Read Gamers Gate Page 18

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  hdhntr_frlnc - I’ve found out how he’s doing it. He’s working with an MIT dropout who maintains a tablet PC loaded w/ every spell listed in B&B Players Guide.

  27 minutes ago

  blakwa_83divlead - So what, how would that help him? Supposedly he’s wrecking freecasters left and right. Surely, he’s not only mage with an extensive spellbook.

  26 minutes ago

  hdhntr_frlnc - Korbach’s collection of spell descriptions in B&B Players Guide allowed this hacker/wizard duo to combine spells from various regions quickly.

  25 minutes ago

  hdhntr_frlnc - Biggest advantage duo has is new spell selection method. Hacker lingers 50’-100’ away from combat, wizard levitates tablet in front of himself.

  24 minutes ago

  hdhntr_frlnc - Wizard chooses from spell list provided by hacker which the hacker bases on a combat-situation-specific guided algorithm.

  23 minutes ago

  hdhntr_frlnc – He chooses from longer spell list in 2 to 4 seconds while opponent wizard takes 5+ seconds to choose from spellbook - its reason he is winning.

  22 minutes ago

  blakwa_83divlead – Brilliant. We definitely want him. We will pay 2X your normal recruiting fee and pay the hacker/wizard duo top dollar. Done?

  21 minutes ago

  hdhntr_frlnc - Not done. 2X my fee is good but Thrycionians do not take paper money; concept is ridiculous to them. You will have to pay wizard in gold, gems.

  19 minutes ago

  blakwa_83divlead - That will be problem. We have same issue with 50 other possible Thrycion recruits.

  18 minutes ago

  blakwa_83divlead - We can’t get our hands on enough gold because it’s being horded by major corps and governments now to conduct business with Thrycion elements.

  17 minutes ago

  blakwa_83divlead – Are you willing to recruit him and we can pay him in full in gold 7 days into contract?

  16 minutes ago

  hdhntr_frlnc – I am willing to wait w/ hacker and wizard at Waldorf Astoria all expenses paid for 7 days. Wizard signs contract w/ Blackwater/Xe for Au then.

  11 minutes ago

  blakwa_83divlead – Done. See you, the hacker and the wizard in seven days in New York.

  10 minutes ago