Read Gamorphia (Harmony) Page 2

  He exited the forest when sun almost went down in the horizon. A thin layer of darkness covered the whole landscape. Luc found the city of Raymond far away. Luc increased his pace. Suddenly a flying saucer flew over the city of Raymond at blazing speed. Before long the flying saucer disappeared from his view. Luc sighed and continued his journey. He entered inside the city when sun wholly set in the horizon. Luc quickly got inside the first building he saw. This city is also dead silent apart from the sound of the night. Usually at this time of hour streets will be full of people and the street lamps would have shone everywhere. Now this city is plunged in darkness.

  The building he is in is pretty much dark and several times he stumbled in the dark. He made sure the exit door is closed and then he cuddled on the floor, in the pile of paper, in a sitting position. Before long sleep took over him.

  * * *

  Luc woke up early in the morning. Still the surrounding is dead silent. He slowly stood up from the floor and he walked outside the building. He clutched the bow in his hand and he took one arrow from the back pack. He armed the bow just to be courageous. He slowly started his walk through the city and he saw the first dead body near a house on the side of the road. A few moments later he saw a whole bunch of dead bodies there and there. Some of the dead bodies are in the middle of the street.

  Luc wanted to scream out loud but what is the point in screaming? The whole city is surely dead but there must be some survivors somewhere here. Luc slowly walked towards a dead body and he examined the scene. There is a small wound in the dead body’s neck. It was a young women. Those aliens must be drinking blood from the victims since the whole body is pale. So the aliens must be a kind of vampires. And they might be quick too.

  Then the brightest idea came to Luc’s mind.

  “Why not go to Earth and ask for help?”

  Earth is a planet that orbits the sun in this planet’s orbit. He had also heard that there are no other orbit in this planetary system having two planets. Gamorphian people’s knowledge about planet Earth is ancient. There is a portal in Gamorphia which could take him to Earth. And the people of Earth call this portal as Bermuda Triangle. Not all people on Earth knows much about the portal. Bermuda Triangle must be his only salvation.

  People of Earth are very advanced and not many people travelled between these planets because of the presence of hellish creatures which roams the triangle boundary. Luc need to take this risk, anyway what is there to lose?

  With the Bermuda Triangle in his mind Luc slowly walked through the streets. In the pink sky, birds gathered there and there.

  * * * * *

  Part 2 – A Place in Ruins

  Chapter 6

  Raymond, Gamorphia

  Luc broke inside a shop and began to search everywhere and before long he found what he was looking for - Magneto Compass. Magneto compass is a special type of compass which can show the position of a place in terms of three numbers. The Bermuda triangle is at position 100, 100, 100. A small meter on the lower part of the compass shows this location number.

  Now Luc is at location 23, 45, 70. That means he have lot to travel if he want to reach Bermuda triangle anytime soon. Luc put the compass in his pants pocket and he exited the shop. He quickly began his journey. He hasn’t reached farther from the shop he looted for compass when a screech came from his left.

  Luc stopped moving and fearfully turned towards his left. There is a two story building in front of him and the screech came from somewhere around this building. Suddenly a sharp growl came and then an alien jumped on top of him from the top of the two story building. Alien pinned him to the ground. The bow and arrow fell down from his hands and Luc tried all he can to shake off the alien from his body. Alien opened its mouth and screeched at Luc. Water droplets from the alien’s mouth splashed on Luc’s face.

  “Let me go you, bitch.”

  Luc took all his might and pushed away the alien and he crawled his way to the bow and arrow. Alien quickly regained its footing and it rushed at Luc. Alien grabbed Luc’s leg and it dragged him under it. Luc didn’t get his bow but he was able to fish the metal arrow from the ground. Alien quickly grabbed Luc in his neck and it lifted him from the ground. Luc with a fluent movement drove the arrow deep inside the alien’s chest. The spot where arrow pierced supposedly have the alien’s heart. Alien’s grip on Luc loosened and Luc regained his footing.

  Luc immediately took another arrow from his back pack and he drove it deep inside the alien’s neck. Alien gurgled and blood oozed down from its mouth, and it dropped dead.

  Luc took a deep sigh and he fished his bow from the ground and he also retrieved his arrows from the alien’s dead body. Arrows are very precious and if he lost an arrow he won’t get another one soon. Luc didn’t waste time standing there. He immediately started his journey. He need to stay away from this open places. And most importantly he need to stay from cities.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7

  Westoria, Gamorphia

  Before long Luc exited the town and entered inside a barren wasteland. Here sun’s rays are very hot and there is not a single shade. A hot wind whipping up dust blew in Luc’s direction. Luc covered his eyes with his hands to protect them from dust. He slowly moved forward. There is a village somewhere around here and he could reach Bermuda triangle through that village.

  Luc looked at the sky and found the sun in its highest position, no wonder why the sun’s heat is beyond tolerable. There is not a single bird in the sky and there are lot of white clouds, but none of the clouds are trying to block the sun. Luc took an apple from his back pack and he ate it. Then he took a bottle of orange juice and he drank some.

  Then he saw the village far away. In the sun’s super-heated environment the reflection of the village can be clearly seen on the ground even though he is far away.

  Ever since he exited the city of Raymond he didn’t saw any flying saucers. Something tells inside him that this village will be a safe place. Before long the Westoria village came into view. There is a big board on the village entrance indicating the name of the village ‘Westoria’. Hoping he would see a human in here Luc entered inside the village limits. Then he saw what he wanted to see. There are people walking through the streets there and there.

  Luc took a deep sigh and went to the pub. Pubs in Gamorphia are the best place where one could get best quality wine. And pubs usually will be filled with people.

  People inside the pub are enjoying their time drinking wine without knowing that there will not be any wine coming from other places, ever. Luc couldn’t blame them for not knowing.

  Luc stood in the middle of the wide room and looked at everyone.

  “People, may I have your attention please?” Luc asked out loud.

  All people stopped talking each other and they all looked at Luc.

  “What is it, young man?” The bartender, an old man, asked.

  “Everyone in other places I have been through are dead.” Luc said.

  Everyone’s jaw fell.

  “Some kind of aliens killed everyone, and these aliens are killing everyone supposedly for our blood.” Luc continued. “They have many flying saucers and they are everywhere. I don’t know why they didn’t came here but they will soon come here too. You have to be ready for it.”

  People immediately broke into a laugh.

  Bartender laughed and looked at everyone. “People, is this the joking day? I can’t remember the days these days.”

  “Looks like today is the joking day. These city folks know lot of good jokes.” One of the men said.

  Luc looked at his feet. Anger rose inside him.

  “People, do I look like I am joking? These days how many people do you see with Bow and arrows? My wife and neighbours got killed by those things. On the way, from Raymond, one of the thing almost killed me. I am planning to go to Bermuda triangle for asking help from Earth. It’s our only chance.” Luc said. He almost cried saying these things.

e’s smile vanished from their faces. Luc then forcefully grabbed the wine bottle from the bartender’s hands. “You’re not going to get one of these bottle again from other agricultural villages. Laugh all you want, or you could go and hide somewhere.”

  Luc poured some wine into his mouth and he dropped the glass bottle. The bottle broke and glass shards sprinkled everywhere on the floor. And just like that Luc exited the pub. People followed Luc to the streets. Suddenly a swoosh came from the sky. Everyone peered at the sky for some time. Then everyone saw it. All the people nearby came near the pub and everyone stared at the incoming flying saucer.

  With a swoosh the flying saucer disappeared into the horizon. Luc looked at everyone who are gathered behind him. Everyone’s eye met Luc’s eye. And Luc walked away from the scene.

  People’s shouts exploded behind Luc. Luc looked at the horizon and moved forward. If he is fortunate he could reach Bermuda triangle in the morning.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 8

  Westorian Desert, Gamorphia

  Luc walked deeper into the wasteland. A silence loomed everywhere around him and in the horizon sun began to set. Before long he reached a cliff and below he could see the Westorian desert. Bermuda triangle is somewhere in this desert.

  There may be predators roaming the desert, so he decides to venture into the desert first thing in the morning. He cuddled on top of the cliff in a sitting position and he stared at the settling sun. In the horizon he could see birds flying in the sky and he could also see a snowy mountain range very far away.

  Before long he fell asleep. The night was very cold and in the morning he woke up hearing the howling of a wind. Luc quickly stood up and ate one apple from his bag. Then he started walking along the cliff looking for a way into the desert. A few moments later he found a staircase to the desert.

  From time immemorial Gamorphian lands had narrow muddy path throughout the world. Nobody know who created these paths but one thing they do know about these paths is they never disappear overtime even if nobody uses the path for a very long time.

  Finally Luc’s boots touched the sand of the desert. Luc took the compass in his hand. He is now at location 89, 100, 100. If he is quick he could reach there in no time.

  Luc quickly started his walk deeper into the desert.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 9

  Westorian Desert, Gamorphia

  Under the scorching sun Luc slowly progressed towards his destination. Suddenly three flying saucers glided through the sky towards the Westoria village. None of the flying saucers gave attention to Luc. Flying saucers quickly disappeared from his vision, they probably had landed on the ground near the village of Westoria.

  Luc hopes that the villagers should have done something to protect themselves from the aliens. Luc took a deep sigh and continued his journey. He hasn’t reached farther when he saw remains of a ship which once floated in the sea. This ship must be from Earth.

  It’s usual that the Bermuda triangle dump the ships and aeroplanes of Earth here in this desert. Anything that moves over the Bermuda triangle will end up here and usually they all will return to Earth if they are landed anywhere near the portal. The portal allows passage to and fro but usually things arrived from Earth do not land near the portal. Nobody knows the secrets behind the portal and nobody dares venture into this place mainly because of the presence of predators.

  Luc had heard numerous stories of predators which roam this place. And Luc had visited this desert when he was little and that was from Wolforia which is a small village near the snowy mountain range at the other end of this desert. But Luc hadn’t ventured into the desert much deeper before like he was doing right now. It is a desperate time and people would do desperate things at these times.

  From where the aliens came is a mystery but they are going to conquer this world. People in this world are not advanced like people of Earth. Luc once had seen a man from Earth. That man was a military man and according to him he was in the middle of a war when he arrived here. He wasn’t able to go back to Earth because of the presence of hellish dogs who roam this place and Gamorphian people’s most knowledge about Earth are from that man. That man died a few years ago.

  On the way Luc cautiously looked everywhere for any dangers. Suddenly a growl came from his left. Luc without a second thought armed the bow and looked at his left. Then he saw it. It’s a dog. A hellish dog. This is the number one predator in this desert and it already set its goal. The dog rushed at Luc. Luc aimed his arrow and waited for a close shot. He get only one shot at this. If he miss then he would be dead in no time.

  When the dog reached near Luc it leaped in the air at Luc. Luc released his arrow and the arrow found its mark in the chest of the dog. Dog landed on top of Luc pinning Luc to the sand. Luc kept the dog’s mouth at bay using his hand. The arrow didn’t damaged the dog much, but lot of blood is oozing down from the wound to Luc’s shirt. The dog thing tried all it can to bite Luc. Luc quickly fished an arrow attached to his left sock and he drove the arrow deep inside the dog’s neck. The massive dog finally yelped and went down.

  Luc pushed away the massive dog from his body and he somehow stood up. He took heavy breaths. He quickly took his bow from the ground and he slowly walked away from the scene. His chest hurts but nothing bad happened. He looked at his compass. Now the position is 90, 100, 100.

  Luc pushed forward. Sweat uncontrollably came from his brow. He looked at the pink sky and found white clouds there and there. He crested and climbed down sand dunes after sand dunes. He often drank orange juice.

  “A little more, god. A little more.”

  * * * * *

  Chapter 10

  Westorian Desert, Gamorphia

  Luc slowly moved forward. Cresting and climbing down sand dunes after sand dunes. Before long his supply of orange juice fully expended. Also there are no apples too. He is fully tired and hungry, and if that dog thing come now he would have no choice but to give in.

  “A little more, god. A little more.”

  Time quickly passed and now he is at position 99, 100, 100. Fortunately he saw no flying saucers. A few more moments passed and he is relieved to find that he is at position 100, 100, 100. Luc stopped moving and examined his surroundings. This gotta be it. He is at the exact location but there is no portal here. He waited a few minutes standing there under the scorching sun. Sweat uncontrollably oozed down from his brow.

  He wiped the freshly arrived sweat from his brow and looked at his surrounding again. Then he saw that the sands are disappearing from nearby. A dark coloured circle appeared and sands are disappearing into this black thing. The black thing looks like a hole or a well. Then the black well thing began to expand.

  This must be the portal. Luc closed his eyes and braced for whatever thing going to happen. The black well expanded around him and suddenly he just sucked inside the black well thing. At one moment he was standing on the sand then he just sucked in. He vanished from Westorian desert!

  The black well thing continues to expand. A few minutes later the black thing stopped expanding and slowly sands reappeared on the ground and the black thing vanished from the ground.

  * * * * *

  Part 3 – A Place where Humans aren’t Humans

  Chapter 11

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  A pain coursed through Luc’s back. Luc slowly opened his eyes and he found himself in a grassland. He slowly sat up. Suddenly a series of swooshes came from the sky. Luc looked up and saw flying saucers rushing in different directions. Luc quickly examined his surroundings. He found grasslands as far as his eyes could see. Then he saw it.

  There are a special type of metal rods erecting from the ground around him. There is a total of five metal rods in a circular fashion. That’s when he looked at the sky more carefully. The sky is still pink. And he is still on Gamorphia. Bermuda triangle must have malfunctioned. This metal rods must be the reason for that. Those aliens did something to Bermuda triang

  Luc slowly stood up. This is it. His last hope crumbled. Now what would he do? Those aliens are everywhere and if those things found him death is certain. He slowly walked towards an elevated region in the grassland. Then he saw it. Below the elevated region there is a tower. And aliens are swarming in there. There are a number of flying saucers resting on the ground.

  The tower is pretty tall and through the door less windows Luc could see aliens inside the tower. Luc had seen this kind of tower before. This kind of tower are present throughout Gamorphia and they are created for some astrological reasons. Before things were normal one can often see scholars studying the sky inside these towers. Now this tower is an alien camp.

  The aliens haven’t detected Luc yet but soon they will. Luc quickly walked away from the tower. He need to find human survivors. Only together they would stand a chance against these aliens. Luc clutched his bow and moved forward.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 12

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  Far away Luc saw a forest. Luc increased his pace and sun slowly moved down from its highest position. Before long Luc entered inside the forest and the sun began to set in the horizon. Darkness slowly crept forward. Then Luc saw a fire inside the forest. Luc slowly cautiously moved towards the fire.

  Then he saw a man standing near the fire. The man is warming up in the fire. Luc took a deep sigh of relief.

  Luc slowly walked towards the man.

  “Hello.” Luc called.

  The man looked at Luc.

  “The aliens could easily find you here near this fire, you know.” Luc said.

  “Oh, but the aliens won’t come out at night.” The man smiled. “Name is Joseph.” The man put forward his hand.

  Luc accepted the hand and shook. “Luc.”

  “So what are you doing here?” Joseph asked.

  “I thought about going to Earth through the Bermuda triangle for asking help and it turns out to be a failure.”