to finish their school long distance through their old school, which would help them transition to the new environment next year. They would have to send them back for finals, but they had friends that were going to take them for the week.

  The following week Jeremy reported for his first full day on the job. It was definitely a more overwhelming job, but all things considered he felt he did well and would soon have it all down. He had met with Robert who had also returned to work after an extensive leave. He had gone back to spend time with his family as well as a young woman named Abigail and her mother. Robert was looking better and thinking clearer, but he seemed to have slowed down and still looked a little stressed around the edges. He was informed by Robert’s doctor that is may take years before this would all wear off. The doctor made sure Jeremy understood there would be some setbacks, as the events he suffered may not have yet taken their full effect. One didn’t go through an emotional breakdown and have to face childhood fears and come out unscathed. So far he was adjusting and didn’t seem to mind his condition or demotion.

  The months came and went and Jeremy had long since adjusted to his workload. He was given a good six month review and was told he was exceeding expectations. He found his family had also made the adjustment well. The kids had finished their long distance school year with little affect on their grades (in a good way) and were enrolled to begin at a private school next year. His wife was enjoying the fellowship she found in their new church, as were the rest of them, and everyone enjoyed the tri
p to the beaches in the area. Deep sea fishing was becoming a must for him and his eldest son, in a couple more years the youngest could join them. His daughter didn’t care too much for it, but she enjoyed going shopping with her new friends, even if she wasn’t given a whole lot to spend. The LORD had brought them through in a way he could never have imagined. The only dark cloud in the whole picture was the situation involving Robert Drake.

  Robert had been riding a roller coaster for the past year now, and though he still managed to help out with some critical findings, his performance was nowhere near what he was once capable of. He had gone through the suffering his doctor had warned him about, but just when he seemed to improve to where even his doctor expected only up and out, he sunk farther down. It happened a couple weeks ago on Friday. Jeremy had gone into Robert’s office to see how things were going and how he was coping with his workload and he found him on the ground shaking and trembling and not responding to anything. Jeremy made sure Robert couldn’t hurt himself on any close objects and called Robert’s doctor. The ambulance came to take him off to the hospital. Since then Robert’s condition only worsened. He kept having nightmares, even while awake and could only get deep sleep with medication. No one was sure what had triggered it, but Jeremy found out that there had been a big argument with his family. Robert had told his family his life was changed from the moment he found himself face to face with Frennur, but as everyone who says that finds out, that path is not an easy one. Robert had slid back pretty far and his father hadn’t taken the news too well. Robert’s fiancée had not either and had informed him the day before his seizure that if he didn’t get his act together she would have to cancel the wedding planned for the end of the year. Everything combined left him in a bad state and he seemed to doubt his new life more than ever now. To make things worse Jeremy had been informed that Robert was going to be let go. His performance had not been what they were hoping and they just couldn’t take the liability anymore. They already took a huge hit from all sides when the press got a hold of Robert’s name and story back after the Frennur event. That didn’t go well, but the FBI defended itself and Robert and eventually the commotion died down. This only brought it back out and the press was all over it, they were even waiting at the hospital when Robert was brought. Jeremy asked to be the one to inform Robert of his dismissal, hoping to be able to ease the news and give some words of encouragement.

  That evening Jeremy found he was the one needing encouragement. He sat with his wife discussing what had happened when he broke the news to Robert. Robert had expected it and was ready to hear it, maybe even relieved, as he took the news pretty well. It must have been on his mind all that day. He did not, however, take the encouragement so well. Jeremy had attempted to help him by encouraging him to take some time off from any work to heal and pray. He had also encouraged him to seek out his fiancée and talk things over. Communication is one of the keys to any relationship, though for it to work properly one must be ready to admit fault and accept change, if applicable. Robert appeared to have the opinion that everyone else was at fault and he had no blame. Jeremy had gotten him so worked up that the doctor had come in and asked Jeremy to leave. So he went home and found a wife who was willing to sit and comfort him. She gave him hope in reminding him that Robert’s angry response was proof that Robert knew he was on the wrong path, however much he tried to convince himself otherwise. So by the end of the evening, after prayers had been offered, Jeremy found himself drifting off to sleep, leaving that which was out of his control, in God’s.

  The next morning brought news of mixed feelings. Robert’s family and fiancée had shown up at Jeremy’s front door, wondering where Robert had gone off to. They had visited the hospital earlier that morning only to find he had checked himself out. He also had cancelled all further appointments with his doctor and disappeared. Jeremy felt himself getting discouraged and had to keep praying that God’s will was at work. He told the family that he would attempt to get the FBI involved in tracking him down, considering the situation surrounding Robert. He got in to work and went to his boss with the news, he already knew.

  “I know Jeremy, I know. We have already looked into it, if anything, just to make sure Robert doesn’t harm himself, or the FBI any further. We ran a scan on all his accounts and found he made a large purchase at a sports store this morning. He purchased a backpack, water filter, and other sorts of camping gear. Following that we show purchases from a grocery store. It would appear out man it going on a backpacking trip, a long one from what I can tell.”

  “The Appalachian Trail.”

  “My thought as well.”

  “Are we putting any guys on him sir?”

  “I was going to Jeremy, but I don’t think someone attempting to hurt himself would spend that much in trying to do so. It is possible, but I can’t afford to place an agent on him without further evidence.”

  “I suppose so. I will inform the family, my guess is they will be willing to take that on.”

  “Alright, but make sure you work on the Argosy Case today, we need to bring that to a resolution.”

  “Yes, sir.”