Read From Gods Page 5

  “Relax.” Gently, he placed his hand on her shoulder. “Go downstairs and get her away from the door. I’ll sneak out.” He winked.

  “Um…okay.” Kayla took a deep breath. No biggy. I can do this. “Will I see you again, bad boy?”

  “Of course. This Friday night at a restaurant-club called Starla. I’ll text you.”

  “But I didn’t give you my cell number.”

  “Don’t worry. I have it.” He twitched his brows. “Now go before I show myself to your mother.”

  Kayla slipped into her beach dress and ran downstairs. When she noted her mom was in the kitchen, she ran back upstairs, but Nick was gone. Strange…she didn’t see him leave, and the front door was locked. He couldn’t have gone through the window. She brushed it off, checked on her cousin, and went downstairs again to greet her mom. But she couldn’t shake the hot sensation that still lingered from Nick’s touch.

  Chapter 7

  The next morning, Skylar woke up with a huge pounding headache, and her lungs felt like an over blown balloon ready to pop. Not only that, she felt like she’d swallowed the ocean. Her muscles ached, especially her arms and legs, and her body throbbed like she had the flu. She wondered if last night was a dream, but when Kayla entered her room looking concerned, she knew it wasn’t.

  “How are you feeling?” Kayla sat on the edge of the bed.

  “I feel horrible. I’m sore…all over.” Skylar suddenly realized how parched she was. Swirling her tongue to produce extra saliva didn’t help. It felt as if she had swallowed a handful of sand. She noted she was in her shorts and a tank top, and wondered how she’d gotten home.

  “Nick and I brought you home and I changed you.”

  “Thanks,” Skylar said, feeling embarrassed she had caused trouble.

  “You scared me last night. You were supposed to look at the water, not swim in it. What happened?”

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure. I know it sounds strange, but I can’t remember how it happened.”

  “You kept saying Doug and monsters.”

  “I did?”

  “You don’t like to go in that deep. What made you do it?”

  “I don’t know. I saw a light. I guess I lost track of how deep I went in.” Skylar was confused. She thought she’d seen something like a sea monster, and she was almost sure Doug…or Mason…had saved her. She brushed it off, thinking she was delusional since she had been unconscious and sea monsters didn’t exist. “Don’t worry. I won’t ever do that again.”

  “You better not,” Kayla scolded. “You scared the life out of me. If something were to happen to you….” Kayla’s eyes became teary.

  “Hey,” Skylar said, noting Kayla’s sadness. “I’m okay.” She pulled her in for a hug and changed the subject. “So…what happened after?”

  Kayla blushed. Her eyes sparkled, telling Skylar about them making out on her bed. She also told her about the restaurant-club they were invited to.

  Skylar rolled her eyes and shook her head. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea. We don’t even know them.”

  “He didn’t ask us to go to his house. We’ll be out in public.”

  Kayla was right. Other people would be there. She guessed it would be fine. Not wanting to burst her cousin’s bubble, she agreed. Watching Kayla’s eyes sparkle the way they did when she talked about Nick, she knew Kayla was in trouble.

  To Skylar, Nick and his brothers seemed out of their league. Not only were they mega rich, they seemed more experienced, and they were the type that didn’t mind breaking young girls’ hearts. They fell under the category her mom would use—bad boys.

  “Sure, I’ll go with you. Someone’s gotta watch over you,” Skylar teased.

  “Well…you won’t be near the ocean, so at least I’ll know you’re safe.”

  Skylar smiled. “Let’s get some breakfast. I need to take something to get rid of this awful headache. Does your mom know what happened last night? You didn’t call my mom, did you?”

  “You think I’m crazy? No way. You would’ve been out of here by now. Your mom would personally come and snatch your butt.”

  Skylar’s tense body relaxed. “Just checking. Speaking of which, I’d better give her a call.”

  After Skylar showered, got dressed, and called her mom, she went downstairs to greet her aunt and eat breakfast, then they were on their way to the diner.

  As usual, it was empty when they walked in. The breakfast rush was over.

  “Hey, Jack. Hey, Mona,” the girls greeted.

  “Hey, girls. Back again, huh?” Mona cheered. “To eat or to work?”

  “To work,” Kayla replied.

  “How are my two Barbie dolls?” Jack asked from the kitchen.

  The girls giggled. “Just peachy,” Kayla answered. “Get it, Jack? Peach pie is our special today, right?”

  Jack chuckled. “It’s Monday.” Jack’s tone was cheerful like it was every day. He was always carefree and full of life.

  “So how was the beach last night?” Mona asked.

  The girls flashed their eyes to each other and busted out laughing.

  “That good, huh?” Jack said.

  “Sorry, it’s just that…,” Skylar started to say and lost her words. She didn’t know what to say without providing too much information.

  “Yup…we had the best time ever.” Kayla turned to Skylar and winked.


  Without warning, Kayla jumped like she had just sat on tacks, then pulled out her cell phone from the back pocket of her shorts. “My cell phone. It vibrated.” Kayla laughed out loud, playfully sticking out her tongue, mostly embarrassed by the way she’d leapt off the floor. Looking at her text, she beamed a huge smile.

  Hey good girl.

  Hey bad boy.

  What cha doing?

  I’m working.

  Shall I come over and be a bad boy?


  How’s your cousin?

  Skylar is fine thx for asking.

  See you Friday at 9.

  Will Mason be there?

  Don’t know. Wear something hot.

  Haha…in your dreams. I’ll wear my PJs if I want to.


  Or nothing…giggle.

  Oh…I like. I’m already picturing you….

  Gotta go. Customer.



  Seeing Kayla engrossed in her text and giggling to herself, Skylar had a hunch it was from Nick. After Kayla placed her phone back in her pocket, she caught Skylar’s eyes. “From Nick,” she mouthed and turned to look at Mona, who was piercing her eyes at her.

  “Put that away, young lady,” Mona scolded, pinching Kayla’s cheeks. “Ahhh…to be young again. When I was your age—”

  “Don’t scare the girl,” Jack laughed, and the other customers joined in on the humor.

  Mona shook her head, giggling, and went to greet more customers. “Hello, boys.”

  When they walked in, all eyes turned to them. With their swaggering cool steps, they looked like four male models on a runway. Skylar’s eyes were wide and she was stunned. Mason was there again, but this time with all of his brothers. The oldest, Everett, was the tallest. Remus and Mason looked similar, with dark hair and sensual greenish blue eyes, while Everett and Nick had light hair and dark eyes. They all wore shorts and black T-shirts that had different designs on them, except for Mason. He wore a sky blue T-shirt, which brought out the color of his enticing eyes.

  Surprised Kayla hadn’t warned her, Skylar gave her a questioning look. Ignoring Skylar, Kayla lit up like the sunshine and took them to their seats. Besides Nick, who greeted Skylar with a smile, none of the brothers looked her way. After Kayla took their orders, she headed to Jack.

  Skylar tried her best not to look, but she couldn’t help herself. Every time she glanced Mason’s way, as if he knew she would, he would catch her eyes. But once their eyes met, he too would drop his, as if he didn’t want to get caught looking at her either. Many times s
he’d replayed in her mind how she was going to tell him off, but seeing him after time had passed, her anger had tapered.

  Something about that family was different. Skylar could feel it to her core, but she didn’t understand why she felt that way. What made her most uncomfortable was their brother, Remus. Sometimes she could sense him gawking at her, and as if his stare could burn her, her muscles would tense up, making her unpleasantly hot. He definitely gave her the creeps. Trying to focus her attention elsewhere, she glued herself to the cash register. Distracted by customers paying, she was glad for the chance to stay busy.

  Skylar loved to watch Kayla serving. She could hold four plates at once, as she was doing now, balancing them perfectly. Skylar wondered if she could do the same, or if she would accidentally drop one. Perhaps she should try. Laughing inwardly to herself, she was soon distracted by another customer who brought her bill.

  “Here you go.” Kayla brought the guys their lunches, setting the plates down one by one.

  Curious to see what they’d ordered, Skylar placed herself on the other side of the counter. After getting a peek at their sandwiches and french fries, she went back to the register. The brothers ate and held a conversation with Kayla. Kayla was at ease, speaking her mind, laughing, and looking like she was having the time of her life. How Skylar wished she could feel at ease too…not so much with Remus, though. Maybe she could…she just had to be bolder.

  After an hour had gone by, the brothers flipped a coin and Mason stood up. Skylar guessed he lost the bet and had to pay the bill. As if she was spellbound by him, her eyes held Mason’s, unable to look away as he came to her, looking dreamy. Every nerve in her body tingled, awakened by him. She couldn’t deny the magnetic pull, and she was unable to explain the hold he had on her.

  “Here,” he said, placing the bill on the counter.

  “I guess you lost the bet, huh?”

  “I never lose.”

  So you wanted to pay the bill and come see me? Skylar flushed brightly. “Oh….”

  “So…you’re going to the club Friday night? It’s more of a restaurant though.”

  “I think so…I mean…my cousin really wants me to go, but—”

  “But…not your crowd?”

  “No…not really…I’ve never been.”

  “How do you know you won’t like it if you’ve never been?”

  “That’s true. I guess I’ll know Friday. Will you be there?” She couldn’t believe she’d asked. Be bolder.

  “Yes…see you then.”

  Was that a direct invitation from him? She didn’t know, but he’d said “see you then.” Must mean something…right? From what seemed like an invitation, she felt like her whole essence levitated to the ceiling as her eyes followed his stride back to his brothers. Then, the brothers stood up at once. On their way out the door, Mason gave a sideways quick smile. Nick waved, looking directly at her. Remus raked his eyes over her, and Everett didn’t even bother to look her way. Strange, but good-looking family.

  Skylar jerked. She was startled by her vibrating phone. Ahhh! She hated when that happened. If people saw her, she probably looked like a girl startled by someone smacking her in the rear.

  It was a text from Kayla.

  Did he ask you out?

  I don’t know.

  What do you mean?

  Kayla raised her brows in confusion. She could have just walked over, but they were getting busy, and she didn’t want Mona reprimanding her again.

  Like I said…I don’t know.

  What did he say?

  He asked me if I was going & then said see you then.

  Ahhh! That’s a date!

  Don’t be silly! Gotta go…I’m working you know.

  Chapter 8

  “You’re not seriously going to wear that, are you?” Skylar asked, stunned to see her cousin dressed in a skintight black, short dress, with a cowl loop in front, showing her cleavage. She did look sexy and alluring, but it was not the type of dress Skylar would wear.

  “Why not? All the girls will be dressed like this. I want him to see only me. Here….” She pulled a similar dress out of her closet and handed it to Skylar.

  Skylar gasped, shaking her head. “I don’t think so. I won’t be able to breathe.”

  “Just try it on. It’s not as low and short as mine, I promise.”

  After Skylar slipped it on, she stood in front of the closet mirror. It didn’t look as bad as she thought it would be. She felt older, more attractive.

  “ looks great on you.” Kayla tugged Skylar to the restroom and fussed with Skylar’s hair and face.

  “Natural…I like it natural. Light on the makeup. Don’t make me look like a clown.”

  Kayla giggled. “A clown? Are you serious? Please, don’t insult my expertise or I will make you look like a clown. Now, turn around, Miss America.”

  “Miss America? Yeah, right.” Skylar turned to see herself. “Wow…I like it. I look…different.”

  “See…beautiful clown. He better ask you on a real date, or else he is either blind or gay.”

  Skylar laughed out loud. “Thanks.”

  After slipping on black high heels, they grabbed their purses, got into Kayla’s car, and drove away.

  The band music blasted when they entered. Skylar felt overwhelmed by the ambiance, but Kayla beamed with excitement. It was dark, but the lights above the bar and the candles in the middle of the tables gave enough light. Dashing to the other side, being tugged along, Skylar knew Kayla had spotted Nick.

  Zipping through, Skylar observed the bar. All the stools were taken except for one. As they zigzagged through booths and tables, she saw the empty dance floor. Standing tall towards the back, waving, was Nick. With a hug, he gave both the girls kisses on their cheeks. Disappointingly, he was the only one at the table.

  As the girls scooted into the booth, Skylar noted Nick was dressed in black slacks and a lavender dress shirt. Not only did he smell nice, he looked quite dashing, and part of her felt guilty for thinking he looked hot. Sitting there, she wondered if Mason was around, but she didn’t want to ask Nick. Her question was answered when she saw Mason across the dance floor looking straight at her…but he was with a girl.

  Skylar’s heart sank, and her face stung as if she had been slapped across her face. She tried to justify his actions. He didn’t ask her out directly. It was her fault for not thinking straight…her fault for concluding he had asked her out…sort of.

  Kayla followed Skylar’s gaze. “Oh no he didn’t,” she mouthed, turning to get her cousin’s attention. “Hey, Skylar. Want a drink?”

  “Umm…what?” Skylar’s eyes were already on the bar, trying desperately not to look toward Mason and his date. It was difficult when they were right across from her. And it was totally not fair that he looked so debonair with dark slacks and a gray dress shirt.

  “Nick will get us drinks,” Kayla suggested, looking at Nick.

  “No.” Skylar snapped, taking her anger out on her cousin. She didn’t mean to. Upset with herself for allowing Mason to crawl under her skin the way he had, she was determined to prove to herself that she was strong. “I mean…I’ll get them.” Her tone was softer. “What can I get for the both of you?” She smiled. She wasn’t going to let him get the best of her. Jerk. He wasn’t worth her time. She was here to have fun with her cousin, and fun she would have, even if it meant faking it.

  “Get me any beer. I drink all kinds,” Nick said.

  “Get me the same.” Kayla looked at Skylar with concern.

  Skylar ignored Kayla, grabbed her purse, walked over to the bar, and sat at the open seat. “I’ll take two beers…no, make that three,” she said to the bartender, who acknowledged her with a nod and a smile.

  “What kind?” he asked. He was tall, slim, and attractive. He needed a shave, though.

  “The best you have.”

  “I’ll need to see your ID, miss.”

  “Hmm….” Shoot! She forgot she couldn’t buy b
eer because she’d never bought one before. Skylar looked over her shoulder to get her cousin’s attention, but froze when a body brushed against hers and she heard his voice. It was that voice that called to her, the voice that made her go all crazy inside, the voice that could probably make her do just about anything if he asked nicely.

  “It’s okay. She’s with me.”

  The bartender nodded and walked away.

  Skylar’s breath got caught in her throat and she couldn’t move. She didn’t know what to do. On one hand, she was furious with him, but on the other hand, she didn’t have the right to feel this way. He didn’t ask her out. She kept repeating those thoughts to make herself feel better. With no other option, she had to be polite.

  “Umm…thanks.” She didn’t look at him; looking at him would be dangerous. In fact, she kept her eyes rooted on the bartender. But she could smell his musky scent, and wanted to look into his eyes and get lost in them.

  “You know you can’t buy beer. You’re only eighteen,” he scolded lightly.

  How did he know my age? Then she recalled Kayla telling Nick they were eighteen. Either that, or he really was the cop he denied being and had seen her driver’s license. “I’m almost nineteen. I don’t even drink beer. I was getting it for your brother. It’s my first time buying it, and I forgot I couldn’t.”

  “Well, that explains it.”

  Frowning at his remark, she kept her vision straight ahead.

  “But you bought three?”

  She paused, trying to think of something clever to say, but failed. “I thought…I would try it tonight.”

  “So…no fake ID?”

  “What? No…what kind of girl do you think I am?” She scoffed. From the corner of her eye, she could see Mason wearing an amused smile. Then she swiftly shifted her eyes to his left, thinking she saw the same dirty blond haired guy she’d seen at the mall. After doing a double take and with no sign of him, she gazed to Mason’s strong ripped chest, unwilling to look him in the eyes. Though he had a shirt on, she could clearly see the firmness of his muscles, making her blush.

  “Looking for someone?”