Read Gamorphia (Harmony) Page 4

  Everyone nodded.

  They quickly ran through the forest searching for a sanctuary. Will there be any sanctuary? Before long, sun moved down from its highest position.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 19

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  Before long Luc and team exited the forest and they saw a desolated town just near the forest. The town is entirely devoid of sound and there aren’t even any birds in the sky. The sun slowly began to set in the horizon and darkness crept forward. They slowly entered inside the small town.

  There aren’t any dead bodies on the roads.

  “We can stay inside one of the building for the night.” Luc said.

  They all nodded.

  They entered inside the first good looking building they saw and before long they found a good room. Luc closed the door and he barricaded it with tables and chairs. They quickly lie down on the floor and slept. The night was very peaceful and no sound came from outside.

  In the morning they continued their journey through the desolated town.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 20

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  Luc and the farm family slowly continued their journey. Before long they exited the town and now the road is passing through a grassland. Both sides of the road is filled with tall grass and there are only a few trees in here. Far away they could see the silhouette of a forest.

  Suddenly swoosh of a flying saucer came from the sky. Luc and team quickly crouched down and hid behind the tall grass. The flying saucer is flying in a very low altitude. Luc stared at the flying saucer. Then it happened. A door on the lower part of the flying saucer opened and a green gas rushed out of the opened doorway.

  The green gas quickly spread throughout the place. Luc peered at the town sky and saw few other flying saucers releasing the same gas.

  “Cover your nose and mouth. Don’t breathe it.” Luc commanded.

  The family nodded.

  Then the gas spread around Luc and team, engulfing them. They covered their mouth and nose with the sleeve of their shirts, but how long can they hold their breath? Eventually they have to breathe. And they did breathe the contaminated air a few moments later.

  Luc’s vision began to blur. He saw the green gas everywhere. Then the farm family disappeared from his view.

  “Hello?” Luc called. “Damn it, I didn’t even asked their names.” Luc muttered.

  His eyes began to water and a stinging sensation surged through his eyes.

  “Ahh ...” Luc’s eyes began to irritate.

  A moment later his world became blank and his body hit the ground hard.

  * * *

  Luc opened his eyes and he found himself in a dark place. He could see his surrounding to a small extent but he cannot see what lies beyond the darkness. The darkness is very thick and he don’t know why he could see only a small portion of land around him. He looked at the sky and found it devoid of stars. Everything is engulfed by darkness.

  “Hello?” Luc called.

  “Is there anyone here?” Luc again called but he get no response.

  Suddenly dark form of a thing with hands and legs appeared in front of him. Panic slowly crept through his legs.

  “Hel ... Hello?” Luc said in a low tone.

  A moment later the dark thing slowly approached Luc and it put forward its hands to grab on Luc. Luc tried to move away but he couldn’t move his legs. His legs somehow stuck on the ground.

  Suddenly the dark thing grabbed Luc’s hand and a cold sensation passed through his skin.

  “Ahh ...” Luc screamed.

  The dark thing quickly moved away dragging Luc with it. The thing dragged Luc into a darker place and now everywhere is surrounded by darkness. Luc couldn’t see anything.

  “Ahh ...” Luc screamed again.

  And his world went blank.

  Luc woke up in the road between grasslands. He began to hyper ventilate. Luc looked around him and he is relieved to see sunlight. Sun slowly moved to its highest position and he saw birds flying in the sky. But there is no sign of the farm family. And there are no flying saucers too. Also that green gas had disappeared.

  Luc slowly stood up and he found his bow on the road. He took the bow from the ground and took a deep sigh of relief. His back pack is still on his shoulders. Luc looked at the distant forest and he slowly walked towards the forest. He hopes that the farm family will be alright. Where will they go? That gas caused hallucination. What if they are driven to another place by a hallucination?

  Luc pushed back the bad thoughts and he slowly continued his journey.

  * * * * *

  Part 5 – A Place where Nightmares Roam

  Chapter 21

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  Luc finally reached the forest. Trees thickly grow here and the tree canopy blocked the sunlight entirely. A few light rays seeped in through the tiny holes in the canopy. He need to find survivors and together they need to find a way to fight against these things or the entire human species in this planet are gonna die.

  The forest is huge and before long Luc saw a tiny stream flowing through the forest. Fishes energetically swam through the water. Luc took his empty water bottle and filled it with stream water and he drank some water too. The fresh water quickly cooled down his body.

  Luc didn’t waste time there. He quickly started his journey. Before he could exit the forest, sun began to set in the horizon and the forest quickly got plunged in darkness. Luc couldn’t see anything in front of him. So he slowly sat down near a tree. He hopes that the aliens won’t come during the night.

  Before long sleep took over him.

  * * *

  Luc opened his eyes and he found himself in a faintly lit room. The room is completely empty.

  “Where am I? Is this a dream?”

  Luc stood up and went near the door. He could hear something scratching on the door from the other side.

  “Hello, is anyone out there?”

  No response came from the other side but the scratching got louder. Luc slowly turned the knob and then he slowly opened the door a little. A little fear is inside him but he is sure that this is a dream and nobody in the dream world could hurt him.

  Suddenly a dark dog like thing thrash opened the door widely and jumped on top of Luc.

  “Ahh ...” The thing pinned Luc to the floor.

  Luc tried all he can to push away the dog thing but the dog thing kept on trying to bite Luc. Luc kept the thing’s head at bay using his hand. Suddenly the dog shook its head violently and Luc’s grip on the thing’s head loosened. The thing didn’t waste time. It sunk its teeth on Luc’s shoulders.

  “Ahh ...” Pain coursed through his body.

  Luc woke up under the tree and he panted heavily. Sun slowly began to rise from the horizon and sunlight seeped in through the canopy. Luc took a deep sigh of relief and stood up. His eyes are very tired and he haven’t fully recovered from the sleep yet. He looked up and saw the leaves as dark shapes which are alive. Dozens of dark eyes stared at him from the tree canopy. Panic slowly crept through his legs.

  Luc took the water bottle from his back pack and he washed his face with a little water. His eyes slowly readjusted to the sunlight. He looked up at the tree canopy again and the dark forms disappeared from his view. Luc took a deep sigh of relief and he slowly continued his journey to find a sanctuary.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 22

  Copper Mine, Gamorphia

  Before long Luc exited the forest and entered into a wide grass land. Suddenly an ear breaking scream of an animal came from the grassland on his left side. Luc peered at the grassland with a little fear. Then he saw the most unlikely thing. A man with bow and arrow is standing near a fallen deer. It was this deer which made the sound. Luc took a deep sigh and walked towards the man.

  “Hello?” Luc called.

  The man looked at Luc and smiled.

  “Where are you coming from?” The
man asked.

  “I am from far away. Are you sure those aliens won’t hear the cry of this deer?” Luc asked.

  The deer continued to yelp. The man quickly took a knife from his waist band and he drove the knife deeper inside the deer’s neck. The deer yelped for one last time and its head dropped to a side never to rise again.

  “We haven’t seen the aliens this way?” The man said.

  “So there are more of you here?” Luc asked.

  “Yeah. Most of us are from the nearby town. We managed to escape quickly before those aliens could drink our blood.” The man said.

  “Did you saw the flying saucers releasing a green gas here?” Luc asked.

  “No. But we did saw a green gas and we all exposed to the gas.”

  “Did you had any hallucinations?”

  “Yes. After we got exposed to the gas.”

  “What is your name?”


  “So, Justin, where are you living? Is it a secure place?”

  “It’s the most secure place here. It’s a copper mine.”

  “Can I join you?”

  “Of course, you can. We always welcome survivors.” Justin said. “Can you help me to haul this deer back to the camp?”

  “Of course. Is the mine near?”

  “Yeah. A few clicks from here.”

  Justin and Luc grabbed the hind limbs of the deer and they both moved deep inside the grass land dragging the deer with them. Before long they exited the grassland and in front of them lay a barren wasteland. A hot wind whipping up dust blew in their direction.

  “Mine is there.” Justin said pointing at a rocky area near them.

  The place is surrounded by rocks and big boulders. They dragged the deer towards the rocky area and before long Luc saw the entrance of the mine. It looks like cave but he could see the wooden posts there and there which support the roof of the mine. They slowly entered inside the mine and then they saw people discussing things there and there on the floor.

  People immediately saw Luc and Justin, and few of them came forward to help them move the deer. People nodded at Luc and Luc nodded back.

  “So Justin did you saw any aliens in human form around here?” Luc asked.

  “What? Aliens are in human form?” Justin asked.

  “Yeah. They could infiltrate this camp easily if they want. We have to be careful especially since there are many people in here.”

  “Okay. We will discuss this at night.”

  Luc nodded.

  Before long sun began to set in the horizon. And people gathered in the entrance of the mine. They discussed everything about the aliens. Nobody is ready to fight back. Everyone is afraid and Luc couldn’t blame them. They deserve to be afraid but they need to come up with a plan before the aliens could find this place.

  The mine is very deep and there are many rooms in the lower part of the mine. There is a wooden ladder which leads to deep inside the mine. Luc didn’t bother checking the mine in detail. Before long sleep took over everyone.

  Luc is extra happy knowing that he isn’t alone in this world. Luc lie down on the cold floor and sleep quickly took over him.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 23

  Copper Mine, Gamorphia

  Luc spent two days in the mine. When they got hungry they ate deer meat and when they got thirsty they drank water from a stream which is flowing through the grassland. So far they saw no flying saucers but the gas the aliens had released still lingers in the air and people are having hallucination most of the time. The most peculiar thing is everybody saw the same hallucination.

  Even the sleep is not peaceful. There isn’t a day in which they haven’t seen a nightmare. Whatever was that gas, it was very strong and it’s the reason people are having hallucination and nightmares. Justin showed Luc all the important parts of the mine. This mine have a special tunnel which leads to a nearby forest.

  On his third day in the mine Luc woke up early and he paced through the escape tunnel. There is nothing to do here and it is making him mad. Before long he exited the tunnel and he entered into a forest. Luc clutched his bow tightly. Luc examined the forest and he went back inside the mine.

  This mine had abandoned years ago due to some geological reasons or so Justin says. He haven’t exited the tunnel when a loud scream came from the mine entrance. The scream continued to play in the background. Then a series of screams came. Luc began to shiver. Then he heard sound of footsteps approaching the tunnel.

  The aliens are here and he need to run. Without a second thought Luc ran away from the mine through the tunnel. Fortunately his arrows are still in his back pack and the back pack is still on his shoulders. Before long Luc entered inside the forest and Luc hid behind a tree.

  The screams stopped but sound of footsteps came from the tunnel. A moment later Justin appeared. Justin is panting heavily and it looks like he ran too much. Luc started to discard his cover. Suddenly two men came from the tunnel and they jumped on top of Justin.

  “Ahh ...” Justin screamed out loud.

  One of the alien human had already sunk its teeth on Justin’s neck.

  A moment later Justin stopped screaming. Luc quickly armed his bow and he released an arrow at an alien. The arrow pierced the man thing’s neck and it dropped dead. The remaining creature screeched and rushed at Luc. Luc released one more arrow and that alien also dropped dead.

  Luc took a deep sigh and he rushed towards Justin. Justin is breathing rhythmically but his eyes are vacant and they stared at the sky.

  “Justin? Are you okay?” Luc asked.

  No response came from Justin and it looks like Justin’s whole body had paralysed. Amazingly no blood is oozing down from his neck. Suddenly sound of footsteps came from the tunnel.

  “I am sorry, Justin. I have to go.”

  Luc quickly ran away from the scene. The mine is now dead. All those people are dead or captured. It’s actually a fortune Luc managed to escape every time when bad things happen. May be somebody is watching him from the heavens.

  Luc ran deeper into the forest and the sun slowly moved to its highest position.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 24

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  Luc ran and ran. Finally he exited the small forest and a barren wasteland lays in front of him. Suddenly two flying saucers flew in the direction of the mine. Luc crouched down and waited for the flying saucers to disappear from his view. A moment later they did disappeared from his view.

  Luc took a deep sigh of relief and he continued his walk. Now he have no hope left in him. Like in the mine no one would escape from the aliens. There might not be anyone left alive. Even if there are entire communities left alive, they also will die since now humans are not distinguishable from the aliens. They could be anywhere and they could be anyone. They may be right inside surviving communities.

  People in the mine weren’t aware about the human aliens until Luc came. Like that there will be many people who still don’t know anything about the human aliens. There is no hope. There is no way people of Gamorphia would survive this.

  Luc slowly progressed towards nowhere in particular. Sun slowly went down from its highest position.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 25

  Unknown Location, Gamorphia

  Luc walked through the barren wasteland. Before long sun began to set in the horizon and he saw a house far away. He rushed forward. Anyway who would build a house in this scorching wasteland? Before long the house fully came into view and he saw outline of a man near the house.

  Luc armed his bow and he took aim. He slowly moved forward.

  Suddenly the man saw Luc. The man took his bow from the ground and he aimed at Luc. The man was doing something near a small shed.

  If he was an alien, he would never had a bow. So Luc lowered his bow.

  “Don’t shoot. I am not one of them.” Luc said.

  The man also lowered his weapon.

  “What ar
e you doing in this middle of nowhere? Are you alone?” Luc asked.

  The man first hesitated. “I have a pregnant wife with me. We are going to Tunoria.”

  “Is it a sanctuary?” Luc asked.

  “You could say that. It is a city built underground. We stopped here for riding out the night. We are from west.” The man said.

  “I am Luc. I would like to come with you.”

  “We are happy to have you with us. Come on, let’s get inside, it will be pretty dark soon.”

  They slowly entered inside the house and in the living room Luc saw the pregnant lady.

  “I am Robert, and this is Jessy.”

  Jessy stood up from the couch and she came near Robert.

  “Who is this, Robert?” Jessy asked.

  “This is Luc and he will come with us to Tunoria.” Robert said.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Jessy.” Luc smiled and put forward his hand. Jessy accepted Luc’s hand and she shook. “How far are you?”

  “Five months. We thought we would be alone.” Jessy said.

  “I thought that too. I saw a whole bunch of people on the way, in a copper mine, but sadly the aliens in human form infiltrated the mine and killed everyone. I somehow escaped.” Luc said.

  Jessy covered her mouth with her hand in shock. “Oh, my!”

  “So things are pretty bad, right?” Robert asked.

  “Yeah. And the aliens had released a gas which causes hallucination.” Luc said.

  "Oh, we saw that gas. But we somehow escaped that." Robert said.

  “If you don’t mind, I could use some rest. I am tired as hell.” Luc said.

  “You can sleep on the couch.” Robert said.

  Luc nodded.

  A moment later darkness conquered everything. With the pleasant thought about Tunoria Luc lie down on the couch and he closed his eyes.

  * * * * *

  Part 6 – A Place that is Lost

  Chapter 26

  Wolforia, Gamorphia

  “In any chance do you have a magneto compass?” Robert asked.

  “Yeah. I have one.” Luc produced his magneto compass from his pants pocket.

  “Tunoria is at location fifty, fifty, hundred.” Robert said.

  “We are at forty nine, fifty, ninety.” Luc said.

  “That means we are near.” Jessy said.

  Luc and Robert nodded. They quickly exited the small house and started their journey. It hasn’t been too long since sun rose in the horizon. Far away they saw a snowy mountain range.