Read Genesis Page 33


  Round and Round

  Ty had never hung up on me before. I knew I would have to deal with the consequences of spending the day with Michael, but I had no idea where to go from here. Sure, he said he'd call me when he could, whatever that meant. Did he want me to at least try to call him, even if he didn't answer, or should I take him at his word and wait for him to call me? This was all new to me and I was unsure of the protocol. When I had been angry with him, he came to see me with a peace offering of malted milk balls.

  A peace offering. Of what? My mind was blank. If it were Michael, it would be easier. He found joy in simple things, like I did. I imagined buying a small terracotta pot and painting some of the words to his song on it, or maybe painting my heart with his name etched on it, or maybe something in Malachim, or whatever, then filling it with an Angel's Trumpet. Point being, I wouldn't feel stupid doing something like that for Michael, but Ty had a way of looking down on simple things. I don't think he did it to be mean, he was just brought up with the best of everything. He thought it was "cute" that I liked the Waffle House or that he could melt my heart with Whoppers. No, there'd be no offer of peace from me to Ty. I would wait for him to call me.

  In spite of our argument, I couldn't help but be in a good mood after my day with Michael. It was Saturday night and much too early to go to bed. Maybe Karen would want to take a ride to the airport with me and watch the planes take off and land. It had been a while since I had done that.

  "Hey, friend," she answered cheerfully after several rings.

  "Hey, I was just about to hang up. Are you busy?"

  "If you consider folding laundry while binge-watching 'The Tomorrow People' busy, then, sure, I'm swamped."

  "That sounds awesome, but do you think you could tear yourself away and take a ride with me? I feel like hanging out at the airport."

  "Hanging out at the airport?"

  "Watching the planes take off and land."


  "Pick you up in ten?"


  I was desperate to confide in Karen. Unlike Jane, she knew Ty and Mara and Michael. Ty had told me that I couldn't tell her about the angel stuff and I had respected that because I believed it was his secret to tell. But was it? I had a role to play in this story, too. I had no special abilities; didn't I at least have the right to have a confidant? And now would be the perfect time to spill the beans. Ty was already mad at me. What was one more thing?

  We drove the thirteen miles to the airport, listening to the country music station while Karen sang along to every song, living up to her name. She had a great voice. That gave me a chance to get my thoughts in order. I remembered that she had said she was watching "The Tomorrow People". Maybe I could begin by asking what she thought about people with special abilities.

  I parked in the cell phone lot, just like I had the only other time I had been here. We situated ourselves on the hood of the car just in time to see our first plane land.

  "Now I see why you like it here," Karen said approvingly.

  "Mmmm. When the world gets crazy, there's nothing like watching the physics of flight in action." Our eyes followed the plane as it taxied to the gate.

  "Speaking of flight," I suggested, "you said you were watching 'The Tomorrow People' when I called," trying clumsily to segue to the topic of angels.

  "What does that have to do with flight?"

  "Just an odd train of thought that went from planes flying to me flying to teleportation to 'The Tomorrow People'."

  "That's not too odd. I'd love to be able to fly or teleport. I'm not picky. Either one."

  "Me, too. So, you like that show?"

  "I like the struggle that some of the characters have to deal with. You know, not using their abilities for personal gain. That would be tough. Plus, it would be so cool to have those powers - telekinesis, teleportation and telepathy. Oh, the things I would do..."

  "Like what?"

  "For starters, there's a couple of girls at school I'd like to mess with."

  "Yes! I knew there had to be an evil side to you. Do tell."

  "At the top of my list is that..." she paused for a second. "...that witch, Savannah Stratton."

  "Hah!" I laughed. "I don't like her either. I first met her at Black Creek over the summer and she was nasty to me. I don't think she appreciated Jackson and Colton inviting me to go four-wheeling. But she got hers."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I can only tell you if you swear to never breathe a word to anyone, ever, under any circumstances. Are you willing to make that promise?"

  "Why so serious?" she asked with a twisted smile.

  "No joke, Karen."

  "Okay then. I swear," she said solemnly, holding up her right hand, "to never breathe a word to anyone, ever, under any circumstances. I make this promise, being of sound mind and body." She ended by making a little cross over her heart.

  "I hope I'm not making a huge mistake by telling you this. I've wanted to confide in you for a while now, but Ty wouldn't let me."

  She laughed nervously. "You're kind of freaking me out just a little bit, Essie. What's the big secret?"

  "Ty and Mara are angels and they can make things happen. The night I was just talking about, the night at Black Creek when Savannah made her ugly comment, Ty made a snake slither across her feet. She was so startled, she screamed and fell backwards into some leaves. They do stuff like that all the time. They're telekinetic."

  "I was not expecting that."

  I gave her a minute to think as I focused my attention on a plane that was about to begin its ascent into the endless sky above.

  Once the roar of the jet's engines had faded, I asked, "Well?"

  "Well, I was not expecting that," she repeated, her eyes staring at the stars.

  "I got that. You know what? We can pretend I never said that and never speak of it again if you want. I'm sorry."

  "Sorry? Don't be sorry. That's the most amazing thing I've ever heard in my life and my brain is thinking of so many things right now that I hardly know what to say."

  "Phew!" I sighed in relief. "I'm so glad you're okay with it. I desperately need someone to talk to other than Ty and Mara."

  "I can only imagine. Tell me everything."

  "It all started one fateful day at the Piggly Wiggly," I began, and concluded with, "He was so angry that I spent the day with Michael that he hung up on me after saying that he'd call me when he could."

  "That's epic."

  "Truly," I sighed. "Anyway, now that you have all the facts, what do you think I should do about Ty and Michael? I mean, do you think it's possible to love two guys at the same time?"

  "Yeah, I'm pretty sure my advice will be much different now that I know the whole story."

  "Speaking of that, I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner. It's just that Ty said that the fewer people who knew, the better. Plus, I didn't want to betray his trust, figuring it was his secret. But I've changed my mind on that point. I'm involved in this whole mess so it's my secret, too, and I need someone to talk to."

  "Okay, so you want to know if it's possible to love two guys at the same time. Hmmm. I think you pretty much know what I'm going to say to that. Of course it is, if those two guys are Ty Gregory and Michael Powers! Who wouldn't love either or both of them? But I know that that's not helpful so let's weigh their pros and cons. First, Ty. Tell me what you see in him."

  "Well, the first thing I noticed about Ty, after his all over gorgeousness, was his eyes. They just drew me in and I still feel like I'm under his spell when he stares into my eyes. I love the way he gets excited when he takes me to places I've never been or shows me things I've never seen. I love that he's travelled all over the world. I love when he orders for me at restaurants. And if you ever bring that up again, I'll deny I said it," I said as an aside. "I love when he uses his abilities to get what he wants. I love that he and Mara are twins and that they're so close. I think I might even love that he's jealous of Michael."
  "Are there things you don't love about Ty?"

  "Oh, sure. Some of the things are the same. I hate it when I feel like I'm under his spell every time he looks into my eyes. I hate that he's so presumptuous that he orders my food and I hate that he's always right about his choices. I hate that he uses his abilities like a spoiled brat to get his way all the time. I hate that he's almost a metrosexual who spends more time preening than I do. I hate that he's so pretentious and looks down on most people. How's that for a list?"

  "So what I hear you saying is that you kind of have a love/hate relationship with Ty. He drives you crazy, in good ways and in bad ways. Is that fair?"

  "I don't know. It's not equal. The good definitely outweighs the bad. And I'm not sure that hate is the proper descriptor. He just infuriates me sometimes."

  "Let's move on to Michael. First, the pros."

  "I love how big and bulky he is, even his hands. I feel like nothing could ever hurt me when I'm in his arms. I love his long, dark, wavy hair. I love his crystal blue eyes. I love his imperfect teeth. I love how much he loves the nursery and how hard he works there. I love that he calls his parents mama and daddy in his sweet southern drawl. I love his whole family. I love that he doesn't flaunt his abilities. I love how honest and transparent he is with me. I love how respectful he is. I love how patient he is. I love that he wrote a song for me and made me a present. I love how comfortable I am with him."

  "Wow. I think I just fell in love with him, too," Karen sighed, a dreamy look on her face. "Just teasing," she joked. "Cons?"

  I laid there on the hood, pensively staring into space, saying nothing.

  "Cons?" she asked again.

  "I don't think Michael has any cons. I seriously can't think of one single thing that I don't love about him. Well, maybe just that he keeps trying to convince me that Ty's evil. But I think that's it."

  "Then tell me again why you don't know what to do? It seems pretty obvious to me that in a head-to-head matchup, Michael's the clear winner."

  "When I just list qualities, it's totally different than how it is when I'm with Ty. He's like rock and roll - fun, exciting, sometimes dangerous. He brings out the Joan Jett in me. The rebel. Michael's country music - fun, but sweet and safe. That's how I've lived my whole life and I think I might be ready for something more. I'm tired of being that nice, dependable girl that puts everyone else's needs ahead of her own. That probably makes me sound horrible, doesn't it?"

  "Not at all. I'm an only child, Essie. I can't imagine being the oldest of five and having all your responsibilities."

  "To be fair, it's not as bad as it used to be. Since we've moved here, my mother's been able to afford to have someone stay with the kids when she's at work. That's left me free to see Ty and to have a job. But it's only been a few months. The burden is still fresh. And I still do lots to help at home. I'm just saying that I see Ty and Mara's lifestyle and I'm more than a little envious. To be able to do whatever you want whenever you want is pretty cool."

  "That's definitely cool. Driving around in a Ferrari, eating at all the best restaurants, going to all the best places. Very cool, indeed. And don't get me wrong about my summation of your relationships. I really like Ty. He's been super nice to me. Mara, too. I was just trying to help you see which way the scales were tipping."

  "No worries. I understand. On paper, you're right. But a real relationship is so much more than words on a page. Do you think I should call him any time soon or wait for him to call me?"

  "You should wait. You just told me that the last time y'all got into it, he came looking for you the next day. He probably just needs a little time to cool his heels."

  "That's what I thought."

  We waited several minutes before the next plane came into view.

  "That might be it for the night," I guessed. "Do you want to go to River Street for an ice cream?"

  "You don't have to ask me twice! Let's go."

  After my musical analogy, I was averse to listening to country music. "Do you mind if I change the station?" I asked the moment I cranked the engine.

  "Your car, your tunes."


  I quickly pressed the hair metal button, needing a little head banging to help me stop thinking about Michael and all his amazingly sweet traits that I had listed for Karen. Cinderella's "Gypsy Road" was playing. Perfect. I turned it up loud and Karen gave me the thumbs up right before she started thrashing her head to the beat. I couldn't stop laughing as she whipped her hair around and around, devil's horns extended.

  We lucked out, finding a parking spot on a small side street a mere block from our destination. Still laughing, we practically skipped along the concrete sidewalk, making our way quickly toward River Street. Once there, we walked gingerly over the cobblestones that covered the road, not wanting to trip or fall and twist an ankle.

  I spied the little gift shop that also happened to sell the most delicious Java Chip ice cream in the world. Ty had introduced me to this place on one of our many jaunts to Savannah over the summer. Thankfully, they were open late. We rushed to the counter in the back where a sweet lady with an Australian accent happily crammed two large scoops into a cup for me.

  "Heavenly," I slurred with my mouth full.

  "I think I'd like to try..." Karen contemplated. "...birthday cake," she decided. "In a waffle cone. Please."

  We walked the length of River Street, from West to East, enjoying our ice cream, ending up at the small park that featured the Waving Girl statue which overlooked the Savannah River, also the scene of "the incident". We read the plaque that told the story of Florence Martus who, for forty-four years, greeted every ship that arrived and departed from the Port of Savannah by waving her handkerchief. Then we sat on one of the empty benches and resumed our earlier conversation.

  "So, I have to ask. How do you feel about all this angel stuff?"

  I think this was the first time anyone had asked me that. "You're so sweet to ask, Karen. Part of me is super stoked to know that there are people among us with super powers. You know what a geek I am when it comes to comic book heroes. But this is more than that. Angels and demons are immortal spirits and what they do ultimately affects each and every one of us. I mean, a final battle? What the heck?! And, somehow, I'm involved. When I actually take a second to think about it, it freaks me out more than a little bit. So I try not to think about it. For now, I'm just loving the benefits."

  "Great attitude. There's nothing you can do about it anyway, so why not just enjoy the ride."

  "Exactly." I was so glad that I told Karen what was going on. I only hoped that I didn't unwittingly put her in danger. She didn't seemed concerned about it, so I decided not to worry about it for the time being.

  "Hey, would you mind if we headed back? I have to work tomorrow and I need to do a load of laundry so I'll have something to wear."

  "Speaking of, I have a big pile waiting on me at home. But it was worth it. I had a great time tonight. Thanks for coming to get me. And thanks for confiding in me."

  She gave me a hug, and we started on the fifteen minute walk back to the car.

  "By the way," she broached, once we were buckled up and heading back in the direction of Eden, "do you think it will be weird tomorrow between you and Michael? From the way you described it, today was seriously intense."

  "I hadn't really thought about it. I think it will be fine, though. His empath ability senses how I feel now and he's so good at making me feel comfortable. Yeah, it'll be fine."