Read Gamers Gate Page 19

"No, no, no. Jason, listen. Remember that girl who interned for the producer in Los Angeles? Yes, the brunette. You have to contact her and get her to hook me up with producers who book live TV, and not local news, either, something big. I am talking Tonight Show, MTV TRL, someone who reps any of those kind of shows - national, not local. OK, OK, OK. I'll tell you what I have. Now you have got to trust me, this is going to sound very strange and you might laugh but I am not kidding. I have a schizophrenic medium. Yes, a medium, like a witch or Freecaster. Yes, exactly. Thing is though, she can visually perform magic. Stuff you can see. Make a car disappear, flickering lights in the air, make objects float around the room. None of this 'does you name start with an J or a K' or 'your dead grandfather says he loves you' crap. This girl is amazing, she's like David Blaine times 100. And I am telling you when two connected TV producers see her they are going to throttle each other to be the first to pay us to have her on TV today. This is going to be very big and it is going to happen very fast. It is going to happen today once they see her. Trust me, when the producers see her all the questions will be over and they will meet my price. Now I need you to do your part and have two producers at the Regency Hotel in Yancy in 90 minutes. I am going to shoot $1,000 to your PayPal account now and another $2,000 when the meeting is over. Get our frat brothers involved as directly as needed, have 'em call whoever needs to get called to get this done, do you here me?"

  Max waits for the positive response and hangs up. He walks back toward the hotel sidewalk, passes SUVs and minivans and makes his way up the stairs of the Motel 6. He stops and gets a couple of cans of Coke out of a vending machine before continuing on to the motel room.

  The motel was chosen based on location alone. A convenient stop along the route the group is traveling. The physical distance Max and Stephen and their "guests" (Kinewyn, Bryong and Coveark) have actually traveled today is significant. All told, three miles by foot, ascent to the mountain portal on Thrycion and then on Earth, a sharp descent, two miles by foot and 20 miles by taxi. However, Max feels weariness beyond the physical travel. He feels as though a part of his soul was left behind on Thrycion, similar to jetlag, but an order of magnitude deeper. Max steels himself before entering room 317.

  Despite the hasty choice for their lodging the room is clean and comfortable. Kinewyn and Bryong sit on one of the queen beds that dominate the room, watching television.

  The old elf does not look away from the screen, "So you are saying that on Earth people build devices specifically so that they can be scryed upon? On Thrycion, wizards and nobles pay gold by the sack to ensure they cannot be scryed upon."

  Stephen smiles, "Yes, this 'scrying' others through devices is the main form of entertainment on Earth. Most people watch a few hours of television, every day. This is stock car racing you are 'scrying' right now. What you are seeing here is happening on another location on Earth right now. This is a little unusual though. Most 'scrying' through televisions is actually 'scrying' events that happened in the past."

  Bryong nods , "I have scryed the past but I could not change the location or time or individual I scryed as quickly as you are able to change what you scry with this device." She hits a button on the remote and shakes her head as vehicles hurtling across asphalt at two-hundred mile an hour switch instantly to a steamy soap opera scene.

  Max looks at Stephen and thumbs toward the door. Stephen nods and walks with Max outside onto the third floor walk way in front of the room. Stephen closes the motel room door behind him.

  A cool breeze blows and Stephen takes a moment to enjoy it before turning to Max,

  "Bryong, says the Thrycion wizard is located three days ride from this location. A day's ride by horse in B&B equates to 20 miles. So we should be able to reach the wizard in an hour and half, approximately."

  Max spits off the side of the railing, "You know this guy has been laying low for almost four decades now. It's unlikely he's going to appreciate being found."

  "I know. I’m worried too, but I want to thank you for agreeing to dump those Glocks before we took the cab here. They caused nothing but problems on Thrycion and I am glad that Derek sent all of the firearms back with us to Earth."

  "I think it was a foolish decision on both parts, yours and his, but I understand that you had strong feelings on the issue and wanted to give you some peace if I could. Listen, Stephen, I am really tired. Could you possibly walk down the road to that Arby's and grab some sandwiches, turnovers and some mocha shakes? Bring it all back for the group? If we are all going to be fireballed by a Thrycion wizard that has been hermiting on Earth for twice my lifespan than I at least want to have a full stomach when it happens."

  "Hey, we have some time since the wizard is close. That's a great idea. It will take me 20 or 30 minutes and you can grab a catnap. No problem, Max."

  Stephen walks down the hall and disappears down the nearest stairwell. Max waits until he sees Stephen go around the building. He watches until he sees a green and white Taxi appear near the motel's lobby.

  Max checks his cell phone for the time and ducks back into the room. Coveark has not sat since they arrived at the motel and he is still pacing back and forth, glancing with apprehension at the television. "OK, Coveark, you’ll be glad to hear it is time to go."

  "Excellent," Coveark, grabs his cloak and arranges it to cover his short swords, "The sooner we find this wizard, the better."

  Max nods and helps Bryong gather her gear.

  He leads the three of them down to the lobby area and hustles them into the cab.

  "Since these cabs don't seat more than five, Stephen is meeting us at the interview for the visit to the noble family-" Max says sliding into the front seat and turning around to address the group.

  The driver, a young Korean woman with a thick southern accent interrupts, "Renaissance fair is about a hundred miles from 'ere. I can take you but I have to run your plastic first."

  Max pulls out two twenties, "We are just going into the city, Regency Hotel on Parkside and Belmont and take the fastest route."

  Bryong sits forward, "We will be presented to the King and Queen?"

  Max turns forward and buckles his seatbelt (a habit from his street racing hobby), "Yes, when the King and Queen of America heard there was a freecaster in their lands, they decided to meet you immediately. Now we do have to make a quick stop to deal with her captain of the guards and show him that you are actually a freecaster and not some peasant who will waste their time."

  Kinewyn is intent on the landscape that is now rushing passed him, "King Trajon is the same. He will not allow peasants into his courts. Brugon Slace of Grenfell sleeps among his people and does not let a day pass without speaking with the lowest classes of his subjects."

  Coveark places his hand on Kinewyn’s shoulder, "Worry not, old thief. Azor will reach Grenfell in safety. I am sure the clan leader will greet him and his new pet, Derek, with a feast and there will be joy in their camp that night."

  Max shifts in his seat, "We have leaders like that here. We call them Democrats."

  The cabbie gives Max a frown.

  Max shakes his head, "We're LARPers - live action role players. Nothing to worry about. Just keep driving please."

  Bryong tries to comb her hair by running her fingers through it, "Trajon cares only for his immediate concerns when dealing with those in his court. Max, does this King and Queen require special attire for their court?"

  "That is a great question, Bryong. This particular King and Queen do care about what you wear in their court but the ladies in waiting of the court will prepare you for your presentation. Our time with them will be short, probably about 45 minutes, about the amount of time it would take you to set up camp. The King and Queen are intrigued by adventurers and they will ask you many questions. Just answer honestly. If you can display your talents for the King and Queen they will be most delighted, I am sure."

  Coveark shakes his head and looks at Kinewyn.

  Bryong thumps Coveark in the
chest, leaning across Kinewyn, "Oh no, you two, we are guests of Stephen here and each of you will greet this King and Queen with civility and respect. Just as you take point when it is time to enter a dungeon, Coveark, I will take point when it is time for diplomacy."

  Kinewyn laughs, "Bryong, you are a valued member of my band and today we shall do as you ask." The elf looks at Coveark until the ranger nods in confirmation.

  The rest of the trip to the Regency Hotel is spent with Max, explaining things that Kinewyn, Coveark and Bryong are unfamiliar with. He answers questions on cars, skateboards, billboards and cell phones.

  Max pays the cabbie double the fair to soothe her unease at the groups odd behavior. He begins to enter the Regency Hotel when a strikingly attractive young woman approaches him with hand extended. "I'm Beatrix Knowle and represent Winifred Proach. I have sent the other two producers you were suppose to meet here today off. I don’t need to see Bryong perform. I have $250,000 in cash in this briefcase to give to you now. We want Bryong on a live show in two hours."

  Max backs up a step, looks at the Italian leather briefcase and steps forward again, "Winifred Proach, you mean that black billionaire lady that half the housewives in the US watch every weekday."

  "No, I mean Winifred Proach, the billionaire business woman whose show is watched by a diverse audience, including many young male college students exactly like you. The same Winifred Proach who can mention a book on her show and put the author on the next New York Times Best Sellers list. I mean Winifred Proach, the woman who is being courted by politicians, industry magnates and celebrities to attend to their concerns. That Winifred Proach. Now, the offer is fair and I can assure you that you are not going to get a better offer today. Are you interested?"

  Max is silent a moment. "Oh, you mean Queen Winifred. Oh yes, Bryong will be delighted to appear in her court today."

  Chapter 11