Read From Gods Page 4

  Strange and odd. Parents passed away? How? Funny, he didn’t mention Mason being a cop either. They kind of worked, but owned businesses…a huge red flag. They looked too young to own businesses. They were maybe in their early twenties. She guessed if they inherited the businesses, or had that much money to buy them, then that would be a different story.

  As horrid thoughts circulated through her mind, Skylar decided it was best to tune out their conversation. Speaking of parents, Skylar’s thoughts returned to her dad. He had left them when she was only eight years old, and she had never heard from him since. He might as well be dead to her.

  What kind of dad would leave his family unless he didn’t care at all? It was difficult on Father’s Day, his birthday, Christmas, and other holidays, but slowly she had gotten used to the idea she didn’t have a father. Though she tried to hang on to the happy memories of him, the older she got, the less the memories stayed with her. Then there was Kayla’s dad, who had left her mom for a younger woman.

  “Do you go to school?” Nick asked, changing the subject.

  “We just graduated from high school. We’re both eighteen,” Kayla said, emphasizing her age.

  “Cool,” Nick said, looking out into the ocean. His eyes dazzled in the moonlight. “Would you like to take a swim?”

  “Sure.” Kayla looked at Skylar, gesturing for her to come along.

  Offering his hand like a gentleman, Kayla took it. With Kayla’s other hand, she pulled Skylar and dragged her along. Though Skylar protested somewhat at first, she wanted to make sure Kayla was safe…not only that, she didn’t want to be left there with Remus. After all, they didn’t know these people, and for some strange reason, she didn’t think she could trust them.

  She sensed danger, but didn’t know why. Perhaps it was all the horrific stories she’d heard on the news. Or perhaps it was the way Nick didn’t seem sad about his parents’ deaths. Even more so, she didn’t like the way Remus looked at her. Whatever the reason, she was going to keep her eyes wide open.

  Looking out into the calm, dark water, Kayla dropped her bag, and as her eyes followed, Nick dove into the ocean first. Wiggling out of her top and shorts, the fabric from Kayla’s white bikini made her glow in the darkness.

  “Can you get any brighter?” Skylar teased.

  “So you can see me better, my dear, said the wolf to Little Red Riding Hood,” Kayla giggled.

  Laughing at her remark, Skylar shook her head. “I’ll be here, dunking my feet. You know I don’t like going in the water.”

  “Okay, be careful. I’ll be back real soon.”

  “Ya, right.”

  Though Skylar felt like a third wheel, she wanted to stay close, for Kayla’s sake. Watching them go further in, Skylar took off her clothes, revealing a one-piece black suit. Gazing to the right, she saw a pier, and did a double take when she thought she saw someone standing there. She brushed it off when there was no sign of anyone.

  She was never fond of the ocean; the grandness and the strength of it frightened her. But as long as she didn’t go in higher than her knees, she knew she would be fine. Coldness stung through her legs at first when she dipped her feet in, but then she got used it. The temperature grew on her, making it comfortable. Bored to be doing nothing, she dug her feet into the sand, and somehow, it gave her a sense of serenity.

  Checking on Kayla, she looked into the distance. Seeing their bodies pressed together under the moonlight looked romantic, so she focused her eyes back to her feet, not wanting to intrude on their intimate moment. Watching them make out was not her idea of fun, so she headed toward the pier. Skylar respected her cousin, but she couldn’t understand how she could kiss someone she’d just met.

  Thoughts of her ex began to rush through her head. It had been several months since they’d broken up, but the pain lingered when she thought about what he’d done. They were together for almost a year, and after she gave her heart to him, he’d cheated on her.

  Skylar swore she would be cautious with future relationships, and here she was thinking about the cop, or whoever he was. Why did he have this effect on her? She didn’t even know him at all. It’s pure lust, she thought. If he was there, she would kiss him, just to do something crazy, something she would never normally do. Maybe that was what her cousin was doing; something she just felt like doing. It wasn’t anything bad after all.

  Something shimmering like crystal caught Skylar’s attention, changing in color from lavender, to pink, to gold underneath the water. Curiosity got the best of her and she inched her way toward it, up to her knees in the water. As if she was spellbound, her whole being was sucked into the colorful tunnel of lights, and she couldn’t peel her eyes from it. The glittering light was calling out to her. She was hypnotized by its exquisiteness, unaware she was drifting further in.

  When the water was up to her chest, she snapped out of it. Realizing how deep she had gone in, she panicked. How was it possible she had drifted this far? Ever since the incident when she’d almost drowned at the beach, she swore she would never go in this deep. Though she couldn’t recall the full details, she could recall enough, as if they were etched in her memory bank. She had been eight years old, and the incident happened just before her father left the family.

  Heaving, she felt like she was having a heart attack as it painfully hammered a mile a minute. Her muscles tensed up so tightly from fright that she couldn’t move or breathe. It was dark, and Kayla was too far away to hear her cry for help. After telling to herself to calm down, she turned in the direction she should go, back toward the land. After taking several long breaths, she moved forward, dragging her weight through the water and fighting the mild current.

  Suddenly, she felt something wrap around her ankle, but she didn’t think much of it. After all, it was just seaweed or some kind of sea plant. She reached down to pull it off her.

  Underwater though, whatever it was latched on around her wrist. With a yank, it flipped her and submerged her as her body turned with the wave. Desperately she wiggled, pulled, tugged, and fought with all her might, but she could’t set herself free. Mangaing to pop out of the water, she inhaled air with a loud extended gasp, only to get sucked back in again. Whatever this thing was, it coiled around most of her upper torso, and she couldn’t move her arms. With no air left and out of breath, she blew bubbles. Unable to escape the thing that held her captive, she had no choice but to accept death.

  Skylar couldn’t believe she was going to die. It wasn’t fair. She was too young. Her life had just begun. Thoughts of her mother, her aunt, and Kayla—who would blame herself—flashed through her mind. Though she hardly ever prayed, now was the time to do it. Please God…take my soul. Please forgive my sins, whatever they may be, and take me to heaven.

  Skylar’s eyes were already closed, but she could see a light, growing brighter by the second. Thinking it was an angel’s light, she calmed herself into a state of tranquility. As her body became light as a feather, she drifted into unconsciousness, hoping she was floating to heaven.

  Chapter 6

  Mason’s whole body glowed brightly like a shooting star as he blasted through the darkness, and plummeted into the murky, dark water so he could locate Skylar. The creature that held her captive in its vine-like tentacles had wrapped her up like a mummy and pulled her deeper into the ocean. Clutching one of its vines, Mason squeezed it forcefully and the intensity of heat from his electric like power scorched it. When it unwrapped itself from Skylar’s body, more vines came slashing through from below.

  Bolts that looked like lightning darted out from the palms of Mason’s hands, but they didn’t scare the beast away. It retaliated by extending more vines. One wrapped around Mason’s waist when he dodged one that was trying to spiral around his ankles. He gripped it, sending blistering sensations through it. Sizzling, it uncoiled, but there were more around him.

  Being a demigod, he could stay under the water as long as he liked, but Skylar could not. Knowing he needed to get
her up for air, he shot multiple bolts as fast as he could. Finally, the beast disappeared into the abyss.

  With incredible speed, Mason swam to shore with Skylar in his arms and laid her down on the sand to begin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Getting no response, he pushed onto her chest. With Skylar still unresponsive, he did it again…and again…and again. “Come on…!” Finally, water shot out from her mouth with relentless coughs. Looking drained, her body went limp.

  “Dou…g. Maccc….e,” she mumbled, desperately trying to open her eyes.

  Doug? Mace? Letting out a short chuckle, he realized she was recalling the name-tag on the cop’s uniform he had worn when he pulled her over, and by Mace, she must have meant Mason. Though Nick habitually liked to call him Mace, he couldn’t recall him saying that name in front of her. But he was most surprised to hear the name Doug. Mason was sure he’d told her that he wasn’t the cop.

  It was a good thing he had been taking a stroll on the pier. When he spotted Skylar, he watched her in fascination, but hid behind the wooden pole when he thought she had spotted him. He hid for a short period, but when he turned to find her again, she had disappeared. Frantically he had looked for her, but when there was no sign of her, he dove in.

  He knew there was something different, something special about her the night he first looked into her eyes, but he couldn’t determine what it was. Whatever it was, he liked the way she made him feel by her mere presence. Every cell in his body came alive and his heart burst with elation. Though he liked the feeling, at the same time it terrified him. Knowing she would be trouble…mostly for his heart…he had to dismiss her in every way, if he could. He had to. There was no room for her in his heart…no room to care, and especially no room for love. He wouldn’t let her in.

  Skylar started to turn as her body shivered from the cold. Just before she did, he placed his hands on her forehead, willing the power within him to give her his warmth…one of his many powers. He knew the heat would travel down her spine and immediately spread out to the rest of her, as if she had been wrapped with a heated blanket.

  “Mmmm….” Skylar said, falling asleep, welcoming the heat.

  Mason watched her as she lay, gazing at her innocent, beautiful face, from her closed eyes and high cheekbones, to her supple lips. Seeing a strand of hair flutter across her face from a sudden breeze, he brushed her face to put it back in place. In accord, a small jolt from his finger sparked her. What was that? His eyes darted to his finger. This was the second time he’d ever lost control of his power…first when he touched her at the diner, and now here. Was it his doing or hers? He couldn’t be sure. But one thing was definite—something warm and pleasant ignited within him when he touched her skin. At that moment he knew for sure he was in trouble.

  Gazing back to her, one question remained. Who was she? The monster wouldn’t go after a human; not only that, he had compelled her to forget when he pulled her over, but it didn’t work. He would have to look into this, but for now, he’d keep it to himself. He didn’t want to put her life in danger if he was wrong.

  Trying to decide what to do with Skylar, he thought of two options; one…stay with her and wait for her cousin to find her, or two…walk away. He decided on the latter when he saw his brother and Kayla coming out of the water. Mason hid behind a boulder by the pier and watched them run toward her. Knowing she was safe, he swam away.


  “Skylar! Skylar!” Kayla shouted, running with a beach dress pulled over her bikini and her bag over her shoulder. Plunking herself down next to her cousin, she placed her hands on Skylar’s cheeks, then her chest, making sure she was breathing. Skylar being wet from head to toe was evidence that she’d been under water, and her laying there almost lifeless indicated she had almost drowned. Oddly, Skylar’s body felt warm given the circumstances. Unable to comprehend the contrast between them, Kayla brushed it off, thanking God Skylar was alive.

  Skylar groaned, laying stiffly, trying to peel her eyes open. “Dou…g.”

  “Who the heck is Doug?” Nick asked, kneeling beside Kayla.

  “I don’t know.” Worriedly, she refocused on Skylar. “Shh…shh…don’t talk. Thank God you’re okay.”

  “Let’s take her home,” Nick mumbled.

  “Should I take her to the hospital instead?”

  Before he could answer, Skylar mumbled. “No…no…Mom...go home.”

  Kayla understood. Skylar was right. Skylar’s mom would insist on her going home. Their summer would be ruined for sure. “Okay…okay, but don’t go in the water again. Why were you in the water? You don’t like to go in that deep.” Kayla was so mad at Skylar, but now was not the time to scold her, so she softened her tone.

  “Let’s help her up. I’ll help you take her home,” Nick said, already standing.

  Kayla’s eyes teared up, wiping them away before peering up to Nick. “Thanks.” What she wanted to do was bawl. If anything happened to Skylar, she didn’t know what she would do. She was more than her cousin…she was her best friend.

  Effortlessly, Nick pulled Skylar up, and Kayla threw her beach towel around her. With her arms around Kayla’s and Nick’s shoulders, she looked like a rag doll being dragged.

  “Mon…sss…er,” Skylar managed to say.

  “Skylar, don’t talk. You almost drowned.” Kayla was disturbed. She couldn’t understand how this could’ve happened. Skylar was always careful…almost too careful. There were a few sports Skylar didn’t like, and swimming was one of them, especially in the ocean. What the heck was she doing? Kayla blamed herself, and swore she would never bring her cousin to the ocean again.

  “Dou…g,” Skylar mumbled.

  “Is Doug her boyfriend?” Nick asked, chuckling.

  Kayla flashed a “be quiet” look to Nick. “We’re almost there,” she said to Skylar. “Rest. Don’t talk.”

  The bonfire was out, and Nick’s brothers and their company had gone. Smoke from the fire lingered, and a few empty bottles were buried in the sand. Nick grabbed his bag, slipped into his T-shirt, wrapped a beach towel around his waist for privacy, and quickly changed from his trunks into shorts. After they settled into Kayla’s car, they drove to her house.

  Not bothering to rinse the salt water off Skylar, Kayla helped her change out of her swimsuit into the shorts and tank top she always wore to bed, and tucked her in. Then she went to her bedroom where Nick waited for her.

  He had spread himself across her bed, looking irresistible with his arms behind his neck to support his head. Kayla inhaled sharply, wondering if she should kick him out or ask him to stay until her mother came home. Being that it was past midnight, her mom was surely on her way and her decision was made.

  Nick patted the bed, beckoning her to lie next to him. She did as told, but she suddenly became shy, realizing she was still in her bikini. She had taken off her beach dress, meaning to change into something comfortable after she had taken care of Skylar, but she had forgotten. Being shy rarely happened to her. She didn’t know if it was Nick being in her room, or her mom on her way home, or if it was her cousin almost drowning tonight. Whatever the reason, she wasn’t in the same mood he was in.

  “Umm…I think we should call it a night. My mom is on her way home.” Kayla pulled in her lips, giving him half a smile, not wanting to disappoint him.

  Nick frowned and pouted. “Okay…how about a kiss good-bye?” His fingers trailed from her cheeks, to the side of her neck, over the curve of her shoulder, and finally down her arm.

  “Are you trying to seduce me?” Kayla moaned softly, taking in the pleasurable sensation, trying to suppress the heat that rushed through her body.

  “You’re still in your bikini. Easy access, you know. How am I to contain myself with a beautiful, half naked girl lying next to me?”

  Kayla blushed. He’d called her beautiful. “You’re containing yourself pretty well.”

  “You spoke too soon.” Nick reached in, kissing the pulsating veins down her neck. At the same time,
he positioned her right leg over his hips and ran his hand up her legs to the curve of her behind.

  Maybe I won’t be able to contain myself, she thought. Wanting more of him, she had to break away before things got out of hand. “Nick,” she said, pulling away reluctantly. Still dazed from his caresses, she had to clear her thoughts. “Ummm…we need to figure out how you’re getting home.”

  “I’m not going home. I’m sleeping here with you.”

  “What?” Kayla’s pitch went up a notch.

  “Relax…I’m just joking. I’ve already called my brother. He’ll be here shortly.”

  “Which brother?”

  “Mason, the reliable one; Mr. Goodboy.”

  “The reliable one? Then your older brothers are not reliable?”


  “What about you?”

  “I’m the bad boy kind.” He pulled her in so fast she didn’t have time to react. He conquered her lips passionately, letting her know he wanted her. His tongue danced with hers, tasting and sucking her deep within him. Kayla found herself on top of him again as his hand ran smoothly over every inch of her curves. For a while she forgot where she was, and the fact that her mom was coming home. Lost in his kisses, lost in his sensual embrace, she wanted to stop time.

  Heat whizzed through from the tips of her toes to the depths of her mind as she vividly envisioned both of them naked. With that thought, every nerve in her body had awakened. Panting, wanting more of him, she knew she shouldn’t, especially not right now; and more so, she didn’t really know him that well. But no matter how hard she fought with her own free will, she couldn’t pull away. He knew all too well how to get her high with ecstasy, pulling her into his world. He was experienced all right, that she knew for sure, and she knew from that moment that he would be hard to resist.

  Just when she felt her top loosening, they were interrupted by the sound of the garage door opening. Still out of breath, Kayla unstraddled him and rehooked her top. “My mom is home…and…and you can’t be here.” She paced around, looking for a place for him to hide.