Read Gamorphia (Harmony) Page 3


  “The portal supposed to take me to Earth but instead it dump me here. Those aliens did something to the portal.”

  “Those nasty things. I lost all my friends and family.”

  “How did you escaped them?” Luc asked.

  “That’s a long story. We were surrounded by them, then I saw my way out and I took it. I didn’t even looked back at the people who were with me. I can still hear their scream. I was too afraid.” Joseph tilted down his head with guilt.

  “You did what you thought was right. You can’t blame yourself. Anyway how can you fight against them? They are fast and strong.” Luc said. “So do you have anything to eat?”

  “No. I saw a couple of apple trees deep inside the forest but it’s too late to collect apples. We can go in the morning.”

  “You’re right. I am tired as hell, and hungry too.”

  “Same here.”

  Luc sat down near the fire. A cold wind blew towards them and the fire swayed violently in the wind.

  “So do you have any plan to survive?” Joseph asked.

  “No. I never thought I would see a man. And I saw you. We can search somewhere. There must be some survivors like us.” Luc said.

  “Right. I saw a town nearby. We can search there in the morning.”

  “Okay.” Luc slowly lie down.

  Joseph also lie down near the fire.

  “Are you sure the aliens won’t come out at night?” Luc asked.

  “I am pretty sure.” Joseph said.

  “Okay. I really need some sleep.” Luc said.

  Joseph smiled.

  Luc placed the bow and his back pack near him and he slowly closed his eyes. Before long the night became too deep. And the sound of the night sets in.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 13

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  Luc felt a weight on top of him. He slowly opened his eyes and found Joseph on top of him. In the camp fire he can clearly see Joseph’s face.

  “What are you doing, man? Get off from me.” Luc said.

  Suddenly Joseph opened his mouth showing a set of sharp teeth and he screeched at Luc.

  “What the?” Luc said.

  Joseph moved his mouth to Luc’s neck. Luc quickly grabbed Joseph’s head in his hand and he kept Joseph’s mouth at bay. Joseph quickly slammed on Luc’s stomach using his fist.

  “Ahh ...” Luc’s hands on Joseph’s head loosened.

  Luc quickly pushed away Joseph and he stood up.

  “What the hell are you?” Luc asked.

  Joseph said nothing, instead he screeched sharply and rushed at Luc. Luc dodged the attack and took an arrow from his back pack. Joseph screeched again and this time he leaped on top of Luc. Luc fell down and the arrow slipped from his hand. Joseph tried all he can to sink his teeth on Luc’s neck but Luc kept Joseph’s mouth at bay. Luc quickly fished the arrow from the ground using his right hand he drove the arrow deep inside Joseph’s neck. Joseph gurgled and blood pour out from his mouth. Finally Joseph went down.

  Luc stood up and took heavy breaths. Now the aliens are in human form. Can he survive? Sun slowly began to break in the horizon and Luc moved away from the bloody scene.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 14

  Unknown Location Gamorphia

  Luc slowly moved through the forest. On the way he saw a couple of apple trees and he filled his belly with fresh apples. Before long his hunger and thirst flew away and after collecting some apples in his back pack he continued his journey. A few moments later he exited the forest and he saw a town in front of him. A silence hovered over the town like all the other towns he had previously came through.

  Luc slowly progressed towards the town. After the encounter with the human alien thing Luc is extra cautious and he often peered at the sky and at the surroundings. A few minutes later he entered inside the town and suddenly he heard chatting of people from within the town.

  Luc tuned his ear and he found out that the sound is coming from a nearby building. Luc slowly walked towards a building and peeked at the building from where the sound is coming. Then he saw it. There are men standing near a big building and they all are discussing something.

  Luc still don’t know whether they are real humans, so Luc didn’t dare go near them. Suddenly a scream came from the building near the men. Luc carefully peeked and he saw a man dragging a woman through the floor and when the man reached near the men he threw her into the road.

  “Ahh ... Please don’t kill me.” The woman begged.

  “I will help you ease your pain.” A man stepped forward and he lifted her from the ground and within moments the man sunk his teeth on the woman’s neck.

  A yelp came from the woman but it was short lived. A few moments later the man dropped the limp body of the woman.

  Luc want to kill every one of those things but he wouldn’t stand a chance against them. Luc leaned on the wall and took a deep breath. Suddenly a sound of something dragging through the ground came. Luc slowly peeked at the scene and the sight horrified him. A group of men is moving a big glass container full of a red liquid to a flying saucer parked nearby. The red liquid must be blood. The thought sent a series of chill through Luc’s body. How many humans did they hunted down for getting that much of blood?

  Every warning signal inside him told him to run away from the scene. A moment later the men stopped hauling the blood container and they all entered inside the flying saucer. The flying saucer quickly went up and it flew away from the scene. Luc took a deep sigh of relief and he continued his journey. He need to find survivors. These human things could be anywhere like that Joseph. He need to be careful if he do want to survive.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 15

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  Before long sun moved to its highest position. Luc broke inside a shop and looted some bottles of mineral water. This town is huge and it will take some time to find a way out of the town. Luc also hopes that he will see survivors in this town. There is gotta be some survivors here.

  Luc quickly exited the shop and started his walk. Suddenly sound of footsteps came from behind him. Luc hid behind a building and peeked at the road through which he came a little while ago. A moment later two men appeared on the road. They are walking in Luc’s direction. They looks like normal but by the way they walk suggest that they don’t fear anything, so they must be aliens. Soon they will reach near Luc and he don’t need anybody to tell him that what they will do to him if they found him. Luc looked around him for a way out.

  Then he found a fire escape ladder on the back of the building. Without a second thought Luc climbed the ladder and before long he reached inside the top level of the building through the door less window. Luc quickly peered outside and saw the alien humans walking away from the scene. Luc took a deep sigh of relief.

  A few moments later swoosh of a flying saucer came from outside. Luc didn’t bother checking outside. He waited in that building for some time. There is a havoc inside the building, possibly happened when the aliens stormed inside. Then when he is pretty sure that the human aliens moved away from the road Luc climbed down the fire escape ladder and he slowly started his journey. It’s not much of a journey since he don’t know where he is going and what he will find when he reach a destination. All he know is that this road leads to some place and there might be some human survivors.

  With a little hope kept in his mind he slowly moved through the road under the scorching sun.

  * * * * *

  Part 4 – A Place where Humans Extinct

  Chapter 16

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  Before long sun began to set in the horizon. He still haven’t exited the town. Luc looked everywhere for a nice building to spend the night. Then he found just the building he want. It’s a big building near the main road and it is about twenty stories high.

  Luc walked towards the back of the building and before long he started c
limbing the fire escape ladder to the top of the building, and within minutes he reached the top level. He entered inside the building through the door less window and he checked everywhere. Suddenly a pungent smell hit his nose. Then he found the source of the smell.

  There are three decaying dead bodies inside this room. Luc immediately covered his nose with his hands and he exited the room. He slowly entered inside a corridor and he started to move towards the exit. He quickly found stairs to the lower levels. Luc slowly climbed down the stairs and immediately after reaching the level just under the top level he started searching for a good room, and before long he found a good room without much problem. He entered inside the room and examined everything. There is a window in this room and he could clearly see the road and nearby buildings through the window.

  Before long night sets in. In the semi darkness Luc lie down on the bed and thought about Susan. Suddenly a scream came from the lower levels. Luc quickly grabbed his bow and an arrow. He aimed the arrow at the doorway and waited. A moment later a series of screams came from the lower levels. The screams definitely are coming possibly from the ground floor. Luc went near the window and peered outside.

  He saw nothing peculiar. Then he saw it. There is an orange light, perhaps from a candle, near the ground floor. The light is coming from inside the building. Luc quickly threw his back pack on his shoulders and he walked towards the exit door. Before long he started climbing down the stairs. He is moving very slowly and he is extra alerted. The stairs are around a circular opened region and through the side of the stairs he could see the ground floor clearly. The building is in fact built in a circular fashion and the centre portion is opened to the sky.

  He hadn’t reached farther from the top level when he saw a candle light in the bottom level in the centre portion. Luc looked carefully and saw a man with candle light standing there in the centre portion of the ground floor. Then he saw it. A few men with candles are leading about dozens of men and women to inside a room. The men with candles must be aliens and other men and women must be prisoners.

  He couldn’t believe that he is right inside an alien prison. Luc peeked at the scene again. The men and women and the aliens disappeared from the scene. They must have entered inside a room. Then the brightest idea came to his mind. How about saving those prisoners?

  He had killed an alien before and he could do it again and there are only a few of them here. And those things would sleep too, they have to sleep. And he can kill them if he is careful. Luc waited in the staircase a few hours, then in the semi darkness he climbed down with the mission in his mind.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 17

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  Before long Luc reached near the ground floor. He carefully examined things, and once he made sure that no one is near, he slowly climbed down rest of the stairs. On the ground floor, in the nearby room, there are lighted candles still melting away. Luc armed his bow and peeked inside.

  He saw prisoners, tied each other by a rope, and he also saw sleeping forms of alien humans on the chairs. He is pretty sure that the persons in the chairs are aliens because they are not tied to anything and they are freely and courageously sleeping. Shooting down the aliens one by one might cause unwanted sound and all aliens may woke up all at once, which is a bad thing for him. So he decided the most barbaric way.

  Luc took an arrow in his hands and he slowly entered inside the room. Everyone, even the prisoners, are sleeping. He went near the closest alien human and he did the unthinkable. He held the alien’s head in his left hand and before the alien could guess what is happening he drove the arrow deep inside the alien’s neck. No sound is made except from the gurgling when blood oozed down from its mouth.

  First alien went down. Luc quickly went near the second alien and he repeated the procedure. Before long he killed all the five aliens and after that he took a deep sigh of relief. He took a quick glance at his handy work. All the dead aliens are still on the chairs and blood is still oozing down through their neck and mouth.

  Luc took one more sigh and he went near the prisoners. All the prisoners are sleeping by sitting on the floor. They still haven’t realized what the hell just happened. Luc crouched down near the prisoners and he slowly untied the rope from their hands. Suddenly one of the men opened his eyes and screamed.

  “Please, don’t kill me.” The man pleaded.

  Luc smiled.

  “I am not going to kill you. Don’t make a sound.” Luc said.

  The man looks like haven’t convinced at Luc’s words. Luc quickly finished untying the men and women. By this time everyone slowly began to wake up. Before long everyone woke up and they all stood up.

  “Is this a dream?” One of the women asked.

  “No. Freedom is yours, mates. Those alien scums are dead but we are not safe yet. They will come back in more number. Before that would happen, we have to escape from here.” Luc said.

  Everyone nodded. They don’t need much information and also Luc don’t want to explain everything in detail.

  Before long sun broke in the horizon and everyone exited the building. They slowly started their journey in search for a sanctuary.

  “Where would we go?” A tall man asked Luc.

  “I don’t know. We have to search everywhere. There must be more survivors.” Luc said.

  “We all are naive. We need weapons.” The tall man said.

  “We can loot a hardware shop on the way.” Luc said.

  Everyone nodded.

  They have to find weapons and be ready for anything. Aliens could be everywhere. If they come now, these survivors don’t stand a chance. Luc’s bow and arrows are the only hope of this twenty survivors.

  They slowly moved through the dark road and before long they exited the town and saw a forest far away. They have no weapons and they can’t go back in search for weapons.

  “People. Possibly survivors would gather in the forests. We have to push forward.” Luc said.

  Everyone nodded and they increased their pace.

  Suddenly swoosh of a flying saucer came from the distant sky. Everyone quickly crouched down and peered at the sky. Then they saw it. There are two flying saucers. They are coming directly at the survivors.

  “Do you think they saw us?” One of the women asked Luc.

  “I don’t know.” Luc said.

  Suddenly a hum came from behind them. Panic started to creep through their legs. They all slowly turned towards their rear and saw a flying saucer hovering in the air just behind them.

  “Run.” Luc managed to say.

  Everyone broke into a run. They ran in different directions. Suddenly the flying saucers who were in the sky approached the scene and all the flying saucers began to shoot a kind of blue light rays at the survivors.

  Luc finally reached the forest. He took a quick glance at the other survivors and the scene horrified him. The flying saucers had landed on the ground and the aliens are hauling the limp bodies of survivors to the flying saucers. After all he had done to rescue them, it was all for nothing.

  He have to escape before those things would see him. Luc quickly ran inside the forest and he moved deep inside the forest.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 18

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  Hate and defeat took over Luc. He hates those aliens more than anything. They are destroying everything. Those men and women had many dreams. They hadn’t even got time to enjoy their freedom.

  On the way Luc filled his belly from an apple tree and he collected some apples in his back pack. He slowly moved deep inside the forest and before long he exited the forest and saw a wide grassland. Then he saw a farm house nearby. If the aliens haven’t reached here, there could be survivors.

  Luc pushed forward towards the house. There and there Luc saw a herd of cattle grazing on the grass. He quickly reached near the house and he slowly got inside through the unlocked door. Here in Gamorphia usually no one locks their doors a
nd houses. Only some rare people do such things, mainly because there aren’t much thieves here and most people are noble.

  He slowly walked towards the kitchen. Suddenly he froze. A man came from inside the kitchen aiming his bow at Luc.

  “Don’t shoot. I am not an alien.” Luc said.

  “I could see that.” The man said. He quickly lowered his weapon.

  “How do you know I wasn’t one of them?” Luc asked.

  “What do you mean by that?” The man asked.

  “You don’t know?” Luc asked in confusion.


  “There are aliens in human form all over the place.”

  “What? How is that possible?”

  “I don’t know. They just appeared out of nowhere.” Luc said. “Are you alone in here?”

  “No.” The man said.

  A moment later a woman and a young boy came from the kitchen.

  Suddenly a swoosh came from the sky. Luc and the man went near the window and peered outside. Then they saw it. Two flying saucers had landed in front of the house and aliens are pouring out from the flying saucers.

  “Oh, my god.” Luc muttered.

  “Did you lead them here?” The man asked with worry.

  “No, I didn’t know.” Luc said.

  “Come on.” The man quickly led Luc and the woman and the boy to the kitchen.

  From the kitchen the man opened a secret door under the carpet. Luc don’t need to ask what it is. It is a bunker. Quickly everyone got inside the small bunker and the man closed the bunker door and he dead bolted it.

  “We may be safe in here for a while.” The man said.

  Suddenly someone from outside began to thrash the bunker door.

  “That’s just great. Now what would we do?" Luc mumbled.

  “Come on. There is a tunnel to the north forest here.” The man quickly led them to a corner and the man opened a reinforced steel door.

  Luc saw the tunnel and he smiled.

  “Let’s get out of here before they broke in.” The man led them to deep inside the tunnel and before long they saw the forest.

  Quickly everyone entered inside the forest and all took a deep breath.

  “Those aliens might see the tunnel. We need to get out of here.” Luc said.